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Awful Quotes: "The question before the House is one of awful moment to this country. For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery"

The question before the House is one of awful moment to this country. For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery

Awful Quotes: "The reader might reflect that an awful lot of supposing has to take place in order for the quantity theory of money to be true."

The reader might reflect that an awful lot of supposing has to take place in order for the quantity theory of money to be true.

Awful Quotes: "It's not a very big one, but at least it's dead and it took an awful lot of killing!"

It's not a very big one, but at least it's dead and it took an awful lot of killing!

Awful Quotes: "Homesickness is a bit like seasickness. You don't know how awful it is unti you get it, and when you do, it hits you right in the top of the stomach and you want to die."

Homesickness is a bit like seasickness. You don't know how awful it is unti you get it, and when you do, it hits you right in the top of the stomach and you want to die.

Awful Quotes: "Even by rock star standards, I was pretty awful."

Even by rock star standards, I was pretty awful.

Awful Quotes: "What a lucky thing the wheel was invented before the automobile; otherwise can you imagine the awful screeching?"

What a lucky thing the wheel was invented before the automobile; otherwise can you imagine the awful screeching?

Awful Quotes: "The term trying to forget someone is so awful because you’ll never forget someone if you’re trying to forget them."

The term trying to forget someone is so awful because you’ll never forget someone if you’re trying to forget them.

Awful Quotes: "All was black, gloomy and awful. There was no light at the end of the tunnel - or if there was, it was an oncoming train."

All was black, gloomy and awful. There was no light at the end of the tunnel - or if there was, it was an oncoming train.

Awful Quotes: "I tried playing electric for awhile and it just didn't work out. My reflexes are centered on the six string acoustic. I just played the electric too hard and it sounded awful, so I gave it up."

I tried playing electric for awhile and it just didn't work out. My reflexes are centered on the six string acoustic. I just played the electric too hard and it sounded awful, so I gave it up.

Awful Quotes: "Turks continued their previous policy. They would not stop committing massive and most awful massacres that even Leng Timur would not dare to do."

Turks continued their previous policy. They would not stop committing massive and most awful massacres that even Leng Timur would not dare to do.

Awful Quotes: "We bow our heads before Thee, and we laud, And magnify thy name Almighty God! But man is thy most awful instrument, In working out a pure intent."

We bow our heads before Thee, and we laud, And magnify thy name Almighty God! But man is thy most awful instrument, In working out a pure intent.

Awful Quotes: "In that moment it dawned on me that everything has to line up perfectly for something to turn out this awful."

In that moment it dawned on me that everything has to line up perfectly for something to turn out this awful.

Awful Quotes: "I can be in the worst PMS, Mercury in retrograde, most awful circumstance - and then if my girlfriends and I are giggling about it, everything's okay."

I can be in the worst PMS, Mercury in retrograde, most awful circumstance - and then if my girlfriends and I are giggling about it, everything's okay.

Awful Quotes: "Everyone wants to be young and skinny. This is awful. Curves are marvelous. Wrinkles are hypnotizing. Why not just be happy with who you are?"

Everyone wants to be young and skinny. This is awful. Curves are marvelous. Wrinkles are hypnotizing. Why not just be happy with who you are?

Awful Quotes: "It's an awful feeling to write something that you feel is really important... and to feel that you're being published by people who really don't get it and/or don't really care."

It's an awful feeling to write something that you feel is really important... and to feel that you're being published by people who really don't get it and/or don't really care.

Awful Quotes: "I was only sitting here in my white study with the awful black words pushing me around."

I was only sitting here in my white study with the awful black words pushing me around.

Awful Quotes: "There are an awful lot of skinny people in the cemetery."

There are an awful lot of skinny people in the cemetery.

Awful Quotes: "If you say to people that there's less violence today than in the past, they would be stunned to hear that. But it's the truth, even though we have awful things happening in Syria or Sudan."

If you say to people that there's less violence today than in the past, they would be stunned to hear that. But it's the truth, even though we have awful things happening in Syria or Sudan.

Awful Quotes: "Everyone wants to demagogue everyone else. That may be good politics, but it's awful policy."

Everyone wants to demagogue everyone else. That may be good politics, but it's awful policy.

Awful Quotes: "What is happening in Iraq now is awful, but it is a consequence of our invasion, not our withdrawal."

What is happening in Iraq now is awful, but it is a consequence of our invasion, not our withdrawal.

Awful Quotes: "I usually don't agree with what I say very much. I'm an awful liar."

I usually don't agree with what I say very much. I'm an awful liar.

Awful Quotes: "I've had three biographies made about my life so people know an awful lot about me."

I've had three biographies made about my life so people know an awful lot about me.

Awful Quotes: "The awful thing is that you can never be aware of what you are not aware of."

The awful thing is that you can never be aware of what you are not aware of.

Awful Quotes: "If you're doing nonsense it has to be rather awful, because there'd be no point."

If you're doing nonsense it has to be rather awful, because there'd be no point.

Awful Quotes: "... photography is just a medium. It's like a typewriter. Photography as an art doesn't interest me an awful lot; as a participant, though I like to look at it."

... photography is just a medium. It's like a typewriter. Photography as an art doesn't interest me an awful lot; as a participant, though I like to look at it.

Awful Quotes: "The music teacher came twice a week to bridge the awful gap between Dorothy and Chopin."

The music teacher came twice a week to bridge the awful gap between Dorothy and Chopin.

