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Busy Quotes

Find the best Busy quotes with images from our collection at QuotesLyfe. You can download, copy and even share it on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Linkedin, Pinterst, Reddit, etc. with your family, friends, colleagues, etc. The available pictures of Busy quotes can be used as your mobile or desktop wallpaper or screensaver. Also, remember to explore the Busy quote of the day.

Busy Quotes: "I'm very well acquainted with the seven deadly sins, I keep a busy schedule trying to fit them in."

I'm very well acquainted with the seven deadly sins, I keep a busy schedule trying to fit them in.

Busy Quotes: "Hairdressers are professional gossips; when only the hands are busy, the tongue is seldom still."

Hairdressers are professional gossips; when only the hands are busy, the tongue is seldom still.

Busy Quotes: "The dons of Oxford and Cambridge are too busy educating the young men to be able to teach them anything."

The dons of Oxford and Cambridge are too busy educating the young men to be able to teach them anything.

Busy Quotes: "I have need to busy my heart with quietude."

I have need to busy my heart with quietude.

Busy Quotes: "Of course I don't look busy, I did it right the first time."

Of course I don't look busy, I did it right the first time.

Busy Quotes: "Great peace is found in little busy-ness."

Great peace is found in little busy-ness.

Busy Quotes: "Your problem is not that you are too busy; your problem is that you don't own your situation."

Your problem is not that you are too busy; your problem is that you don't own your situation.

Busy Quotes: "But the very act of pausing in a busy day to pray is an act of weakening pride in my life, acknowledging that I am a dependent creature. I am not self sufficient."

But the very act of pausing in a busy day to pray is an act of weakening pride in my life, acknowledging that I am a dependent creature. I am not self sufficient.

Busy Quotes: "Life seems to be busy for most people and if you know you are doing the best you can then there really is nothing more you can do then that."

Life seems to be busy for most people and if you know you are doing the best you can then there really is nothing more you can do then that.

Busy Quotes: "The thinking mind is what is busy. You have to stay in your heart. You have to be in your heart. Be in your heart. The rest is up here in your head where you are doing, doing, doing."

The thinking mind is what is busy. You have to stay in your heart. You have to be in your heart. Be in your heart. The rest is up here in your head where you are doing, doing, doing.

Busy Quotes: "Your problem is you're... too busy holding onto your unworthiness."

Your problem is you're... too busy holding onto your unworthiness.

Busy Quotes: "We are so busy measuring public opinion that we forget we can mold it. We are so busy listening to statistics we forget we can create them."

We are so busy measuring public opinion that we forget we can mold it. We are so busy listening to statistics we forget we can create them.

Busy Quotes: "A charming woman is a busy woman."

A charming woman is a busy woman.

Busy Quotes: "Memory is a painter. Paintin's not important. The important thing is keepin' busy."

Memory is a painter. Paintin's not important. The important thing is keepin' busy.

Busy Quotes: "As a writer, one is busy with archaeology."

As a writer, one is busy with archaeology.

Busy Quotes: "It often feels like I'm not so much living for the present as I am busy making memories for the future."

It often feels like I'm not so much living for the present as I am busy making memories for the future.

Busy Quotes: "Better to be busy than to be busy worrying."

Better to be busy than to be busy worrying.

Busy Quotes: "If you want work well done, select a busy man - the other kind has no time."

If you want work well done, select a busy man - the other kind has no time.

Busy Quotes: "Maybe I'm too busy being yours to fall for somebody new."

Maybe I'm too busy being yours to fall for somebody new.

Busy Quotes: "It was a lifetime occupation that kept us too busy to stop and ask if we were happy or not"

It was a lifetime occupation that kept us too busy to stop and ask if we were happy or not

Busy Quotes: "People are so busy chasing happiness- if they would slow down and turn around, they would give it a chance to catch up with them."

People are so busy chasing happiness- if they would slow down and turn around, they would give it a chance to catch up with them.

Busy Quotes: "And can it be that in a world so full and busy the loss of one creature makes a void so wide and deep that nothing but the width and depth of eternity can fill it up!"

And can it be that in a world so full and busy the loss of one creature makes a void so wide and deep that nothing but the width and depth of eternity can fill it up!

Busy Quotes: "Modern man is frantically trying to earn enough to buy things he's too busy to enjoy."

Modern man is frantically trying to earn enough to buy things he's too busy to enjoy.

Busy Quotes: "We're too busy communicating to think, too busy communicating to connect, and sometimes we're too busy communicating to create. This is true for individuals and also true for organizations."

We're too busy communicating to think, too busy communicating to connect, and sometimes we're too busy communicating to create. This is true for individuals and also true for organizations.

Busy Quotes: "If we do not allow for a rhythm of rest in our overly busy lives, illness becomes our Sabbath— our pneumonia, our cancer, our heart attack, our accidents create Sabbath for us."

If we do not allow for a rhythm of rest in our overly busy lives, illness becomes our Sabbath— our pneumonia, our cancer, our heart attack, our accidents create Sabbath for us.

