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Concern Quotes

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Concern Quotes: "The visions of the INFJs tend to concern human welfare, and their contributions are likely to be made independent of a mass movement."

The visions of the INFJs tend to concern human welfare, and their contributions are likely to be made independent of a mass movement.

Concern Quotes: "You wanna do this...you wanna go right now...do you want to, GO?...then go get The Rock a bologna sandwich because this doesn't concern you."

You wanna do this...you wanna go right now...do you want to, GO?...then go get The Rock a bologna sandwich because this doesn't concern you.

Concern Quotes: "Concern yourselves more with the needs of others, with the needs of all humanity, and you'll have peace of mind."

Concern yourselves more with the needs of others, with the needs of all humanity, and you'll have peace of mind.

Concern Quotes: "The welfare of our children is our main concern, and their best interests are our first priority."

The welfare of our children is our main concern, and their best interests are our first priority.

Concern Quotes: "If you concern yourself with your neighbor’s talents, you’ll neglect your own. But if you concern yourself with yours, you could inspire both!"

If you concern yourself with your neighbor’s talents, you’ll neglect your own. But if you concern yourself with yours, you could inspire both!

Concern Quotes: "It is always a sign of an unproductive time when it concerns itself with petty and technical aspects [in philology], and likewiseit is a sign of an unproductive person to pursue such trifles."

It is always a sign of an unproductive time when it concerns itself with petty and technical aspects [in philology], and likewiseit is a sign of an unproductive person to pursue such trifles.

Concern Quotes: "When God looks at you, he doesn’t see you; he sees the One who surrounds you. That means that failure is not a concern for you. Your victory is secure."

When God looks at you, he doesn’t see you; he sees the One who surrounds you. That means that failure is not a concern for you. Your victory is secure.

Concern Quotes: "Even trivial events demonstrate strong devotion to the Universe and small concern for ego."

Even trivial events demonstrate strong devotion to the Universe and small concern for ego.

Concern Quotes: "My main concern is theater, and theater does not reflect or mirror society. It has been stingy and selfish, and it has to do better."

My main concern is theater, and theater does not reflect or mirror society. It has been stingy and selfish, and it has to do better.

Concern Quotes: "It is only about things which concern us most profoundly that we lie clearly and with profound conviction."

It is only about things which concern us most profoundly that we lie clearly and with profound conviction.

Concern Quotes: "My biggest concern is security and keeping Londoners safe."

My biggest concern is security and keeping Londoners safe.

Concern Quotes: "The more we feel concern for others and seek their well-being, the more friends we will have and the more welcome we will feel."

The more we feel concern for others and seek their well-being, the more friends we will have and the more welcome we will feel.

Concern Quotes: "The very phrase 'foreign affairs' makes an Englishman convinced that I am about to treat of subjects with which he has no concern."

The very phrase 'foreign affairs' makes an Englishman convinced that I am about to treat of subjects with which he has no concern.

Concern Quotes: "The greatest of fools is he who imposes on himself, and in his greatest concern thinks certainly he knows that which he has least studied, and of which he is most profoundly ignorant."

The greatest of fools is he who imposes on himself, and in his greatest concern thinks certainly he knows that which he has least studied, and of which he is most profoundly ignorant.

Concern Quotes: "The only beautiful things are the things that do not concern us."

The only beautiful things are the things that do not concern us.

Concern Quotes: "To be curious about that which is not one's concern while still in ignorance of oneself is ridiculous."

To be curious about that which is not one's concern while still in ignorance of oneself is ridiculous.

Concern Quotes: "Every true Freethinker accords to each individual the right to mental freedom. Where this freedom leads is no concern of others so long as it encroaches not upon their rights."

Every true Freethinker accords to each individual the right to mental freedom. Where this freedom leads is no concern of others so long as it encroaches not upon their rights.

Concern Quotes: "My concern has always been to paint nudes as if they were some splendid fruit."

My concern has always been to paint nudes as if they were some splendid fruit.

Concern Quotes: "To whom it may concern: It is springtime. It is late afternoon."

To whom it may concern: It is springtime. It is late afternoon.

Concern Quotes: "Love the player for who they are, not for what they can do for you. Kids see through the coach whose only concern is for himself."

Love the player for who they are, not for what they can do for you. Kids see through the coach whose only concern is for himself.

Concern Quotes: "My point was that removing Saddam should not have been our highest priority. Fighting terrorism should have been our number one concern, followed by the Palestinian peace process."

My point was that removing Saddam should not have been our highest priority. Fighting terrorism should have been our number one concern, followed by the Palestinian peace process.

Concern Quotes: "In ethics all individual humans are rightly seen, not only as beings to whom things matter, but as beings who accordingly merit concern and solicitude."

In ethics all individual humans are rightly seen, not only as beings to whom things matter, but as beings who accordingly merit concern and solicitude.

Concern Quotes: "I have no concern for the common man except that he should not be so common."

I have no concern for the common man except that he should not be so common.

Concern Quotes: "It is a happy thing for us that this is really all we have to concern ourselves about--what to do next. No man can do the second thing. He can do the first."

It is a happy thing for us that this is really all we have to concern ourselves about--what to do next. No man can do the second thing. He can do the first.

Concern Quotes: "One should learn from the past, but one should not live in the past. My concern is to look to the future, learn from the past, and deal with the present."

