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Coming Out Quotes

Find the best Coming Out quotes with images from our collection at QuotesLyfe. You can download, copy and even share it on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Linkedin, Pinterst, Reddit, etc. with your family, friends, colleagues, etc. The available pictures of Coming Out quotes can be used as your mobile or desktop wallpaper or screensaver. Also, remember to explore the Coming Out quote of the day.

Coming Out Quotes: "Dude, ” he said instead, “I’m flattered as hell.” And then he kicked my foot, lightly, twice. He was smiling.He couldn’t see the chasm that had opened behind my ribs."

Dude, ” he said instead, “I’m flattered as hell.” And then he kicked my foot, lightly, twice. He was smiling.He couldn’t see the chasm that had opened behind my ribs.

Coming Out Quotes: "I've always wanted to wake up one day in a world where I liked the right people, and they lied me in return. I worry it'll never happen."

I've always wanted to wake up one day in a world where I liked the right people, and they lied me in return. I worry it'll never happen.

Coming Out Quotes: "I'm still not totally sure I know what's true about me."

I'm still not totally sure I know what's true about me.

Coming Out Quotes: "I do like the way people behave toward me and Theresa when we’re together-everyone’s voice changes to music, and we get all sorts of smiles."

I do like the way people behave toward me and Theresa when we’re together-everyone’s voice changes to music, and we get all sorts of smiles.

Coming Out Quotes: "What's that you're holding?" he asked, noticing the pamphlet, still rolled up in her left"

What's that you're holding?" he asked, noticing the pamphlet, still rolled up in her left

Coming Out Quotes: "He was one of those people who completely changes when they smile. Like the sun had come out."

He was one of those people who completely changes when they smile. Like the sun had come out.

Coming Out Quotes: "If you possess enough courage to speak out what you are, you will find you are not alone."

If you possess enough courage to speak out what you are, you will find you are not alone.