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Buddhist Quotes

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Buddhist Quotes: "A sick body with a good heart is more beneficial to future lives than a fit, healthy body that is used for self-cherishing."

A sick body with a good heart is more beneficial to future lives than a fit, healthy body that is used for self-cherishing.

Buddhist Quotes: "Let him the intelligent man admonish, let him teach, let him forbid what is improper ! - he will be beloved of the good, by the bad he will be hated."

Let him the intelligent man admonish, let him teach, let him forbid what is improper ! - he will be beloved of the good, by the bad he will be hated.

Buddhist Quotes: "Even if one isn't a committed Buddhist, it just helps us become better human beings."

Even if one isn't a committed Buddhist, it just helps us become better human beings.

Buddhist Quotes: "Through effort you will cross any raging flood, through energy you will pass any sorrow."

Through effort you will cross any raging flood, through energy you will pass any sorrow.

Buddhist Quotes: "Hatred does not cease through hatred at any time. Hatred ceases through love. This is an unalterable law."

Hatred does not cease through hatred at any time. Hatred ceases through love. This is an unalterable law.

Buddhist Quotes: "Therefore, be ye lamps unto yourselves, be ye a refuge to yourselves. Hold fast to the truth as a lamp; hold fast as a refuge to the truth. Look not for refuge to anyone besides yourselves."

Therefore, be ye lamps unto yourselves, be ye a refuge to yourselves. Hold fast to the truth as a lamp; hold fast as a refuge to the truth. Look not for refuge to anyone besides yourselves.

Buddhist Quotes: "Our theories of the eternal are as valuable as are those which a chick which has not broken its way through its shell might form of the outside world."

Our theories of the eternal are as valuable as are those which a chick which has not broken its way through its shell might form of the outside world.

Buddhist Quotes: "Do not have as friends harmful people, the wise person does not associate with the worst of people. Have as friends virtuous people, the wise person associates with the best of people."

Do not have as friends harmful people, the wise person does not associate with the worst of people. Have as friends virtuous people, the wise person associates with the best of people.

Buddhist Quotes: "Awakening self-compassion is often the greatest challenge people face on the spiritual path."

Awakening self-compassion is often the greatest challenge people face on the spiritual path.

Buddhist Quotes: "I am always at the beginning."

I am always at the beginning.

Buddhist Quotes: "The creation of a more peaceful and happier society has to begin from the level of the individual, and from there it can expand to one's family, to one's neighborhood, to one's community and so on."

The creation of a more peaceful and happier society has to begin from the level of the individual, and from there it can expand to one's family, to one's neighborhood, to one's community and so on.

Buddhist Quotes: "In every trial Let understanding fight for you."

In every trial Let understanding fight for you.

Buddhist Quotes: "A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life."

A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.

Buddhist Quotes: "He who causes suffering shall suffer. There is no escape."

He who causes suffering shall suffer. There is no escape.

Buddhist Quotes: "I'm not a preacher, but I preach. I'm not a Buddhist, but I chant. I'm not race theorist, but I have questions and ponderances around the complexities of race and class and culture wherever I am."

I'm not a preacher, but I preach. I'm not a Buddhist, but I chant. I'm not race theorist, but I have questions and ponderances around the complexities of race and class and culture wherever I am.

Buddhist Quotes: "Whoever has done harmful actions but later covers them up with good is like the moon which, freed from clouds, lights up the world."

Whoever has done harmful actions but later covers them up with good is like the moon which, freed from clouds, lights up the world.

Buddhist Quotes: "After much seeking for truth and knowledge the profoundness of reality came to me with a clarity never before known."

After much seeking for truth and knowledge the profoundness of reality came to me with a clarity never before known.

Buddhist Quotes: "Until he has unconditional and unbiased love for all beings, man will not find peace."

Until he has unconditional and unbiased love for all beings, man will not find peace.

Buddhist Quotes: "Live contemplating the body. Contemplate internally and externally. Contemplate the origination of things in the body. Contemplate the dissolution of things in the body."

Live contemplating the body. Contemplate internally and externally. Contemplate the origination of things in the body. Contemplate the dissolution of things in the body.

Buddhist Quotes: "As a water bead on a lotus leaf, as water on a red lily, does not adhere, so the sage does not adhere to the seen, the heard, or the sensed."

As a water bead on a lotus leaf, as water on a red lily, does not adhere, so the sage does not adhere to the seen, the heard, or the sensed.

Buddhist Quotes: "Encountering sufferings will definitely contribute to the elevation of your spiritual practice, provided you are able to transform calamity and misfortune into the path."

Encountering sufferings will definitely contribute to the elevation of your spiritual practice, provided you are able to transform calamity and misfortune into the path.

Buddhist Quotes: "The world is afflicted by death and decay. But the wise do not grieve, having realized the nature of the world."

The world is afflicted by death and decay. But the wise do not grieve, having realized the nature of the world.

Buddhist Quotes: "Overcome your uncertainties and free yourself from dwelling on sorrow. When you delight in existence, you will awaken, and become a guide to those in need, revealing the path to many."

Overcome your uncertainties and free yourself from dwelling on sorrow. When you delight in existence, you will awaken, and become a guide to those in need, revealing the path to many.

Buddhist Quotes: "Love and serve the world through your work."

Love and serve the world through your work.

Buddhist Quotes: "By defilement of mind, beings are defiled; by purification of mind, beings are purified."

By defilement of mind, beings are defiled; by purification of mind, beings are purified.

