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Big Quotes

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Big Quotes: "The idealism of the left is a very selfish idealism. In their war against 'the rich' and big business, they don't care how much collateral damage there is to workers who end up end up unemployed."

The idealism of the left is a very selfish idealism. In their war against 'the rich' and big business, they don't care how much collateral damage there is to workers who end up end up unemployed.

Big Quotes: "I think that fashion has become such a big business and with globalization we are on new territory at this point. We are not just designing for a country we are designing for a world now."

I think that fashion has become such a big business and with globalization we are on new territory at this point. We are not just designing for a country we are designing for a world now.

Big Quotes: "It's important to have a plan, a big picture. You can deviate from it or change it completely, but it gives you something to work for."

It's important to have a plan, a big picture. You can deviate from it or change it completely, but it gives you something to work for.

Big Quotes: "In this life you can take poverty, you can take failure, you can take the big things; it's the little griefs that destroy you inside."

In this life you can take poverty, you can take failure, you can take the big things; it's the little griefs that destroy you inside.

Big Quotes: "Murders came with smiles, shooting people was no big deal for us Goodfellas."

Murders came with smiles, shooting people was no big deal for us Goodfellas.

Big Quotes: "Travelling so much, sometimes my luggage goes astray. But I can get the right stuff sent to me overnight by a special shipper. No big deal."

Travelling so much, sometimes my luggage goes astray. But I can get the right stuff sent to me overnight by a special shipper. No big deal.

Big Quotes: "All the big problems of the world today are routed in the philosophy of separateness and dualism."

All the big problems of the world today are routed in the philosophy of separateness and dualism.

Big Quotes: "I know that I'm kind of a big deal online, but I think that some of that is starting to seep into the streets, and you want to kind of continue to make sure it does that."

I know that I'm kind of a big deal online, but I think that some of that is starting to seep into the streets, and you want to kind of continue to make sure it does that.

Big Quotes: "Today it is not big business that we have to fear. It is big government."

Today it is not big business that we have to fear. It is big government.

Big Quotes: "People forget that when you’re 16, you’re probably more serious than you’ll ever be again. You think seriously about the big questions."

People forget that when you’re 16, you’re probably more serious than you’ll ever be again. You think seriously about the big questions.

Big Quotes: "The best view of big government is in the rearview mirror as we leave it behind."

The best view of big government is in the rearview mirror as we leave it behind.

Big Quotes: "As you know, transforming such a big book [The Gunslinger Born] into graphic novel format is really a process of translation."

As you know, transforming such a big book [The Gunslinger Born] into graphic novel format is really a process of translation.

Big Quotes: "Back in my day, we called it rock 'n' roll, but then we always reminded listeners that it was no big deal if they didn't like it."

Back in my day, we called it rock 'n' roll, but then we always reminded listeners that it was no big deal if they didn't like it.

Big Quotes: "If you want to be rich, think big, think differently."

If you want to be rich, think big, think differently.

Big Quotes: "Big business always serve - directly or indirectly - the masses."

Big business always serve - directly or indirectly - the masses.

Big Quotes: "Two bricklayers work side by side. The first lays bricks. The second builds magnificent cathedrals. Think small vs. think big."

Two bricklayers work side by side. The first lays bricks. The second builds magnificent cathedrals. Think small vs. think big.

Big Quotes: "When you don't have much money, you get creative. There's so much money that gets wasted on big movie sets. But when you don't have much money, you improvise."

When you don't have much money, you get creative. There's so much money that gets wasted on big movie sets. But when you don't have much money, you improvise.

Big Quotes: "I think of myself as a bad writer with big ideas, but I'd rather be that than a big writer with bad ideas."

I think of myself as a bad writer with big ideas, but I'd rather be that than a big writer with bad ideas.

Big Quotes: "Appreciation is a powerful tool to shift perspective. Finding something to appreciate during a difficult situation quickly moves the perspective to the big picture from the little picture."

Appreciation is a powerful tool to shift perspective. Finding something to appreciate during a difficult situation quickly moves the perspective to the big picture from the little picture.

Big Quotes: "Take risks. Ask big questions. Don't be afraid to make mistakes; if you don't make mistakes, you're not reaching far enough."

Take risks. Ask big questions. Don't be afraid to make mistakes; if you don't make mistakes, you're not reaching far enough.

Big Quotes: "One can remain alive long past the usual date of disintegration if one is unafraid of change, insatiable in intellectual curiosity, interested in big things, and happy in small ways."

One can remain alive long past the usual date of disintegration if one is unafraid of change, insatiable in intellectual curiosity, interested in big things, and happy in small ways.

Big Quotes: "My second record was all about big ideas - I was trying to make big statements about the culture, about life. I think in a certain way, I was a 27 year old kid with a guitar"

My second record was all about big ideas - I was trying to make big statements about the culture, about life. I think in a certain way, I was a 27 year old kid with a guitar

Big Quotes: "If you think big, then it's going to be big."

If you think big, then it's going to be big.

Big Quotes: "It's so sad, you get less starstruck when you start realizing that it's not a big deal."

It's so sad, you get less starstruck when you start realizing that it's not a big deal.

Big Quotes: "We need modern ideas, but we also need ancient wisdom. If we deny ancient wisdom we are making a big mistake."

We need modern ideas, but we also need ancient wisdom. If we deny ancient wisdom we are making a big mistake.

