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Built Quotes: "The first piano was built long after they didn't have any at all."

The first piano was built long after they didn't have any at all.

Built Quotes: "I like my jokes to be built on a foundation of ideas, or at least smart observations."

I like my jokes to be built on a foundation of ideas, or at least smart observations.

Built Quotes: "Character is built out of circumstances. From exactly the same materials, one man builds palaces, while another builds hovels."

Character is built out of circumstances. From exactly the same materials, one man builds palaces, while another builds hovels.

Built Quotes: "Christmas is built upon a beautiful and intentional paradox; that the birth of the homeless should be celebrated in every home."

Christmas is built upon a beautiful and intentional paradox; that the birth of the homeless should be celebrated in every home.

Built Quotes: "A composition is an arrangement, built out of parts, that aims at seamlessness."

A composition is an arrangement, built out of parts, that aims at seamlessness.

Built Quotes: "I'm consciously aware, specifically with the comic book world, where there's a built-in fanbase. But, there's a little bit of leniency because there are a couple different universes."

I'm consciously aware, specifically with the comic book world, where there's a built-in fanbase. But, there's a little bit of leniency because there are a couple different universes.

Built Quotes: "Romantic comedies are built to be light. They're built for a certain buoyancy."

Romantic comedies are built to be light. They're built for a certain buoyancy.

Built Quotes: "By fashion and built-in obsolescence the economies of machine production, instead of producing leisure and durable wealth, are duly cancelled out by the mandatory consumption on an even larger scale."

By fashion and built-in obsolescence the economies of machine production, instead of producing leisure and durable wealth, are duly cancelled out by the mandatory consumption on an even larger scale.

Built Quotes: "Elton wanted a garden. They were building all afternoon while we were rehearsing. And then they built a fountain for Elton. And he said, I was only joking!"

Elton wanted a garden. They were building all afternoon while we were rehearsing. And then they built a fountain for Elton. And he said, I was only joking!

Built Quotes: "The reason why Nokia has been built in Finland is simply because Finland was very far behind in terms of infrastructure, so it was relatively easy to implement new technology."

The reason why Nokia has been built in Finland is simply because Finland was very far behind in terms of infrastructure, so it was relatively easy to implement new technology.

Built Quotes: "If a power station were to be built down the road, I'd prefer a nuclear plant over an oil burner, and definitely over a coal burner. We simply have to lessen our consumption of fossil fuels."

If a power station were to be built down the road, I'd prefer a nuclear plant over an oil burner, and definitely over a coal burner. We simply have to lessen our consumption of fossil fuels.

Built Quotes: "There is but one fountain of comfort for a man drawing near to his end, and that is the Bible. ...All comfort from any other source is a house built upon sand."

There is but one fountain of comfort for a man drawing near to his end, and that is the Bible. ...All comfort from any other source is a house built upon sand.

Built Quotes: "One can compare art education to the solid foundation for a house - once it's built properly, it will hold any shape or form you will place on it."

One can compare art education to the solid foundation for a house - once it's built properly, it will hold any shape or form you will place on it.

Built Quotes: "Wild Eyes was built for speed and I was flying down walls of water twenty and thirty feet high."

Wild Eyes was built for speed and I was flying down walls of water twenty and thirty feet high.

Built Quotes: "National character cannot be built by law. It is the sum of the moral fiber of its individuals."

National character cannot be built by law. It is the sum of the moral fiber of its individuals.

Built Quotes: "Out of sorrow entire worlds have been built out of longing great wonders have been willed they're only little tears darling let them spill and lay your head upon my shoulder."

Out of sorrow entire worlds have been built out of longing great wonders have been willed they're only little tears darling let them spill and lay your head upon my shoulder.

Built Quotes: "We are built with a passion in our heart for the things that we're meant to do."

We are built with a passion in our heart for the things that we're meant to do.

Built Quotes: "I literally designed and built the sets myself, and I kind of liked it. I always gave myself eight weeks to do that - sometimes even 10 - and the shooting took five or six weeks."

I literally designed and built the sets myself, and I kind of liked it. I always gave myself eight weeks to do that - sometimes even 10 - and the shooting took five or six weeks.

Built Quotes: "Our value is built into us, and nothing and no one can take it away."

Our value is built into us, and nothing and no one can take it away.

Built Quotes: "The ideal weapons system is built in 435 congressional districts and it doesn't matter whether it works or not."

The ideal weapons system is built in 435 congressional districts and it doesn't matter whether it works or not.

Built Quotes: "In general, good tools for staying in sync just haven't been built and made available to the world."

In general, good tools for staying in sync just haven't been built and made available to the world.

Built Quotes: "Technology should be used to create unforgettable experiences that enhance our natural and built environments, transforming them in newly meaningful ways."

Technology should be used to create unforgettable experiences that enhance our natural and built environments, transforming them in newly meaningful ways.

Built Quotes: "But we reject the belief that America must choose between caring for the generation that built this country and investing in the generation that will build its future."

But we reject the belief that America must choose between caring for the generation that built this country and investing in the generation that will build its future.

Built Quotes: "The careful reader of the New Testament will find three Christs described: - One who wished to preserve Judaism - one who wished to reform it, and one who built a system of his own"

The careful reader of the New Testament will find three Christs described: - One who wished to preserve Judaism - one who wished to reform it, and one who built a system of his own

Built Quotes: "John's old Caddie had a huge engine that would qualify as a human rights violation if built today. It roared down the road, chugging gas and farting a blue cloud of dinosaur souls."

