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Destroyed Quotes

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Destroyed Quotes: "He who pretends to look on death without fear lies. All men are afraid of dying, this is the great law of sentient beings, without which the entire human species would soon be destroyed."

He who pretends to look on death without fear lies. All men are afraid of dying, this is the great law of sentient beings, without which the entire human species would soon be destroyed.

Destroyed Quotes: "Children are all criminally insane, and must be destroyed!"

Children are all criminally insane, and must be destroyed!

Destroyed Quotes: "I think The Eagles single-handedly destroyed country music - well, now, country music has been killed by rap crossovers, so it's hard to say. Maybe we can just agree that money killed country music."

I think The Eagles single-handedly destroyed country music - well, now, country music has been killed by rap crossovers, so it's hard to say. Maybe we can just agree that money killed country music.

Destroyed Quotes: "There is a part of her greater than the sum of her knowable parts. And that part has to go somewhere, because it cannot be destroyed."

There is a part of her greater than the sum of her knowable parts. And that part has to go somewhere, because it cannot be destroyed.

Destroyed Quotes: "When the world is destroyed, it will be destroyed not by its madmen but by the sanity of its experts and the superior ignorance of its bureaucrats."

When the world is destroyed, it will be destroyed not by its madmen but by the sanity of its experts and the superior ignorance of its bureaucrats.

Destroyed Quotes: "I knew that there had been times in the past-terrible times-when people had destroyed others in haste,in fear, and had brought about their own destruction"

I knew that there had been times in the past-terrible times-when people had destroyed others in haste,in fear, and had brought about their own destruction

Destroyed Quotes: "It is not enough, citizens, to have destroyed the factions, it is necessary now to repair the evil that they have done to the country."

It is not enough, citizens, to have destroyed the factions, it is necessary now to repair the evil that they have done to the country.

Destroyed Quotes: "The remaining liberty of the world was to be destroyed in the place where it stood."

The remaining liberty of the world was to be destroyed in the place where it stood.

Destroyed Quotes: "Democracy disciplined and enlightened is the finest thing in the world. A democracy prejudiced, ignorant, superstitious, will land itself in chaos and may be self-destroyed."

Democracy disciplined and enlightened is the finest thing in the world. A democracy prejudiced, ignorant, superstitious, will land itself in chaos and may be self-destroyed.

Destroyed Quotes: "What shall we do with...the Jews?...their homes also should be razed and destroyed."

What shall we do with...the Jews?...their homes also should be razed and destroyed.

Destroyed Quotes: "I ran right back to work. My back was just destroyed after pregnancy. I almost had to have surgery, until I did Pilates and rebuilt my body."

I ran right back to work. My back was just destroyed after pregnancy. I almost had to have surgery, until I did Pilates and rebuilt my body.

Destroyed Quotes: "God created dinosaurs. God destroyed dinosaurs. God created Man. Man destroyed God. Man created dinosaurs. Dinosaurs eat man...Woman inherits the earth."

God created dinosaurs. God destroyed dinosaurs. God created Man. Man destroyed God. Man created dinosaurs. Dinosaurs eat man...Woman inherits the earth.

Destroyed Quotes: "If you really want to engage in policy activity, don't make that your vocation. Make it your avocation. Get a job. Get a secure base of income. Otherwise, you're going to get corrupted and destroyed."

If you really want to engage in policy activity, don't make that your vocation. Make it your avocation. Get a job. Get a secure base of income. Otherwise, you're going to get corrupted and destroyed.

Destroyed Quotes: "I have destroyed the enemy merely by marches."

I have destroyed the enemy merely by marches.

Destroyed Quotes: "I loved you and you destroyed me. You took my heart and ripped it up. You might as well have staked me."

I loved you and you destroyed me. You took my heart and ripped it up. You might as well have staked me.

Destroyed Quotes: "More dreams are destroyed in bed than are ever found there."

More dreams are destroyed in bed than are ever found there.

