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Distractions Quotes

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Distractions Quotes: "Work is hard. Distractions are plentiful. And time is short."

Work is hard. Distractions are plentiful. And time is short.

Distractions Quotes: "One way to boost our will power and focus is to manage our distractions instead of letting them manage us."

One way to boost our will power and focus is to manage our distractions instead of letting them manage us.

Distractions Quotes: "Once you decide to do right, life is easy, there are no distractions."

Once you decide to do right, life is easy, there are no distractions.

Distractions Quotes: "War is being reminded that you are completely at the mercy of death at every moment, without the illusion that you are not. Without the distractions that make life worth living."

War is being reminded that you are completely at the mercy of death at every moment, without the illusion that you are not. Without the distractions that make life worth living.

Distractions Quotes: "Take those praises with a level head, you must not be distracted by them. After all, purpose still awaits you."

Take those praises with a level head, you must not be distracted by them. After all, purpose still awaits you.

Distractions Quotes: "You can’t really think hard about what you’re doing and listen to the radio at the same time. Maybe they didn’t see their job as having anything to do with hard thought, just wrench twiddling."

You can’t really think hard about what you’re doing and listen to the radio at the same time. Maybe they didn’t see their job as having anything to do with hard thought, just wrench twiddling.

Distractions Quotes: "Never pay attention to the distractions in life. Focus on possibilities."

Never pay attention to the distractions in life. Focus on possibilities.

Distractions Quotes: "Fight for what you want. Never allow anything to distract you."

Fight for what you want. Never allow anything to distract you.

Distractions Quotes: "How might it feel to be fully present in every moment all of the time?"

How might it feel to be fully present in every moment all of the time?

Distractions Quotes: "I just follow God's lead. One step, one day and one opportunity at a time. The hardest part is not becoming distracted."

I just follow God's lead. One step, one day and one opportunity at a time. The hardest part is not becoming distracted.

Distractions Quotes: "Believe in yourself, don't let no man define your future, work hard at your trade as if no man exist to help you and focus should be your lens against distractions."

Believe in yourself, don't let no man define your future, work hard at your trade as if no man exist to help you and focus should be your lens against distractions.

Distractions Quotes: "Don't let people get the best of you they say what they want but don't let that distract you from accomplishing your goals."

Don't let people get the best of you they say what they want but don't let that distract you from accomplishing your goals.

Distractions Quotes: "I apologize to my words for not nurturing you and giving you the attention that you deserve."

I apologize to my words for not nurturing you and giving you the attention that you deserve.

Distractions Quotes: "Climb upon the hates, and build upon the loves."

Climb upon the hates, and build upon the loves.

Distractions Quotes: "I felt like I wasn’t living thoroughly enough — I was distracted in ways I wouldn’t be if I’d been born in 1929."

I felt like I wasn’t living thoroughly enough — I was distracted in ways I wouldn’t be if I’d been born in 1929.

Distractions Quotes: "Knowing that one thing you want is a great step. Sure, whether you prefer or not, you'll get offers, and many will seem just like that one thing you want."

Knowing that one thing you want is a great step. Sure, whether you prefer or not, you'll get offers, and many will seem just like that one thing you want.

Distractions Quotes: "Knowing that one thing you want is a great step. Sure, whether you prefer or not, you'll get offers, and many will seem that one thing you want."

Knowing that one thing you want is a great step. Sure, whether you prefer or not, you'll get offers, and many will seem that one thing you want.

Distractions Quotes: "Sadly, when a person's possessions distract him from his purpose, he usually ends up losing both."

Sadly, when a person's possessions distract him from his purpose, he usually ends up losing both.

Distractions Quotes: "You have to be so disciplined that even your distractions become focused."

You have to be so disciplined that even your distractions become focused.

Distractions Quotes: "One of the greatest help you can give to yourself is to kill distraction"

One of the greatest help you can give to yourself is to kill distraction

Distractions Quotes: "I find that when I come out of the library I’m in what I call the library bliss of being totally taken away from the distractions of li"

I find that when I come out of the library I’m in what I call the library bliss of being totally taken away from the distractions of li

Distractions Quotes: "I'm the master of distractions. A couple of hand gestures and BAM! I'll pull the underwear clean off your butt."

I'm the master of distractions. A couple of hand gestures and BAM! I'll pull the underwear clean off your butt.

Distractions Quotes: "When you are able to overcome distractions, then you will be able to do something more specific, something more precise and definite with the time that you have."

