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Destroyed Quotes

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Destroyed Quotes: "If I lose you because of the blind idiot I've been then I will be the one who is destroyed"

If I lose you because of the blind idiot I've been then I will be the one who is destroyed

Destroyed Quotes: "All the armies of Europe combined could not by force make a track upon the Blue Ridge, or take a drink from the Ohio. If we are to be destroyed, we must do it ourselves."

All the armies of Europe combined could not by force make a track upon the Blue Ridge, or take a drink from the Ohio. If we are to be destroyed, we must do it ourselves.

Destroyed Quotes: "People weren't buying as many records. My record company did not want me. I went through three record companies, went on tour at the wrong time. It destroyed me."

People weren't buying as many records. My record company did not want me. I went through three record companies, went on tour at the wrong time. It destroyed me.

Destroyed Quotes: "We warned when the crisis began in 2011 that unless it was resolved quickly, the country [Syria] would be destroyed. Unfortunately, our warnings are coming true."

We warned when the crisis began in 2011 that unless it was resolved quickly, the country [Syria] would be destroyed. Unfortunately, our warnings are coming true.

Destroyed Quotes: "There can be no profit in the making or selling of things to be destroyed in war. Men may think that they have such profit, but in the end the profit will turn out to be a loss."

There can be no profit in the making or selling of things to be destroyed in war. Men may think that they have such profit, but in the end the profit will turn out to be a loss.

Destroyed Quotes: "You should make the world understand that Israel is the oppressor and that Israel must be destroyed."

You should make the world understand that Israel is the oppressor and that Israel must be destroyed.

Destroyed Quotes: "I have solid decent people around me, and I believe that is all it is, because you will get destroyed if you have people bringing you down."

I have solid decent people around me, and I believe that is all it is, because you will get destroyed if you have people bringing you down.

Destroyed Quotes: "A lot of my movies were completely destroyed by the censors, who can be pretty arbitrary. They're not completely fair with how they treat one person vs. another."

A lot of my movies were completely destroyed by the censors, who can be pretty arbitrary. They're not completely fair with how they treat one person vs. another.

Destroyed Quotes: "To save myself, I destroyed another, and in doing so, I destroyed myself."

To save myself, I destroyed another, and in doing so, I destroyed myself.

Destroyed Quotes: "It seemed to her as though everything that was good and true had been blasted out of the world. All those things had been crushed destroyed made to disappear."

It seemed to her as though everything that was good and true had been blasted out of the world. All those things had been crushed destroyed made to disappear.

Destroyed Quotes: "A perfect world or a world destroyed, one or the other- someday will come the end of hell."

A perfect world or a world destroyed, one or the other- someday will come the end of hell.

Destroyed Quotes: "Old memories are very easy to get except that once you write about something you've destroyed it."

Old memories are very easy to get except that once you write about something you've destroyed it.

Destroyed Quotes: "Not everything I dislike should be destroyed, some of it should simply be moved farther away."

Not everything I dislike should be destroyed, some of it should simply be moved farther away.

Destroyed Quotes: "The nation was not founded by habitual groupthinkers. But it stands a fair chance of being destroyed by them."

The nation was not founded by habitual groupthinkers. But it stands a fair chance of being destroyed by them.

Destroyed Quotes: "Any American strike will not destroy as much as the terrorists have already destroyed in Syria ; sometimes the repercussions could be many doubles the strike itself."

Any American strike will not destroy as much as the terrorists have already destroyed in Syria ; sometimes the repercussions could be many doubles the strike itself.

Destroyed Quotes: "I think Jewish history did away with a priesthood when the Temple was destroyed, and it became, supposedly, a religion of scholars. A rabbi is just a scholar."

I think Jewish history did away with a priesthood when the Temple was destroyed, and it became, supposedly, a religion of scholars. A rabbi is just a scholar.

Destroyed Quotes: "If God were to remove all evil from our world (but somehow leave human beings on the planet), it would mean that the essence of 'humanness' would be destroyed. We would become robots."

