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Definitions Quotes

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Definitions Quotes: "I am told that the clinical definition of insanity is the tendency to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results."

I am told that the clinical definition of insanity is the tendency to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results.

Definitions Quotes: "My definition of an artist is anyone who's ahead of his time and behind on his rent."

My definition of an artist is anyone who's ahead of his time and behind on his rent.

Definitions Quotes: "Love is the fundamental relatedness in the universe."

Love is the fundamental relatedness in the universe.

Definitions Quotes: "[Sexism is] behavior, policy, language, or other action of men or women which expresses the institutionalized, systematic, comprehensive, or consistent view that women are inferior."

[Sexism is] behavior, policy, language, or other action of men or women which expresses the institutionalized, systematic, comprehensive, or consistent view that women are inferior.

Definitions Quotes: "My definition of modernism took a while to develop."

My definition of modernism took a while to develop.

Definitions Quotes: "If I had to give a definition of capitalism I would say: the process whereby American girls turn into American women."

If I had to give a definition of capitalism I would say: the process whereby American girls turn into American women.

Definitions Quotes: "The question of the family now divides our society so deeply that the opposing sides cannot even agree on a definition of the institution they are arguing about."

The question of the family now divides our society so deeply that the opposing sides cannot even agree on a definition of the institution they are arguing about.

Definitions Quotes: "A geek by definition is somebody who eats live animals. I?ve never eaten live animals."

A geek by definition is somebody who eats live animals. I?ve never eaten live animals.

Definitions Quotes: "I'm not really sure that I have the same definition of things as other people. Like, when people talk about being "engaged" with the audience, I'm not exactly sure what they mean."

I'm not really sure that I have the same definition of things as other people. Like, when people talk about being "engaged" with the audience, I'm not exactly sure what they mean.

Definitions Quotes: "A broad definition of crime in England is that it is any lower-class activity that is displeasing to the upper class."

A broad definition of crime in England is that it is any lower-class activity that is displeasing to the upper class.

Definitions Quotes: "I wonder who it was defined man as a rational animal. It was the most premature definition ever given. Man is many things, but he is not rational."

I wonder who it was defined man as a rational animal. It was the most premature definition ever given. Man is many things, but he is not rational.

Definitions Quotes: "My definition of palatable might be slightly different from yours."

My definition of palatable might be slightly different from yours.

Definitions Quotes: "What is a weed? I have heard it said that there are sixty definitions. For me, a weed is a plant out of place."

What is a weed? I have heard it said that there are sixty definitions. For me, a weed is a plant out of place.

Definitions Quotes: "One definition of man is an intelligence served by organs."

One definition of man is an intelligence served by organs.

Definitions Quotes: "There have been many definitions of beauty in art. What is it? Beauty is what the untrained eyes consider abominable."

There have been many definitions of beauty in art. What is it? Beauty is what the untrained eyes consider abominable.

Definitions Quotes: "The ultimate definition of success is: you could lose everything that you have and truly be okay with it. Your happiness isn't based on external factors."

The ultimate definition of success is: you could lose everything that you have and truly be okay with it. Your happiness isn't based on external factors.

Definitions Quotes: "Definitions are temporary verbalizations of concepts, and concepts- particularly difficult concepts- are usually revised repeatedly as our knowledge and understanding grows."

Definitions are temporary verbalizations of concepts, and concepts- particularly difficult concepts- are usually revised repeatedly as our knowledge and understanding grows.

Definitions Quotes: "The best definition of an immortal is someone who hasn't died yet."

The best definition of an immortal is someone who hasn't died yet.

Definitions Quotes: "A computer program is a message from a man to a machine. The rigidly marshaled syntax and the scrupulous definitions all exist to make intention clear to the dumb engine."

A computer program is a message from a man to a machine. The rigidly marshaled syntax and the scrupulous definitions all exist to make intention clear to the dumb engine.

Definitions Quotes: "Kitsch lends itself to a definition in terms of a systematic attempt to fly from daily reality: in time and in space."

Kitsch lends itself to a definition in terms of a systematic attempt to fly from daily reality: in time and in space.

Definitions Quotes: "My definition of economic development is economic growth."

My definition of economic development is economic growth.

Definitions Quotes: "The great disadvantage of being in a rat race is that it is humiliating. The competitors in a rat race are by definition rodents."

The great disadvantage of being in a rat race is that it is humiliating. The competitors in a rat race are by definition rodents.

Definitions Quotes: "I am very much afraid of definitions, and yet one is almost forced to make them. One must take care, too, not to be inhibited by them."

I am very much afraid of definitions, and yet one is almost forced to make them. One must take care, too, not to be inhibited by them.

Definitions Quotes: "There is no such thing as real happiness in life. The justest definition that was ever given of it was "a tranquil acquiescence under an agreeable delusion"--I forget where."

There is no such thing as real happiness in life. The justest definition that was ever given of it was "a tranquil acquiescence under an agreeable delusion"--I forget where.