When you are able to overcome distractions, then you will be able to do something more specific, something more precise and definite with the time that you have.

Distractions Quotes: "When you understand the value of time, the resource and the wealth of time, you will be running away from the crowd, you will be running away from distractions."

When you understand the value of time, the resource and the wealth of time, you will be running away from the crowd, you will be running away from distractions.

Distractions Quotes: "It is easier to convert your time into products when you move away from any distractions."

It is easier to convert your time into products when you move away from any distractions.

Distractions Quotes: "You must understand that your creativity comes alive when you spend time alone focusing on your projects without distractions."

You must understand that your creativity comes alive when you spend time alone focusing on your projects without distractions.

Distractions Quotes: "Phones are distracting. The internet is distracting.The way he looked at you? He wasn't distracted. He was consumed."

Phones are distracting. The internet is distracting.The way he looked at you? He wasn't distracted. He was consumed.

Distractions Quotes: "knowledge of who we are prevents us from being distracted by the demands of our surroundings"

knowledge of who we are prevents us from being distracted by the demands of our surroundings

Distractions Quotes: "How tragic it is to find that an entire lifetime is wasted in pursuit of distractions while purpose is neglected."

How tragic it is to find that an entire lifetime is wasted in pursuit of distractions while purpose is neglected.

Distractions Quotes: "Your time keeps flying away into vanity while you dine with your distractions. Your life keeps diminishing while you waste your time feeding your distractions."

Your time keeps flying away into vanity while you dine with your distractions. Your life keeps diminishing while you waste your time feeding your distractions.

Distractions Quotes: "Your ability to overcome distractions will determine how long you can stay in solitude."

Your ability to overcome distractions will determine how long you can stay in solitude.

Distractions Quotes: "Most of the people in the world are just distracted and work only on the surface but if you will be deep enough to concentrate and study or rehearse anything, the world will bow in honor of you."

Most of the people in the world are just distracted and work only on the surface but if you will be deep enough to concentrate and study or rehearse anything, the world will bow in honor of you.

Distractions Quotes: "Don’t let the things of the world distract you. Focus on your purpose"

Don’t let the things of the world distract you. Focus on your purpose

Distractions Quotes: "Eliminate all distractions and focus on things that add value to your life"

Eliminate all distractions and focus on things that add value to your life

Distractions Quotes: "Frequently we do not leave the past behind. We clasp on to it. We dissect it, and let fears for the future, tempered by the past, unconsciously prevent us from taking up the task eternal."

Frequently we do not leave the past behind. We clasp on to it. We dissect it, and let fears for the future, tempered by the past, unconsciously prevent us from taking up the task eternal.

Distractions Quotes: "We rarely find answers in the distractions. But oh what possibilities live within the quiet of solitude.In my fear to be alone, I distracted myself away from the deep beauty of my own solitude."

We rarely find answers in the distractions. But oh what possibilities live within the quiet of solitude.In my fear to be alone, I distracted myself away from the deep beauty of my own solitude.

Distractions Quotes: "If you know who you are and know that you live to achieve goals in keeping with who you are, it does not matter if people give you compliments or not"

If you know who you are and know that you live to achieve goals in keeping with who you are, it does not matter if people give you compliments or not

Distractions Quotes: "Normal people live distracted, rarely fully present. Weird people silence the distractions and remain fully in the moment."

Normal people live distracted, rarely fully present. Weird people silence the distractions and remain fully in the moment.

Distractions Quotes: "Shame on the misguided, the blinded, the distracted and the divided. Shame. You have allowed deceptive men to corrupt and desensitize your hearts and minds to unethically fuel their greed."

Shame on the misguided, the blinded, the distracted and the divided. Shame. You have allowed deceptive men to corrupt and desensitize your hearts and minds to unethically fuel their greed.

Distractions Quotes: "So many wants distract man from his divine purpose."

So many wants distract man from his divine purpose.

Distractions Quotes: "Keep making a difference out there! Don't let the noise around you distract you from listening to the voice within you."

Keep making a difference out there! Don't let the noise around you distract you from listening to the voice within you.

Distractions Quotes: "Learning to let go is not giving up! It is simply passing the burden to a better fighter, so you can fight another day. (God)"

Learning to let go is not giving up! It is simply passing the burden to a better fighter, so you can fight another day. (God)

Distractions Quotes: "For convenience sake, we deny the truth and look past it. Instant pleasure transforms quietly into immense pain."

For convenience sake, we deny the truth and look past it. Instant pleasure transforms quietly into immense pain.