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Election Quotes

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Election Quotes: "The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency rather than just to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system."

The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency rather than just to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system.

Election Quotes: "We will not lose this election for lack of money."

We will not lose this election for lack of money.

Election Quotes: "I am convinced that we as a body must conduct a formal and legitimate debate about election irregularities."

I am convinced that we as a body must conduct a formal and legitimate debate about election irregularities.

Election Quotes: "Everybody knows politics is a contact sport."

Everybody knows politics is a contact sport.

Election Quotes: "I don't look at my pension. It's not as big as yours so it doesn't take as long."

I don't look at my pension. It's not as big as yours so it doesn't take as long.

Election Quotes: "Elections matter, but how much they matter depends entirely on how free, open and fair they are."

Elections matter, but how much they matter depends entirely on how free, open and fair they are.

Election Quotes: "When you try to sow the seeds of doubt in people's minds about the legitimacy of our election, that undermines democracy. Then you're doing the work of our adversaries for them."

When you try to sow the seeds of doubt in people's minds about the legitimacy of our election, that undermines democracy. Then you're doing the work of our adversaries for them.

Election Quotes: "You didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."

You didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.

Election Quotes: "I like the smell of a dunged field, and the tumult of a popular election."

I like the smell of a dunged field, and the tumult of a popular election.

Election Quotes: "A funny thing happened on the way to the election - I got to the Senate first."

A funny thing happened on the way to the election - I got to the Senate first.

Election Quotes: "In elections, the undecided vote is usually the deciding factor."

In elections, the undecided vote is usually the deciding factor.

Election Quotes: "It took us 50 months in Germany, post World War II to go from the end of the war to a national election."

It took us 50 months in Germany, post World War II to go from the end of the war to a national election.

Election Quotes: "George W. Bush bought the election - period. End of story. There is no argument. You can try to come up with any argument you can, but there is none."

George W. Bush bought the election - period. End of story. There is no argument. You can try to come up with any argument you can, but there is none.

Election Quotes: "He led the state through a budget crisis, natural disasters, and political turmoil, working across party lines for a better environment, election reforms, and bipartisan solutions."

He led the state through a budget crisis, natural disasters, and political turmoil, working across party lines for a better environment, election reforms, and bipartisan solutions.

Election Quotes: "The election of Senator Barack Obama brought jubilation across Africa, where millions celebrated him as 'one of their own.'"

The election of Senator Barack Obama brought jubilation across Africa, where millions celebrated him as 'one of their own.'

Election Quotes: "I am glad to see the wheels are moving at last toward comprehensive immigration reform after last year's election. I am glad that immigrants are speaking up."

I am glad to see the wheels are moving at last toward comprehensive immigration reform after last year's election. I am glad that immigrants are speaking up.

Election Quotes: "Nevertheless, I don't hesitate to say that elections in Germany are decided in the center, not on the fringes and not in the accumulation of minority interests."

Nevertheless, I don't hesitate to say that elections in Germany are decided in the center, not on the fringes and not in the accumulation of minority interests.

Election Quotes: "My focus is not on any one particular election or any one particular candidate. My focus is on the issues and policy that will make a difference expanding opportunity."

My focus is not on any one particular election or any one particular candidate. My focus is on the issues and policy that will make a difference expanding opportunity.

Election Quotes: "No, I know all the war rhetoric, but it's all aimed at achieving peace."

No, I know all the war rhetoric, but it's all aimed at achieving peace.

Election Quotes: "As the ranking member of the Rules Committee, I'm particularly concerned about ensuring our elections are safe from foreign interference."

As the ranking member of the Rules Committee, I'm particularly concerned about ensuring our elections are safe from foreign interference.

Election Quotes: "There are a lot of people who worked extremely hard in the election who are still organized who know how to do door to door and phone canvassing, who know how to raise money."

There are a lot of people who worked extremely hard in the election who are still organized who know how to do door to door and phone canvassing, who know how to raise money.

Election Quotes: "If the evangelicals vote, they determine the election."

If the evangelicals vote, they determine the election.

Election Quotes: "Do not seek to find a reason why elections are not possible. Seek to make them possible, and they will be possible."

Do not seek to find a reason why elections are not possible. Seek to make them possible, and they will be possible.

Election Quotes: "Democracy's ceremonial, its feast, it's great function, is the election."

Democracy's ceremonial, its feast, it's great function, is the election.

Election Quotes: "If you had found the right candidate in 2000 or 2004, and you could have put that man or woman, given them ballot access in September of the election year, they could have won the election."

If you had found the right candidate in 2000 or 2004, and you could have put that man or woman, given them ballot access in September of the election year, they could have won the election.

Election Quotes: "In my wildest dreams, I never would have thought wed come to the point where were talking about the re-election of a black president."

