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Brainy Quotes

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Brainy Quotes: "Never forget O Brave One, the best kind of existence is to exist for others."

Never forget O Brave One, the best kind of existence is to exist for others.

Brainy Quotes: "Despite the fact that we cannot be absolutely altruistic in our behavior, we can still build our character to be loving and compassionate – to empathize with others."

Despite the fact that we cannot be absolutely altruistic in our behavior, we can still build our character to be loving and compassionate – to empathize with others.

Brainy Quotes: "Quran, like most other scriptures, is a book of most wonderful truth mixed with the most disgraceful superstitions of human nature."

Quran, like most other scriptures, is a book of most wonderful truth mixed with the most disgraceful superstitions of human nature.

Brainy Quotes: "We may always enslave ourselves to mankind if we do not clearly differentiate between showing respect to mankind from pleasing mankind"

We may always enslave ourselves to mankind if we do not clearly differentiate between showing respect to mankind from pleasing mankind

Brainy Quotes: "All states of consciousness, no matter how mystical, ecstatic or divine, are gloriously born through the protoplasmic activity of the brain."

All states of consciousness, no matter how mystical, ecstatic or divine, are gloriously born through the protoplasmic activity of the brain.

Brainy Quotes: "Act like you have a lot of venom inside you, but never inject them into anyone."

Act like you have a lot of venom inside you, but never inject them into anyone.

Brainy Quotes: "The only day you should never write and achieve your goals is when the day ends with the letter y."

The only day you should never write and achieve your goals is when the day ends with the letter y.

Brainy Quotes: "A person who values their goals actually values their achievements."

A person who values their goals actually values their achievements.

Brainy Quotes: "Religion is the Self revealing secrets of the Self to the Self."

Religion is the Self revealing secrets of the Self to the Self.

Brainy Quotes: "The only sin in this world is to lose faith in yourself."

The only sin in this world is to lose faith in yourself.

Brainy Quotes: "Perception is like painting a scenery - no matter how beautifully you paint, it will still be a painting of the scenery, not the scenery itself."

Perception is like painting a scenery - no matter how beautifully you paint, it will still be a painting of the scenery, not the scenery itself.

Brainy Quotes: "Consciousness is simply the brain’s neural response to its surrounding environmental stimuli. Hence when the neural circuits malfunction, Consciousness tends to malfunction as well."

Consciousness is simply the brain’s neural response to its surrounding environmental stimuli. Hence when the neural circuits malfunction, Consciousness tends to malfunction as well.

Brainy Quotes: "Regardless of all our pretenses, deep within, we are still unconsciously the same old cave-people."

Regardless of all our pretenses, deep within, we are still unconsciously the same old cave-people.

Brainy Quotes: "God is not an Almighty Being watching over life on earth. God is the Event Horizon of Human Consciousness."

God is not an Almighty Being watching over life on earth. God is the Event Horizon of Human Consciousness.

Brainy Quotes: "It is not about whether you have free will, rather it is about whether you have enough experience to make the best possible wilful decision in the current moment of life."

It is not about whether you have free will, rather it is about whether you have enough experience to make the best possible wilful decision in the current moment of life.

Brainy Quotes: "What we are at this very moment, is determined by the sum total of all our experiences till this moment."

What we are at this very moment, is determined by the sum total of all our experiences till this moment.

Brainy Quotes: "Do you know great minds enjoy excellence, average minds love mediocrity and small minds adore comfort zones?"

Do you know great minds enjoy excellence, average minds love mediocrity and small minds adore comfort zones?

Brainy Quotes: "In the absence of self-control, this primordial nature of the limbic brain often compels the mind to give in to evils of corruption."

In the absence of self-control, this primordial nature of the limbic brain often compels the mind to give in to evils of corruption.

Brainy Quotes: "The real virtue is not to be free from desires but to be content with what you have."

The real virtue is not to be free from desires but to be content with what you have.

Brainy Quotes: "You may travel the whole world, but you'll not find true religion anywhere. Whatever there is, it is in your own mind."

You may travel the whole world, but you'll not find true religion anywhere. Whatever there is, it is in your own mind.

Brainy Quotes: "You can get the man out of stone-age, but not stone-age out of man."

You can get the man out of stone-age, but not stone-age out of man.

Brainy Quotes: "Morality does not come from a book, it comes from the human mind."

Morality does not come from a book, it comes from the human mind.

