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Be Peaceful Quotes

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Be Peaceful Quotes: "The endgame is peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula."

The endgame is peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Together we can help create a peaceful, just, sustainable and healthy world."

Together we can help create a peaceful, just, sustainable and healthy world.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "I thought when I started meditation that I was going to get real calm and peaceful and it's going to be over. It's not that way; it's so energetic. That's where all the energy and creativity is."

I thought when I started meditation that I was going to get real calm and peaceful and it's going to be over. It's not that way; it's so energetic. That's where all the energy and creativity is.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "The only laws are paradox, humor and change."

The only laws are paradox, humor and change.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Consciousness is not in the body; the body is in consciousness. And you are that consciousness."

Consciousness is not in the body; the body is in consciousness. And you are that consciousness.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "I much preferred the peaceful life on the road, where I didn't have to ask embarrassing questions and do all the things real reporters have to do."

I much preferred the peaceful life on the road, where I didn't have to ask embarrassing questions and do all the things real reporters have to do.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "There can be no doubt that our descendants will learn to exploit the energy of fusion for peaceful purposes even before its use becomes necessary for the preservation of human civilization."

There can be no doubt that our descendants will learn to exploit the energy of fusion for peaceful purposes even before its use becomes necessary for the preservation of human civilization.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "The Iranian government intends to use the nuclear program for peaceful purposes, but must convince international public opinion of that."

The Iranian government intends to use the nuclear program for peaceful purposes, but must convince international public opinion of that.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "And thus they give the time, that Nature meant for peaceful sleep and meditative snores, to ceaseless din and mindless merriment and waste of shoes and floors."

And thus they give the time, that Nature meant for peaceful sleep and meditative snores, to ceaseless din and mindless merriment and waste of shoes and floors.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Sadat was a great and good man, and his most bitter and dangerous enemies were people who were obsessed with hatred for his peaceful goals."

Sadat was a great and good man, and his most bitter and dangerous enemies were people who were obsessed with hatred for his peaceful goals.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Compassion naturally creates a positive atmosphere, and as a result you feel peaceful and content."

Compassion naturally creates a positive atmosphere, and as a result you feel peaceful and content.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "An affectionate disposition not only makes the mind more peaceful and calm, but it affects our body in a positive way too."

An affectionate disposition not only makes the mind more peaceful and calm, but it affects our body in a positive way too.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Bombs know no ism but barbarism. The laws that successfully govern a peaceful and democratic society do not interfere with the only law bombs know, which is the law of gravity."

Bombs know no ism but barbarism. The laws that successfully govern a peaceful and democratic society do not interfere with the only law bombs know, which is the law of gravity.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "So peaceful shalt thou end thy blissful days, And steal thyself from life by slow decays."

So peaceful shalt thou end thy blissful days, And steal thyself from life by slow decays.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "From its peaceful bosom spring none but fond regrets and tender recollections."

From its peaceful bosom spring none but fond regrets and tender recollections.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "There's no greater purpose than service to others."

There's no greater purpose than service to others.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "I play to all people, and I play to people not governments, and I believe strongly that all people are peaceful and would want peace."

I play to all people, and I play to people not governments, and I believe strongly that all people are peaceful and would want peace.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Meditation is that dimension of science which focuses on creating the right kind of interior, so that you can live a peaceful and joyous life."

Meditation is that dimension of science which focuses on creating the right kind of interior, so that you can live a peaceful and joyous life.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Ballots are the rightful and peaceful successors of bullets, and that when ballots have fairly and constitutionall y decided there can be no successful appeal back to bullets."

Ballots are the rightful and peaceful successors of bullets, and that when ballots have fairly and constitutionall y decided there can be no successful appeal back to bullets.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Iran is determined to use peaceful nuclear technology and no intimidation or threat can make us give it up."

Iran is determined to use peaceful nuclear technology and no intimidation or threat can make us give it up.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Many American Muslims are peaceful and define jihad primarily as an internal struggle to improve."

Many American Muslims are peaceful and define jihad primarily as an internal struggle to improve.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Please be peaceful. We believe in law and order. We are not advocating violence, I want you to love your enemies... for what we are doing is right, what we are doing is just -- and God is with us."

Please be peaceful. We believe in law and order. We are not advocating violence, I want you to love your enemies... for what we are doing is right, what we are doing is just -- and God is with us.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "By providing outstanding economic leadership, this country can wage its attack successfully - and can thereby build the foundations of a peaceful world."

By providing outstanding economic leadership, this country can wage its attack successfully - and can thereby build the foundations of a peaceful world.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "You cannot experience the fullness of your authentic self or life when you live to avoid hurt. You will never know the joy of love or the peaceful satisfaction of being loved if you hide from hurt."

You cannot experience the fullness of your authentic self or life when you live to avoid hurt. You will never know the joy of love or the peaceful satisfaction of being loved if you hide from hurt.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "The world has never truly had to develop an ethic of interdependence rooted in our common humanity. And if we do it, the 21st century will be the most interesting, exciting, peaceful era in history."

