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Defeated Quotes

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Defeated Quotes: "People need to stand up hold hands, talk about alternatives. Alternatives, alternatives, alternatives. And people united will never, ever be defeated."

People need to stand up hold hands, talk about alternatives. Alternatives, alternatives, alternatives. And people united will never, ever be defeated.

Defeated Quotes: "To die in the act of killing is, in essence, to die defeated."

To die in the act of killing is, in essence, to die defeated.

Defeated Quotes: "What kind of victory is it when someone is left defeated?"

What kind of victory is it when someone is left defeated?

Defeated Quotes: "It was never the act itself but our own understanding of it that defeated us, over and over again."

It was never the act itself but our own understanding of it that defeated us, over and over again.

Defeated Quotes: "If Mitt Romney had got the percentage Ronald Reagan did of Hispanics, he would have defeated Barack Obama."

If Mitt Romney had got the percentage Ronald Reagan did of Hispanics, he would have defeated Barack Obama.

Defeated Quotes: "You better watch out, or you're going to be defeated by pessimism!"

You better watch out, or you're going to be defeated by pessimism!

Defeated Quotes: "You might encounter defeats but you must never be defeated... Love a lot. Laugh a lot at the silliest things and be very serious... love life."

You might encounter defeats but you must never be defeated... Love a lot. Laugh a lot at the silliest things and be very serious... love life.

Defeated Quotes: "Dwarfs have also the right to despise the giants, because giants too can be defeated!"

Dwarfs have also the right to despise the giants, because giants too can be defeated!

Defeated Quotes: "I see an America where poverty is defeated by opportunity, not enabled by a government check."

I see an America where poverty is defeated by opportunity, not enabled by a government check.

Defeated Quotes: "If the party of gloom is ever to regain its footing, it will have to start by understanding that those who defeated them are not a bunch of ignorant yahoos looking forward to Armageddon."

If the party of gloom is ever to regain its footing, it will have to start by understanding that those who defeated them are not a bunch of ignorant yahoos looking forward to Armageddon.

Defeated Quotes: "The power of the gospel lies[...] in the powerful announcement that God is God, that Jesus is Lord, that the powers of evil have been defeated, that God's new world has begun."

The power of the gospel lies[...] in the powerful announcement that God is God, that Jesus is Lord, that the powers of evil have been defeated, that God's new world has begun.

Defeated Quotes: "An army which cannot be reenforced is already defeated."

An army which cannot be reenforced is already defeated.

Defeated Quotes: "If I had not been defeated in Acre against Jezzar Pasha of Turk. I would conquer all of the East."

If I had not been defeated in Acre against Jezzar Pasha of Turk. I would conquer all of the East.

Defeated Quotes: "We fought for freedom together. We had no government, no weapons to help us. We defeated such a big empire without any government, without any arms."

We fought for freedom together. We had no government, no weapons to help us. We defeated such a big empire without any government, without any arms.

Defeated Quotes: "It's fine to criticize somebody else's crimes and misdeeds, but you don't talk about your own. The only exception is a country that is defeated. And even that is rather nuanced."

It's fine to criticize somebody else's crimes and misdeeds, but you don't talk about your own. The only exception is a country that is defeated. And even that is rather nuanced.

Defeated Quotes: "All battles have some use, including those in which we were defeated."

All battles have some use, including those in which we were defeated.

Defeated Quotes: "President Lincoln chose to fight a bloody and unpopular war because he believed the enemy had to be defeated. He was right."

President Lincoln chose to fight a bloody and unpopular war because he believed the enemy had to be defeated. He was right.

Defeated Quotes: "Winning does not tempt that man. This is how he grows: by being defeated, decisively, by constantly greater beings."

Winning does not tempt that man. This is how he grows: by being defeated, decisively, by constantly greater beings.

Defeated Quotes: "More men have been defeated by reports than all the steel of all the swords in history."

More men have been defeated by reports than all the steel of all the swords in history.

Defeated Quotes: "One's dream is defeated not by unsolvable problems, but by all the more-or-less satisfactory solutions that kill it forever."

One's dream is defeated not by unsolvable problems, but by all the more-or-less satisfactory solutions that kill it forever.

Defeated Quotes: "We cannot meet 'em [Democrates] halfway. We can't cross the aisle. These people, I'm talking about the left wherever you find them, the Democrats, they have to be defeated."

We cannot meet 'em [Democrates] halfway. We can't cross the aisle. These people, I'm talking about the left wherever you find them, the Democrats, they have to be defeated.

Defeated Quotes: "Liberals need to continue to be politically defeated and hammered day in and day out."

Liberals need to continue to be politically defeated and hammered day in and day out.

Defeated Quotes: "Ronald Reagan defeated Soviet communism without firing a shot."

Ronald Reagan defeated Soviet communism without firing a shot.

Defeated Quotes: "Hillary [Clinton] got defeated by the alt-right or by white supremacism or what have you. And they continue to lie to themselves, as does the entire Democrat Party."

