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At Last Quotes

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At Last Quotes: "Once again the songs of the fatherland roared to the heavens along the endless marching columns, and for the last time the Lord's grace smiled on His ungrateful children."

Once again the songs of the fatherland roared to the heavens along the endless marching columns, and for the last time the Lord's grace smiled on His ungrateful children.

At Last Quotes: "You've got to continue to grow, or you're just like last night's cornbread - stale and dry."

You've got to continue to grow, or you're just like last night's cornbread - stale and dry.

At Last Quotes: "Last year I was diagnosed with osteoporosis."

Last year I was diagnosed with osteoporosis.

At Last Quotes: "Certainly, last year we did an episode about the census and sampling versus a direct statistic. You just said the word 'census', and people fall asleep."

Certainly, last year we did an episode about the census and sampling versus a direct statistic. You just said the word 'census', and people fall asleep.

At Last Quotes: "I am dying. Please ... bring me a toothpick."

I am dying. Please ... bring me a toothpick.

At Last Quotes: "Distance is temporary, but our love is permanent. This may be the last time I see you, but if you keep me in your heart, together we shall be eternal; if you believe, we shall never part."

Distance is temporary, but our love is permanent. This may be the last time I see you, but if you keep me in your heart, together we shall be eternal; if you believe, we shall never part.

At Last Quotes: "Last year I traveled to the Middle East to visit with troops in Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan."

Last year I traveled to the Middle East to visit with troops in Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

At Last Quotes: "The last time I put on this uniform (Cincinnati), I think I was eight, for a father-son game."

The last time I put on this uniform (Cincinnati), I think I was eight, for a father-son game.

At Last Quotes: "I can die now. I've lived twice."

I can die now. I've lived twice.

At Last Quotes: "Men don't even ask me out. I can't remember the last time I was asked out on a date, and I'm talking years here. I spend my life more and more alone."

Men don't even ask me out. I can't remember the last time I was asked out on a date, and I'm talking years here. I spend my life more and more alone.

At Last Quotes: "The last words of Jesus to the church (in Revelation) were ‘Repent!’"

The last words of Jesus to the church (in Revelation) were ‘Repent!’

At Last Quotes: "You just have to decide if you're a Tigger or an Eeyore."

You just have to decide if you're a Tigger or an Eeyore.

At Last Quotes: "I am so fascinated with this century it will help keep me alive. I'll be there until the last minute, fighting."

I am so fascinated with this century it will help keep me alive. I'll be there until the last minute, fighting.

At Last Quotes: "Sun, I come to see you for the last time."

Sun, I come to see you for the last time.

At Last Quotes: "Simon Peter, who embarrassed the other disciples at the Last Supper by asking for seconds. Never got a dinner!"

Simon Peter, who embarrassed the other disciples at the Last Supper by asking for seconds. Never got a dinner!

At Last Quotes: "All I remember is the last time I played a videogame, it was Space Invaders."

All I remember is the last time I played a videogame, it was Space Invaders.

At Last Quotes: "Jem is nothing but goodness. That he struck you last night only shows how capable you are of driving even saints to madness."

Jem is nothing but goodness. That he struck you last night only shows how capable you are of driving even saints to madness.

At Last Quotes: "Die, my dear? Why that's the last thing I'll do!"

Die, my dear? Why that's the last thing I'll do!

At Last Quotes: "What we know is not much. What we don't know is enormous."

What we know is not much. What we don't know is enormous.

At Last Quotes: "All business sagacity reduces itself in the last analysis to judicious use of sabotage."

All business sagacity reduces itself in the last analysis to judicious use of sabotage.

At Last Quotes: "We live in a world changing so rapidly that what we mean frequently by common sense is doing the thing that would have been right last year."

We live in a world changing so rapidly that what we mean frequently by common sense is doing the thing that would have been right last year.

At Last Quotes: "Don't disarrange my circles!"

Don't disarrange my circles!

At Last Quotes: "In many ways, our campaign this year will be the same as last time: We're still going to focus on fixing up basics and cleaning up ethics at City Hall."

In many ways, our campaign this year will be the same as last time: We're still going to focus on fixing up basics and cleaning up ethics at City Hall.

At Last Quotes: "It's all been rather lovely."

It's all been rather lovely.

At Last Quotes: "Mortality means you don't have forever to work things out. You can live your life unexamined but then on the last day you're going to think: 'I've left things a little late."

Mortality means you don't have forever to work things out. You can live your life unexamined but then on the last day you're going to think: 'I've left things a little late.

