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Emotions Quotes

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Emotions Quotes: "His rules were thus: One, resist when beneficial to the cause. Two, dignity before humiliation. Three, don’t show true emotions."

His rules were thus: One, resist when beneficial to the cause. Two, dignity before humiliation. Three, don’t show true emotions.

Emotions Quotes: "I think poor poetry writing skills are excused when you’re simply trying to flush out emotions."

I think poor poetry writing skills are excused when you’re simply trying to flush out emotions.

Emotions Quotes: "I felt so fine I didn't once overanalyze the perfect emotion, budding inside. The one I'd always feared most."

I felt so fine I didn't once overanalyze the perfect emotion, budding inside. The one I'd always feared most.

Emotions Quotes: "Don't cry about it. Write about it."

Don't cry about it. Write about it.

Emotions Quotes: "Life is like a rushing river. If we fight the current we are drawn under and drown in emotion."

Life is like a rushing river. If we fight the current we are drawn under and drown in emotion.

Emotions Quotes: "Do you know what is truly magnificent? One tear, which is falling down from an authentic sensitive person's eye. Down the cheek and adorns the floor."

Do you know what is truly magnificent? One tear, which is falling down from an authentic sensitive person's eye. Down the cheek and adorns the floor.

Emotions Quotes: "She hadn't seen a doctor cry before, they usually don't, that makes itharder.- Anita"

She hadn't seen a doctor cry before, they usually don't, that makes itharder.- Anita

Emotions Quotes: "Spirituality can exist only in a pure heart."

Spirituality can exist only in a pure heart.

Emotions Quotes: "People are likely to act based on their emotions and then backward-rationalize. Because women have highly developed emotional circuits, they are especially susceptible to this."

People are likely to act based on their emotions and then backward-rationalize. Because women have highly developed emotional circuits, they are especially susceptible to this.

Emotions Quotes: "For sixteen years, I had seen just emptiness in those eyes. Her eloquent eyes had lost their expressiveness to destiny."

For sixteen years, I had seen just emptiness in those eyes. Her eloquent eyes had lost their expressiveness to destiny.

Emotions Quotes: "Feeling this way was a particular kind of horror, having the emotions without the memories."

Feeling this way was a particular kind of horror, having the emotions without the memories.

Emotions Quotes: "Opinions are based on experiences and experience is always connected with emotions. Anything linked with emotions is always biased."

Opinions are based on experiences and experience is always connected with emotions. Anything linked with emotions is always biased.

Emotions Quotes: "You could always call her secretive, masking her feelings beautifully lest anyone intrude into her inmost realm of hidden thoughts. It was a defense Urmila had evolved since childhood."

You could always call her secretive, masking her feelings beautifully lest anyone intrude into her inmost realm of hidden thoughts. It was a defense Urmila had evolved since childhood.

Emotions Quotes: "No one has ever been deeply changed by an act of the will. The only thing that can re-forge and change a life at its root, is love."

No one has ever been deeply changed by an act of the will. The only thing that can re-forge and change a life at its root, is love.

Emotions Quotes: "I suspect she must speak without emotion or otherwise entirely lose the self-control that is required to speak to me at all."

I suspect she must speak without emotion or otherwise entirely lose the self-control that is required to speak to me at all.

Emotions Quotes: "When we hold-on to someone's imperfections we become emotionally pair-bonded to their maladies."

When we hold-on to someone's imperfections we become emotionally pair-bonded to their maladies.

Emotions Quotes: "Anger is temporary insanity."

Anger is temporary insanity.

Emotions Quotes: "Emotion will never seize to prevail logic."

Emotion will never seize to prevail logic.

Emotions Quotes: "With lead he shaded love into the woman's eyes."

With lead he shaded love into the woman's eyes.

Emotions Quotes: "If you want peace in your life, you have to stop declaring war."

If you want peace in your life, you have to stop declaring war.

Emotions Quotes: "Tell me I'm not crazy, " He said. I couldn't do that. I was nowhere near sane enough at the moment to advise anyone else on rational behavior."

Tell me I'm not crazy, " He said. I couldn't do that. I was nowhere near sane enough at the moment to advise anyone else on rational behavior.

Emotions Quotes: "Well, that's what I still think, but I am in a rut at work--I hate my job, ' I said, allowing my emotions to find words."

Well, that's what I still think, but I am in a rut at work--I hate my job, ' I said, allowing my emotions to find words.

Emotions Quotes: "To be happy, you must let go of all the negative beliefs, emotions and people that are holding you back in life."

To be happy, you must let go of all the negative beliefs, emotions and people that are holding you back in life.

Emotions Quotes: "The cornerstone of the Roman legionnaires' astonishing fighting spirit can be attributed to their training."