If God were to remove all evil from our world (but somehow leave human beings on the planet), it would mean that the essence of 'humanness' would be destroyed. We would become robots.

Destroyed Quotes: "What was that?" Galladon demanded. "I think I just destroyed the biology section" Raoden replied with wonder."

What was that?" Galladon demanded. "I think I just destroyed the biology section" Raoden replied with wonder.

Destroyed Quotes: "Natural events have completely destroyed this planet on numerous occasions in the past, and just like them we are a natural event destroying this planet."

Natural events have completely destroyed this planet on numerous occasions in the past, and just like them we are a natural event destroying this planet.

Destroyed Quotes: "What you said was true. we don't live or love in a vacuum. There are people around us who care about us who would be hurt, maybe destroyed if we let ourselves feel what we might want to feel."

What you said was true. we don't live or love in a vacuum. There are people around us who care about us who would be hurt, maybe destroyed if we let ourselves feel what we might want to feel.

Destroyed Quotes: "You were destroyed by what you befriended."

You were destroyed by what you befriended.

Destroyed Quotes: "I'd have to say that the 1994 Woodstock completely destroyed anything that came after it."

I'd have to say that the 1994 Woodstock completely destroyed anything that came after it.

Destroyed Quotes: "(Howard) Dean is a raving nut bag...a raving, sinister, demagogic nutbag...I and a few other people saw that he should be destroyed."

(Howard) Dean is a raving nut bag...a raving, sinister, demagogic nutbag...I and a few other people saw that he should be destroyed.

Destroyed Quotes: "Time in the heart and sequence in the brain-- Such as destroyed Rimbaud and fooled Verlaine. And let us then take godhead by the neck-- And strangle it, and with it, rhetoric."

Time in the heart and sequence in the brain-- Such as destroyed Rimbaud and fooled Verlaine. And let us then take godhead by the neck-- And strangle it, and with it, rhetoric.

Destroyed Quotes: "For a country without a past is nothing, a word That, hardly spoken, loses its meaning, A perishable wall destroyed by flame, An echo of animal emotions."

For a country without a past is nothing, a word That, hardly spoken, loses its meaning, A perishable wall destroyed by flame, An echo of animal emotions.

Destroyed Quotes: "The mind is "ashamed" of the blood. And the blood is destroyed by the mind, actually. Hence palefaces."

The mind is "ashamed" of the blood. And the blood is destroyed by the mind, actually. Hence palefaces.

Destroyed Quotes: "In our own case, we don't consider the loss of a monastery or a monument the end of our entire way of life. If one monastery is destroyed, sometimes it happens."

In our own case, we don't consider the loss of a monastery or a monument the end of our entire way of life. If one monastery is destroyed, sometimes it happens.

Destroyed Quotes: "If other things must be destroyed in order for fire to exist, that's all right with fire. As far as fire is concerned, that's what those things are there for in the first place."

If other things must be destroyed in order for fire to exist, that's all right with fire. As far as fire is concerned, that's what those things are there for in the first place.

Destroyed Quotes: "Now that the Sanctity and Holiness of heterosexual marriage has been destroyed, are they going to cancel The Bachelor?"

Now that the Sanctity and Holiness of heterosexual marriage has been destroyed, are they going to cancel The Bachelor?

Destroyed Quotes: "What drugs have not destroyed, the war on them has"

What drugs have not destroyed, the war on them has

Destroyed Quotes: "What drugs haven't destroyed, the war against them has"

What drugs haven't destroyed, the war against them has

Destroyed Quotes: "Do you think it would be quite so easy to kill them now that your weapon has been destroyed?' he sneered. 'No,' she said, frowning at him, 'Obviously not."

Do you think it would be quite so easy to kill them now that your weapon has been destroyed?' he sneered. 'No,' she said, frowning at him, 'Obviously not.

