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Divine Quotes

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Divine Quotes: "Try to cultivate love of God. You are born as a human being only to attain divine love."

Try to cultivate love of God. You are born as a human being only to attain divine love.

Divine Quotes: "Modern man no longer regards Nature as in any sense divine and feels perfectly free to behave toward her as an overweening conqueror and tyrant."

Modern man no longer regards Nature as in any sense divine and feels perfectly free to behave toward her as an overweening conqueror and tyrant.

Divine Quotes: "Divine right went out with the American Revolution and doesn't belong to the White House aides. What meat do they eat that makes them grow so great?"

Divine right went out with the American Revolution and doesn't belong to the White House aides. What meat do they eat that makes them grow so great?

Divine Quotes: "Anxiety must go. It must be replaced by faith and solemn confidence in the outworking of the divine plan."

Anxiety must go. It must be replaced by faith and solemn confidence in the outworking of the divine plan.

Divine Quotes: "If you need me or my help I will help you, whatever path you may follow. For me there is no difference. All paths lead to the same goal, that is, to realize the Divine."

If you need me or my help I will help you, whatever path you may follow. For me there is no difference. All paths lead to the same goal, that is, to realize the Divine.

Divine Quotes: "May all of you as Americans never forget your heroic origins, never fail to seek Divine guidance, and never lose your natural God-given optimism."

May all of you as Americans never forget your heroic origins, never fail to seek Divine guidance, and never lose your natural God-given optimism.

Divine Quotes: "True prayer is an awareness of our helpless need and an acknowledgment of divine adequacy."

True prayer is an awareness of our helpless need and an acknowledgment of divine adequacy.

Divine Quotes: "This is the divine moment when we can hold the fairest blossom of spring in one hand and the sweetest flowers of early summer in the other."

This is the divine moment when we can hold the fairest blossom of spring in one hand and the sweetest flowers of early summer in the other.

Divine Quotes: "Angels are the dispensers and administrators of the divine beneficence toward us."

Angels are the dispensers and administrators of the divine beneficence toward us.

Divine Quotes: "To dance is human, to polka is divine."

To dance is human, to polka is divine.

Divine Quotes: "For when we quaff the gen'rous bowl, Then sleep the sorrows of our soul. Let us drink the juice divine, The gift of Bacchus, god of wine. When I take wine, my cares go to rest."

For when we quaff the gen'rous bowl, Then sleep the sorrows of our soul. Let us drink the juice divine, The gift of Bacchus, god of wine. When I take wine, my cares go to rest.

Divine Quotes: "When all life is seen as divine, everyone grows wings."

When all life is seen as divine, everyone grows wings.

Divine Quotes: "Divine is the task to relieve pain"

Divine is the task to relieve pain

Divine Quotes: "Reality is permeated, indeed flooded, with divine creativity, nourishment, and care."

Reality is permeated, indeed flooded, with divine creativity, nourishment, and care.

Divine Quotes: "I am sorry to have to inform you that I do not believe in the Bible as a divine revelation, & therefore not in Jesus Christ as the Son of God."

I am sorry to have to inform you that I do not believe in the Bible as a divine revelation, & therefore not in Jesus Christ as the Son of God.

Divine Quotes: "Untouchability, I hold, is a sin, if Bhagavadgita is one of our Divine Books."

Untouchability, I hold, is a sin, if Bhagavadgita is one of our Divine Books.

Divine Quotes: "I did not find you outside, O Lord, because I made the mistake of seeking outside you who were within"

I did not find you outside, O Lord, because I made the mistake of seeking outside you who were within

Divine Quotes: "There never was a great soul that did not have some divine inspiration."

There never was a great soul that did not have some divine inspiration.

Divine Quotes: "Loveliest of women! heaven is in thy soul, Beauty and virtue shine forever round thee, Bright'ning each other! thou art all divine!"

Loveliest of women! heaven is in thy soul, Beauty and virtue shine forever round thee, Bright'ning each other! thou art all divine!

Divine Quotes: "The most divine light only shineth on those minds which are purged from all worldly dross and human uncleanliness."

The most divine light only shineth on those minds which are purged from all worldly dross and human uncleanliness.

Divine Quotes: "Grace is openness. By remaining open, you let go of your ego and narrow-minded views, and allow divine grace to express itself through you."

Grace is openness. By remaining open, you let go of your ego and narrow-minded views, and allow divine grace to express itself through you.

Divine Quotes: "Love is amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all."

Love is amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.

Divine Quotes: "There is a divine purpose behind everything - and therefore a divine presence in everything."

There is a divine purpose behind everything - and therefore a divine presence in everything.

Divine Quotes: "The incomparable stupidity of life teaches us to love our parents; divine philosophy teaches us to forgive them."

The incomparable stupidity of life teaches us to love our parents; divine philosophy teaches us to forgive them.

Divine Quotes: "A shepherd, in whom the spirit of God works, is more highly esteemed before God than the wisest and most potent in self-wit, without the divine dominion."

A shepherd, in whom the spirit of God works, is more highly esteemed before God than the wisest and most potent in self-wit, without the divine dominion.

Divine Quotes: "In contrast with the law, which imposed giving as a divine requirement, Christian giving is voluntary, and a test of sincerity and love."

In contrast with the law, which imposed giving as a divine requirement, Christian giving is voluntary, and a test of sincerity and love.