The world has never truly had to develop an ethic of interdependence rooted in our common humanity. And if we do it, the 21st century will be the most interesting, exciting, peaceful era in history.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "I've learned... That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world."

I've learned... That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "I assure you, it would be much more pleasant for me to be an ordinary voter in peaceful Chechnya than the president of a republic at war."

I assure you, it would be much more pleasant for me to be an ordinary voter in peaceful Chechnya than the president of a republic at war.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Leaders will have to give clear and decisive leadership towards a world of tolerance and respect for difference, and an uncompromising commitment to peaceful solutions of conflicts and disputes."

Leaders will have to give clear and decisive leadership towards a world of tolerance and respect for difference, and an uncompromising commitment to peaceful solutions of conflicts and disputes.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "The servants of God...whether provoked by word or work, by keeping themselves tranquil and peaceful, evince a perfect nobleness of soul."

The servants of God...whether provoked by word or work, by keeping themselves tranquil and peaceful, evince a perfect nobleness of soul.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "The peaceful transition of power is one of the hallmarks of our democracy."

The peaceful transition of power is one of the hallmarks of our democracy.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Iran's strong logic and firm diplomacy is the guideline for all government officials in negotiations on country's peaceful nuclear program with foreigners, quite resolutely."

Iran's strong logic and firm diplomacy is the guideline for all government officials in negotiations on country's peaceful nuclear program with foreigners, quite resolutely.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Great expectations are placed on this generation for the establishment of peaceful and neighborly relations in the North Caucasus."

Great expectations are placed on this generation for the establishment of peaceful and neighborly relations in the North Caucasus.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "You are the best friend you will ever have. In the presence of your true self you will become the most peaceful, the most relaxed, the most natural person possible."

You are the best friend you will ever have. In the presence of your true self you will become the most peaceful, the most relaxed, the most natural person possible.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "If we are to create peace in our world, we must begin with our children."

If we are to create peace in our world, we must begin with our children.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Demands that you believe the impossible do not lead to peaceful outcomes."

Demands that you believe the impossible do not lead to peaceful outcomes.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Until mankind is peaceful enough not to have violence on the news, there's no point in taking it out of shows that need it for entertainment value."

Until mankind is peaceful enough not to have violence on the news, there's no point in taking it out of shows that need it for entertainment value.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "If humans were to model the lifestyle displayed by healthy community of cells , our societies and our planet would be more peaceful and vital"

If humans were to model the lifestyle displayed by healthy community of cells , our societies and our planet would be more peaceful and vital

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Civilization is a work of peaceful co-operation."

Civilization is a work of peaceful co-operation.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "I believe President Bush is one of the most dangerous leaders in the world. He is not in search of peaceful and diplomatic solutions."

I believe President Bush is one of the most dangerous leaders in the world. He is not in search of peaceful and diplomatic solutions.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "The brave are born from the brave and good. In steers and in horses is to be found the excellence of their sire; nor do savage eagles produce a peaceful dove."

The brave are born from the brave and good. In steers and in horses is to be found the excellence of their sire; nor do savage eagles produce a peaceful dove.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Our country represents nothing but peaceful intentions toward all the earth, but it ought not to fail to maintain such a military force as comports with the dignity and security of a great people."

Our country represents nothing but peaceful intentions toward all the earth, but it ought not to fail to maintain such a military force as comports with the dignity and security of a great people.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "I am peaceful but I am not a pacifist in the philosophical sense."

I am peaceful but I am not a pacifist in the philosophical sense.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "This is a service station, we offer service. There is no higher purpose."

This is a service station, we offer service. There is no higher purpose.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "I wish we could just stay on the bandstand, it's so peaceful up here."

I wish we could just stay on the bandstand, it's so peaceful up here.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "There is no alternative to the peaceful coexistence of cultures."

There is no alternative to the peaceful coexistence of cultures.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "‎We have a lamp inside us. The oil of that lamp is our breathing, our steps, and our peaceful smile. Our practice is to light up the lamp."

‎We have a lamp inside us. The oil of that lamp is our breathing, our steps, and our peaceful smile. Our practice is to light up the lamp.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "Who is against democracy? Is it the one who calls for peaceful resistance, or the one who bombs people, sheds their blood and leads them away from the leaders under feeble and dirty pretexts?"

Who is against democracy? Is it the one who calls for peaceful resistance, or the one who bombs people, sheds their blood and leads them away from the leaders under feeble and dirty pretexts?

Be Peaceful Quotes: "It is both auspicious and peaceful for people to choose vegetarinism."

It is both auspicious and peaceful for people to choose vegetarinism.

Be Peaceful Quotes: "With some hard work I'm sure you'll be able to walk again."

With some hard work I'm sure you'll be able to walk again.