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Climate Quotes

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Climate Quotes: "Recent data and research supports the importance of natural climate variability and calls into question the conclusion that humans are the dominant cause of recent climate change."

Recent data and research supports the importance of natural climate variability and calls into question the conclusion that humans are the dominant cause of recent climate change.

Climate Quotes: "Japans humid and warm summer climate, as well as frequent earthquakes resulted in lightweight timber buildings raised off the ground that are resistant to earth tremors."

Japans humid and warm summer climate, as well as frequent earthquakes resulted in lightweight timber buildings raised off the ground that are resistant to earth tremors.

Climate Quotes: "Can we remain indifferent before the problems associated with such realities as climate change?"

Can we remain indifferent before the problems associated with such realities as climate change?

Climate Quotes: "Climate change is a real deal. So, hey deniers - cut it out, and let's get to work."

Climate change is a real deal. So, hey deniers - cut it out, and let's get to work.

Climate Quotes: "Words of encouragement, a little respect, simple gestures of kindness from a teacher promote the perfect climate for studetns to study, learn, and grow."

Words of encouragement, a little respect, simple gestures of kindness from a teacher promote the perfect climate for studetns to study, learn, and grow.

Climate Quotes: "I believe man-made climate change is one of the most serious threats that this country and this world face."

I believe man-made climate change is one of the most serious threats that this country and this world face.

Climate Quotes: "My faith tells me that God does want people to understand climate change and do something about it."

My faith tells me that God does want people to understand climate change and do something about it.

Climate Quotes: "There's no question that the number one contributor to climate change is livestock production. The quickest way to make an effect is to immediately start on a vegan diet."

There's no question that the number one contributor to climate change is livestock production. The quickest way to make an effect is to immediately start on a vegan diet.

Climate Quotes: "We never have 100 percent certainty. We never have it. If you wait until you have 100 percent certainty, something bad is going to happen on the battlefield."

We never have 100 percent certainty. We never have it. If you wait until you have 100 percent certainty, something bad is going to happen on the battlefield.

Climate Quotes: "As far as I'm concerned, however, it is clear that the concept of premium will be increasingly defined through sustainability in the future."

As far as I'm concerned, however, it is clear that the concept of premium will be increasingly defined through sustainability in the future.

Climate Quotes: "I think that there is a bias in the current literary climate, which is not only very Western but very male."

I think that there is a bias in the current literary climate, which is not only very Western but very male.

Climate Quotes: "People are going to buy cheap fertilizer so they can grow enough crops to feed themselves, which will be increasingly difficult with climate change."

People are going to buy cheap fertilizer so they can grow enough crops to feed themselves, which will be increasingly difficult with climate change.

Climate Quotes: "There's no happy ending where we prevent climate change any more. Now the question is, is it going to be a miserable century or an impossible one, and what comes after that."

There's no happy ending where we prevent climate change any more. Now the question is, is it going to be a miserable century or an impossible one, and what comes after that.

Climate Quotes: "No matter if the science is all phoney, there are collateral environmental benefits.... climate change [provides] the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world."

No matter if the science is all phoney, there are collateral environmental benefits.... climate change [provides] the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world.

Climate Quotes: "If you look at all the serious scientists in the world, there is no big disagreement on the basics of this...it would be absolute lunacy to act as if climate change is not occurring."

If you look at all the serious scientists in the world, there is no big disagreement on the basics of this...it would be absolute lunacy to act as if climate change is not occurring.

Climate Quotes: "[Global-warming debate] some kind of tricky campaign made up by some commercial structures to promote their business projects."

[Global-warming debate] some kind of tricky campaign made up by some commercial structures to promote their business projects.

Climate Quotes: "It is cowardly to commit suicide. The English often kill themselves. It is a malady caused by the humid climate."

It is cowardly to commit suicide. The English often kill themselves. It is a malady caused by the humid climate.

Climate Quotes: "Adaptation is the only means to reduce the now-unavoidable costs of climate change over the next few decades"

Adaptation is the only means to reduce the now-unavoidable costs of climate change over the next few decades

Climate Quotes: "I hope to contribute to a global warming of hearts and a climate change in human consciousness."

I hope to contribute to a global warming of hearts and a climate change in human consciousness.

Climate Quotes: "Probably my mother's life was prolonged beyond that of a long-lived family by her coming to Australia in middle life; and if I ever had any tendency to consumption, the climate must have helped me."

Probably my mother's life was prolonged beyond that of a long-lived family by her coming to Australia in middle life; and if I ever had any tendency to consumption, the climate must have helped me.

Climate Quotes: "The first issue of The Register was printed in London, and gave a glowing account of the province that was to be - its climate, its resources, the sound principles on which it was founded."

The first issue of The Register was printed in London, and gave a glowing account of the province that was to be - its climate, its resources, the sound principles on which it was founded.

Climate Quotes: "I do not underestimate the difficulty of the challenge that global climate change presents to us. It will take a significant effort and the best talent and technology we have to solve the problem."

I do not underestimate the difficulty of the challenge that global climate change presents to us. It will take a significant effort and the best talent and technology we have to solve the problem.

Climate Quotes: "We travel as seekers after answers we cannot find at home, and soon find that a change of climate is easier than a change of heart."

We travel as seekers after answers we cannot find at home, and soon find that a change of climate is easier than a change of heart.

Climate Quotes: "Climate change poses a direct threat to the infrastructure of America that we need to stay competitive in this 21st-century economy."

