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Climbing Quotes

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Climbing Quotes: "To use an image, making a film is like climbing a mountain or crossing an ocean. Every day has its challenges."

To use an image, making a film is like climbing a mountain or crossing an ocean. Every day has its challenges.

Climbing Quotes: "He had so many ways of climbing into the tree house in his head, escaping the madness below, and pulling the ladder up behind him."

He had so many ways of climbing into the tree house in his head, escaping the madness below, and pulling the ladder up behind him.

Climbing Quotes: "Creating a new theory is not like destroying an old barn and erecting a skyscraper in its place. It is rather like climbing a mountain and gaining new and wider views."

Creating a new theory is not like destroying an old barn and erecting a skyscraper in its place. It is rather like climbing a mountain and gaining new and wider views.

Climbing Quotes: "If one door closes and another does not open, try climbing thru a window, either way, make your way in."

If one door closes and another does not open, try climbing thru a window, either way, make your way in.

Climbing Quotes: "Coming down was the hardest part of any climbing."

Coming down was the hardest part of any climbing.

Climbing Quotes: "The fact that I'm three months pregnant doesn't change anything."

The fact that I'm three months pregnant doesn't change anything.

Climbing Quotes: "I've been climbing for almost twenty years now. I'm more inspired and more motivated. I feel stronger than I ever have. I feel like that's worked up until now."

I've been climbing for almost twenty years now. I'm more inspired and more motivated. I feel stronger than I ever have. I feel like that's worked up until now.

Climbing Quotes: "Climbing is this lifestyle activity that really works every muscle in your body."

Climbing is this lifestyle activity that really works every muscle in your body.

Climbing Quotes: "Theories are like a stairway; by climbing, science widens its horizon more and more, because theories embody and necessarily include proportionately more facts as they advance."

Theories are like a stairway; by climbing, science widens its horizon more and more, because theories embody and necessarily include proportionately more facts as they advance.

Climbing Quotes: "Many people have been getting too casual about climbing Everest. I forecast a disaster many times."

Many people have been getting too casual about climbing Everest. I forecast a disaster many times.

Climbing Quotes: "Climbing is often group activity and it's always inspiring to see how other people, who share your passions, do things."

Climbing is often group activity and it's always inspiring to see how other people, who share your passions, do things.

Climbing Quotes: "...the disqualification is unjust, I understand his reaction. You must understand the riders at certain moments (like climbing an 18% hill) they are stressed and they can react rashly."

...the disqualification is unjust, I understand his reaction. You must understand the riders at certain moments (like climbing an 18% hill) they are stressed and they can react rashly.

Climbing Quotes: "There's an undeniable pleasure in stepping into an open-top sports car driven by a beautiful woman. It feels like you're climbing into a metaphor."

There's an undeniable pleasure in stepping into an open-top sports car driven by a beautiful woman. It feels like you're climbing into a metaphor.

Climbing Quotes: "There are reports that Kim Jong Un climbed North Korea's highest mountain. Kim Jong Un said all it took to climb that mountain was hard work, determination, and lying about climbing that mountain."

There are reports that Kim Jong Un climbed North Korea's highest mountain. Kim Jong Un said all it took to climb that mountain was hard work, determination, and lying about climbing that mountain.

Climbing Quotes: "Sensual pleasures are like soap bubbles, sparkling, effervescent. The pleasures of intellect are calm, beautiful, sublime, ever enduring and climbing upward to the borders of the unseen world."

Sensual pleasures are like soap bubbles, sparkling, effervescent. The pleasures of intellect are calm, beautiful, sublime, ever enduring and climbing upward to the borders of the unseen world.

Climbing Quotes: "If we dedicate ourselves over and over again to the goal of climbing one peak to the next...resisting the urge to become discouraged by the task-every one of us can become a high achiever."

If we dedicate ourselves over and over again to the goal of climbing one peak to the next...resisting the urge to become discouraged by the task-every one of us can become a high achiever.