In my wildest dreams, I never would have thought wed come to the point where were talking about the re-election of a black president.

Election Quotes: "I will never forget the will of the people who believed in me wherever I went during the election campaign."

I will never forget the will of the people who believed in me wherever I went during the election campaign.

Election Quotes: "You will expect me to discuss the late election. Well, as nearly as I can learn, we did not have enough votes on our side."

You will expect me to discuss the late election. Well, as nearly as I can learn, we did not have enough votes on our side.

Election Quotes: "The secrecy that shrouded the vote counting by the special election committee cast doubts on the results and lacks transparency."

The secrecy that shrouded the vote counting by the special election committee cast doubts on the results and lacks transparency.

Election Quotes: "I will say one thing has changed dramatically which is this Supreme Court vacancy, and it will reshape the race on my side, because I'd rather lose an election than lose the Supreme Court."

I will say one thing has changed dramatically which is this Supreme Court vacancy, and it will reshape the race on my side, because I'd rather lose an election than lose the Supreme Court.

Election Quotes: "What happened in the United States election is not a matter for the United Kingdom, it is a matter for the United States and the United States authorities."

What happened in the United States election is not a matter for the United Kingdom, it is a matter for the United States and the United States authorities.

Election Quotes: "The 2004 Election marks the first time in modern political history that Republican voter turnout matched Democratic turnout in a presidential election year."

The 2004 Election marks the first time in modern political history that Republican voter turnout matched Democratic turnout in a presidential election year.

Election Quotes: "To the contrary, I think we bent over backwards to press for elections and for democratic reform."

To the contrary, I think we bent over backwards to press for elections and for democratic reform.

Election Quotes: "The best guarantee against the abuse of power consists in the freedom, the purity, and the frequency of popular elections."

The best guarantee against the abuse of power consists in the freedom, the purity, and the frequency of popular elections.

Election Quotes: "If we want to kill Obamacare and we want to end socialized medicine, it must be done in the next election!"

If we want to kill Obamacare and we want to end socialized medicine, it must be done in the next election!

Election Quotes: "Senator Arlen Specter hasn't really switched parties; he's simply realized he cannot win the Pennsylvania Republican primary election"

Senator Arlen Specter hasn't really switched parties; he's simply realized he cannot win the Pennsylvania Republican primary election

Election Quotes: "The Palestinian election is something that was really a turning point. It's a mandate for peace."

The Palestinian election is something that was really a turning point. It's a mandate for peace.

Election Quotes: "Mark in what order: first, our calling; then, our election; not beginning with our election first. By our calling, arguing our election."

Mark in what order: first, our calling; then, our election; not beginning with our election first. By our calling, arguing our election.

Election Quotes: "The Tories win elections when they lead on economic competence."

The Tories win elections when they lead on economic competence.

Election Quotes: "I think we have reached such saturation levels, the money at this point doesn't swing election."

I think we have reached such saturation levels, the money at this point doesn't swing election.

Election Quotes: "I guess truth can hurt you worse in an election than about anything that can happen to you."

I guess truth can hurt you worse in an election than about anything that can happen to you.

Election Quotes: "I believe that George Bush won the election through the vote of the people and the way our republic is set up. All we did was follow the law in the Department of State."

I believe that George Bush won the election through the vote of the people and the way our republic is set up. All we did was follow the law in the Department of State.

Election Quotes: "Polling in a general election is pretty accurate, because turnout is usually high."

Polling in a general election is pretty accurate, because turnout is usually high.

Election Quotes: "The situation of having to belong to a state to which one does not wish is no less onerous if it is the result of an election than if one must endure it as the consequence of a military conquest."

The situation of having to belong to a state to which one does not wish is no less onerous if it is the result of an election than if one must endure it as the consequence of a military conquest.

Election Quotes: "If the World Series runs until election day, the networks will run the first one-half inning and project the winner."

If the World Series runs until election day, the networks will run the first one-half inning and project the winner.

Election Quotes: "It's insanity for a party that believes in freedom to allow some Republicans to seize an agenda that is totally alien to the agenda that was established in the election."

It's insanity for a party that believes in freedom to allow some Republicans to seize an agenda that is totally alien to the agenda that was established in the election.

Election Quotes: "If I had campaigned for it, Arvind Kejriwal would have become the chief minister of Delhi."

If I had campaigned for it, Arvind Kejriwal would have become the chief minister of Delhi.

Election Quotes: "It is a paradox that far too few Americans participate in the wonderful ritual of democracy that we call Election Day."

It is a paradox that far too few Americans participate in the wonderful ritual of democracy that we call Election Day.

Election Quotes: "And we have the most scrutinized election system in the United States, and we have met every test."

And we have the most scrutinized election system in the United States, and we have met every test.