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Christian Quotes

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Christian Quotes: "Christians should never fail to sense the operation of an angelic glory. It forever eclipses the world of demonic powers, as the sun does a candle's light."

Christians should never fail to sense the operation of an angelic glory. It forever eclipses the world of demonic powers, as the sun does a candle's light.

Christian Quotes: "The evidence for the resurrection is better than for claimed miracles in any other religion. It's outstandingly different in quality and quantity."

The evidence for the resurrection is better than for claimed miracles in any other religion. It's outstandingly different in quality and quantity.

Christian Quotes: "Anywhere you can take Jesus Christ with you is all right to go."

Anywhere you can take Jesus Christ with you is all right to go.

Christian Quotes: "You can show your love to others by not wishing that they should be better Christians."

You can show your love to others by not wishing that they should be better Christians.

Christian Quotes: "No matter how long it's been, no matter how impossible it looks, if you'll stay in faith, your time is coming."

No matter how long it's been, no matter how impossible it looks, if you'll stay in faith, your time is coming.

Christian Quotes: "Drinking beer is easy. Trashing your hotel room is easy. But being a Christian, that's a tough call. That's rebellion."

Drinking beer is easy. Trashing your hotel room is easy. But being a Christian, that's a tough call. That's rebellion.

Christian Quotes: "Why the Christian life is so difficult to many is because they have a divided heart. They are double-minded, which makes them unstable in all their ways."

Why the Christian life is so difficult to many is because they have a divided heart. They are double-minded, which makes them unstable in all their ways.

Christian Quotes: "All self-effort is but sinking sand. Christ alone is the Rock of our salvation."

All self-effort is but sinking sand. Christ alone is the Rock of our salvation.

Christian Quotes: "God has spoken to me many times that my job is to love and his job is to heal."

God has spoken to me many times that my job is to love and his job is to heal.

Christian Quotes: "We are so busy giving our children what we never had that we forget to give them what we did have."

We are so busy giving our children what we never had that we forget to give them what we did have.

Christian Quotes: "It is not the business of the church to adapt Christ to men, but men to Christ."

It is not the business of the church to adapt Christ to men, but men to Christ.

Christian Quotes: "God will test you because He wants you to mature. He wants you to develop a walk with Him that is not based on your fluctuating emotions, but on your commitment to Him as you learn to walk by faith."

God will test you because He wants you to mature. He wants you to develop a walk with Him that is not based on your fluctuating emotions, but on your commitment to Him as you learn to walk by faith.

Christian Quotes: "The Son of God became man for our salvation but only in Mary and through Mary."

The Son of God became man for our salvation but only in Mary and through Mary.

Christian Quotes: "The depth of our repentance will determine the depth of our revival."

The depth of our repentance will determine the depth of our revival.

Christian Quotes: "The Gospel is not about man searching for GOD but GOD reaching out to mankind!"

The Gospel is not about man searching for GOD but GOD reaching out to mankind!

Christian Quotes: "This is no time for wimpy Christians. It's time for soldiers of Christ to arise!"

This is no time for wimpy Christians. It's time for soldiers of Christ to arise!

Christian Quotes: "Faith is a leap into the light, not a step into the darkness."

Faith is a leap into the light, not a step into the darkness.

Christian Quotes: "Remember who you are and whose you are."

Remember who you are and whose you are.

Christian Quotes: "Christianity does not provide the reason for each experience of pain, but it does provide deep resources for actually facing suffering with hope and courage rather than bitterness and despair"

Christianity does not provide the reason for each experience of pain, but it does provide deep resources for actually facing suffering with hope and courage rather than bitterness and despair

Christian Quotes: "When once men recognize, both in private and in public life, that Christ is King, society will at last receive the great blessings of real liberty, well-ordered discipline, peace and harmony."

When once men recognize, both in private and in public life, that Christ is King, society will at last receive the great blessings of real liberty, well-ordered discipline, peace and harmony.

Christian Quotes: "I feel now, that Arabia could easily be evangelized within the next thirty years if it were not for the wicked selfishness of Christians."

I feel now, that Arabia could easily be evangelized within the next thirty years if it were not for the wicked selfishness of Christians.

Christian Quotes: "Our efficiency without God's sufficiency is only a deficiency."

Our efficiency without God's sufficiency is only a deficiency.

Christian Quotes: "A Christian who does not pray is like prince in beggars clothes who stands but a few inches from His father's throne and yet does not ask."

A Christian who does not pray is like prince in beggars clothes who stands but a few inches from His father's throne and yet does not ask.

Christian Quotes: "It costs something to be a true Christian. It will cost us our sins, our self-righteousn ess, our ease and our worldliness."