Busy Quotes: "I have work, and then I have a dinner thing. And then I am busy, trying to become who I am."

I have work, and then I have a dinner thing. And then I am busy, trying to become who I am.

Busy Quotes: "We are too busy to pray, and so we are too busy to have power."

We are too busy to pray, and so we are too busy to have power.

Busy Quotes: "Norway did not even have a revolution at the time the rest of Europe was busy figuring out human rights and stuff, because we were busy fighting over how to spell it."

Norway did not even have a revolution at the time the rest of Europe was busy figuring out human rights and stuff, because we were busy fighting over how to spell it.

Busy Quotes: "I tried to keep us together, you were busy keeping secrets"

I tried to keep us together, you were busy keeping secrets

Busy Quotes: "Actually, I am kind of busy right now,” I drawled as I settled back into the chair and closed my eyes. “You have to make melanin while the sun shines."

Actually, I am kind of busy right now,” I drawled as I settled back into the chair and closed my eyes. “You have to make melanin while the sun shines.



Busy Quotes: "Heaven is too busy to listen to half-hearted prayers or to respond to pop-calls."

Heaven is too busy to listen to half-hearted prayers or to respond to pop-calls.

Busy Quotes: "The busy man is never wise and the wise man is never busy."

The busy man is never wise and the wise man is never busy.

Busy Quotes: "You owe it to yourself to keep fit. No matter how busy or how involved you are, you should have some type of physical program to keep the body in tune."

You owe it to yourself to keep fit. No matter how busy or how involved you are, you should have some type of physical program to keep the body in tune.

Busy Quotes: "A philosopher will not believe what he sees because he is too busy speculating about what he does not see."

A philosopher will not believe what he sees because he is too busy speculating about what he does not see.

Busy Quotes: "Here's what I've learned about raising boys... if you keep 'em busy, they're fine. You let 'em get bored, they'll dismantle your house board by board."

Here's what I've learned about raising boys... if you keep 'em busy, they're fine. You let 'em get bored, they'll dismantle your house board by board.

Busy Quotes: "When we get too caught up in the busyness of the world, we lose connection with one another - and ourselves."

When we get too caught up in the busyness of the world, we lose connection with one another - and ourselves.

Busy Quotes: "Maybe some are so busy waiting, they forget what indescribable beauty is right there in front of them."

Maybe some are so busy waiting, they forget what indescribable beauty is right there in front of them.

Busy Quotes: "I'm not gonna worry about what people think about me. I'm too busy. I don't give a hoot."

I'm not gonna worry about what people think about me. I'm too busy. I don't give a hoot.

Busy Quotes: "There are eight girls in the house in which I am living, and practically all of them are good looking. You can realize that I am kept busy."

There are eight girls in the house in which I am living, and practically all of them are good looking. You can realize that I am kept busy.

Busy Quotes: "While you're busy looking for the perfect person, you'll probably miss the imperfect person who could make you perfectly happy."

While you're busy looking for the perfect person, you'll probably miss the imperfect person who could make you perfectly happy.

Busy Quotes: "Being productive and being busy are not necessarily the same thing. Doing things won’t create your success; doing the right things will."

Being productive and being busy are not necessarily the same thing. Doing things won’t create your success; doing the right things will.

Busy Quotes: "Of all virtues and dignities of the mind, goodness is the greatest, being the character of the Deity; and without it, man is a busy, mischievous, wretched thing."

Of all virtues and dignities of the mind, goodness is the greatest, being the character of the Deity; and without it, man is a busy, mischievous, wretched thing.

Busy Quotes: "A man can be so busy making a living that he forgets to make a life."

A man can be so busy making a living that he forgets to make a life.

Busy Quotes: "We often get so busy "sawing" (producing results) that we forget to "sharpen our saw" (maintain or increase our capacity to produce results in the future)."

We often get so busy "sawing" (producing results) that we forget to "sharpen our saw" (maintain or increase our capacity to produce results in the future).

Busy Quotes: "The law is constantly based on notions of morality, and if all laws representing essentially moral choices are to be invalidated under the due process clause, the courts will be very busy indeed."

The law is constantly based on notions of morality, and if all laws representing essentially moral choices are to be invalidated under the due process clause, the courts will be very busy indeed.

Busy Quotes: "Luck lies in bed, and wishes the postman would bring him news of a legacy; labor turns out at six, and with busy pen or ringing hammer lays the foundation of a competence."

Luck lies in bed, and wishes the postman would bring him news of a legacy; labor turns out at six, and with busy pen or ringing hammer lays the foundation of a competence.

Busy Quotes: "Life is like Facebook. People will like and coments your problems, but no one will solve them because they're busy updating them."

Life is like Facebook. People will like and coments your problems, but no one will solve them because they're busy updating them.

Busy Quotes: "Don't be so busy making a living that you forget how to live. Work hard to be successful, but enjoy the journey."

Don't be so busy making a living that you forget how to live. Work hard to be successful, but enjoy the journey.