The cornerstone of the Roman legionnaires' astonishing fighting spirit can be attributed to their training.

Emotions Quotes: "You can deal with an emotion based on reason, but who can control an unreasonable emotion?"

You can deal with an emotion based on reason, but who can control an unreasonable emotion?

Emotions Quotes: "Human emotion is not a linear experience. That which provokes emotion in one may provoke little, if anything, in another."

Human emotion is not a linear experience. That which provokes emotion in one may provoke little, if anything, in another.

Emotions Quotes: "Not every emotion deserves the same attention"

Not every emotion deserves the same attention

Emotions Quotes: "Our emotional response is driven by the proximity of the events."

Our emotional response is driven by the proximity of the events.

Emotions Quotes: "Our emotional response is driven by the proximity of events."

Our emotional response is driven by the proximity of events.

Emotions Quotes: "Don’t get shitty when I treat you as you are, a casual acquaintance"

Don’t get shitty when I treat you as you are, a casual acquaintance

Emotions Quotes: "Expressing intense feelings usually portends better results than emotional detachment does."

Expressing intense feelings usually portends better results than emotional detachment does.

Emotions Quotes: "Winston and his sister walked for a time in silence, each in an invisible, vibrating pocket of excitement."

Winston and his sister walked for a time in silence, each in an invisible, vibrating pocket of excitement.

Emotions Quotes: "Do your emotions influence You or are You influenced by your emotions?"

Do your emotions influence You or are You influenced by your emotions?

Emotions Quotes: "I was blind to the truth. Emotions do that. They make you a fool."

I was blind to the truth. Emotions do that. They make you a fool.

Emotions Quotes: "I knew just being a girl in the world handicapped your ability to believe yourself. Feelings seemed completely unreliable, like faulty gibberish scraped from a Ouija board."

I knew just being a girl in the world handicapped your ability to believe yourself. Feelings seemed completely unreliable, like faulty gibberish scraped from a Ouija board.

Emotions Quotes: "To have a meaningful look on your face, you need to have a meaningful emotions deep inside you!"

To have a meaningful look on your face, you need to have a meaningful emotions deep inside you!

Emotions Quotes: "Love is a wishbone cracked in two."

Love is a wishbone cracked in two.

Emotions Quotes: "Dedicandote estos versos, una pulsera vieja, con tu nombre al reverso.I dedicate these verses, an old bracelet with your name on the back."

Dedicandote estos versos, una pulsera vieja, con tu nombre al reverso.I dedicate these verses, an old bracelet with your name on the back.

Emotions Quotes: "...two different kinds of Japanese psychotherapies, one based on getting people to stop using feelings as an excuse for their actions and the other based on getting people to practice gratitude."

...two different kinds of Japanese psychotherapies, one based on getting people to stop using feelings as an excuse for their actions and the other based on getting people to practice gratitude.

Emotions Quotes: "Stop assuming I don't have any emotions. My inner thoughts might not be easily seen on my face. I do think and feel."

Stop assuming I don't have any emotions. My inner thoughts might not be easily seen on my face. I do think and feel.

Emotions Quotes: "The more unsettled and unbalanced we feel, the more quickly and recklessly we are likely to fall in love."

The more unsettled and unbalanced we feel, the more quickly and recklessly we are likely to fall in love.

Emotions Quotes: "The reason I believe that emotion is a higher state than intellect is that chess computers don't enjoy winning."

The reason I believe that emotion is a higher state than intellect is that chess computers don't enjoy winning.

Emotions Quotes: "I would've had an easier time if my emotions had all pulled me in the same direction, but it wasn't so simple. I'd been blown about like a scrap of paper in the wind."

I would've had an easier time if my emotions had all pulled me in the same direction, but it wasn't so simple. I'd been blown about like a scrap of paper in the wind.

Emotions Quotes: "Emotion is created by a cause, whether that cause is factual or imaginary does not matter, as longer as the believer holds it as true."

Emotion is created by a cause, whether that cause is factual or imaginary does not matter, as longer as the believer holds it as true.

Emotions Quotes: "Knock on the heart’s emotions and its gates will be widely opened, but nock on reason and doubt will come charging at you"

Knock on the heart’s emotions and its gates will be widely opened, but nock on reason and doubt will come charging at you

Emotions Quotes: "Not all tear ducts worked the same. People, as Firdaus learned, cried the hardest when experiencing mixed emotions."

Not all tear ducts worked the same. People, as Firdaus learned, cried the hardest when experiencing mixed emotions.

Emotions Quotes: "Worry is the only emotion that never leaves a human's heart."

Worry is the only emotion that never leaves a human's heart.