Buddhist Quotes: "Life is available only in the present moment."

Life is available only in the present moment.

Buddhist Quotes: "This moving away from comfort and security, this stepping out into what is unknown, uncharted and shaky - that's called liberation."

This moving away from comfort and security, this stepping out into what is unknown, uncharted and shaky - that's called liberation.

Buddhist Quotes: "When there's a disappointment, I don't know if it's the end of the story. It may just be the beginning of a great adventure."

When there's a disappointment, I don't know if it's the end of the story. It may just be the beginning of a great adventure.

Buddhist Quotes: "One can appreciate & celebrate each moment — there’s nothing more sacred. There’s nothing more vast or absolute. In fact, there’s nothing more!"

One can appreciate & celebrate each moment — there’s nothing more sacred. There’s nothing more vast or absolute. In fact, there’s nothing more!

Buddhist Quotes: "We have Jews, Muslims, Hindus, atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, and their own path to grace is one that we have to revere and respect as much as our own"

We have Jews, Muslims, Hindus, atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, and their own path to grace is one that we have to revere and respect as much as our own

Buddhist Quotes: "Feeling sorry for yourself for one single minute is okay, but spend all your remaining time on solutions."

Feeling sorry for yourself for one single minute is okay, but spend all your remaining time on solutions.

Buddhist Quotes: "With no mind, flowers lure the butterfly; With no mind, the butterfly visits the blossoms. Yet when flowers bloom, the butterfly comes; When the butterfly comes, the flowers bloom."

With no mind, flowers lure the butterfly; With no mind, the butterfly visits the blossoms. Yet when flowers bloom, the butterfly comes; When the butterfly comes, the flowers bloom.

Buddhist Quotes: "The best part of all is that no matter how long you practice, or what method you use, every technique of Buddhist meditation ultimately generates compassion."

The best part of all is that no matter how long you practice, or what method you use, every technique of Buddhist meditation ultimately generates compassion.

Buddhist Quotes: "No Buddhist, no Christian, no Hindu. Deeply religious people have no religion. They belong to no seat, theirs is the religion of the heart!"

No Buddhist, no Christian, no Hindu. Deeply religious people have no religion. They belong to no seat, theirs is the religion of the heart!

Buddhist Quotes: "I admire the fact that the central core of Buddhist teaching involves mindfulness and loving kindness and compassion."

I admire the fact that the central core of Buddhist teaching involves mindfulness and loving kindness and compassion.

Buddhist Quotes: "My first encounter with Buddhist dharma would be in my early 20s. Like most young men, I was not particularly happy."

My first encounter with Buddhist dharma would be in my early 20s. Like most young men, I was not particularly happy.

Buddhist Quotes: "Practice meditation regularly. Meditation leads to eternal bliss. Therefore meditate, meditate."

Practice meditation regularly. Meditation leads to eternal bliss. Therefore meditate, meditate.

Buddhist Quotes: "Pay no attention to the faults of others, things done or left undone by others. Consider only what by oneself is done or left undone."

Pay no attention to the faults of others, things done or left undone by others. Consider only what by oneself is done or left undone.

Buddhist Quotes: "Ambition is like love, impatient both of delays and rivals."

Ambition is like love, impatient both of delays and rivals.

Buddhist Quotes: "Things are not what they appear to be: nor are they otherwise."

Things are not what they appear to be: nor are they otherwise.

Buddhist Quotes: "When others put you down for who you are or what you're doing, it just means that you're going in the right direction."

When others put you down for who you are or what you're doing, it just means that you're going in the right direction.

Buddhist Quotes: "Like a beautiful flower that is colorful but has no fragrance, even well spoken words bear no fruit in one who does not put them into practice."

Like a beautiful flower that is colorful but has no fragrance, even well spoken words bear no fruit in one who does not put them into practice.

Buddhist Quotes: "Half the spiritual life consists of remembering what we are up against and where we are going."

Half the spiritual life consists of remembering what we are up against and where we are going.

Buddhist Quotes: "According to Buddhist scriptures, compassion is the "quivering of the pure heart" when we have allowed ourselves to be touched by the pain of life."

According to Buddhist scriptures, compassion is the "quivering of the pure heart" when we have allowed ourselves to be touched by the pain of life.

Buddhist Quotes: "'As I am, so are these. As are these, so am I.' Drawing the parallel to yourself, neither kill nor get others to kill."

'As I am, so are these. As are these, so am I.' Drawing the parallel to yourself, neither kill nor get others to kill.

Buddhist Quotes: "If a man can control his body and mind and thereby refrains from eating animal flesh and wearing animal products, I say he will really be liberated."

If a man can control his body and mind and thereby refrains from eating animal flesh and wearing animal products, I say he will really be liberated.

Buddhist Quotes: "All beings tremble before violence. All love life. All fear death. See yourself in others. Then whom can you hurt? What harm can you do?"

All beings tremble before violence. All love life. All fear death. See yourself in others. Then whom can you hurt? What harm can you do?

Buddhist Quotes: "I teach one thing and one only: that is, suffering and the end of suffering."

I teach one thing and one only: that is, suffering and the end of suffering.

Buddhist Quotes: "The mentor can be identified by four things: by restraining you from wrongdoing, guiding you towards good actions, telling you what you ought to know, and showing you the path to heaven."

The mentor can be identified by four things: by restraining you from wrongdoing, guiding you towards good actions, telling you what you ought to know, and showing you the path to heaven.