Big Quotes: "It's hard for young players to see the big picture. They just see three or four years down the road."

It's hard for young players to see the big picture. They just see three or four years down the road.

Big Quotes: "I have more artistic control in a smaller show. But it doesn't really matter. Sometimes you can have the smallest role in the smallest production and still make a big impact."

I have more artistic control in a smaller show. But it doesn't really matter. Sometimes you can have the smallest role in the smallest production and still make a big impact.

Big Quotes: "As an investor, what we're not looking for is 'oh this is a cool app,' it's 'is this something that can become a big business?' You need to find those that can become real businesses."

As an investor, what we're not looking for is 'oh this is a cool app,' it's 'is this something that can become a big business?' You need to find those that can become real businesses.

Big Quotes: "We're going to start with small, easy things; then, little by little we shall try our hand at the big things. And after that, after we finish the big things, we shall undertake the impossible."

We're going to start with small, easy things; then, little by little we shall try our hand at the big things. And after that, after we finish the big things, we shall undertake the impossible.

Big Quotes: "Beware of the tyranny of making small changes to small things. Rather, make big changes to big things."

Beware of the tyranny of making small changes to small things. Rather, make big changes to big things.

Big Quotes: "We often plough so much energy into the big picture, we forget the pixels."

We often plough so much energy into the big picture, we forget the pixels.

Big Quotes: "We demand that big business give the people a square deal; in return we must insist that when any one engaged in big business honestly endeavors to do right he shall himself be given a square deal."

We demand that big business give the people a square deal; in return we must insist that when any one engaged in big business honestly endeavors to do right he shall himself be given a square deal.

Big Quotes: "Rich people think BIG. Poor people think small."

Rich people think BIG. Poor people think small.

Big Quotes: "It's more important to do big things well than to do small things perfectly."

It's more important to do big things well than to do small things perfectly.

Big Quotes: "Always eyes watching you and the voice enveloping you. Asleep or awake, indoors or out of doors, in the bath or bed- no escape. Nothing was your own except the few cubic centimeters in your skull."

Always eyes watching you and the voice enveloping you. Asleep or awake, indoors or out of doors, in the bath or bed- no escape. Nothing was your own except the few cubic centimeters in your skull.

Big Quotes: "I didn't have any ambition to produce big mainstream popcorn movies."

I didn't have any ambition to produce big mainstream popcorn movies.

Big Quotes: "Nobody will ever notice that. Filmmaking is not about the tiny details. It's about the big picture."

Nobody will ever notice that. Filmmaking is not about the tiny details. It's about the big picture.

Big Quotes: "That's a big love letter," she says, squinting. I know what I'm going to say and for a moment I wish there was a film crew documenting my day-to-day life: "I've got a big heart," I say."

That's a big love letter," she says, squinting. I know what I'm going to say and for a moment I wish there was a film crew documenting my day-to-day life: "I've got a big heart," I say.

Big Quotes: "The big change is the proximity to death."

The big change is the proximity to death.

Big Quotes: "Hello, my name is the republican party, and I have a problem. I am addicted to spending and the government - and a big government. I would like one of them just to stand up and say that."

Hello, my name is the republican party, and I have a problem. I am addicted to spending and the government - and a big government. I would like one of them just to stand up and say that.

Big Quotes: "Being human is itself difficult, and therefore all kinds of settlements (except dream cities) have problems. Big cities have difficulties in abundance, because they have people in abundance."

Being human is itself difficult, and therefore all kinds of settlements (except dream cities) have problems. Big cities have difficulties in abundance, because they have people in abundance.

Big Quotes: "I've had small parts in big pictures and big parts in small pictures."

I've had small parts in big pictures and big parts in small pictures.

Big Quotes: "I did keep a travel diary once and it was a big mistake. All I remember of that trip is what I bothered to write down."

I did keep a travel diary once and it was a big mistake. All I remember of that trip is what I bothered to write down.

Big Quotes: "You never fight your eye when you look at a hole. If it looks one way, play it that way. Don't make a big deal out of an easy shot."

You never fight your eye when you look at a hole. If it looks one way, play it that way. Don't make a big deal out of an easy shot.

Big Quotes: "You can't be for big government, big taxes and big bureaucracy and still be for the little guy."

You can't be for big government, big taxes and big bureaucracy and still be for the little guy.

Big Quotes: "Pay no attention to pop culture, for it is what poisons our minds and divides our children. Materialism promotes negative values and egotism. Eliminate all of it. It is the plague of Big Business."

Pay no attention to pop culture, for it is what poisons our minds and divides our children. Materialism promotes negative values and egotism. Eliminate all of it. It is the plague of Big Business.

Big Quotes: "Mike Tyson always had a big heart, but one of his problems is that he's short. And he's got kind of a personal attitude. But that don't make him a great fighter."

Mike Tyson always had a big heart, but one of his problems is that he's short. And he's got kind of a personal attitude. But that don't make him a great fighter.

Big Quotes: "I do have a few personalities. When people started making a big deal out of it, I started making names for these people."

I do have a few personalities. When people started making a big deal out of it, I started making names for these people.

Big Quotes: "The Energy Bus serves as a force field to ward off any negativity that tries to infiltrate or enter your team or business. It made a big impact on our team. I recommend it highly!"

The Energy Bus serves as a force field to ward off any negativity that tries to infiltrate or enter your team or business. It made a big impact on our team. I recommend it highly!