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Communicate Quotes

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Communicate Quotes: "If I went back to college again, I'd concentrate on learning to write and to speak before an audience . Nothing is more important than the abillity to communicate effectively."

If I went back to college again, I'd concentrate on learning to write and to speak before an audience . Nothing is more important than the abillity to communicate effectively.

Communicate Quotes: "It was quite nice meeting up because we went through a lot together and we haven't really seen each much other to communicate one to one for quite a long time."

It was quite nice meeting up because we went through a lot together and we haven't really seen each much other to communicate one to one for quite a long time.

Communicate Quotes: "The longer one doesn't write, the more difficult it is to communicate."

The longer one doesn't write, the more difficult it is to communicate.

Communicate Quotes: "The biggest kick I get is to communicate with those who are exiled from the game - in hospitals, homes, prisons - those who have seldom seen a game, who can't travel to a game, those who are blind."

The biggest kick I get is to communicate with those who are exiled from the game - in hospitals, homes, prisons - those who have seldom seen a game, who can't travel to a game, those who are blind.

Communicate Quotes: "As a writer, I never paid much attention to the length of titles. I've just wanted them to communicate the emotional overtones of the content of a record or song that they are describing"

As a writer, I never paid much attention to the length of titles. I've just wanted them to communicate the emotional overtones of the content of a record or song that they are describing

Communicate Quotes: "The sick soon come to understand that they live in a different world from that of the well and that the two cannot communicate."

The sick soon come to understand that they live in a different world from that of the well and that the two cannot communicate.

Communicate Quotes: "News-hunters have great leisure, with little thought; much petty ambition to be considered intelligent, without any other pretension than being able to communicate what they have just learned."

News-hunters have great leisure, with little thought; much petty ambition to be considered intelligent, without any other pretension than being able to communicate what they have just learned.

Communicate Quotes: "John Conyers' office has been very responsive to citizen concerns and the Internet has presented a way to communicate with them in a way that's never before been there."

John Conyers' office has been very responsive to citizen concerns and the Internet has presented a way to communicate with them in a way that's never before been there.

Communicate Quotes: "I was touched by the magic of music. My way to communicate was through my guitar and music."

I was touched by the magic of music. My way to communicate was through my guitar and music.

Communicate Quotes: "There is no lonelier person than the one who lives with a spouse with whom he or she cannot communicate."

There is no lonelier person than the one who lives with a spouse with whom he or she cannot communicate.

Communicate Quotes: "God has allowed me to communicate well with people who are younger than me."

God has allowed me to communicate well with people who are younger than me.

Communicate Quotes: "Learn how to communicate, learn how to speak."

Learn how to communicate, learn how to speak.

Communicate Quotes: "Bowl better, Bat better, Catch better, communicate better... Just bloody play better.... I am now available for Selection of Australia..!!!!!"

Bowl better, Bat better, Catch better, communicate better... Just bloody play better.... I am now available for Selection of Australia..!!!!!

Communicate Quotes: "If we can't quantify and communicate our value with confidence, the achievements of the tremendous women before us will have all been for nothing."

If we can't quantify and communicate our value with confidence, the achievements of the tremendous women before us will have all been for nothing.

Communicate Quotes: "Not understanding anything is terrible, because I communicate very much in my real life."

Not understanding anything is terrible, because I communicate very much in my real life.

Communicate Quotes: "Let us seek in particular to communicate the deepest joy, that of knowing God in Christ."

Let us seek in particular to communicate the deepest joy, that of knowing God in Christ.

Communicate Quotes: "The Spirit always communicates that He's for you when He convicts you of your sin."

The Spirit always communicates that He's for you when He convicts you of your sin.

Communicate Quotes: "When I started acting, it was really the way for me to be able to communicate."

When I started acting, it was really the way for me to be able to communicate.

Communicate Quotes: "The higher the IQ the lower the EQ. The more intelligent you are, the lower your ability is to communicate emotionally with people."

The higher the IQ the lower the EQ. The more intelligent you are, the lower your ability is to communicate emotionally with people.

Communicate Quotes: "Musicians communicate in other ways. That's just something you rely on."

Musicians communicate in other ways. That's just something you rely on.

Communicate Quotes: "Your job as an actor is to be a storyteller and communicate to people. And I think it's very easy to see whether or not people are listening."

Your job as an actor is to be a storyteller and communicate to people. And I think it's very easy to see whether or not people are listening.

Communicate Quotes: "Liberty of thought means liberty to communicate one's thought."

Liberty of thought means liberty to communicate one's thought.

Communicate Quotes: "We [Facebook] really believe in enabling people to be their authentic selves on the web, and enabling people to communicate directly with each other in a very personal way."

We [Facebook] really believe in enabling people to be their authentic selves on the web, and enabling people to communicate directly with each other in a very personal way.

Communicate Quotes: "The power to distinguish between person and performance and to communicate intrinsic worth flows naturally out of our own sense of intrinsic worth."

The power to distinguish between person and performance and to communicate intrinsic worth flows naturally out of our own sense of intrinsic worth.

Communicate Quotes: "There's something to be said about all music being some translation of our languaging, our way of communicating. It's a language. This is a new language."

There's something to be said about all music being some translation of our languaging, our way of communicating. It's a language. This is a new language.

Communicate Quotes: "Battle with unconditioned breath the unconditioned air. Shun electric wire. Communicate slowly. Live a three-dimensional life; stay away from screens."

Battle with unconditioned breath the unconditioned air. Shun electric wire. Communicate slowly. Live a three-dimensional life; stay away from screens.

Communicate Quotes: "We all rely on technology to communicate, to survive, to do our banking, to shop, to get informed, but none of us knows how to read and write the code."

