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Believer Quotes

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Believer Quotes: "Scars are the price which every believer pays for his loyalty to Christ."

Scars are the price which every believer pays for his loyalty to Christ.

Believer Quotes: "As a member of the House Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, I am a firm believer in the American space program."

As a member of the House Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, I am a firm believer in the American space program.

Believer Quotes: "I'm a firm believer that it's not the way you look or what you have, but what you've got inside."

I'm a firm believer that it's not the way you look or what you have, but what you've got inside.

Believer Quotes: "I'm not a great believer in awards-of course the fact that I've never won one has nothing to do with it at all!"

I'm not a great believer in awards-of course the fact that I've never won one has nothing to do with it at all!

Believer Quotes: "From the time of Cain until the last believer before Christ's return, we are all fundamentally in the same boat. We suffer the same spiritual afflictions and tendencies."

From the time of Cain until the last believer before Christ's return, we are all fundamentally in the same boat. We suffer the same spiritual afflictions and tendencies.

Believer Quotes: "I am a socialist, a believer in rational thought and the rule of law."

I am a socialist, a believer in rational thought and the rule of law.

Believer Quotes: "A lot of people tend to chew up the scenery. I'm a firm believer in less is more, especially on the big screen."

A lot of people tend to chew up the scenery. I'm a firm believer in less is more, especially on the big screen.

Believer Quotes: "I'm a believer that when one door closes another one opens. But why does the one opening always hit me full-speed-knob-first into my nuts?"

I'm a believer that when one door closes another one opens. But why does the one opening always hit me full-speed-knob-first into my nuts?

Believer Quotes: "I have never been a believer that nice clothes should only be for people with money."

I have never been a believer that nice clothes should only be for people with money.

Believer Quotes: "Ben was a great believer in buying a diversified group of securities, so that he limited his risk."

Ben was a great believer in buying a diversified group of securities, so that he limited his risk.

Believer Quotes: "I'm a believer of destiny and I believe I'm destiny's child. I've seen the highs and I've seen the lows and I believe things happen for a reason and always for the best."

I'm a believer of destiny and I believe I'm destiny's child. I've seen the highs and I've seen the lows and I believe things happen for a reason and always for the best.

Believer Quotes: "Everybody is a True Believer. Everybody has a little nugget they're convinced of that is the opposite of the nugget on the other side. And they're convinced it's fact."

Everybody is a True Believer. Everybody has a little nugget they're convinced of that is the opposite of the nugget on the other side. And they're convinced it's fact.

Believer Quotes: "You actually can make it, no matter what. I truly am a firm believer in that. Eminem's living proof."

You actually can make it, no matter what. I truly am a firm believer in that. Eminem's living proof.

Believer Quotes: "I'm a believer that people need to understand that filmmaking is not a perfect process for anybody. It is a process in which you find the film and the film finds you. And that is every film."

I'm a believer that people need to understand that filmmaking is not a perfect process for anybody. It is a process in which you find the film and the film finds you. And that is every film.

Believer Quotes: "Coincidence is the science of the true believer."

Coincidence is the science of the true believer.

Believer Quotes: "I'm a believer in fate and in fulfilling your destiny. I've always had a kind of inner voice that I have learned to listen to."

I'm a believer in fate and in fulfilling your destiny. I've always had a kind of inner voice that I have learned to listen to.

Believer Quotes: "I'm a strong believer that you practice like you play, little things make big things happen."

I'm a strong believer that you practice like you play, little things make big things happen.

Believer Quotes: "It would be an exaggeration to say I’m not afraid of death, but I’m not afraid of what comes after, because I’m not a believer."

It would be an exaggeration to say I’m not afraid of death, but I’m not afraid of what comes after, because I’m not a believer.

Believer Quotes: "I'm a firm believer in putting your money where your mouth is."

I'm a firm believer in putting your money where your mouth is.

Believer Quotes: "I'm a strong believer in bipartisanship."

I'm a strong believer in bipartisanship.

Believer Quotes: "Every believer departing this old earth ...immediately transitions into heaven and is welcomed home by Jesus himself."

Every believer departing this old earth ...immediately transitions into heaven and is welcomed home by Jesus himself.

Believer Quotes: "I am a big believer in early intervention."

I am a big believer in early intervention.

Believer Quotes: "Come boldly, 'O believer, for despite the whisperings of Satan and the doubtings of thine own heart, thou art greatly beloved."

Come boldly, 'O believer, for despite the whisperings of Satan and the doubtings of thine own heart, thou art greatly beloved.

Believer Quotes: "I'm a big believer in education, period."

I'm a big believer in education, period.

Believer Quotes: "I'm a firm believer that there are no rules in art. Every trajectory is different."

I'm a firm believer that there are no rules in art. Every trajectory is different.

Believer Quotes: "I am also a believer in an integrated treatment approach to autism."