John's old Caddie had a huge engine that would qualify as a human rights violation if built today. It roared down the road, chugging gas and farting a blue cloud of dinosaur souls.

Built Quotes: "Not only was [Edwin Land] one of the great inventors of our time but, more important, he saw the intersection of art and science and business and built an organization to reflect that."

Not only was [Edwin Land] one of the great inventors of our time but, more important, he saw the intersection of art and science and business and built an organization to reflect that.

Built Quotes: "I have the background singers of Ray Charles, the background singers of Smokey Robinson, and the background singers of Barry White and I built a choir around that."

I have the background singers of Ray Charles, the background singers of Smokey Robinson, and the background singers of Barry White and I built a choir around that.

Built Quotes: "Trust is built step by step, commitment by commitment, on every level."

Trust is built step by step, commitment by commitment, on every level.

Built Quotes: "These were people... who built redwood decks on their mobile homes and have no idea that smart-aleck Yankees think that is somehow funny. People of the pines. My people."

These were people... who built redwood decks on their mobile homes and have no idea that smart-aleck Yankees think that is somehow funny. People of the pines. My people.

Built Quotes: "Men are shallow - we don't remember things like women do. Or we don't bring it up and blurt it out at inappropriate moments. When bridges are trying to be built, we don't detonate them."

Men are shallow - we don't remember things like women do. Or we don't bring it up and blurt it out at inappropriate moments. When bridges are trying to be built, we don't detonate them.

Built Quotes: "The Cathedrals were built to the glory of God; New York was built to the glory of Mammon."

The Cathedrals were built to the glory of God; New York was built to the glory of Mammon.

Built Quotes: "America was built on the can-do spirit and will continue to thrive on the can-do spirit."

America was built on the can-do spirit and will continue to thrive on the can-do spirit.

Built Quotes: "Admittedly communism has not been achieved in Russia. State socialism has been built."

Admittedly communism has not been achieved in Russia. State socialism has been built.

Built Quotes: "I have some women friends but I prefer men. Dont trust women. There is a built-in competition between women."

I have some women friends but I prefer men. Dont trust women. There is a built-in competition between women.

Built Quotes: "Elizabeth Taylor has a big heart. She recently built a halfway house for girls who don't want to go all the way."

Elizabeth Taylor has a big heart. She recently built a halfway house for girls who don't want to go all the way.

Built Quotes: "Temples are more than stone and mortar. They are filled with faith and fasting. They are built of trials and testimonies. They are sanctified by sacrifice and service."

Temples are more than stone and mortar. They are filled with faith and fasting. They are built of trials and testimonies. They are sanctified by sacrifice and service.

Built Quotes: "So often feminism is built up as this thing where you have to be perfect. You have to be consistent and you can't ever deviate. That's just not realistic."

So often feminism is built up as this thing where you have to be perfect. You have to be consistent and you can't ever deviate. That's just not realistic.

Built Quotes: "The man who wins is the average man, Not built on any particular plan; Not blessed with any particular luck"

The man who wins is the average man, Not built on any particular plan; Not blessed with any particular luck

Built Quotes: "For faith, as well intentioned as it may be, must be built on facts, not fiction - faith in fiction is a damnable false hope."

For faith, as well intentioned as it may be, must be built on facts, not fiction - faith in fiction is a damnable false hope.

Built Quotes: "I'm proud of what I achieved there, but a life built on memories is not much of a life."

I'm proud of what I achieved there, but a life built on memories is not much of a life.

Built Quotes: "I am built close to the ground and of extravagant body."

I am built close to the ground and of extravagant body.

Built Quotes: "I have an expensive hobby: buying homes, redoing them, tearing them down and building them up the way they want to be built. I want to be an architect."

I have an expensive hobby: buying homes, redoing them, tearing them down and building them up the way they want to be built. I want to be an architect.

Built Quotes: "Homes that are built on anything other than love are bound to crumble."

Homes that are built on anything other than love are bound to crumble.

Built Quotes: "What I know for sure is this: You are built not to shrink down to less, but to blossom into more. To be more extraordinary. To use every moment to fill yourself up."

What I know for sure is this: You are built not to shrink down to less, but to blossom into more. To be more extraordinary. To use every moment to fill yourself up.

Built Quotes: "I am perhaps a late follower of Zoroaster and I believe that the foundation of life is built upon the struggle between the two opposing forces of Good and Evil."

I am perhaps a late follower of Zoroaster and I believe that the foundation of life is built upon the struggle between the two opposing forces of Good and Evil.

Built Quotes: "Their houses are all built in the shape of tents, with very high chimneys."

Their houses are all built in the shape of tents, with very high chimneys.

Built Quotes: "Lasting and strong relations cannot be built on short-lived interests. A credible partnership is inconceivable without shared values and commitment to the same ideas."

Lasting and strong relations cannot be built on short-lived interests. A credible partnership is inconceivable without shared values and commitment to the same ideas.

Built Quotes: "It's an utter, utter necessity to renounce war forever. And nothing new can be built until this is done."

It's an utter, utter necessity to renounce war forever. And nothing new can be built until this is done.

Built Quotes: "I've been head of strategy at IBM and together with my colleagues built our five-year plan. My priorities are going to be to continue to execute on that."

I've been head of strategy at IBM and together with my colleagues built our five-year plan. My priorities are going to be to continue to execute on that.