We all rely on technology to communicate, to survive, to do our banking, to shop, to get informed, but none of us knows how to read and write the code.

Communicate Quotes: "Listening is an act of love. When you listen to people, you are communicating non-verbally that they are important to you."

Listening is an act of love. When you listen to people, you are communicating non-verbally that they are important to you.

Communicate Quotes: "To be really great, you need to be naturally funny in order to stand out. But you can work at it, and find the best vehicle that you have to communicate what you're saying to people."

To be really great, you need to be naturally funny in order to stand out. But you can work at it, and find the best vehicle that you have to communicate what you're saying to people.

Communicate Quotes: "As doctors, we are not trained to communicate and understand the power of our words as they relate to a patient's ability and desire to survive."

As doctors, we are not trained to communicate and understand the power of our words as they relate to a patient's ability and desire to survive.

Communicate Quotes: "You may not be able to hit all the notes. That's OK. You may not have the clearest tone. You may not have the greatest range. But if you can inhabit your song, you can communicate."

You may not be able to hit all the notes. That's OK. You may not have the clearest tone. You may not have the greatest range. But if you can inhabit your song, you can communicate.

Communicate Quotes: "We need to have people up there who can communicate what it feels like, not just pilots and engineers."

We need to have people up there who can communicate what it feels like, not just pilots and engineers.

Communicate Quotes: "Long story short, ghosts just coming out of the closet sucked at communication. Probably as bad as a beginner ghost whisperer sucked at getting them to communicate."

Long story short, ghosts just coming out of the closet sucked at communication. Probably as bad as a beginner ghost whisperer sucked at getting them to communicate.

Communicate Quotes: "There are lots of ways to communicate what we know, but few ways to communicate what we feel. Music is one way to communicate emotions."

There are lots of ways to communicate what we know, but few ways to communicate what we feel. Music is one way to communicate emotions.

Communicate Quotes: "Every day, we communicate more with our energy, body language, face and eyes. That really is what communication is, and not so much words. And it's rare that you get to explore that in a film."

Every day, we communicate more with our energy, body language, face and eyes. That really is what communication is, and not so much words. And it's rare that you get to explore that in a film.

Communicate Quotes: "The visual arts must communicate to the human spirit, forcing individuals to reflect on themselves and their existence beyond their own self-interest."

The visual arts must communicate to the human spirit, forcing individuals to reflect on themselves and their existence beyond their own self-interest.

Communicate Quotes: "Recluse fanatics have few ideas or sentiments to communicate . . ."

Recluse fanatics have few ideas or sentiments to communicate . . .

Communicate Quotes: "You can make initial contact with someone who does not speak your language with signs or smiles, but to communicate you need words. So it is with a nation; to understand it you have to read its books"

You can make initial contact with someone who does not speak your language with signs or smiles, but to communicate you need words. So it is with a nation; to understand it you have to read its books

Communicate Quotes: "There is only one Steve Jobs, but if you want a shot at being the next Steve Jobs, learn to communicate using stories, demos, and pictures."

There is only one Steve Jobs, but if you want a shot at being the next Steve Jobs, learn to communicate using stories, demos, and pictures.

Communicate Quotes: "There's nothing like being on a massive-budget film where you don't know anything, and there's a million people, and no one's communicating."

There's nothing like being on a massive-budget film where you don't know anything, and there's a million people, and no one's communicating.

Communicate Quotes: "The bereaved cannot communicate with the unbereaved."

The bereaved cannot communicate with the unbereaved.

Communicate Quotes: "Real frontier-busting math explores new worlds . . . . If you can communicate that experience, somewhere between math and uncertainty, life experience provides the balance."

Real frontier-busting math explores new worlds . . . . If you can communicate that experience, somewhere between math and uncertainty, life experience provides the balance.

Communicate Quotes: "I open myself genuinely to all people by being willing to fully communicate my deepest feelings, since hiding in any degree keep me stuck in my illusion of separateness from other people."

I open myself genuinely to all people by being willing to fully communicate my deepest feelings, since hiding in any degree keep me stuck in my illusion of separateness from other people.

Communicate Quotes: "When I started dating I had relationships with people who came from families that weren't at all artistic or whatever, and they didn't understand how to communicate. I find that so boring."

When I started dating I had relationships with people who came from families that weren't at all artistic or whatever, and they didn't understand how to communicate. I find that so boring.

Communicate Quotes: "I was bullied in first grade, and it's definitely not fun. But always tell somebody instead of holding it in. Communicate with people and just say, 'Hey, I'm being bullied. I need help.'"

I was bullied in first grade, and it's definitely not fun. But always tell somebody instead of holding it in. Communicate with people and just say, 'Hey, I'm being bullied. I need help.'

Communicate Quotes: "I'm a creative person and I use painting, acting, writing, writing songs, or whatever, as tools to just get a point across, in order to communicate a story or an emotion."

I'm a creative person and I use painting, acting, writing, writing songs, or whatever, as tools to just get a point across, in order to communicate a story or an emotion.

Communicate Quotes: "I don't think you get perfect couples. At best you get two people building something, and working at it, and loving each other, and doing their best to communicate."

I don't think you get perfect couples. At best you get two people building something, and working at it, and loving each other, and doing their best to communicate.

Communicate Quotes: "In the 21st Century, the capacity to communicate will almost certainly be a key human right."

In the 21st Century, the capacity to communicate will almost certainly be a key human right.

Communicate Quotes: "My nightmare of nightmares is being overdressed for a casual event - I've done it! You have to have a real sense of what you want to communicate."

My nightmare of nightmares is being overdressed for a casual event - I've done it! You have to have a real sense of what you want to communicate.