Climbing Quotes: "Then came a bigger fear. Not the threat of imminent injury, but the fear that if I didn't go back up, I would be a chickenshit forever."

Then came a bigger fear. Not the threat of imminent injury, but the fear that if I didn't go back up, I would be a chickenshit forever.

Climbing Quotes: "Climbing is one of the few sports in which the arena (the cliffs, the mountains and their specific routes) acquire a notoriety that outpopulates, outshines and outlives the actual athletes."

Climbing is one of the few sports in which the arena (the cliffs, the mountains and their specific routes) acquire a notoriety that outpopulates, outshines and outlives the actual athletes.

Climbing Quotes: "The common thread in all of my climbing is it was something new, something never done before. That commonality is more important than the discipline."

The common thread in all of my climbing is it was something new, something never done before. That commonality is more important than the discipline.

Climbing Quotes: "Each fresh peak ascended teaches something."

Each fresh peak ascended teaches something.

Climbing Quotes: "[On social climbing:] Everything that goes up must come down."

[On social climbing:] Everything that goes up must come down.

Climbing Quotes: "The thing about mountains is that you have to keep on climbing them, and that it's always hard, but there's a view from top every time when you finally get there."

The thing about mountains is that you have to keep on climbing them, and that it's always hard, but there's a view from top every time when you finally get there.

Climbing Quotes: "It has been a long trip," said Milo, climbing onto the couch where the princesses sat; "but we would have been here much sooner if I hadn't made so many mistakes. I'm afraid it's all my fault."

It has been a long trip," said Milo, climbing onto the couch where the princesses sat; "but we would have been here much sooner if I hadn't made so many mistakes. I'm afraid it's all my fault.

Climbing Quotes: "There may be more to learn from climbing the same mountain a hundred times than by climbing a hundred different mountains."

There may be more to learn from climbing the same mountain a hundred times than by climbing a hundred different mountains.

Climbing Quotes: "Magic is the only way to describe it, climbing pitch after pitch of the most perfect, beautifully sculpted granite in the world."

Magic is the only way to describe it, climbing pitch after pitch of the most perfect, beautifully sculpted granite in the world.

Climbing Quotes: "The window-lights, myriads and myriads,Bloom from the walls like climbing flowers."

The window-lights, myriads and myriads,Bloom from the walls like climbing flowers.

Climbing Quotes: "The end of the ridge and the end of the world... then nothing but that clear, empty air. There was nowhere else to climb. I was standing on the top of the world."

The end of the ridge and the end of the world... then nothing but that clear, empty air. There was nowhere else to climb. I was standing on the top of the world.

Climbing Quotes: "I wonder if one can view risk like a drug, beneficial to the organism in the proper dose. Too much or too little may be harmful."

I wonder if one can view risk like a drug, beneficial to the organism in the proper dose. Too much or too little may be harmful.

Climbing Quotes: "Life is easy when you're hot. But what happens when the ball bounces the other way? You just keep getting back up and climbing up."

Life is easy when you're hot. But what happens when the ball bounces the other way? You just keep getting back up and climbing up.

Climbing Quotes: "Climbing trees is still one of my favorite things to do. A tree and a good book and I'm happy."

Climbing trees is still one of my favorite things to do. A tree and a good book and I'm happy.

Climbing Quotes: "If you don't set your goals based upon your Mission Statement, you may be climbing the ladder of success only to realize, when you get to the top, you're on the WRONG building."

If you don't set your goals based upon your Mission Statement, you may be climbing the ladder of success only to realize, when you get to the top, you're on the WRONG building.

Climbing Quotes: "God's Road is all uphill, but do not tire; Rejoice that we may still keep climbing higher."

God's Road is all uphill, but do not tire; Rejoice that we may still keep climbing higher.

Climbing Quotes: "The special forces gave me the self-confidence to do some extraordinary things in my life. Climbing Everest then cemented my belief in myself."

