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Family Relationships Quotes

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Family Relationships Quotes: "Letter writing can be seen as a gift because someone has taken his/her time to write and think and express love."

Letter writing can be seen as a gift because someone has taken his/her time to write and think and express love.

Family Relationships Quotes: "Most parents don't know really their children."

Most parents don't know really their children.

Family Relationships Quotes: "There might be bits and pieces of us that I don't like or that drive me up the wall, but at the end of the say, it's who we are. I'm going to make the best of what we have."

There might be bits and pieces of us that I don't like or that drive me up the wall, but at the end of the say, it's who we are. I'm going to make the best of what we have.

Family Relationships Quotes: "But in a home where grief is fresh and patience has long worn thin, making it through another day is often heroic in itself."

But in a home where grief is fresh and patience has long worn thin, making it through another day is often heroic in itself.

Family Relationships Quotes: "Look to the past to see what the future holds."

Look to the past to see what the future holds.

Family Relationships Quotes: "I'm young enough to enjoy life, and you're old enough to mind your own business."

I'm young enough to enjoy life, and you're old enough to mind your own business.

Family Relationships Quotes: "If I can send you a sign, I will."

If I can send you a sign, I will.

Family Relationships Quotes: "No zone have a perfect Family, but my Family is perfect for Me"

No zone have a perfect Family, but my Family is perfect for Me

Family Relationships Quotes: "Fiction is the poor persons travel agent."

Fiction is the poor persons travel agent.

Family Relationships Quotes: "A personal journey is part of the generational relay. Live your legacy then pass it on."

A personal journey is part of the generational relay. Live your legacy then pass it on.

Family Relationships Quotes: "If you look close enough, you can see cracks in everything. And that's okay. Because when you really think about it, it's the cracks and gaps and chinks in things that let the light shine in."

If you look close enough, you can see cracks in everything. And that's okay. Because when you really think about it, it's the cracks and gaps and chinks in things that let the light shine in.

Family Relationships Quotes: "Every family is a family of alligators."

Every family is a family of alligators.

Family Relationships Quotes: "Sisters and brothers just happen, we don't get to choose them, but they become one of our most cherish relationships."

Sisters and brothers just happen, we don't get to choose them, but they become one of our most cherish relationships.

Family Relationships Quotes: "History will be kind to me for I have written it. Winston Churchill"

History will be kind to me for I have written it. Winston Churchill

Family Relationships Quotes: "If I didn’t have a job, I might have stayed in bed until I rotted."

If I didn’t have a job, I might have stayed in bed until I rotted.

Family Relationships Quotes: "Parents are like Kingdom, Your are the King.No matter where you stand, how Great n Rich you are!A King Is Always Known By His Kingdom."

Parents are like Kingdom, Your are the King.No matter where you stand, how Great n Rich you are!A King Is Always Known By His Kingdom.

Family Relationships Quotes: "Behind every successful man there is a woman, behind every successful woman there are wonderful parents"

Behind every successful man there is a woman, behind every successful woman there are wonderful parents

Family Relationships Quotes: "Now and adult, allowed a glimpse of these first cracks in my family's perfect surface, I couldn't help but wonder what else I didn't understand about us all.p 60"

Now and adult, allowed a glimpse of these first cracks in my family's perfect surface, I couldn't help but wonder what else I didn't understand about us all.p 60

Family Relationships Quotes: "Soon we will not need people anymore, as everything will be done by automatons, including bringing up children."

Soon we will not need people anymore, as everything will be done by automatons, including bringing up children.

Family Relationships Quotes: "Know what being a man's pet means. And if you're ever lucky enough to find yourself with the choice, choose the pasture."

Know what being a man's pet means. And if you're ever lucky enough to find yourself with the choice, choose the pasture.

Family Relationships Quotes: "There are things you forget naturally-computer passwords, your father's continuing relationship with life-and then there are things you can't forget that you wish you could."

There are things you forget naturally-computer passwords, your father's continuing relationship with life-and then there are things you can't forget that you wish you could.

Family Relationships Quotes: "I think I rescued myself."

I think I rescued myself.

Family Relationships Quotes: "Strong nations are built on SOLID HOMES not big houses"

Strong nations are built on SOLID HOMES not big houses

Family Relationships Quotes: "She pictured a dandelion gone by, the white, almost airless pieces of her family scattered so far."

She pictured a dandelion gone by, the white, almost airless pieces of her family scattered so far.

Family Relationships Quotes: "I think we should wean Grandma."

I think we should wean Grandma.

Family Relationships Quotes: "What matters right now is this: we're each of us standing here, together, alive, together."

What matters right now is this: we're each of us standing here, together, alive, together.

Family Relationships Quotes: "Sometimes family is just not what you were born into."

Sometimes family is just not what you were born into.

Family Relationships Quotes: "However hard and however long we love someone who has died, they can never love us back. At least that is how it feels..."

However hard and however long we love someone who has died, they can never love us back. At least that is how it feels...

Family Relationships Quotes: "It ain't locked, till it's checked!"

It ain't locked, till it's checked!

Family Relationships Quotes: "They say that time is relative. I think the way it's treating me it's a distant one, maybe a bad uncle, and not welcome in my house this Christmas!!"

They say that time is relative. I think the way it's treating me it's a distant one, maybe a bad uncle, and not welcome in my house this Christmas!!

Family Relationships Quotes: "I’d put more distance between us. Having us here, always together hasn’t allowed for any fondness to grow between us."

I’d put more distance between us. Having us here, always together hasn’t allowed for any fondness to grow between us.