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Faults Quotes

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Faults Quotes: "Never talk about the faults of others, no matter how bad they may be. Nothing is ever gained by that. You never help one by talking about his fault; you do him an injury, and injure yourself as well."

Never talk about the faults of others, no matter how bad they may be. Nothing is ever gained by that. You never help one by talking about his fault; you do him an injury, and injure yourself as well.

Faults Quotes: "Just as lavishness leads easily to presumption, so does frugality to meanness. But meanness is a far less serious fault than presumption."

Just as lavishness leads easily to presumption, so does frugality to meanness. But meanness is a far less serious fault than presumption.

Faults Quotes: "It is a well-known fact that we see the faults in other's works more readily than we do in our own."

It is a well-known fact that we see the faults in other's works more readily than we do in our own.

Faults Quotes: "The fault of the utilitarian doctrine is that it mistakes impersonality for impartiality."

The fault of the utilitarian doctrine is that it mistakes impersonality for impartiality.

Faults Quotes: "Those base men who speak of the secret faults of others destroy themselves like serpents that stray onto anthills."

Those base men who speak of the secret faults of others destroy themselves like serpents that stray onto anthills.

Faults Quotes: "Pay no attention to the faults of others, things done or left undone by others. Consider only what by oneself is done or left undone."

Pay no attention to the faults of others, things done or left undone by others. Consider only what by oneself is done or left undone.

Faults Quotes: "There are no chains like hate...dwelling on your brother's faults multiplies your own. You are far from the end of your journey."

There are no chains like hate...dwelling on your brother's faults multiplies your own. You are far from the end of your journey.

Faults Quotes: "Very active in the label, maybe to a fault sometimes."

Very active in the label, maybe to a fault sometimes.

Faults Quotes: "A great hitter isn't born, he's made. He's made out of practice, fault correction, and confidence."

A great hitter isn't born, he's made. He's made out of practice, fault correction, and confidence.

Faults Quotes: "For nobody else, gave me thrill-with all your faults, I love you still. It had to be you, wonderful you, it had to be you."

For nobody else, gave me thrill-with all your faults, I love you still. It had to be you, wonderful you, it had to be you.

Faults Quotes: "Human beings can be beautiful. If they are not beautiful it is entirely their own fault. It is what they do to themselves that makes them ugly."

Human beings can be beautiful. If they are not beautiful it is entirely their own fault. It is what they do to themselves that makes them ugly.

Faults Quotes: "If the world somehow actually ends tomorrow, let all forget about the Mayans and just agree it's the NHL's fault"

If the world somehow actually ends tomorrow, let all forget about the Mayans and just agree it's the NHL's fault

Faults Quotes: "Our Lord wanted us to be Christ-like. Christ-like doesn't mean not having faults. It means that you do actually have a capacity to draw out the good that is in others."

Our Lord wanted us to be Christ-like. Christ-like doesn't mean not having faults. It means that you do actually have a capacity to draw out the good that is in others.

Faults Quotes: "The devil loves 'curing' a small fault by giving you a great one."

The devil loves 'curing' a small fault by giving you a great one.

Faults Quotes: "Cato used to assert that wise men profited more by fools than fools by wise men; for that wise men avoided the faults of fools, but that fools would not imitate the good examples of wise men."

Cato used to assert that wise men profited more by fools than fools by wise men; for that wise men avoided the faults of fools, but that fools would not imitate the good examples of wise men.

Faults Quotes: "I'm not perfect, but those flaws make an interesting person."

I'm not perfect, but those flaws make an interesting person.

Faults Quotes: "Magnify the virtues, minimize the faults."

Magnify the virtues, minimize the faults.

Faults Quotes: "Thank everyone who calls out your faults, your anger, your impatience, your egotism; do this consciously, voluntarily."

Thank everyone who calls out your faults, your anger, your impatience, your egotism; do this consciously, voluntarily.

Faults Quotes: "Men who do not forgive women their little faults will never enjoy their great virtues."

Men who do not forgive women their little faults will never enjoy their great virtues.

Faults Quotes: "We all carry fault within."

We all carry fault within.

Faults Quotes: "We've been through so much together, and most of it was your fault."

We've been through so much together, and most of it was your fault.

Faults Quotes: "Only nature knows how to justly proportion to the fault the punishment it deserves."

Only nature knows how to justly proportion to the fault the punishment it deserves.

Faults Quotes: "Truly it is reasonable to make a great distinction between the faults that come from our weakness and those that come from our wickedness."

Truly it is reasonable to make a great distinction between the faults that come from our weakness and those that come from our wickedness.

Faults Quotes: "A brave man, whose only fault was being a woman."

A brave man, whose only fault was being a woman.

Faults Quotes: "We have to try to cure our faults by attention and not by will."

