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Consciousness Quotes

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Consciousness Quotes: "There is no birth of consciousness without pain."

There is no birth of consciousness without pain.

Consciousness Quotes: "Pleasure is an important component of the quality of life, but by itself it does not bring happiness. Pleasure helps to maintain order, but by itself cannot create a new order in consciousness."

Pleasure is an important component of the quality of life, but by itself it does not bring happiness. Pleasure helps to maintain order, but by itself cannot create a new order in consciousness.

Consciousness Quotes: "Yoga breathing control is practiced to influence our thinking. The lungs correspond to our fore brain and can influence our consciousness."

Yoga breathing control is practiced to influence our thinking. The lungs correspond to our fore brain and can influence our consciousness.

Consciousness Quotes: "The most rigid structures, the most impervious to change, will collapse first."

The most rigid structures, the most impervious to change, will collapse first.

Consciousness Quotes: "The soul is your innermost being. The presence that you are beyond form. The consciousness that you are beyond form, that is the soul. That is who you are in essence."

The soul is your innermost being. The presence that you are beyond form. The consciousness that you are beyond form, that is the soul. That is who you are in essence.

Consciousness Quotes: "All your power is in your awareness of that power, and through holding that power in your consciousness."

All your power is in your awareness of that power, and through holding that power in your consciousness.

Consciousness Quotes: "The ill effects of thought come about when we forget that thought is a function of our consciousness.. an ability that we as human beings have. We are the producers of our own thinking."

The ill effects of thought come about when we forget that thought is a function of our consciousness.. an ability that we as human beings have. We are the producers of our own thinking.

Consciousness Quotes: "Men are mistaken in thinking themselves free; their opinion is made up of consciousness of their own actions, and ignorance of the causes by which they are determined."

Men are mistaken in thinking themselves free; their opinion is made up of consciousness of their own actions, and ignorance of the causes by which they are determined.

Consciousness Quotes: "In the consciousness of eternity, time is not, neither is space. In man's consciousness there appears so much mercy, so much love, that these have been called time and space."

In the consciousness of eternity, time is not, neither is space. In man's consciousness there appears so much mercy, so much love, that these have been called time and space.

Consciousness Quotes: "Only when your consciousness is totally focused on the moment you are in can you receive whatever gift, lesson, or delight that moment has to offer."

Only when your consciousness is totally focused on the moment you are in can you receive whatever gift, lesson, or delight that moment has to offer.

Consciousness Quotes: "White lines in movement symbolize a unifying idea which flows through the compartmented units of life bringing the consciousness of a larger relativity."

White lines in movement symbolize a unifying idea which flows through the compartmented units of life bringing the consciousness of a larger relativity.

Consciousness Quotes: "I have found that long durational art is really the key to changing consciousness. On such a deep level. Not just the performer, but the one looking at it."

I have found that long durational art is really the key to changing consciousness. On such a deep level. Not just the performer, but the one looking at it.

Consciousness Quotes: "Our practice is not to clear up the mystery. It is to make the mystery clear."

Our practice is not to clear up the mystery. It is to make the mystery clear.

Consciousness Quotes: "What we mean by maturity in people's thinking is not a matter of how smart they are, but it is a matter of the order of consciousness in which they exercise their smartness or their lack of it."

What we mean by maturity in people's thinking is not a matter of how smart they are, but it is a matter of the order of consciousness in which they exercise their smartness or their lack of it.

Consciousness Quotes: "A friend is a second self, so that our consciousness of a friend's existence...makes us more fully conscious of our own existence."

A friend is a second self, so that our consciousness of a friend's existence...makes us more fully conscious of our own existence.

Consciousness Quotes: "Nature is favourable to our effort when human awareness is being established more and more in pure consciousness."

Nature is favourable to our effort when human awareness is being established more and more in pure consciousness.

Consciousness Quotes: "As brain functioning becomes more and more integrated, consciousness - the mind - becomes more and more invincible, and then any dictate of the mind is immediately followed by the body."

As brain functioning becomes more and more integrated, consciousness - the mind - becomes more and more invincible, and then any dictate of the mind is immediately followed by the body.

Consciousness Quotes: "Life is a vexatious trap; when a thinking man reaches maturity and attains to full consciousness he cannot help feeling that he is in a trap from which there is no escape."

Life is a vexatious trap; when a thinking man reaches maturity and attains to full consciousness he cannot help feeling that he is in a trap from which there is no escape.

Consciousness Quotes: "All things are possible to God and to you in God-consciousness."

All things are possible to God and to you in God-consciousness.

Consciousness Quotes: "On human levels of consciousness one may emphasize getting and having as the prime goals, in spiritual consciousness he seeks the way of giving and being."

On human levels of consciousness one may emphasize getting and having as the prime goals, in spiritual consciousness he seeks the way of giving and being.

Consciousness Quotes: "He that does good to another does good also to himself, not only in the consequence but in the very act. For the consciousness of well-doing is in itself ample reward."

He that does good to another does good also to himself, not only in the consequence but in the very act. For the consciousness of well-doing is in itself ample reward.

Consciousness Quotes: "The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness."

The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.

Consciousness Quotes: "Increasing consciousness = increasing complexity."

Increasing consciousness = increasing complexity.

Consciousness Quotes: "Nothing in the real world is as beautiful as the illusions of a person about to lose consciousness."

Nothing in the real world is as beautiful as the illusions of a person about to lose consciousness.

Consciousness Quotes: "Today self-consciousness no longer means anything but reflection on the ego as embarrassment, as realization of impotence: knowing that one is nothing."