At Last Quotes: "I saw thousands of pumpkins last night come floating in on the tide, bumping up against the rocks and rolling up on the beaches; it must be Halloween in the sea"

I saw thousands of pumpkins last night come floating in on the tide, bumping up against the rocks and rolling up on the beaches; it must be Halloween in the sea

At Last Quotes: "I went to a Karaoke Bar last night that didn't play any 70s music, at first I was afriad, oh I was petrified"

I went to a Karaoke Bar last night that didn't play any 70s music, at first I was afriad, oh I was petrified

At Last Quotes: "I've always loved the first day of school better than the last day of school. Firsts are best because they are beginnings."

I've always loved the first day of school better than the last day of school. Firsts are best because they are beginnings.

At Last Quotes: "I fear the man who drinks water and so remembers this morning what the rest of us said last night"

I fear the man who drinks water and so remembers this morning what the rest of us said last night

At Last Quotes: "On the last day, God will not acquit us because our good works were good enough, but he will look for evidence that our good confession was not phony. It’s in this sense that we must be holy."

On the last day, God will not acquit us because our good works were good enough, but he will look for evidence that our good confession was not phony. It’s in this sense that we must be holy.

At Last Quotes: "Show my head to the people. It is worth seeing."

Show my head to the people. It is worth seeing.

At Last Quotes: "At last I perceive that in revolutions the supreme power rests with the most abandoned."

At last I perceive that in revolutions the supreme power rests with the most abandoned.

At Last Quotes: "When young men prepare, bless, and pass the sacrament in worthiness and reverence, they literally follow the example of the Savior at the Last Supper and become like Him."

When young men prepare, bless, and pass the sacrament in worthiness and reverence, they literally follow the example of the Savior at the Last Supper and become like Him.

At Last Quotes: "Failures, repeated failures, are sign-posts on the road to achievement. The only time you don't want to fail is the last time you try something (and it works)."

Failures, repeated failures, are sign-posts on the road to achievement. The only time you don't want to fail is the last time you try something (and it works).

At Last Quotes: "In my last year of school, I was voted Class Optimist and Class Pessimist. Looking back, I realize I was only half right."

In my last year of school, I was voted Class Optimist and Class Pessimist. Looking back, I realize I was only half right.

At Last Quotes: "When was the last time I chose to be happy rather than demanding to be right?"

When was the last time I chose to be happy rather than demanding to be right?

At Last Quotes: "And to turn it into rap wasn't too difficult besides just rhymin' the last words of each line."

And to turn it into rap wasn't too difficult besides just rhymin' the last words of each line.

At Last Quotes: "Last year my wife ran off with the fellow next door and I must admit, I still miss him."

Last year my wife ran off with the fellow next door and I must admit, I still miss him.

At Last Quotes: "The mark of a successful organization isn't whether or not it has problems, its whether it has the same problems it had last year."

The mark of a successful organization isn't whether or not it has problems, its whether it has the same problems it had last year.

At Last Quotes: "Great numbers of the Indians pass our camp on their hunting excursions: the day was clear and pleasant, but last night was very cold and there was a white frost."

Great numbers of the Indians pass our camp on their hunting excursions: the day was clear and pleasant, but last night was very cold and there was a white frost.

At Last Quotes: "Let me go, let me go."

Let me go, let me go.

At Last Quotes: "God will pardon me. It is His trade."

God will pardon me. It is His trade.

At Last Quotes: "The last time I was in Spain I got through six Jeffrey Archer novels. I must remember to take enough toilet paper next time."

The last time I was in Spain I got through six Jeffrey Archer novels. I must remember to take enough toilet paper next time.

At Last Quotes: "According to the Mayans, the world is supposed to end in the year 2012. Are you buying that? When's the last time you even ran into a Mayan?"

According to the Mayans, the world is supposed to end in the year 2012. Are you buying that? When's the last time you even ran into a Mayan?

At Last Quotes: "Last time you bring me pie, I cut into it, with my tiny pie cutter, and millions of birds flew out hitting me in the eyes and the temples... it was a trick pie!"

Last time you bring me pie, I cut into it, with my tiny pie cutter, and millions of birds flew out hitting me in the eyes and the temples... it was a trick pie!

At Last Quotes: "Wakin' up to find another day. The moon got lost again last night, but now the sun has finally had its say."

Wakin' up to find another day. The moon got lost again last night, but now the sun has finally had its say.

At Last Quotes: "Live each day as if it were the last day of your life because, so far, it is."

Live each day as if it were the last day of your life because, so far, it is.

At Last Quotes: "I'm a family man. I personally started 3 or 4 families last year."

I'm a family man. I personally started 3 or 4 families last year.

At Last Quotes: "I believe it will only be known on the last day how much has been accomplished in overseas missions by the prayers of earnest believers at home."

I believe it will only be known on the last day how much has been accomplished in overseas missions by the prayers of earnest believers at home.