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Causes Quotes

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Causes Quotes: "Black people must address itself to the causes of poverty. That's oppression in this country."

Black people must address itself to the causes of poverty. That's oppression in this country.

Causes Quotes: "Stress, in addition to being itself, was also the cause of itself, and the result of itself."

Stress, in addition to being itself, was also the cause of itself, and the result of itself.

Causes Quotes: "The conscience of an artist worthy of the name is like an incurable disease which causes him endless torment but occasionally fills him with silent joy."

The conscience of an artist worthy of the name is like an incurable disease which causes him endless torment but occasionally fills him with silent joy.

Causes Quotes: "I am convinced by a sad experience that it is natural to avoid those to whom we have been too much obliged, and that uncommon generosity causes neglect rather than gratitude."

I am convinced by a sad experience that it is natural to avoid those to whom we have been too much obliged, and that uncommon generosity causes neglect rather than gratitude.

Causes Quotes: "The purpose and cause of the incarnation was that He might illuminate the world by His wisdom and excite it to the love of Himself."

The purpose and cause of the incarnation was that He might illuminate the world by His wisdom and excite it to the love of Himself.

Causes Quotes: "More inhumanity (to man) has been done by man himself than any other of nature's causes."

More inhumanity (to man) has been done by man himself than any other of nature's causes.

Causes Quotes: "I prefer to make common cause with those whose weapons are guitars, banjos, fiddles and words."

I prefer to make common cause with those whose weapons are guitars, banjos, fiddles and words.

Causes Quotes: "Cause there's nothing, there's nothing you can teach me That I can't learn from Mr. Hathaway."

Cause there's nothing, there's nothing you can teach me That I can't learn from Mr. Hathaway.

Causes Quotes: "The best part is getting to the top 'cause the pain's all over."

The best part is getting to the top 'cause the pain's all over.

Causes Quotes: "Can you look at a situation without naming it? Naming it, making it a word, causes fear."

Can you look at a situation without naming it? Naming it, making it a word, causes fear.

Causes Quotes: "Many patients imagine that they have tried everything. True, they have used many remedies, but they have never had the cause of their infirmity adjusted."

Many patients imagine that they have tried everything. True, they have used many remedies, but they have never had the cause of their infirmity adjusted.

Causes Quotes: "I know the police cause you trouble They cause trouble everywhere But when you die and go to Heaven You'll find no policemen there."

I know the police cause you trouble They cause trouble everywhere But when you die and go to Heaven You'll find no policemen there.

Causes Quotes: "The question is one of fighting the causes and not just being satisfied with getting rid of the effects."

The question is one of fighting the causes and not just being satisfied with getting rid of the effects.

Causes Quotes: "It's not the failure that holds us back but the reluctance to begin over again that causes us to stagnate."

It's not the failure that holds us back but the reluctance to begin over again that causes us to stagnate.

Causes Quotes: "American Gods is about 200,000 words long, and I'm sure there are words that are simply in there 'cause I like them. I know I couldn't justify each and every one of them."

American Gods is about 200,000 words long, and I'm sure there are words that are simply in there 'cause I like them. I know I couldn't justify each and every one of them.

Causes Quotes: "If you were in a bad relationship and you meet someone new, you're going to leave with your luggage. The next person is going to have to endure things that someone else causes."

If you were in a bad relationship and you meet someone new, you're going to leave with your luggage. The next person is going to have to endure things that someone else causes.

Causes Quotes: "There is no stronger or weaker…. You’re strong in the moment when you go right to the end for the cause you are defending."

There is no stronger or weaker…. You’re strong in the moment when you go right to the end for the cause you are defending.

Causes Quotes: "Cholesterol is a substance in the blood that causes you to eat salads."

Cholesterol is a substance in the blood that causes you to eat salads.

Causes Quotes: "It is not insult from another that causes you pain. It is the part of your mind that agrees with the insult. Agree only with the truth about you, and you are free."

It is not insult from another that causes you pain. It is the part of your mind that agrees with the insult. Agree only with the truth about you, and you are free.

Causes Quotes: "I didn't cause it. I can't control it. I can't cure it."

I didn't cause it. I can't control it. I can't cure it.

Causes Quotes: "The Jews are the problem. The Jews are the cause of all the problems in the world."

The Jews are the problem. The Jews are the cause of all the problems in the world.

Causes Quotes: "Spouses in healthy relationships cherish each other's space and are champions of each other's causes."

Spouses in healthy relationships cherish each other's space and are champions of each other's causes.

Causes Quotes: "Behind every argument is somebody's ignorance. Rediscover the foundation of truth and the purpose and causes of dispute immediately disappear."

Behind every argument is somebody's ignorance. Rediscover the foundation of truth and the purpose and causes of dispute immediately disappear.

Causes Quotes: "Standardization leads to rigidity, and rigidity causes things to break."

Standardization leads to rigidity, and rigidity causes things to break.

Causes Quotes: "All taboos serve different human interests by avoiding those things which threaten to cause offence or distress"

All taboos serve different human interests by avoiding those things which threaten to cause offence or distress

Causes Quotes: "But the cause for which we fought was higher; our thought wider... That thought was our power."

But the cause for which we fought was higher; our thought wider... That thought was our power.

Causes Quotes: "It is not the mediocrity of women's education which makes their weakness; it is their weakness which necessarily causes their mediocrity."

