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Be Peaceful Quotes

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Be Peaceful Quotes: "To me I've just really, really found a relaxed, peaceful side of my life and I'm enjoying it."

To me I've just really, really found a relaxed, peaceful side of my life and I'm enjoying it.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "The love of a girl can make a man stay on when he should go,Just tryin' to build a peaceful life where love is free to grow."

The love of a girl can make a man stay on when he should go,Just tryin' to build a peaceful life where love is free to grow.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "We seek a peaceful world, a prosperous world, a free world, a world of good neighbors, living on terms of equality and mutual respect, as Canada and the United States have lived for generations."

We seek a peaceful world, a prosperous world, a free world, a world of good neighbors, living on terms of equality and mutual respect, as Canada and the United States have lived for generations.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "How many Sundays - how many hundreds of Sundays like this - lay ahead of me? “Quiet, peaceful, and lonely,” I said aloud to myself. On Sundays, I didn't wind my spring."

How many Sundays - how many hundreds of Sundays like this - lay ahead of me? “Quiet, peaceful, and lonely,” I said aloud to myself. On Sundays, I didn't wind my spring.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Atmosphere is a silent music. It has its effect upon the listener, exciting or peaceful, whatever it may be."

Atmosphere is a silent music. It has its effect upon the listener, exciting or peaceful, whatever it may be.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Every American president, regardless of party, has said that America has an intense interest in a peaceful resolution. And I think it should be left at that."

Every American president, regardless of party, has said that America has an intense interest in a peaceful resolution. And I think it should be left at that.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "And pray what more can a reasonable man desire, in peaceful times, in ordinary noons, than a sufficient number of ears of green sweet corn boiled, with the addition of salt?"

And pray what more can a reasonable man desire, in peaceful times, in ordinary noons, than a sufficient number of ears of green sweet corn boiled, with the addition of salt?

Be Peaceful Quotes: "A peaceful man must fight For that which peace demands,— Freedom and faith, honor and right, Defend with heart and hands."

A peaceful man must fight For that which peace demands,— Freedom and faith, honor and right, Defend with heart and hands.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Either a peaceful old age awaits me, or death flies round me with black wings. [Lat., Seu me tranquilla senectus Exspectat, seu mors atris circumvolat alis.]"

Either a peaceful old age awaits me, or death flies round me with black wings. [Lat., Seu me tranquilla senectus Exspectat, seu mors atris circumvolat alis.]

Be Peaceful Quotes: "A peaceful soul haunts the warring mind."

A peaceful soul haunts the warring mind.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "He raised his hand in a peaceful gesture. "You need to relax a bit, dove. Like Mouse over there. You trust me, don't you, Mouse?" "Nope!" "Ahhh, I'm hurt. Nobody likes me."

He raised his hand in a peaceful gesture. "You need to relax a bit, dove. Like Mouse over there. You trust me, don't you, Mouse?" "Nope!" "Ahhh, I'm hurt. Nobody likes me.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "That's the whole trouble. You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any."

That's the whole trouble. You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Everything is in place to have a peaceful Games."

Everything is in place to have a peaceful Games.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "The whole point of constitutional democracy is the peaceful transfer of power; of Al Gore passing the baton to George W. Bush, even though that election was very suspiciously called."

The whole point of constitutional democracy is the peaceful transfer of power; of Al Gore passing the baton to George W. Bush, even though that election was very suspiciously called.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Happy the life, that in a peaceful stream, Obscure, unnoticed through the vale has flow'd; The heart that ne'er was charm'd by fortune's gleam Is ever sweet contentment's blest abode."

Happy the life, that in a peaceful stream, Obscure, unnoticed through the vale has flow'd; The heart that ne'er was charm'd by fortune's gleam Is ever sweet contentment's blest abode.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Commitment . . . is a binding, but happy, response to duty. It is at once peaceful yet compelling, for it obligates one to action. It is essential to the good life. It is doing what everyone can do."

Commitment . . . is a binding, but happy, response to duty. It is at once peaceful yet compelling, for it obligates one to action. It is essential to the good life. It is doing what everyone can do.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "I love her with a love as still As a broad river's peaceful might, Which by high tower and lowly mill, Goes wandering at its own will, And yet does ever flow aright."

I love her with a love as still As a broad river's peaceful might, Which by high tower and lowly mill, Goes wandering at its own will, And yet does ever flow aright.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "I think now Somalia is turning a corner and we can, with the new political development, build on momentum - really build a peaceful future."

I think now Somalia is turning a corner and we can, with the new political development, build on momentum - really build a peaceful future.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Are you coming along peaceful-like, or am I going to have to hog-tie you and put you in the car?"

Are you coming along peaceful-like, or am I going to have to hog-tie you and put you in the car?

Be Peaceful Quotes: "I feel like everybody knows the world isn't the happiest, most peaceful place. And though everybody has an idea of what's wrong, we're not changing it for the better."

I feel like everybody knows the world isn't the happiest, most peaceful place. And though everybody has an idea of what's wrong, we're not changing it for the better.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "I try to dream about peaceful things, beaches, that is what I cannot understand. Why are they chasing me?"

I try to dream about peaceful things, beaches, that is what I cannot understand. Why are they chasing me?

Be Peaceful Quotes: "And know if I'll only be true to the glorious quest That my heart lies peaceful and calm When I'm laid to my rest."