It costs something to be a true Christian. It will cost us our sins, our self-righteousn ess, our ease and our worldliness.

Christian Quotes: "Peace on earth, and mercy mild God and sinners reconciled."

Peace on earth, and mercy mild God and sinners reconciled.

Christian Quotes: "Many, many people hereabouts are not becoming Christians for one reason only: there is nobody to make them Christians."

Many, many people hereabouts are not becoming Christians for one reason only: there is nobody to make them Christians.

Christian Quotes: "Pride causes us to care more about what our non-Christian friends think of us than what God will do to them in their sin."

Pride causes us to care more about what our non-Christian friends think of us than what God will do to them in their sin.

Christian Quotes: "Christian worship is the most momentous, most urgent, most glorious action that can take place in human life."

Christian worship is the most momentous, most urgent, most glorious action that can take place in human life.

Christian Quotes: "Christians are not so much in danger when they are persecuted as when they are admired."

Christians are not so much in danger when they are persecuted as when they are admired.

Christian Quotes: "Did Christ finish His work for us? Then there can be no doubt but He will also finish His work in us."

Did Christ finish His work for us? Then there can be no doubt but He will also finish His work in us.

Christian Quotes: "Only the one true God can take the risk of ruling by relying on the power of humility and love."

Only the one true God can take the risk of ruling by relying on the power of humility and love.

Christian Quotes: "If the Tiber rises too high, or the Nile too low, the remedy is always feeding Christians to the lions."

If the Tiber rises too high, or the Nile too low, the remedy is always feeding Christians to the lions.

Christian Quotes: "When a man makes alliance with the Almighty, giants look like grasshoppers."

When a man makes alliance with the Almighty, giants look like grasshoppers.

Christian Quotes: "There are five Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and the Christian. Most people will never read the first four."

There are five Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and the Christian. Most people will never read the first four.

Christian Quotes: "We are not going to move this world by criticism of it nor conformity to it, but by the combustion within it of lives ignited by the Spirit of God."

We are not going to move this world by criticism of it nor conformity to it, but by the combustion within it of lives ignited by the Spirit of God.

Christian Quotes: "Justice is what love sounds like when it speaks in public."

Justice is what love sounds like when it speaks in public.

Christian Quotes: "Wouldn't it be a tragedy to get to the top of the ladder and find you placed it against the wrong wall?"

Wouldn't it be a tragedy to get to the top of the ladder and find you placed it against the wrong wall?

Christian Quotes: "Let us receive nothing, believe nothing, follow nothing which is not in the Bible, nor can be proved by the Bible."

Let us receive nothing, believe nothing, follow nothing which is not in the Bible, nor can be proved by the Bible.

Christian Quotes: "It is like employing a small tool on big constructions, if we use human wisdom in the hunt for knowledge of reality."

It is like employing a small tool on big constructions, if we use human wisdom in the hunt for knowledge of reality.

Christian Quotes: "When to give grace? I'd rather stand before God knowing I loved others too much rather than regretting that I judged too harshly."

When to give grace? I'd rather stand before God knowing I loved others too much rather than regretting that I judged too harshly.

Christian Quotes: "One of the greatest evidences of God's love to those that love him is, to send them afflictions, with grace to bear them."

One of the greatest evidences of God's love to those that love him is, to send them afflictions, with grace to bear them.

Christian Quotes: "I don't want the world to define God for me. I want the Holy Spirit to reveal God to me."

I don't want the world to define God for me. I want the Holy Spirit to reveal God to me.

Christian Quotes: "The whole earth is a living icon of the face of God."

The whole earth is a living icon of the face of God.

Christian Quotes: "The object of (Christian) faith is not the teaching but the Teacher."

The object of (Christian) faith is not the teaching but the Teacher.

Christian Quotes: "It makes no difference who or what you are, old or young, black or white, pagan, Jew, or Christian, I want to love you all and be loved by you all, and I mean to have your love."

It makes no difference who or what you are, old or young, black or white, pagan, Jew, or Christian, I want to love you all and be loved by you all, and I mean to have your love.

Christian Quotes: "To desire grace without recourse to the Virgin Mother is to desire to fly without wings."

To desire grace without recourse to the Virgin Mother is to desire to fly without wings.

Christian Quotes: "Why do so many Christians pray such tiny prayers when their God is so big?"

Why do so many Christians pray such tiny prayers when their God is so big?

Christian Quotes: "Actually, only God can satisfy a Christian's heart; man cannot."

Actually, only God can satisfy a Christian's heart; man cannot.

Christian Quotes: "The founding document of the United States of America acknowledges the Lordship of Jesus Christ because we are a Christian nation."

The founding document of the United States of America acknowledges the Lordship of Jesus Christ because we are a Christian nation.