Awful Quotes: "I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked awful, but I always look awful in the mirror. I keep myself going with the firm belief that my real face is much better looking."

I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked awful, but I always look awful in the mirror. I keep myself going with the firm belief that my real face is much better looking.

Awful Quotes: "I'm honest. It's the world that's awful."

I'm honest. It's the world that's awful.

Awful Quotes: "I had peanut butter once. It was awful."

I had peanut butter once. It was awful.

Awful Quotes: "I love Sherlock Holmes. There's still an awful lot to steal from Conan Doyle. But within a tradition you can work in many different ways."

I love Sherlock Holmes. There's still an awful lot to steal from Conan Doyle. But within a tradition you can work in many different ways.

Awful Quotes: "I was a very bad journalist. Awful. I would just invent everything. If I did an interview, I had a preconception of what that person should say and I would put my words in his mouth."

I was a very bad journalist. Awful. I would just invent everything. If I did an interview, I had a preconception of what that person should say and I would put my words in his mouth.

Awful Quotes: "An awful lot of people are living only a foot above high water and do not know it."

An awful lot of people are living only a foot above high water and do not know it.

Awful Quotes: "Look to the souls of Your own soldiers, God, who labor in Thine awful cause."

Look to the souls of Your own soldiers, God, who labor in Thine awful cause.

Awful Quotes: "..it's awful not to be loved. It's the worst thing in the world...It makes you mean, and violent, and cruel."

..it's awful not to be loved. It's the worst thing in the world...It makes you mean, and violent, and cruel.

Awful Quotes: "I was having this awful nightmare that I was 32. And then I woke up and I was 23. So relieved. And then I woke up for real, and I was 32."

I was having this awful nightmare that I was 32. And then I woke up and I was 23. So relieved. And then I woke up for real, and I was 32.

Awful Quotes: "An awful lot of thriller writers write women rather badly. So just doing it OK gets a lot of credit."

An awful lot of thriller writers write women rather badly. So just doing it OK gets a lot of credit.

Awful Quotes: "When the audience is awful you can still have a great night and people will walk out thinking they had a great time even though there was loads of loudmouths and the sound was terrible."

When the audience is awful you can still have a great night and people will walk out thinking they had a great time even though there was loads of loudmouths and the sound was terrible.

Awful Quotes: "It's lovely to be told you're wonderful by someone when you're used to being told how awful you are."

It's lovely to be told you're wonderful by someone when you're used to being told how awful you are.

Awful Quotes: "It's the beginning of your day. You awake and look around you, feeling perhaps a joyful expectation, or perhaps an awful dread. No matter which, remember this: God loves you with an infinite love."

It's the beginning of your day. You awake and look around you, feeling perhaps a joyful expectation, or perhaps an awful dread. No matter which, remember this: God loves you with an infinite love.

Awful Quotes: "I know an awful lot of Hollywood people, who are so self-important, I can't understand it."

I know an awful lot of Hollywood people, who are so self-important, I can't understand it.

Awful Quotes: "Oh, my dating skills are the worst. No, I pick the wrong men; it's amazing. I am awful, the worst dater."

Oh, my dating skills are the worst. No, I pick the wrong men; it's amazing. I am awful, the worst dater.

Awful Quotes: "Ever since that night I've been on the road Travelling and trying to forget That awful night I lost all my friends I see their faces yet."

Ever since that night I've been on the road Travelling and trying to forget That awful night I lost all my friends I see their faces yet.

Awful Quotes: "I have an awful memory, and I have a great memory. Meaning that, if I'm trying to remember something, I can't remember it. But my recall is fantastic."

I have an awful memory, and I have a great memory. Meaning that, if I'm trying to remember something, I can't remember it. But my recall is fantastic.

Awful Quotes: "Every day is amazing, even when it's awful, because everything is for a reason. I know that this horrible thing that's happening today is going to bring something so amazing."

Every day is amazing, even when it's awful, because everything is for a reason. I know that this horrible thing that's happening today is going to bring something so amazing.

Awful Quotes: "If this isn't the Fat Lady singing, it's awful close to that. If Ari seriously thought she was a contender for the presidential nomination, he would not walk away right now."

If this isn't the Fat Lady singing, it's awful close to that. If Ari seriously thought she was a contender for the presidential nomination, he would not walk away right now.

Awful Quotes: "It won't happen yet, Ellen mused, mashing cooked carrots for Jill's lunch. Breakups seldom do. It will unfold slowly, one little tell-tale symptom after another like some awful, hellish flower."

It won't happen yet, Ellen mused, mashing cooked carrots for Jill's lunch. Breakups seldom do. It will unfold slowly, one little tell-tale symptom after another like some awful, hellish flower.

Awful Quotes: "I was awful at football when I was a little kid. I didn't have the aggressiveness. I was just a nice kid. I didn't want to hurt anyone."

I was awful at football when I was a little kid. I didn't have the aggressiveness. I was just a nice kid. I didn't want to hurt anyone.

Awful Quotes: "In '87, I used to do this awful, awful James Brown impression."

In '87, I used to do this awful, awful James Brown impression.

Awful Quotes: "One of the Christian's biggest fears is appearing 'too Christian'. God forbid, because that's often characterized as god-awful! We want to be one, but without being 'one of them'."

One of the Christian's biggest fears is appearing 'too Christian'. God forbid, because that's often characterized as god-awful! We want to be one, but without being 'one of them'.