One should learn from the past, but one should not live in the past. My concern is to look to the future, learn from the past, and deal with the present.

Concern Quotes: "My concern has always been that people who I portray, or the professions that I portray, are not embarrassed by my portrayal of them."

My concern has always been that people who I portray, or the professions that I portray, are not embarrassed by my portrayal of them.

Concern Quotes: "Born out of concern for all beings."

Born out of concern for all beings.

Concern Quotes: "you can't really separate modernity from history or spiritual concerns from mundane ones. Everything feeds into everything else."

you can't really separate modernity from history or spiritual concerns from mundane ones. Everything feeds into everything else.

Concern Quotes: "A matter that becomes clear ceases to concern us."

A matter that becomes clear ceases to concern us.

Concern Quotes: "The spring of 1930 marks the end of a period of grave concern...American business is steadily coming back to a normal level of prosperity."

The spring of 1930 marks the end of a period of grave concern...American business is steadily coming back to a normal level of prosperity.

Concern Quotes: "What exists outside is a man's concern; let no woman give advice; and do no mischief within doors."

What exists outside is a man's concern; let no woman give advice; and do no mischief within doors.

Concern Quotes: "I watch every day when we hit and take ground balls and the way we go about our business. If I saw any lackadaisical approach, that would concern me."

I watch every day when we hit and take ground balls and the way we go about our business. If I saw any lackadaisical approach, that would concern me.

Concern Quotes: "I can take care of myself! But the "external barriers", my opponents, do indeed concern me."

I can take care of myself! But the "external barriers", my opponents, do indeed concern me.

Concern Quotes: "The nexus between terrorism and nuclear weapons, or even nuclear material, is obviously a current concern."

The nexus between terrorism and nuclear weapons, or even nuclear material, is obviously a current concern.

Concern Quotes: "God cares about everything that concerns you, so feel free to talk to Him about anything."

God cares about everything that concerns you, so feel free to talk to Him about anything.

Concern Quotes: "If there are lessons to be drawn from the sciences, then that should be the concern of everyone, including scientists to the extent that they can make a contribution."

If there are lessons to be drawn from the sciences, then that should be the concern of everyone, including scientists to the extent that they can make a contribution.

Concern Quotes: "Security for agriculture merits serious concern by not only the agricultural community but our nation as a whole. The risk to the U.S. food supply and overall economy is real."

Security for agriculture merits serious concern by not only the agricultural community but our nation as a whole. The risk to the U.S. food supply and overall economy is real.

Concern Quotes: "The accusation that we've lost our soul resonates with a very modern concern about authenticity."

The accusation that we've lost our soul resonates with a very modern concern about authenticity.

Concern Quotes: "There was a perception that the emerging-market problems aren't over and concern that may Brazil devalue."

There was a perception that the emerging-market problems aren't over and concern that may Brazil devalue.

Concern Quotes: "Kitsch generates pseudonovelty with no new insight into reality, or else does not concern itself at all with the new and produces its effects with more or less academic eclecticism."

Kitsch generates pseudonovelty with no new insight into reality, or else does not concern itself at all with the new and produces its effects with more or less academic eclecticism.

Concern Quotes: "We need to remind our core supporters that we have not forgotten their concern with the way our democracy is being replaced by European bureaucracy in so many areas."

We need to remind our core supporters that we have not forgotten their concern with the way our democracy is being replaced by European bureaucracy in so many areas.

Concern Quotes: "Only cinema narrows its concern down to its content, that is to its story. It should, instead, concern itself with its form, its structure."

Only cinema narrows its concern down to its content, that is to its story. It should, instead, concern itself with its form, its structure.

Concern Quotes: "What you could say, and what I do argue in the book, is that he doesn't have as much concern for the lives of Iraqis as he does for the lives of Americans, or even frozen American embryos."

What you could say, and what I do argue in the book, is that he doesn't have as much concern for the lives of Iraqis as he does for the lives of Americans, or even frozen American embryos.

Concern Quotes: "We should have been there shoulder to shoulder with our allies. Our concern is the instability of our government as an ally. We are playing again with national and global security matters."

We should have been there shoulder to shoulder with our allies. Our concern is the instability of our government as an ally. We are playing again with national and global security matters.

Concern Quotes: "By developing a sense of concern for others' well-being, then no matter what others' attitudes are, you can keep inner peace."

By developing a sense of concern for others' well-being, then no matter what others' attitudes are, you can keep inner peace.

Concern Quotes: "For prying into any human affairs, non are equal to those whom it does not concern."

For prying into any human affairs, non are equal to those whom it does not concern.

Concern Quotes: "If you're a comic, you don't have a rehearsal room, you rehearse on stage. My main concern is remembering everything."

If you're a comic, you don't have a rehearsal room, you rehearse on stage. My main concern is remembering everything.

Concern Quotes: "Doing justice includes not only the righting of wrongs but generosity and social concern, especially toward the poor and vulnerable."

Doing justice includes not only the righting of wrongs but generosity and social concern, especially toward the poor and vulnerable.

Concern Quotes: "To give either to any public matter of interest or to any concern of my own, but I am in utter poverty by reason of my devotion to the god ."

To give either to any public matter of interest or to any concern of my own, but I am in utter poverty by reason of my devotion to the god .