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Australia Quotes

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Australia Quotes: "Whoever authorized the evolution of the spiders of Australia should be summarily dragged out into the street and shot."

Whoever authorized the evolution of the spiders of Australia should be summarily dragged out into the street and shot.

Australia Quotes: "I consider myself British and have very happy memories of the UK. I spent the first 14 years of my life in England and never wanted to leave. When I was in Australia I went back to England a lot."

I consider myself British and have very happy memories of the UK. I spent the first 14 years of my life in England and never wanted to leave. When I was in Australia I went back to England a lot.

Australia Quotes: "Leave at night and you reach Australia next morning. But it took 28 years for an Indian PM to come to Australia!"

Leave at night and you reach Australia next morning. But it took 28 years for an Indian PM to come to Australia!

Australia Quotes: "'Dignity of Labour' is a subject to be learnt from Australia!"

'Dignity of Labour' is a subject to be learnt from Australia!

Australia Quotes: "Australia played some good cricket, but they have forgotten how to win."

Australia played some good cricket, but they have forgotten how to win.

Australia Quotes: "It's always a pleasure on a personal note for me to come back to Australia."

It's always a pleasure on a personal note for me to come back to Australia.

Australia Quotes: "I truly love Australia; I miss Aussie kids and their attitude!"

I truly love Australia; I miss Aussie kids and their attitude!

Australia Quotes: "I could definitely see myself living back in Australia again. If I had a family, I could move back."

I could definitely see myself living back in Australia again. If I had a family, I could move back.

Australia Quotes: "I'd love to come to Australia. I'd love to walk about the Sydney Opera House."

I'd love to come to Australia. I'd love to walk about the Sydney Opera House.

Australia Quotes: "Didgeridoo was something I picked up while I was on tour in Australia with Peter Gabriel in '93. I found out later that it's only meant to be played by men."

Didgeridoo was something I picked up while I was on tour in Australia with Peter Gabriel in '93. I found out later that it's only meant to be played by men.

Australia Quotes: "I uprooted my life from Australia and came over to America with the idea of pursuing my acting career. I wasn't really sure where I would end up. I threw caution to the wind."

I uprooted my life from Australia and came over to America with the idea of pursuing my acting career. I wasn't really sure where I would end up. I threw caution to the wind.

Australia Quotes: "Before becoming an Australian you will be asked to subscribe to certain values. If you have strong objections to those values, don't come to Australia."

Before becoming an Australian you will be asked to subscribe to certain values. If you have strong objections to those values, don't come to Australia.

Australia Quotes: "I was born in Norwich in 1946, and educated in England, Zimbabwe, and Australia, before my family settled in North Wales."

I was born in Norwich in 1946, and educated in England, Zimbabwe, and Australia, before my family settled in North Wales.

Australia Quotes: "The most intense hatreds are not between political parties but within them."

The most intense hatreds are not between political parties but within them.

Australia Quotes: "I love traveling the States no matter what. I love traveling abroad, going to Japan and Australia. I love it. I never get tired of it."

I love traveling the States no matter what. I love traveling abroad, going to Japan and Australia. I love it. I never get tired of it.

Australia Quotes: "There's a rumor going around that I'm Miss Goody-two-shoes from Australia. Well, that's a laugh. I'm really Miss Goody-two-shoes from England!"

There's a rumor going around that I'm Miss Goody-two-shoes from Australia. Well, that's a laugh. I'm really Miss Goody-two-shoes from England!

Australia Quotes: "I have named myself an unofficial ambassador for Australia and I have the biggest mouth on Earth."

I have named myself an unofficial ambassador for Australia and I have the biggest mouth on Earth.

Australia Quotes: "Never was a continent naturally so clean, and made so dirty, as Australia. There was not an animal pest, scarcely a vegetable pest; fools and the old world supplied them all."

Never was a continent naturally so clean, and made so dirty, as Australia. There was not an animal pest, scarcely a vegetable pest; fools and the old world supplied them all.

Australia Quotes: "I had a very real fear of spiders until one bit me. I got bitten by a redback spider in Australia and I've never been frightened of them since. Maybe I've turned into Spider-man."

I had a very real fear of spiders until one bit me. I got bitten by a redback spider in Australia and I've never been frightened of them since. Maybe I've turned into Spider-man.

Australia Quotes: "I like Manchester, Birmingham. I really find this place very nice. Loved Australia. I thought that was awesome."

I like Manchester, Birmingham. I really find this place very nice. Loved Australia. I thought that was awesome.

Australia Quotes: "Australia is very good friends with China, perhaps better friends than America is."

Australia is very good friends with China, perhaps better friends than America is.

Australia Quotes: "We haven't had a recession for 25 years in Australia. It's partly because of our trade with China."

We haven't had a recession for 25 years in Australia. It's partly because of our trade with China.

Australia Quotes: "Turkey, Australia, and Japan are three of my top destinations."

Turkey, Australia, and Japan are three of my top destinations.

Australia Quotes: "I went to America and got into a band, had success, had hits in Australia."

I went to America and got into a band, had success, had hits in Australia.

Australia Quotes: "Who doesn't know the easy, breezy, beautiful Covergirl line? I'm so excited to be the face of the brand in Australia and help all girls find and rock their inner Covergirl!"

Who doesn't know the easy, breezy, beautiful Covergirl line? I'm so excited to be the face of the brand in Australia and help all girls find and rock their inner Covergirl!

Australia Quotes: "Australia is so entrenched in rock'n'roll and bands, and that's just the way Australia is."

Australia is so entrenched in rock'n'roll and bands, and that's just the way Australia is.