Definitions Quotes: "The simple sense of wonder at the shapes of things, and at their exuberant independence of our intellectual standards and our trivial definitions, is the basis of spirituality."

The simple sense of wonder at the shapes of things, and at their exuberant independence of our intellectual standards and our trivial definitions, is the basis of spirituality.

Definitions Quotes: "The sense of this word among the Greeks affords the noblest definition of it; enthusiasm signifies 'God in us.'"

The sense of this word among the Greeks affords the noblest definition of it; enthusiasm signifies 'God in us.'

Definitions Quotes: "On Facebook, the definition of great content is not the content that makes the most sales, but the content that people most want to share with others."

On Facebook, the definition of great content is not the content that makes the most sales, but the content that people most want to share with others.

Definitions Quotes: "The mind defines, decides, doubts and divides - only the heart truly binds."

The mind defines, decides, doubts and divides - only the heart truly binds.

Definitions Quotes: "Quotation, n: The act of repeating erroneously the words of another."

Quotation, n: The act of repeating erroneously the words of another.

Definitions Quotes: "There are innumerable definitions of God because his manifestations are innumerable."

There are innumerable definitions of God because his manifestations are innumerable.

Definitions Quotes: "Innovating economies expand and develop. Economies that do not add new kinds of goods and services, but continue only to repeat old work, do not expand much nor do they, by definition, develop."

Innovating economies expand and develop. Economies that do not add new kinds of goods and services, but continue only to repeat old work, do not expand much nor do they, by definition, develop.

Definitions Quotes: "Generosity is, by definition, disinterested."

Generosity is, by definition, disinterested.

Definitions Quotes: "You cannot be who and what you are unless you have a lifestyle, both internally and externally, that is designed to support that definition of self."

You cannot be who and what you are unless you have a lifestyle, both internally and externally, that is designed to support that definition of self.

Definitions Quotes: "We can all be geniuses because one definition of genius is the infinite capacity for taking pains."

We can all be geniuses because one definition of genius is the infinite capacity for taking pains.

Definitions Quotes: "The definition of leadership is that you have to find great people and ask them to do extraordinary things. I've been doing that my whole life."

The definition of leadership is that you have to find great people and ask them to do extraordinary things. I've been doing that my whole life.

Definitions Quotes: "Success has a very narrow definition in professional athletics: medals and records, and pursuit of anything outside of that is looked down upon."

Success has a very narrow definition in professional athletics: medals and records, and pursuit of anything outside of that is looked down upon.

Definitions Quotes: "In some ways we want definitions that can help protect our own interpretations of the genre."

In some ways we want definitions that can help protect our own interpretations of the genre.

Definitions Quotes: "My definition of patriotism is to defend your country with the truth, no matter the consequences."

My definition of patriotism is to defend your country with the truth, no matter the consequences.

Definitions Quotes: "Business enterprise is an organ of society. There is only one valid definition of business purpose: to create a customer."

Business enterprise is an organ of society. There is only one valid definition of business purpose: to create a customer.

Definitions Quotes: "The only definition of a leader is someone who has followers."

The only definition of a leader is someone who has followers.

Definitions Quotes: "When one person can initiate war, by its definition, a republic no longer exists."

When one person can initiate war, by its definition, a republic no longer exists.

Definitions Quotes: "Something is born, comes into being, something that did not exist before - which is as good a definition of creativity as we can get."

Something is born, comes into being, something that did not exist before - which is as good a definition of creativity as we can get.

Definitions Quotes: "...the definition of swiftboating is: producing irrefutable evidence that a Democrat is lying."

...the definition of swiftboating is: producing irrefutable evidence that a Democrat is lying.

Definitions Quotes: "We are essentially outsiders and that is the best definition of an entrepreneur I have ever come across."

We are essentially outsiders and that is the best definition of an entrepreneur I have ever come across.

Definitions Quotes: "Congress's definition of torture in those laws - the infliction of severe mental or physical pain - leaves room for interrogation methods that go beyond polite conversation."

Congress's definition of torture in those laws - the infliction of severe mental or physical pain - leaves room for interrogation methods that go beyond polite conversation.

Definitions Quotes: "Any trade that is voluntarily made is mutually beneficial, by definition, and, indeed, is balanced, by definition."

Any trade that is voluntarily made is mutually beneficial, by definition, and, indeed, is balanced, by definition.

Definitions Quotes: "Know the true definition of yourself. That is essential. Then, when you know your own definition, flee from it."

Know the true definition of yourself. That is essential. Then, when you know your own definition, flee from it.

Definitions Quotes: "Definition, rationality, and structure are ways of seeing, but they become prisons when they blank out other ways of seeing."

Definition, rationality, and structure are ways of seeing, but they become prisons when they blank out other ways of seeing.

Definitions Quotes: "Definition of 'Free': You pay for it whether or not you elect to receive it."

Definition of 'Free': You pay for it whether or not you elect to receive it.