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Because Quotes

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Because Quotes: "Finn: I look at you because I can't look away Wendy. Wendy: That's kinda creepy. Finn: I will work on being less creepy then."

Finn: I look at you because I can't look away Wendy. Wendy: That's kinda creepy. Finn: I will work on being less creepy then.

Because Quotes: "I don't read reviews, as a rule. I can't, because I can't control myself. But I've heard that [the Duplasses] were happy, so that's good."

I don't read reviews, as a rule. I can't, because I can't control myself. But I've heard that [the Duplasses] were happy, so that's good.

Because Quotes: "I think because I can be sad, and I can be lonely, my gift would be trying to help other people feel less lonely and less sad. Because that's what I understand."

I think because I can be sad, and I can be lonely, my gift would be trying to help other people feel less lonely and less sad. Because that's what I understand.

Because Quotes: "Let's not talk about it any more, but if you still want anything please write to me about it, because I can say what I mean much better on paper."

Let's not talk about it any more, but if you still want anything please write to me about it, because I can say what I mean much better on paper.

Because Quotes: "We're all in this together. That's how we campaigned, and that's who we are. This happened because of you. Thank you."

We're all in this together. That's how we campaigned, and that's who we are. This happened because of you. Thank you.

Because Quotes: "Does this have anything to do with the unit we’re studying? Because I can’t find anything about desired characteristics of a mate anywhere in our text."

Does this have anything to do with the unit we’re studying? Because I can’t find anything about desired characteristics of a mate anywhere in our text.

Because Quotes: "If you can't feel then why did you kiss me? Because I can feel it here, in my heart."

If you can't feel then why did you kiss me? Because I can feel it here, in my heart.

Because Quotes: "I write because I can’t sleep."

I write because I can’t sleep.

Because Quotes: "Stand-up is great because I can get everything off my chest."

Stand-up is great because I can get everything off my chest.

Because Quotes: "That's why I have to be a fiction writer, because I can't remember what just happened or where I went last week or what movie I just watched with my husband. I'm better off just making things up."

That's why I have to be a fiction writer, because I can't remember what just happened or where I went last week or what movie I just watched with my husband. I'm better off just making things up.

Because Quotes: "I admire ventriloquists, because I can't do that. I mean, I might get mistaken for a ventriloquist dummy every now and then, but I can't do what they do."

I admire ventriloquists, because I can't do that. I mean, I might get mistaken for a ventriloquist dummy every now and then, but I can't do what they do.

Because Quotes: "I have to go out for lunch and dinner because I can't cook. I need a woman to come and save me from my cooking."

I have to go out for lunch and dinner because I can't cook. I need a woman to come and save me from my cooking.

Because Quotes: "My mind's sunk so low, Claudia, because of you, wrecked itself on your account so bad already, that I couldn't like you if you were the best of women, -or stop loving you, no matter what you do."

My mind's sunk so low, Claudia, because of you, wrecked itself on your account so bad already, that I couldn't like you if you were the best of women, -or stop loving you, no matter what you do.

Because Quotes: "Everyone thinks I'm crazy, you know, because I can't tell them the truth; which is, that I'm driven crazy by all these thoughts, all these heads."

Everyone thinks I'm crazy, you know, because I can't tell them the truth; which is, that I'm driven crazy by all these thoughts, all these heads.

Because Quotes: "The truth is that I'm never sure how any of my books will be received, and because I can be thin-skinned, I try not to read too many reviews when a book first comes out."

The truth is that I'm never sure how any of my books will be received, and because I can be thin-skinned, I try not to read too many reviews when a book first comes out.

Because Quotes: "I often close my eyes because I can't tolerate violence."

I often close my eyes because I can't tolerate violence.

Because Quotes: "Because I can't hit bottom, I can't be saved."

Because I can't hit bottom, I can't be saved.

Because Quotes: "I love you because you're a child and you're scared.' You're going to hurt me in the end. You're quite mad."

I love you because you're a child and you're scared.' You're going to hurt me in the end. You're quite mad.

Because Quotes: "Meddling, smug, stupid little..." "She likes me! They always play hard to get when they like me!" "No. You do not understand. I could not have done it because I can not read or write."

Meddling, smug, stupid little..." "She likes me! They always play hard to get when they like me!" "No. You do not understand. I could not have done it because I can not read or write.

Because Quotes: "I love comedy because I can laugh at myself. I dont take myself too seriously."

I love comedy because I can laugh at myself. I dont take myself too seriously.

Because Quotes: "It's no good saying I wished I could go out more, because I can't. But I don't bother about it too much."

It's no good saying I wished I could go out more, because I can't. But I don't bother about it too much.

Because Quotes: "I like to act because I can forget about everything else."

I like to act because I can forget about everything else.

Because Quotes: "Technically, if a girl wants to sparkle she can put on glitter but I think the correct answer would be a smile because no one pays attention to your short when you have a nice smile on your face."

Technically, if a girl wants to sparkle she can put on glitter but I think the correct answer would be a smile because no one pays attention to your short when you have a nice smile on your face.

Because Quotes: "A team sport is not very good for me, because I can't take losing."

A team sport is not very good for me, because I can't take losing.

Because Quotes: "I don't have a great talent for explaining myself in acting because I can't explain it."