Divine Quotes: "O divine art of subtlety and secrecy!"

O divine art of subtlety and secrecy!

Divine Quotes: "Aid the sick; thank the Divine Power for the state of equilibrium you are able to conserve."

Aid the sick; thank the Divine Power for the state of equilibrium you are able to conserve.

Divine Quotes: "Awareness of the divine begins with wonder."

Awareness of the divine begins with wonder.

Divine Quotes: "Because we lack a divine Center our need for security has led us into an insane attachment to things."

Because we lack a divine Center our need for security has led us into an insane attachment to things.

Divine Quotes: "That's the sacred intent of life, of God--to move us continuously toward growth, toward recovering all that is lost and orphaned within us and restoring the divine image imprinted on our soul."

That's the sacred intent of life, of God--to move us continuously toward growth, toward recovering all that is lost and orphaned within us and restoring the divine image imprinted on our soul.

Divine Quotes: "Humility is not weakness; it is the epitome of strength. Humility moves a person away from human, personal weakness and limitation into divine expression, strength, and expansion."

Humility is not weakness; it is the epitome of strength. Humility moves a person away from human, personal weakness and limitation into divine expression, strength, and expansion.

Divine Quotes: "There is a natural law, a Divine law, that obliges you and me to relieve the suffering, the distressed and the destitute."

There is a natural law, a Divine law, that obliges you and me to relieve the suffering, the distressed and the destitute.

Divine Quotes: "A constant realization of the presence of Spirit will provide a sense of Divine Companionship that no other attitude could produce."

A constant realization of the presence of Spirit will provide a sense of Divine Companionship that no other attitude could produce.

Divine Quotes: "Every man is a divinity in disguise, a god playing the fool."

Every man is a divinity in disguise, a god playing the fool.

Divine Quotes: "Stand up for who you are. Respect your Self and ignite the divine sparks in you. Access your powers. Choose your rights and work together with others to bring blessings into the lives."

Stand up for who you are. Respect your Self and ignite the divine sparks in you. Access your powers. Choose your rights and work together with others to bring blessings into the lives.

Divine Quotes: "I am fully equipped for the Divine Plan of my life."

I am fully equipped for the Divine Plan of my life.

Divine Quotes: "Each person you interact with, is an entire universe unto themselves, a Divine Being, unspeakabley precious."

Each person you interact with, is an entire universe unto themselves, a Divine Being, unspeakabley precious.

Divine Quotes: "Man was appointed by God to have dominion over the beasts, and everything a man does to an animal is either a lawful exercise or a sacrilegious abuse of an authority by divine right."

Man was appointed by God to have dominion over the beasts, and everything a man does to an animal is either a lawful exercise or a sacrilegious abuse of an authority by divine right.

Divine Quotes: "True inner joy is self-created It does not rely on any outer circumstances A river is flowing in and through you carrying the message of joy. This divine joy is the sole purpose of life."

True inner joy is self-created It does not rely on any outer circumstances A river is flowing in and through you carrying the message of joy. This divine joy is the sole purpose of life.

Divine Quotes: "The river Rhine, it is well known, Doth wash your city of Cologne; But tell me, nymphs! what power divine Shall henceforth wash the river Rhine?"

The river Rhine, it is well known, Doth wash your city of Cologne; But tell me, nymphs! what power divine Shall henceforth wash the river Rhine?

Divine Quotes: "Love's very pain is sweet, But its reward is in the world divine Which, if not here, it builds beyond the grave."

Love's very pain is sweet, But its reward is in the world divine Which, if not here, it builds beyond the grave.

Divine Quotes: "Divine fires do not blaze each day but an artist functions in their afterglow, hoping for their recurrence."

Divine fires do not blaze each day but an artist functions in their afterglow, hoping for their recurrence.

Divine Quotes: "God has a purpose in every life, and when the soul is completely yielded and acquiescent, He will certainly realize it. Blessed is he who has never thwarted the working of the divine ideal."

God has a purpose in every life, and when the soul is completely yielded and acquiescent, He will certainly realize it. Blessed is he who has never thwarted the working of the divine ideal.

Divine Quotes: "You have a divine right to choose whom you will play with and under what circumstances. By eliminating any energy drag, the positive good things in your life will resonate faster and faster."

You have a divine right to choose whom you will play with and under what circumstances. By eliminating any energy drag, the positive good things in your life will resonate faster and faster.

Divine Quotes: "Are you honest with the Lord in the payment of your tithes? Living this divine law will bring both spiritual and material blessings."

Are you honest with the Lord in the payment of your tithes? Living this divine law will bring both spiritual and material blessings.

Divine Quotes: "The 'peace' the gospel brings is never the absence of conflict, but an ineffable divine reassurance within the heart of conflict; a peace that surpasses understanding."

The 'peace' the gospel brings is never the absence of conflict, but an ineffable divine reassurance within the heart of conflict; a peace that surpasses understanding.

Divine Quotes: "My belief is that to have no wants is divine."

My belief is that to have no wants is divine.

Divine Quotes: "Divine love does not weigh down, nor carry his servant captive and enslaved to the lowest depths, but raises him, supports him and magnifies him above all liberty whatsoever."

Divine love does not weigh down, nor carry his servant captive and enslaved to the lowest depths, but raises him, supports him and magnifies him above all liberty whatsoever.