Destroyed Quotes: "How much more money do we have to waste, how many more families have to be destroyed, how many more people have to be killed before you summon the courage to tell the truth to the American people?"

How much more money do we have to waste, how many more families have to be destroyed, how many more people have to be killed before you summon the courage to tell the truth to the American people?

Destroyed Quotes: "Europe is being absolutely swamped and destroyed with the crime and the problems, and it could be some sinister plot."

Europe is being absolutely swamped and destroyed with the crime and the problems, and it could be some sinister plot.

Destroyed Quotes: "No one's noticed. So much is destroyed, we can't be bothered."

No one's noticed. So much is destroyed, we can't be bothered.

Destroyed Quotes: "No evil is completely destroyed nor are acts of goodness."

No evil is completely destroyed nor are acts of goodness.

Destroyed Quotes: "Now, drama is quite useful at helping us to understand what our position is and, conversely, we might then understand why our theatre is being destroyed"

Now, drama is quite useful at helping us to understand what our position is and, conversely, we might then understand why our theatre is being destroyed

Destroyed Quotes: "[Instead] of inquiring why the Roman empire was destroyed, we should rather be surprised that it had subsisted so long."

[Instead] of inquiring why the Roman empire was destroyed, we should rather be surprised that it had subsisted so long.

Destroyed Quotes: "Citizens with a conscience are not going to ignore wrong-doing simply because they'll be destroyed for it: the conscience forbids it."

Citizens with a conscience are not going to ignore wrong-doing simply because they'll be destroyed for it: the conscience forbids it.

Destroyed Quotes: "Time destroyed Is suicide, where more than blood is spilt."

Time destroyed Is suicide, where more than blood is spilt.

Destroyed Quotes: "The reality, certainly in my life, is that we all have love stories that go terribly wrong; we all have horribly broken hearts. And somehow we endure. We're not destroyed by it."

The reality, certainly in my life, is that we all have love stories that go terribly wrong; we all have horribly broken hearts. And somehow we endure. We're not destroyed by it.

Destroyed Quotes: "What is the system? It revolves around the banks, the system is built on the power of the banks, so it can be destroyed through the banks."

What is the system? It revolves around the banks, the system is built on the power of the banks, so it can be destroyed through the banks.

Destroyed Quotes: "I have leukemia, and my chemotherapy has destroyed my immune system."

I have leukemia, and my chemotherapy has destroyed my immune system.

Destroyed Quotes: "[On Washington, D.C.:] There was no other city in the world where rumor fed upon itself so virulently. Whispers wiped out careers just as cholera destroyed its human victims."

[On Washington, D.C.:] There was no other city in the world where rumor fed upon itself so virulently. Whispers wiped out careers just as cholera destroyed its human victims.

Destroyed Quotes: "From my standpoint, coca should be neither destroyed nor completely legalized. Farming should be controlled by the state and by the coca farmers' unions."

From my standpoint, coca should be neither destroyed nor completely legalized. Farming should be controlled by the state and by the coca farmers' unions.

Destroyed Quotes: "If what was supposed to have been destroyed in Paradise was destructible, then it was not decisive; but if it was indestructible, then we are living in a false belief."

If what was supposed to have been destroyed in Paradise was destructible, then it was not decisive; but if it was indestructible, then we are living in a false belief.

Destroyed Quotes: "Psychic beings are childlike, delicate and easily destroyed."

Psychic beings are childlike, delicate and easily destroyed.

Destroyed Quotes: "Power has destroyed many people - not really. Power doesn't destroy anyone. People apply it poorly and it can ruin their lives. Power is like fire. Fire is neither good nor bad. It's how you use it."

Power has destroyed many people - not really. Power doesn't destroy anyone. People apply it poorly and it can ruin their lives. Power is like fire. Fire is neither good nor bad. It's how you use it.

Destroyed Quotes: "When a civilization, a race, a people, a society, when they lack love, they are soon destroyed."

When a civilization, a race, a people, a society, when they lack love, they are soon destroyed.