And know if I'll only be true to the glorious quest That my heart lies peaceful and calm When I'm laid to my rest.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "An everlasting tranquility is, in my imagination, the highest possible felicity, because I know of no felicity on earth higher than that which a peaceful mind and contented heart afford."

An everlasting tranquility is, in my imagination, the highest possible felicity, because I know of no felicity on earth higher than that which a peaceful mind and contented heart afford.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "I was a peaceful sedentary man, a lover of a quiet life, with no appetite for perils and commotions. But I was beginning to realise that I was very obstinate."

I was a peaceful sedentary man, a lover of a quiet life, with no appetite for perils and commotions. But I was beginning to realise that I was very obstinate.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Far beneath the tainted foamThat frets above our peaceful home,We dream in joy and wake in loveNor know the rage that yells above."

Far beneath the tainted foamThat frets above our peaceful home,We dream in joy and wake in loveNor know the rage that yells above.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Press bravely onward! - not in vainYour generous trust in human kind;The good which bloodshed could not gainYour peaceful zeal shall find."

Press bravely onward! - not in vainYour generous trust in human kind;The good which bloodshed could not gainYour peaceful zeal shall find.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "But peaceful was the night Wherein the Prince of Light His reign of peace upon the earth began."

But peaceful was the night Wherein the Prince of Light His reign of peace upon the earth began.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "No one's going to go see the story of Othello going to get a peaceful divorce."

No one's going to go see the story of Othello going to get a peaceful divorce.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "I had known there had been a serial killer on Mount Tamalpais, and it felt so incongruous in such a beautiful, peaceful spot."

I had known there had been a serial killer on Mount Tamalpais, and it felt so incongruous in such a beautiful, peaceful spot.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Kabul was very popular with the hippies in the Sixties and Seventies. It was very quiet and peaceful."

Kabul was very popular with the hippies in the Sixties and Seventies. It was very quiet and peaceful.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Inside Junior's it was peaceful. I can change that, I thought dryly."

Inside Junior's it was peaceful. I can change that, I thought dryly.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "The artist, day by day, by postulating the new realities of the future, accomplishes peaceful revolution."

The artist, day by day, by postulating the new realities of the future, accomplishes peaceful revolution.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "You can learn to direct yourself to be peaceful inside regardless of what is happening with your body."

You can learn to direct yourself to be peaceful inside regardless of what is happening with your body.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Death isn't peaceful; it is just nothing. Everything is gone. No more sunrises, no more hopes, no more fears. Nothing."

Death isn't peaceful; it is just nothing. Everything is gone. No more sunrises, no more hopes, no more fears. Nothing.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Lady love, your love is peaceful like the summers breeze."

Lady love, your love is peaceful like the summers breeze.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "AAB actively campaigns to reduce aggression and counter bullying by creating peaceful campaigns such as Cyberkind."

AAB actively campaigns to reduce aggression and counter bullying by creating peaceful campaigns such as Cyberkind.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Peace beings with me. The more peaceful I am inside, the more peace I have to share with others."

Peace beings with me. The more peaceful I am inside, the more peace I have to share with others.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "I live in a peaceful world because I choose to think loving and peaceful thoughts."

I live in a peaceful world because I choose to think loving and peaceful thoughts.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Complete civil disobedience is a state of peaceful rebellion, a refusal to obey every single state-made law."

Complete civil disobedience is a state of peaceful rebellion, a refusal to obey every single state-made law.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "If Swaraj is to be had by peaceful methods, it will only be attained by attention to every little detail of national life."

If Swaraj is to be had by peaceful methods, it will only be attained by attention to every little detail of national life.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "I invite even the school of violence to give this peaceful non-co-operation a trial."

I invite even the school of violence to give this peaceful non-co-operation a trial.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "The restoration of spinning to its central place in India's peaceful campaign for deliverance from the imperial yoke gives her women a special status."

The restoration of spinning to its central place in India's peaceful campaign for deliverance from the imperial yoke gives her women a special status.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Close the day with prayer so that you may have a peaceful night free from dreams and nightmares."

Close the day with prayer so that you may have a peaceful night free from dreams and nightmares.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "No one should advocate any peaceful suffering to black people, unless the black - white man is going to practice the same kind of peaceful suffering."

No one should advocate any peaceful suffering to black people, unless the black - white man is going to practice the same kind of peaceful suffering.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "You don't have a peaceful revolution. You don't have a turn-the-cheek revolution. There's no such thing as a nonviolent revolution."

You don't have a peaceful revolution. You don't have a turn-the-cheek revolution. There's no such thing as a nonviolent revolution.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "I felt white, drained of blood, cared for, purified. Peaceful."

I felt white, drained of blood, cared for, purified. Peaceful.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Climate change has been associated so much with a peaceful mentality - obviously peace and love are good, but we need to think about climate as a threat to survival."

Climate change has been associated so much with a peaceful mentality - obviously peace and love are good, but we need to think about climate as a threat to survival.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Angry people cannot create a peaceful planet"

Angry people cannot create a peaceful planet

Be Peaceful Quotes: "God is a peaceful ground of being. He is the energy of nonviolence. To ask Him to help is to ask Him to turn us into profoundly peaceful people."

God is a peaceful ground of being. He is the energy of nonviolence. To ask Him to help is to ask Him to turn us into profoundly peaceful people.