Climate change poses a direct threat to the infrastructure of America that we need to stay competitive in this 21st-century economy.

Climate Quotes: "...the global surface albedo [surface whiteness] and greenhouse gas changes account for practically the entire global climate change."

...the global surface albedo [surface whiteness] and greenhouse gas changes account for practically the entire global climate change.

Climate Quotes: "Over the long term, it is more profitable to do the right thing for the environment than to pollute it."

Over the long term, it is more profitable to do the right thing for the environment than to pollute it.

Climate Quotes: "What men call gallantry, and gods adultery, is much more common where the climate's sultry."

What men call gallantry, and gods adultery, is much more common where the climate's sultry.

Climate Quotes: "Colorado's economy is already being threatened by unchecked climate change."

Colorado's economy is already being threatened by unchecked climate change.

Climate Quotes: "We're in such a volatile climate right now politically. I think they didn't want Assassins to not succeed due to popular opinion and politics, versus on its own merits. I can respect that."

We're in such a volatile climate right now politically. I think they didn't want Assassins to not succeed due to popular opinion and politics, versus on its own merits. I can respect that.

Climate Quotes: "I learned that fighting on the chess board could also have an impact on the political climate in the country."

I learned that fighting on the chess board could also have an impact on the political climate in the country.

Climate Quotes: "I think the people running climate change denial campaigns are sociopaths."

I think the people running climate change denial campaigns are sociopaths.

Climate Quotes: "The whole climate of thought will be different. In fact there will be no thought, as we understand it now. Orthodoxy means not thinking - not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness."

The whole climate of thought will be different. In fact there will be no thought, as we understand it now. Orthodoxy means not thinking - not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness.

Climate Quotes: "I'm often asked whether I believe in Global Warming. I now just reply with the question: "Do you believe in Gravity?""

I'm often asked whether I believe in Global Warming. I now just reply with the question: "Do you believe in Gravity?"

Climate Quotes: "To tackle climate change you don't have to reduce your quality of life, but you do have to change the way you live"

To tackle climate change you don't have to reduce your quality of life, but you do have to change the way you live

Climate Quotes: "Even if you accept the theory of man-made climate change, wind turbines are a rotten way to reduce CO2 emissions, or to improve energy security."

Even if you accept the theory of man-made climate change, wind turbines are a rotten way to reduce CO2 emissions, or to improve energy security.

Climate Quotes: "The year 1826 was remarkable for the commencement of one of those fearful droughts to which we have reason to believe the climate of New South Wales is periodically subject."

The year 1826 was remarkable for the commencement of one of those fearful droughts to which we have reason to believe the climate of New South Wales is periodically subject.

Climate Quotes: "We can debate this or that aspect of climate change, but the reality is that most people now accept our climate is indeed subject to change as a result of greenhouse gas emissions."

We can debate this or that aspect of climate change, but the reality is that most people now accept our climate is indeed subject to change as a result of greenhouse gas emissions.

Climate Quotes: "As each tree falls so does the earth's ability to heal itself and to adapt to the effects of our changing climate"

As each tree falls so does the earth's ability to heal itself and to adapt to the effects of our changing climate

Climate Quotes: "Think globally, act locally": "Our salvation depends upon our ability to create a religion of nature."

Think globally, act locally": "Our salvation depends upon our ability to create a religion of nature.

Climate Quotes: "Global warming my gluteus maximus"

Global warming my gluteus maximus

Climate Quotes: "In the current febrile climate Isis needs Donald Trump and Donald Trump needs Isis."

In the current febrile climate Isis needs Donald Trump and Donald Trump needs Isis.

Climate Quotes: "There has been a concerted effort to frame caring about climate change and the environment as an alternate religion - one that worships the creation rather than the creator, so to speak."

There has been a concerted effort to frame caring about climate change and the environment as an alternate religion - one that worships the creation rather than the creator, so to speak.

Climate Quotes: "The superiority of the Greeks seems not so much the result of climate and society, as of the simplicity of their end and the uniformity of their means."

The superiority of the Greeks seems not so much the result of climate and society, as of the simplicity of their end and the uniformity of their means.

Climate Quotes: "We have a policy at Greenpeace that we no longer debate people who don't accept the scientific reality of anthropogenic climate change."

We have a policy at Greenpeace that we no longer debate people who don't accept the scientific reality of anthropogenic climate change.

Climate Quotes: "Hillary's [Clinton] policies on climate change are a problem too. We ignore her track record at our peril."

Hillary's [Clinton] policies on climate change are a problem too. We ignore her track record at our peril.

Climate Quotes: "In particular, Australia, because of its ancient geography, soil profile and distinctive weather patterns, is more adversely affected by climate variability than some other continents."

In particular, Australia, because of its ancient geography, soil profile and distinctive weather patterns, is more adversely affected by climate variability than some other continents.

Climate Quotes: "There is no endeavor more noble than the attempt to achieve a collective dream."

There is no endeavor more noble than the attempt to achieve a collective dream.

Climate Quotes: "Everybody talks about population growth and its disastrous effect on climate change, food security and resource depletion, but nobody does anything about it"

Everybody talks about population growth and its disastrous effect on climate change, food security and resource depletion, but nobody does anything about it

Climate Quotes: "Climate change is not an environmental issue, but much more to do with security and economics"

Climate change is not an environmental issue, but much more to do with security and economics