We have to try to cure our faults by attention and not by will.

Faults Quotes: "We don't necessarily stand by our faults every time, but we will always stand by our methodologies and ethos."

We don't necessarily stand by our faults every time, but we will always stand by our methodologies and ethos.

Faults Quotes: "I have a lot of faults. I often interrupt in meetings. I talk too loud. I talk too fast."

I have a lot of faults. I often interrupt in meetings. I talk too loud. I talk too fast.

Faults Quotes: "If moderation is a fault, then indifference is a crime."

If moderation is a fault, then indifference is a crime.

Faults Quotes: "To be silent is but a small virtue; but it is a serious fault to reveal secrets."

To be silent is but a small virtue; but it is a serious fault to reveal secrets.

Faults Quotes: "Why do we discover faults so much more readily than perfection."

Why do we discover faults so much more readily than perfection.

Faults Quotes: "A lifetime can well be spent correcting and improving one's own faults without bothering about others."

A lifetime can well be spent correcting and improving one's own faults without bothering about others.

Faults Quotes: "It's not my fault that people are perverts."

It's not my fault that people are perverts.

Faults Quotes: "Kindness and courage can repair time's faults, And serving him breeds patience and courtesy In us, light sojourners and passing subjects."

Kindness and courage can repair time's faults, And serving him breeds patience and courtesy In us, light sojourners and passing subjects.

Faults Quotes: "I think the worst woman that ever existed would have made a man of very passable reputation -- they are all better than us and their faults such as they are must originate with ourselves."

I think the worst woman that ever existed would have made a man of very passable reputation -- they are all better than us and their faults such as they are must originate with ourselves.

Faults Quotes: "The fault is in the one who blames. Spirit sees nothing to criticize."

The fault is in the one who blames. Spirit sees nothing to criticize.

Faults Quotes: "The worst defect in the world would be to consider yourself free from faults. Being too greatly saddened by one's faults can come from having one's pride humiliated."

The worst defect in the world would be to consider yourself free from faults. Being too greatly saddened by one's faults can come from having one's pride humiliated.

Faults Quotes: "What better can we do than prostrate fall before Him reverent, and there confess humbly our faults, and pardon beg with tears watering the ground?"

What better can we do than prostrate fall before Him reverent, and there confess humbly our faults, and pardon beg with tears watering the ground?

Faults Quotes: "In vain I have looked for a single man capable of seeing his own faults and bringing the charge home against himself."

In vain I have looked for a single man capable of seeing his own faults and bringing the charge home against himself.

Faults Quotes: "Nobody can be perfect unless he admits his faults, but if he has faults how can he be perfect?"

Nobody can be perfect unless he admits his faults, but if he has faults how can he be perfect?

Faults Quotes: "Certain defects are necessary for the existence of individuality."

Certain defects are necessary for the existence of individuality.

Faults Quotes: "Democracy's worst fault is that its leaders are likely to reflect the faults and virtues of their constituents."

Democracy's worst fault is that its leaders are likely to reflect the faults and virtues of their constituents.

Faults Quotes: "No golfer ever gets so consistently good that he can't use some constructive advice. No matter how many trophies he may win, he can't analyze and remedy his own faults."

No golfer ever gets so consistently good that he can't use some constructive advice. No matter how many trophies he may win, he can't analyze and remedy his own faults.

Faults Quotes: "To be born poor is not our fault, but to die poor is crime"

To be born poor is not our fault, but to die poor is crime

Faults Quotes: "Right now I'm having so much trouble with D.L. Moody that I don't have time to find fault with the other fellow."

Right now I'm having so much trouble with D.L. Moody that I don't have time to find fault with the other fellow.

Faults Quotes: "Bear with the faults of others as you would have them bear with yours."

Bear with the faults of others as you would have them bear with yours.

Faults Quotes: "No wonder lawyers, who control the legal system, have fought so hard, and with great success, against "no fault" insurance. No fault, no lawsuits. No lawsuits, no lunch."

No wonder lawyers, who control the legal system, have fought so hard, and with great success, against "no fault" insurance. No fault, no lawsuits. No lawsuits, no lunch.

Faults Quotes: "More faults are often committed while we are trying to oblige than while we are giving offense."

More faults are often committed while we are trying to oblige than while we are giving offense.

Faults Quotes: "Fortune cures us of many faults that reason could not."

Fortune cures us of many faults that reason could not.

Faults Quotes: "Nothing is more apt to deceive us than our own judgment of our work. We derive more benefit from having our faults pointed out by our enemies than from hearing the opinions of friends."

Nothing is more apt to deceive us than our own judgment of our work. We derive more benefit from having our faults pointed out by our enemies than from hearing the opinions of friends.