Australia Quotes: "And I saw Australia anew through her eyes. And I realised what a tremendously thrilling country it was. And ever since then I have been coming back regularly."

And I saw Australia anew through her eyes. And I realised what a tremendously thrilling country it was. And ever since then I have been coming back regularly.

Australia Quotes: "A 17-year-old girl in Australia hacked into my e-mail while I was on it, Then a 15-year-old girl in England did the same thing."

A 17-year-old girl in Australia hacked into my e-mail while I was on it, Then a 15-year-old girl in England did the same thing.

Australia Quotes: "Im not a big fan of the gym, I do lots of outdoor aerobics - yoga, swimming, running - but I kinda hate talking about it. We have a term in Australia, it makes you sound like a wanker."

Im not a big fan of the gym, I do lots of outdoor aerobics - yoga, swimming, running - but I kinda hate talking about it. We have a term in Australia, it makes you sound like a wanker.

Australia Quotes: "Aboriginal Australia is a tough place to work, rough and tough."

Aboriginal Australia is a tough place to work, rough and tough.

Australia Quotes: "I'd actually rather have a talk show in Australia than even America; I hope I do end up with a talk show."

I'd actually rather have a talk show in Australia than even America; I hope I do end up with a talk show.

Australia Quotes: "Great,' I said. 'Visit exotic Australia. Get bitten by an exotic snake. Die exotically."

Great,' I said. 'Visit exotic Australia. Get bitten by an exotic snake. Die exotically.

Australia Quotes: "In America, if you want to make it as a golfer, you go to college on a scholarship. In Australia, you go to the airport with a plane ticket. The competition just isn't there."

In America, if you want to make it as a golfer, you go to college on a scholarship. In Australia, you go to the airport with a plane ticket. The competition just isn't there.

Australia Quotes: "America has given me everything Australia couldn't. I grew up on a dairy farm. Now I live in Isleworth, a gated community in Orlando with Tiger Woods down the street."

America has given me everything Australia couldn't. I grew up on a dairy farm. Now I live in Isleworth, a gated community in Orlando with Tiger Woods down the street.

Australia Quotes: "If we wait for the U.S. to do something, we will be waiting for a very long time. It's Europe, it's Australia, it's the other developed and middle developing countries that have got to do the job."

If we wait for the U.S. to do something, we will be waiting for a very long time. It's Europe, it's Australia, it's the other developed and middle developing countries that have got to do the job.

Australia Quotes: "I've seen it [Australia] go from a lot of small towns to big towns, but I think it has found its identity in all this time... it's a very special country, I could easily live here."

I've seen it [Australia] go from a lot of small towns to big towns, but I think it has found its identity in all this time... it's a very special country, I could easily live here.

Australia Quotes: "I try to get back to Australia as much as possible."

I try to get back to Australia as much as possible.

Australia Quotes: "And I liked pluralist Australia. I got a taste for pluralist Australia. I like, I like Australians and I can't believe that they're going to go to hell because they tell a good dirty joke, you know."

And I liked pluralist Australia. I got a taste for pluralist Australia. I like, I like Australians and I can't believe that they're going to go to hell because they tell a good dirty joke, you know.

Australia Quotes: "I really want to work with Adele, I think she's amazing. Lykke Li as well. I love them both. I'd also like to work with The Script. I met them in Australia and we just got on like a house on fire."

I really want to work with Adele, I think she's amazing. Lykke Li as well. I love them both. I'd also like to work with The Script. I met them in Australia and we just got on like a house on fire.

Australia Quotes: "I was fortunate enough to coach the US Olympic team in Australia. The parks were full at all times. How can they take away a sport like that?"

I was fortunate enough to coach the US Olympic team in Australia. The parks were full at all times. How can they take away a sport like that?

Australia Quotes: "Coal is good for humanity, coal is good for prosperity, coal is an essential part of our economic future, here in Australia, and right around the world."

Coal is good for humanity, coal is good for prosperity, coal is an essential part of our economic future, here in Australia, and right around the world.

Australia Quotes: "Middle income families with children are Australia’s new poor"

Middle income families with children are Australia’s new poor

Australia Quotes: "I want to see an end to sovereign risk questions over Australia."

I want to see an end to sovereign risk questions over Australia.

Australia Quotes: "My commitment to the forgotten families of Australia is to ease your cost of living pressure"

My commitment to the forgotten families of Australia is to ease your cost of living pressure

Australia Quotes: "Australia would play its role in taking displaced people from the Syrian conflict."

Australia would play its role in taking displaced people from the Syrian conflict.

Australia Quotes: "It was a positive sign that the conversation took place, it's a sign of the depth of the friendship between Australia and Indonesia."

It was a positive sign that the conversation took place, it's a sign of the depth of the friendship between Australia and Indonesia.

Australia Quotes: "Australia will take more refugees from Syria in response to the growing international crisis but it will not increase the total number of asylum seekers it accepts."

Australia will take more refugees from Syria in response to the growing international crisis but it will not increase the total number of asylum seekers it accepts.

Australia Quotes: "I was pointing out the depth of the friendship between Australia and Indonesia and the fact that Australia has been there for Indonesia when Indonesia has been in difficulty."

I was pointing out the depth of the friendship between Australia and Indonesia and the fact that Australia has been there for Indonesia when Indonesia has been in difficulty.

Australia Quotes: "I think that it's high time that the Prime Minister stopped making excuses for bad policy and started listening to the forgotten families of Australia."

I think that it's high time that the Prime Minister stopped making excuses for bad policy and started listening to the forgotten families of Australia.