Destroyed Quotes: "I've always been impulsive. My thinking is usually pretty good, but I always seem to do it after I do my talking — by which time I've generally destroyed all basis for further conversation."

I've always been impulsive. My thinking is usually pretty good, but I always seem to do it after I do my talking — by which time I've generally destroyed all basis for further conversation.

Destroyed Quotes: "When you strip it all away, Jerry Garcia (former Grateful Dead guitarist) destroyed his life on drugs. And yet hes being honored, like some godlike figure. Our priorities are out of whack, folks."

When you strip it all away, Jerry Garcia (former Grateful Dead guitarist) destroyed his life on drugs. And yet hes being honored, like some godlike figure. Our priorities are out of whack, folks.

Destroyed Quotes: "Obamacare ruined and destroyed or set in motion the ruination and destruction of the American health care system."

Obamacare ruined and destroyed or set in motion the ruination and destruction of the American health care system.

Destroyed Quotes: "I've destroyed my feet completely but I don't care. What do you really need your feet for anyway."

I've destroyed my feet completely but I don't care. What do you really need your feet for anyway.

Destroyed Quotes: "This solitary Tree! a living thing Produced too slowly ever to decay; Of form and aspect too magnificent To be destroyed."

This solitary Tree! a living thing Produced too slowly ever to decay; Of form and aspect too magnificent To be destroyed.

Destroyed Quotes: "When you put a great amount of energy and hope in a big project, you can be destroyed if you don't do it. But myself, I say: "To fail is only to see the way to fail.""

When you put a great amount of energy and hope in a big project, you can be destroyed if you don't do it. But myself, I say: "To fail is only to see the way to fail."

Destroyed Quotes: "A Canadian settler hates a tree, regards it as his natural enemy, as something to be destroyed, eradicated, annihilated by all and any means."

A Canadian settler hates a tree, regards it as his natural enemy, as something to be destroyed, eradicated, annihilated by all and any means.

Destroyed Quotes: "I'd put a lot of work into playing guitar and was thinking I was pretty damn good. But Hendrix came along and destroyed everyone."

I'd put a lot of work into playing guitar and was thinking I was pretty damn good. But Hendrix came along and destroyed everyone.

Destroyed Quotes: "What do you do when your entire identity is destroyed in an instant? How do you cope when your whole life story turns out to bw wrong?"

What do you do when your entire identity is destroyed in an instant? How do you cope when your whole life story turns out to bw wrong?

Destroyed Quotes: "Unlike an external enemy, the inner enemy cannot regroup and launch a comeback once it has been destroyed from within."

Unlike an external enemy, the inner enemy cannot regroup and launch a comeback once it has been destroyed from within.

Destroyed Quotes: "Loudspeakers should be made to be destroyed and... disposable."

Loudspeakers should be made to be destroyed and... disposable.

Destroyed Quotes: "A myth is a fixed way of looking at the world which cannot be destroyed because, looked at through the myth, all evidence supports the myth."

A myth is a fixed way of looking at the world which cannot be destroyed because, looked at through the myth, all evidence supports the myth.

Destroyed Quotes: "I wore glasses, no music, and I won - I think it was - fifth place. I got a whipping the same day. My mother whipped me for something. Destroyed my ego completely."

I wore glasses, no music, and I won - I think it was - fifth place. I got a whipping the same day. My mother whipped me for something. Destroyed my ego completely.

Destroyed Quotes: "My father fought in World War I and single-handedly destroyed the Germans' line of communication. He ate their pigeon."

My father fought in World War I and single-handedly destroyed the Germans' line of communication. He ate their pigeon.

Destroyed Quotes: "What wastrel mankind destroyed takes time for nature to put to rights."

What wastrel mankind destroyed takes time for nature to put to rights.

Destroyed Quotes: "Love could never come to full fruition till it was destroyed."

Love could never come to full fruition till it was destroyed.

Destroyed Quotes: "Only the minute and the future are interesting in fashion -- it exists to be destroyed. If everybody did everything with respect, you'd go nowhere."