I am also a believer in an integrated treatment approach to autism.

Believer Quotes: "Whether you're a believer or not, I think there's a huge value in understanding the quality of redemption."

Whether you're a believer or not, I think there's a huge value in understanding the quality of redemption.

Believer Quotes: "There’s nothing more dangerous to the kingdom of darkness than a believer with the Word of God in their mouth."

There’s nothing more dangerous to the kingdom of darkness than a believer with the Word of God in their mouth.

Believer Quotes: "I'm not a big believer in linear paths. I would always have these sort of five-year plans and think, 'Ok, I wouldn't mind to try to get here in five years.'"

I'm not a big believer in linear paths. I would always have these sort of five-year plans and think, 'Ok, I wouldn't mind to try to get here in five years.'

Believer Quotes: "For a firm believer in swadeshi, there need be no Pharisaical self-satisfaction in wearing khadi."

For a firm believer in swadeshi, there need be no Pharisaical self-satisfaction in wearing khadi.

Believer Quotes: "I'm very much a believer in knowing what it is that you love doing so you can do a great deal of it."

I'm very much a believer in knowing what it is that you love doing so you can do a great deal of it.

Believer Quotes: "I'm a firm believer in goal setting. Step by step. I can't see any other way of accomplishing anything."

I'm a firm believer in goal setting. Step by step. I can't see any other way of accomplishing anything.

Believer Quotes: "I am a great believer in found families and I'm not a great believer in blood."

I am a great believer in found families and I'm not a great believer in blood.

Believer Quotes: "I am a strong believer in kissing being very intimate, and the minute you kiss, the floodgates open for everything else."

I am a strong believer in kissing being very intimate, and the minute you kiss, the floodgates open for everything else.

Believer Quotes: "I was a supporter and believer in the death penalty, but I've begun to see that this system doesn't work and it isn't functional. It costs an obscene amount of money."

I was a supporter and believer in the death penalty, but I've begun to see that this system doesn't work and it isn't functional. It costs an obscene amount of money.

Believer Quotes: "Everybody is following somebody. Everybody has faith in something and somebody. We are all believers."

Everybody is following somebody. Everybody has faith in something and somebody. We are all believers.

Believer Quotes: "I'm not a believer in the future. The most interesting things are always behind us. I look at everything as archaeology."

I'm not a believer in the future. The most interesting things are always behind us. I look at everything as archaeology.

Believer Quotes: "As a believer and a child of the King, to consider casting a vote for someone or for something that would go against what God would vote for ought to be out of the question."

As a believer and a child of the King, to consider casting a vote for someone or for something that would go against what God would vote for ought to be out of the question.

Believer Quotes: "I'm a big believer in just using CGI to polish what you get on camera."

I'm a big believer in just using CGI to polish what you get on camera.

Believer Quotes: "I'm not a believer in the pratfall. I don't think it's funny just to have someone fall down."

I'm not a believer in the pratfall. I don't think it's funny just to have someone fall down.

Believer Quotes: "I'm a believer in moderation in all things, including moderation."

I'm a believer in moderation in all things, including moderation.

Believer Quotes: "I am a great believer in naps, whatever age you are."

I am a great believer in naps, whatever age you are.

Believer Quotes: "I'm a big believer that it doesn't matter what you call your company, nobody ever notices."

I'm a big believer that it doesn't matter what you call your company, nobody ever notices.

Believer Quotes: "There is presumably a calendar date a moment when the onus of proof passed from the atheist to the believer, when, quite suddenly, secretly, the noes had it."

There is presumably a calendar date a moment when the onus of proof passed from the atheist to the believer, when, quite suddenly, secretly, the noes had it.

Believer Quotes: "What believer sees a disturbing omission or infelicity? The text, whether of prophet or of poet, expands for whatever we can put into it, and even his bad grammar is sublime."

What believer sees a disturbing omission or infelicity? The text, whether of prophet or of poet, expands for whatever we can put into it, and even his bad grammar is sublime.

Believer Quotes: "I'm a great believer in people and their untapped potential."

I'm a great believer in people and their untapped potential.

Believer Quotes: "I would say that I am a poor Christian; I'm not a believer. It was this idea very early in my life that life on Earth, nature or man could not be a creation of a merciful God."

I would say that I am a poor Christian; I'm not a believer. It was this idea very early in my life that life on Earth, nature or man could not be a creation of a merciful God.

Believer Quotes: "I am not an enormous believer in research being the be-all and end-all. I get suspicious when I read about actors spending six months in a clinic, say, in order to play someone who is sick."

I am not an enormous believer in research being the be-all and end-all. I get suspicious when I read about actors spending six months in a clinic, say, in order to play someone who is sick.

Believer Quotes: "I am a believer and a conformist."

I am a believer and a conformist.