The special forces gave me the self-confidence to do some extraordinary things in my life. Climbing Everest then cemented my belief in myself.

Climbing Quotes: "I was like a cat always climbing the wrong tree."

I was like a cat always climbing the wrong tree.

Climbing Quotes: "My rhyming skills got you climbing hills, I'll travel through your mind into your spine like siren drills."

My rhyming skills got you climbing hills, I'll travel through your mind into your spine like siren drills.

Climbing Quotes: "If the reason for climbing Mt. Everest is that it's hard to do, why does everyone go up the easy side?"

If the reason for climbing Mt. Everest is that it's hard to do, why does everyone go up the easy side?

Climbing Quotes: "Step by step, one by one, higher and higher. Step by step, rung by rung, climbing Jacob's ladder."

Step by step, one by one, higher and higher. Step by step, rung by rung, climbing Jacob's ladder.

Climbing Quotes: "His eyebrows drew together. He was perilously close to unibrow; I guess nobody had held him down and administered a good plucking to the caterpillar climbing across his forehead."

His eyebrows drew together. He was perilously close to unibrow; I guess nobody had held him down and administered a good plucking to the caterpillar climbing across his forehead.

Climbing Quotes: "My brothers and I love playing outside and climbing trees. We really love sports, too - I think football's probably my favorite."

My brothers and I love playing outside and climbing trees. We really love sports, too - I think football's probably my favorite.

Climbing Quotes: "In the mountains of wisdom no climbing is in vain."

In the mountains of wisdom no climbing is in vain.

Climbing Quotes: "I am climbing to the top Of the tallest darkest tree I need to know Where heaven stops What lies Beyond the dream"

I am climbing to the top Of the tallest darkest tree I need to know Where heaven stops What lies Beyond the dream

Climbing Quotes: "Don't point your finger to the heights your children should go. Start climbing and they will follow."

Don't point your finger to the heights your children should go. Start climbing and they will follow.

Climbing Quotes: "When you're climbing with someone who always sees the bright spot, even if there is no bright spot, that attitude is really helpful."

When you're climbing with someone who always sees the bright spot, even if there is no bright spot, that attitude is really helpful.

Climbing Quotes: "I was climbing up a mountain-path With many things to do, Important business of my own, And other people's too, When I ran against a Prejudice That quite cut off the view."

I was climbing up a mountain-path With many things to do, Important business of my own, And other people's too, When I ran against a Prejudice That quite cut off the view.

Climbing Quotes: "Along with rock climbing, I hike and I like to go to the beach, anything outdoors and anything that takes me out of the everyday."

Along with rock climbing, I hike and I like to go to the beach, anything outdoors and anything that takes me out of the everyday.

Climbing Quotes: "She pushed the gardener away and called for them. In her sleep she had seen love. It was poisoning. It was possessing. Devouring. Or it was seven pairs of boots climbing up the stairs to find her."

She pushed the gardener away and called for them. In her sleep she had seen love. It was poisoning. It was possessing. Devouring. Or it was seven pairs of boots climbing up the stairs to find her.

Climbing Quotes: "A few hours' mountain climbing make of a rogue and a saint two fairly equal creatures. Tiredness is the shortest path to equality and fraternity - and sleep finally adds to them liberty."

A few hours' mountain climbing make of a rogue and a saint two fairly equal creatures. Tiredness is the shortest path to equality and fraternity - and sleep finally adds to them liberty.

Climbing Quotes: "Life is like a mountain: after climbing up one side and sliding down the other, put up the sled."

Life is like a mountain: after climbing up one side and sliding down the other, put up the sled.

Climbing Quotes: "We are members of a strange species that devotes its energies to climbing the ladder of success in order to make money to buy things we don't like."

We are members of a strange species that devotes its energies to climbing the ladder of success in order to make money to buy things we don't like.