Today self-consciousness no longer means anything but reflection on the ego as embarrassment, as realization of impotence: knowing that one is nothing.

Consciousness Quotes: "You are not the body. You are the immensity and infinity of consciousness."

You are not the body. You are the immensity and infinity of consciousness.

Consciousness Quotes: "Without a global revolution in the sphere of human consciousness a more humane society will not emerge."

Without a global revolution in the sphere of human consciousness a more humane society will not emerge.

Consciousness Quotes: "Effective learning means arriving at new power, and the consciousness of new power is one of the most stimulating things in life."

Effective learning means arriving at new power, and the consciousness of new power is one of the most stimulating things in life.

Consciousness Quotes: "Whenever I heard the song of a bird and the answering call of its mate, I could visualize the notes in scale, all built up within my consciousness as a natural symphony."

Whenever I heard the song of a bird and the answering call of its mate, I could visualize the notes in scale, all built up within my consciousness as a natural symphony.

Consciousness Quotes: "Science cannot destroy the consciousness of freedom, without which there is no morality and no art, but it can refute it."

Science cannot destroy the consciousness of freedom, without which there is no morality and no art, but it can refute it.

Consciousness Quotes: "As body, mind, or soul, you are a dream; you really are Being, Consciousness, Bliss (satchidananda). You are the God of this universe."

As body, mind, or soul, you are a dream; you really are Being, Consciousness, Bliss (satchidananda). You are the God of this universe.

Consciousness Quotes: "I always tell my students, go where your body and soul want to go. When you have the feeling, then stay with it, and don't let anyone throw you off."

I always tell my students, go where your body and soul want to go. When you have the feeling, then stay with it, and don't let anyone throw you off.

Consciousness Quotes: "Free will and consciousness is an illusion, and the self is a complex of memes."

Free will and consciousness is an illusion, and the self is a complex of memes.

Consciousness Quotes: "When you are fully conscious, drama does not come into your life anymore."

When you are fully conscious, drama does not come into your life anymore.

Consciousness Quotes: "Order and reason, beauty and benevolence, are characteristics and conceptions which we find solely associated with the mind of man."

Order and reason, beauty and benevolence, are characteristics and conceptions which we find solely associated with the mind of man.

Consciousness Quotes: "What happens is consciousness operates in mysterious ways. One of those ways is that the old paradigm suddenly starts to die."

What happens is consciousness operates in mysterious ways. One of those ways is that the old paradigm suddenly starts to die.

Consciousness Quotes: "It is the State which educates its citizens in civic virtue, gives them a consciousness of their mission and welds them into unity."

It is the State which educates its citizens in civic virtue, gives them a consciousness of their mission and welds them into unity.

Consciousness Quotes: "We are at war between consciousness and nature, between the desire for permanence and the fact of flux. It is ourself against ourselves."

We are at war between consciousness and nature, between the desire for permanence and the fact of flux. It is ourself against ourselves.

Consciousness Quotes: "Another thing that's good about writing to describe a situation or a state of consciousness is that you can finally get it right. That was my intention, and that's always interesting."

Another thing that's good about writing to describe a situation or a state of consciousness is that you can finally get it right. That was my intention, and that's always interesting.

Consciousness Quotes: "Memory marks the horizon of our consciousness, imagination its zenith."

Memory marks the horizon of our consciousness, imagination its zenith.

Consciousness Quotes: "When your consciousness is directed outward, mind and world arise. When it is directed inward, it realises its own Source and returns home into the Unmanifested."

When your consciousness is directed outward, mind and world arise. When it is directed inward, it realises its own Source and returns home into the Unmanifested.

Consciousness Quotes: "This is part of human nature, the desire to change consciousness."

This is part of human nature, the desire to change consciousness.

Consciousness Quotes: "In prayer we shift the center of living from self-consciousness to self-surrender"

In prayer we shift the center of living from self-consciousness to self-surrender

Consciousness Quotes: "Being a physicist, not a philosopher, I have devised an entirely new theory of consciousness, allowing one to numerically calculate the level of consciounsess of humans and even animals."

Being a physicist, not a philosopher, I have devised an entirely new theory of consciousness, allowing one to numerically calculate the level of consciounsess of humans and even animals.

Consciousness Quotes: "It is on the whole probably that we continually dream, but that consciousness makes such a noise that we do not hear it."

It is on the whole probably that we continually dream, but that consciousness makes such a noise that we do not hear it.

Consciousness Quotes: "Only the consciousness of a purpose that is mightier than any man and worthy of all men can fortify and inspirit and compose the souls of men."

Only the consciousness of a purpose that is mightier than any man and worthy of all men can fortify and inspirit and compose the souls of men.

Consciousness Quotes: "When you forget yourself and your fear, when you get beyond self-consciousness because your mind is thinking about what you are trying to communicate, you become a better communicator"

When you forget yourself and your fear, when you get beyond self-consciousness because your mind is thinking about what you are trying to communicate, you become a better communicator

Consciousness Quotes: "The only successful manifestation is one which brings about a change or growth in consciousness; that is, it has manifested God, or revealed him more fully as well as having manifested a form."

The only successful manifestation is one which brings about a change or growth in consciousness; that is, it has manifested God, or revealed him more fully as well as having manifested a form.

Consciousness Quotes: "What you feel, what you desire and what you want is not what you are. You are a consciousness. Speak consciously and speak what your consciousness allows you to speak."

What you feel, what you desire and what you want is not what you are. You are a consciousness. Speak consciously and speak what your consciousness allows you to speak.