Only the minute and the future are interesting in fashion -- it exists to be destroyed. If everybody did everything with respect, you'd go nowhere.

Destroyed Quotes: "Tidied all my papers. Tore up and ruthlessly destroyed much. This is always a great satisfaction."

Tidied all my papers. Tore up and ruthlessly destroyed much. This is always a great satisfaction.

Destroyed Quotes: "If it's a despot you would dethrone, see first that his throne erected within you is destroyed."

If it's a despot you would dethrone, see first that his throne erected within you is destroyed.

Destroyed Quotes: "Since I was young my wish has been to die in perfect health - I mean to die with a body that is not destroyed by illness but a body that is consumed by its own long burning fire."

Since I was young my wish has been to die in perfect health - I mean to die with a body that is not destroyed by illness but a body that is consumed by its own long burning fire.

Destroyed Quotes: "If the method is able to liberate our land, to liberate our people from Israeli jails, to reconstruct what was destroyed by the long-standing Israeli occupation, at that time we can discuss."

If the method is able to liberate our land, to liberate our people from Israeli jails, to reconstruct what was destroyed by the long-standing Israeli occupation, at that time we can discuss.

Destroyed Quotes: "There's no doubt that the ready availability of music online has created a thousand more opportunities than it's destroyed."

There's no doubt that the ready availability of music online has created a thousand more opportunities than it's destroyed.

Destroyed Quotes: "Reason should be destroyed in all Christians."

Reason should be destroyed in all Christians.

Destroyed Quotes: "Prayer is not to be used as a confessional, to cancel sin. Such an error would impede true religion. Sin is forgiven only as it is destroyed by Christ - Truth and Light."

Prayer is not to be used as a confessional, to cancel sin. Such an error would impede true religion. Sin is forgiven only as it is destroyed by Christ - Truth and Light.

Destroyed Quotes: "My father had a fishing business in Aberdeen destroyed by the European Union and the Common Fisheries Policy."

My father had a fishing business in Aberdeen destroyed by the European Union and the Common Fisheries Policy.

Destroyed Quotes: "1994 GOP victory destroyed bipartisanship."

1994 GOP victory destroyed bipartisanship.

Destroyed Quotes: "God has made Canada one of those nations which cannot be conquered and cannot be destroyed, except by itself."

God has made Canada one of those nations which cannot be conquered and cannot be destroyed, except by itself.

Destroyed Quotes: "Natural healing has the power to cure pancreatic cancer. But usually, before I see the patient, medical treatments - not the disease - have destroyed the patient's body."

Natural healing has the power to cure pancreatic cancer. But usually, before I see the patient, medical treatments - not the disease - have destroyed the patient's body.

Destroyed Quotes: "I'm easily destroyed and I operate on emotional levels."

I'm easily destroyed and I operate on emotional levels.

Destroyed Quotes: "If we are immortal it is a fact in nature, and we are not indebted to priests for it, nor to bibles for it, and it cannot be destroyed by unbelief."

If we are immortal it is a fact in nature, and we are not indebted to priests for it, nor to bibles for it, and it cannot be destroyed by unbelief.

Destroyed Quotes: "If you lose your soul, there is a danger of its being destroyed. Therefore, you may not love it, since you do not want it to be destroyed. But in not wanting it to be destroyed, you love it."

If you lose your soul, there is a danger of its being destroyed. Therefore, you may not love it, since you do not want it to be destroyed. But in not wanting it to be destroyed, you love it.

Destroyed Quotes: "The first time I played against Seattle was the only time I felt destroyed. Vin Baker just manhandled me. The whole thing, their double teams, their movement, everything."

The first time I played against Seattle was the only time I felt destroyed. Vin Baker just manhandled me. The whole thing, their double teams, their movement, everything.

Destroyed Quotes: "It is a career that can be enhanced or destroyed by success."

It is a career that can be enhanced or destroyed by success.