Hillary [Clinton] got defeated by the alt-right or by white supremacism or what have you. And they continue to lie to themselves, as does the entire Democrat Party.

Defeated Quotes: "Ronald Reagan reignited the American economy, rebuilt the Military, bankrupted the Soviet Union and defeated Soviet Communism. I will do the same thing."

Ronald Reagan reignited the American economy, rebuilt the Military, bankrupted the Soviet Union and defeated Soviet Communism. I will do the same thing.

Defeated Quotes: "Letters had always defeated distance, but with the coming of e-mail, time seemed to be vanquished as well."

Letters had always defeated distance, but with the coming of e-mail, time seemed to be vanquished as well.

Defeated Quotes: "He who jokes in the executioners face can be destroyed, but never defeated."

He who jokes in the executioners face can be destroyed, but never defeated.

Defeated Quotes: "Over the last few hours I've allowed myself to feel defeated, and just like she said if you allow yourself to feel the way you really feel, maybe you won't be afraid of that feeling anymore."

Over the last few hours I've allowed myself to feel defeated, and just like she said if you allow yourself to feel the way you really feel, maybe you won't be afraid of that feeling anymore.

Defeated Quotes: "The poor aren't defeated. We're domesticated."

The poor aren't defeated. We're domesticated.

Defeated Quotes: "We need to stand together. Since I was elected leader of our party, we have repeatedly defeated the government over its attacks on living standards."

We need to stand together. Since I was elected leader of our party, we have repeatedly defeated the government over its attacks on living standards.

Defeated Quotes: "Quickly you make rash decisions. You dismiss your last allies: hope and trust. There, you've defeated yourself. Fear, which is but an impression, has triumphed over you."

Quickly you make rash decisions. You dismiss your last allies: hope and trust. There, you've defeated yourself. Fear, which is but an impression, has triumphed over you.

Defeated Quotes: "When we choose to stay down, we are in reality confusing wisdom with cowardice. When we choose to stand back up, we are using wisdom to overcome cowardice."

When we choose to stay down, we are in reality confusing wisdom with cowardice. When we choose to stand back up, we are using wisdom to overcome cowardice.

Defeated Quotes: "With God, the fear of failure is slain cold by success that is already hot on the way."

With God, the fear of failure is slain cold by success that is already hot on the way.

Defeated Quotes: "Sadly, in too many cases surrender is having been ‘outrun’ by fear rather than having ‘run out’ of heart."

Sadly, in too many cases surrender is having been ‘outrun’ by fear rather than having ‘run out’ of heart.

Defeated Quotes: "I prefer to die fighting than living defeated"

I prefer to die fighting than living defeated

Defeated Quotes: "I am the greatest obstacle to my greatest dreams."

I am the greatest obstacle to my greatest dreams.

Defeated Quotes: "The worst defeat of all is to surrender without having been defeated. And it is Christmas that obliterates both."

The worst defeat of all is to surrender without having been defeated. And it is Christmas that obliterates both.

Defeated Quotes: "I don’t necessarily sit around inviting life to knock me down, but when it does I don’t wait around for an invitation to stand back up either."

I don’t necessarily sit around inviting life to knock me down, but when it does I don’t wait around for an invitation to stand back up either.

Defeated Quotes: "You were never created to live depressed, defeated, guilty, condemned, ashamed or unworthy. We were created to be victorious."

You were never created to live depressed, defeated, guilty, condemned, ashamed or unworthy. We were created to be victorious.

Defeated Quotes: "Or is what remains in me like a defeated army, Fleeing in disarray from victory already won?"

Or is what remains in me like a defeated army, Fleeing in disarray from victory already won?

Defeated Quotes: "The only way to prevent your problem from jubilating over you is to confront them head to head with the singular hope that they will be defeated!"

The only way to prevent your problem from jubilating over you is to confront them head to head with the singular hope that they will be defeated!

Defeated Quotes: "Think about your past victories, and then look into the eye of your current obstacle and tell it that it will soon lose like your defeated obstacles."

Think about your past victories, and then look into the eye of your current obstacle and tell it that it will soon lose like your defeated obstacles.

Defeated Quotes: "Your obstacles are always counting on you to be fearful and doubtful because those are their only chances of defeating you."

Your obstacles are always counting on you to be fearful and doubtful because those are their only chances of defeating you.

Defeated Quotes: "It’s like I’m on a roller-coaster ride, but I’m not allowed to get off. I’m strapped to the seat, and within eyesight the unfinished twirl of the track swirls into the air."

It’s like I’m on a roller-coaster ride, but I’m not allowed to get off. I’m strapped to the seat, and within eyesight the unfinished twirl of the track swirls into the air.

Defeated Quotes: "winter is no stranger to cold hearts."

winter is no stranger to cold hearts.

Defeated Quotes: "To smile when you are defeated means your defeat is already defeated!"

To smile when you are defeated means your defeat is already defeated!

Defeated Quotes: "The study of beauty is a duel in which the artist cries with terror before being defeated."

The study of beauty is a duel in which the artist cries with terror before being defeated.