Brainy Quotes: "There's no shame compared to being beautiful with nothing in your brain, an ugly devil with wits is much better that the former."

There's no shame compared to being beautiful with nothing in your brain, an ugly devil with wits is much better that the former.

Brainy Quotes: "Where ignorance prevails, there an opportunity exists but the possessor of ignorance shall always be ignorant of opportunities"

Where ignorance prevails, there an opportunity exists but the possessor of ignorance shall always be ignorant of opportunities

Brainy Quotes: "you may always find good books to read but the best and the ultimate book to read is the Holy Bible"

you may always find good books to read but the best and the ultimate book to read is the Holy Bible

Brainy Quotes: "In love the brain is situated in the heart"

In love the brain is situated in the heart

Brainy Quotes: "Leadership isn't about age but rather, leadership is about influence, impact & inspiration."

Leadership isn't about age but rather, leadership is about influence, impact & inspiration.

Brainy Quotes: "Sentiments that glorify humanity know no racial distinction."

Sentiments that glorify humanity know no racial distinction.

Brainy Quotes: "Call up the ever-pure, the effulgent and the ever-radiant character of true humanism in yourself and in others, and no racism shall have the power to thrive in such society even for a few seconds."

Call up the ever-pure, the effulgent and the ever-radiant character of true humanism in yourself and in others, and no racism shall have the power to thrive in such society even for a few seconds.

Brainy Quotes: "It is character that should be the sole measure of judgement in the society of thinking humanity, and nothing short of that would do."

It is character that should be the sole measure of judgement in the society of thinking humanity, and nothing short of that would do.

Brainy Quotes: "In the biological sense, race does not exist."

In the biological sense, race does not exist.

Brainy Quotes: "No human, no matter how ancient, or how popular, can be above the laws of Nature."

No human, no matter how ancient, or how popular, can be above the laws of Nature.

Brainy Quotes: "The more fundamentalist a person, the more immoral and inhuman he is."

The more fundamentalist a person, the more immoral and inhuman he is.

Brainy Quotes: "If origin defines race, then we are all Africans – we are all black."

If origin defines race, then we are all Africans – we are all black.

Brainy Quotes: "Neither humans nor the Gods that they have created are superior to old Mother Nature."

Neither humans nor the Gods that they have created are superior to old Mother Nature.

Brainy Quotes: "We humans are the gods of this planet. And we also have created Superior Gods than us, to have a sense of security."

We humans are the gods of this planet. And we also have created Superior Gods than us, to have a sense of security.

Brainy Quotes: "As the neo-cortex of the brain keeps getting more complex through further evolution, eventually our far away progeny will born in a world where there will be no more religion to be endowed upon them."

As the neo-cortex of the brain keeps getting more complex through further evolution, eventually our far away progeny will born in a world where there will be no more religion to be endowed upon them.

Brainy Quotes: "Entrepreneur, stay hungry, stay humble & stay hopeful."

Entrepreneur, stay hungry, stay humble & stay hopeful.

Brainy Quotes: "There is a scientific explanation behind everything. Finding it depends on whether you give in to the much simpler supernatural explanation."

There is a scientific explanation behind everything. Finding it depends on whether you give in to the much simpler supernatural explanation.

Brainy Quotes: "Entrepreneur, become so disciplined that even your distractions become focused."

Entrepreneur, become so disciplined that even your distractions become focused.

Brainy Quotes: "In the world of primitive savages, religion and bigotry go hand in hand. But, in the world of civilized humans, religion and reason must go hand in hand."

In the world of primitive savages, religion and bigotry go hand in hand. But, in the world of civilized humans, religion and reason must go hand in hand.

Brainy Quotes: "In five minutes you should know if people have confirmed, calculated & considered your vision."

In five minutes you should know if people have confirmed, calculated & considered your vision.

Brainy Quotes: "Hard work and determination-that is what will get you closer towards accomplishing your goal."

Hard work and determination-that is what will get you closer towards accomplishing your goal.

Brainy Quotes: "There exist no new mistakes anywhere. The same mistakes people committed are the same mistakes people are committing and the same mistakes shall people commit"

There exist no new mistakes anywhere. The same mistakes people committed are the same mistakes people are committing and the same mistakes shall people commit

Brainy Quotes: "One of the things I’ve learned about vision is people will grab it mentally or, have a crab mentality."

One of the things I’ve learned about vision is people will grab it mentally or, have a crab mentality.