I don't have a great talent for explaining myself in acting because I can't explain it.

Because Quotes: "I do not think I will ever become deadened, because I live in other people's lives, I must admit there are times when it weighs medown because I can't do some of the things I want."

I do not think I will ever become deadened, because I live in other people's lives, I must admit there are times when it weighs medown because I can't do some of the things I want.

Because Quotes: "I always try to do something very different with each character because that's why I like to do this, because I can become someone else completely and it's fun."

I always try to do something very different with each character because that's why I like to do this, because I can become someone else completely and it's fun.

Because Quotes: "I like the notion of guiding, because I can offer advice through my own experiences, tastes and beliefs. But it's all in that individual's hands."

I like the notion of guiding, because I can offer advice through my own experiences, tastes and beliefs. But it's all in that individual's hands.

Because Quotes: "I have to be a little bit guarded, because I can be very open and I like to include people, but then again I have to remind myself to be careful."

I have to be a little bit guarded, because I can be very open and I like to include people, but then again I have to remind myself to be careful.

Because Quotes: "If my people look as if they're in a dreadful fix, it's because I can't get them out of a technical dilemma."

If my people look as if they're in a dreadful fix, it's because I can't get them out of a technical dilemma.

Because Quotes: "The performance of a lifetime is the perfect thing to be doing at this age because I can use the age."

The performance of a lifetime is the perfect thing to be doing at this age because I can use the age.

Because Quotes: "for a woman, love is its own reason. "I love you because I love you."

for a woman, love is its own reason. "I love you because I love you.

Because Quotes: "My knowledge of horror films is pathetic because I can't really watch them."

My knowledge of horror films is pathetic because I can't really watch them.

Because Quotes: "I guess I'm drawn to religion because I can be provocative without harming something people really care about, like their cars."

I guess I'm drawn to religion because I can be provocative without harming something people really care about, like their cars.

Because Quotes: "I like being behind the camera because I can control perception and what people see."

I like being behind the camera because I can control perception and what people see.

Because Quotes: "I'm tired of being congratulated for being thin because I can more easily fit into sample sizes from the runway."

I'm tired of being congratulated for being thin because I can more easily fit into sample sizes from the runway.

Because Quotes: "I just had a baby. I'm not going to work unless it's something really special and meaningful, because I can't imagine missing all that time with my daughter."

I just had a baby. I'm not going to work unless it's something really special and meaningful, because I can't imagine missing all that time with my daughter.

Because Quotes: "Nothing is staged exactly as it was, because I can't remember - and I consider that an advantage."

Nothing is staged exactly as it was, because I can't remember - and I consider that an advantage.

Because Quotes: "I wake up in the morning and sometimes I just want to wear a T-shirt and blue jeans and now I have to force myself to do that, because I can't care what people think, you know?"

I wake up in the morning and sometimes I just want to wear a T-shirt and blue jeans and now I have to force myself to do that, because I can't care what people think, you know?

Because Quotes: "I prefer more of the modern stuff - just because I can associate with the imagery more."

I prefer more of the modern stuff - just because I can associate with the imagery more.

Because Quotes: "I never did buy things on credit, I always paid for 'em, because I can't see much difference in paying for something and just waiting a week and pay interest on it; that looks foolish to me."

I never did buy things on credit, I always paid for 'em, because I can't see much difference in paying for something and just waiting a week and pay interest on it; that looks foolish to me.

Because Quotes: "I'd rather a young black actor read about success as opposed to how tough it was. I get these roles because I can act and that's it. Hopefully that's it."

I'd rather a young black actor read about success as opposed to how tough it was. I get these roles because I can act and that's it. Hopefully that's it.

Because Quotes: "Sometimes I'll leave the house and go to a delicatessen down the street from me - it's been there a million years - just because I can look at people."

Sometimes I'll leave the house and go to a delicatessen down the street from me - it's been there a million years - just because I can look at people.

Because Quotes: "I can barely listen to my tapes when I'm transcribing, because I can't stand how I sound."

I can barely listen to my tapes when I'm transcribing, because I can't stand how I sound.

Because Quotes: "Some musicians play blues, others classical jazz or bluegrass. I like to play political roles because I can merge my political interests with my creative interests."

Some musicians play blues, others classical jazz or bluegrass. I like to play political roles because I can merge my political interests with my creative interests.

Because Quotes: "My biggest thing is banana pudding, but it's the devil! So no one is allowed to bring it into my house. Because I can't control myself. So why put it in my domain?"

My biggest thing is banana pudding, but it's the devil! So no one is allowed to bring it into my house. Because I can't control myself. So why put it in my domain?

Because Quotes: "I am not free because I can be exploded anytime."

I am not free because I can be exploded anytime.

Because Quotes: "I love when I am around a veteran in [show] business. Because I can dig and ask questions, and find out the "who" and "what" of it all."

I love when I am around a veteran in [show] business. Because I can dig and ask questions, and find out the "who" and "what" of it all.

Because Quotes: "It makes me envious of anybody who can say truly that they don't care what anybody thinks of what they do, because I care a lot about the people who like my stuff."

It makes me envious of anybody who can say truly that they don't care what anybody thinks of what they do, because I care a lot about the people who like my stuff.