It is not the mediocrity of women's education which makes their weakness; it is their weakness which necessarily causes their mediocrity.

Causes Quotes: "The cause of homelessness is lack of housing."

The cause of homelessness is lack of housing.

Causes Quotes: "Charity is like warmth in springtime or summer that causes grass, plants, and trees to grow. Without charity, or spiritual warmth, nothing grows."

Charity is like warmth in springtime or summer that causes grass, plants, and trees to grow. Without charity, or spiritual warmth, nothing grows.

Causes Quotes: "If people base their identity on identifying with authority, freedom causes anxiety. They must then conceal the victim in themselves by resorting to violence against others."

If people base their identity on identifying with authority, freedom causes anxiety. They must then conceal the victim in themselves by resorting to violence against others.

Causes Quotes: "A diet rich in fruits and vegetables plays a role in reducing the risk of all the major causes of illness and death"

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables plays a role in reducing the risk of all the major causes of illness and death

Causes Quotes: "Doesn't every encounter with God only cause us to thirst for Him more?"

Doesn't every encounter with God only cause us to thirst for Him more?

Causes Quotes: "So long as we have failed to eliminate any of the causes of human despair, we do not have the right to try to eliminate those means by which man tries to cleanse himself of despair."

So long as we have failed to eliminate any of the causes of human despair, we do not have the right to try to eliminate those means by which man tries to cleanse himself of despair.

Causes Quotes: "When we preach Christ crucified, we have no reason to stammer, or stutter, or hesitate, or apologize; there is nothing in the gospel of which we have any cause to be ashamed."

When we preach Christ crucified, we have no reason to stammer, or stutter, or hesitate, or apologize; there is nothing in the gospel of which we have any cause to be ashamed.

Causes Quotes: "Our ignorance of history causes us to slander our own times. The ordinary person today lives better than a king did a century ago but is ungrateful!"

Our ignorance of history causes us to slander our own times. The ordinary person today lives better than a king did a century ago but is ungrateful!

Causes Quotes: "Somebody help me, tell me where to go from here cause even Thugs cry, but do the Lord care?"

Somebody help me, tell me where to go from here cause even Thugs cry, but do the Lord care?

Causes Quotes: "The only cause of happiness is love. The only cause of suffering is self grasping."

The only cause of happiness is love. The only cause of suffering is self grasping.

Causes Quotes: "I like a lot of artists but I think the one that touched me the most was probably Tupac, coming up. Cause that was my generation, so Tupac was mine."

I like a lot of artists but I think the one that touched me the most was probably Tupac, coming up. Cause that was my generation, so Tupac was mine.

Causes Quotes: "Do not suppress it - that would hurt you inside. Do not express it - this would not only hurt you inside, it would cause ripples in your surroundings. What you do is transform it."

Do not suppress it - that would hurt you inside. Do not express it - this would not only hurt you inside, it would cause ripples in your surroundings. What you do is transform it.

Causes Quotes: "Now everybody's bloggin'. I heard somebody say, "Blogging is just graffiti with punctuation." Everyone's an authority so there's nobody in power, 'cause everyone thinks they're in power."

Now everybody's bloggin'. I heard somebody say, "Blogging is just graffiti with punctuation." Everyone's an authority so there's nobody in power, 'cause everyone thinks they're in power.

Causes Quotes: "Beware of any work for God that causes or allows you to avoid concentrating on Him."

Beware of any work for God that causes or allows you to avoid concentrating on Him.

Causes Quotes: "The causes which destroyed the ancient republics were numerous; but in Rome, one principal cause was the vast inequality of fortunes."

The causes which destroyed the ancient republics were numerous; but in Rome, one principal cause was the vast inequality of fortunes.

Causes Quotes: "Increasingly, people seem to misinterpret complexity as sophistication, which is baffling -- the incomprehensible should cause suspicion rather than admiration."

Increasingly, people seem to misinterpret complexity as sophistication, which is baffling -- the incomprehensible should cause suspicion rather than admiration.

Causes Quotes: "For government consists in nothing else but so controlling subjects that they shall neither be able to, nor have cause to do [it] harm."

For government consists in nothing else but so controlling subjects that they shall neither be able to, nor have cause to do [it] harm.

Causes Quotes: "Never let a day pass that you will have cause to say, I will do better tomorrow."

Never let a day pass that you will have cause to say, I will do better tomorrow.

Causes Quotes: "The 80/20 principle - that 80 percent of result flow from just 20 per cent of the causes - is the one true principle of highly effective people."

The 80/20 principle - that 80 percent of result flow from just 20 per cent of the causes - is the one true principle of highly effective people.

Causes Quotes: "If you wanna be loved, baby, you've got to love me, too. Oh yeah, cause I an't for no one side love affair."

If you wanna be loved, baby, you've got to love me, too. Oh yeah, cause I an't for no one side love affair.

Causes Quotes: "When cruelty is inflicted on innocent people, it discredits whatever cause."

When cruelty is inflicted on innocent people, it discredits whatever cause.

Causes Quotes: "I hate to take showers! Guitarists don't like showers 'cause we like the grease to build up on our fingers, makes playing more fluid."

I hate to take showers! Guitarists don't like showers 'cause we like the grease to build up on our fingers, makes playing more fluid.