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Filmmaker Quotes

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Filmmaker Quotes: "I'm not the kind of filmmaker who's going to go from one thing to the next. I often wish I was that filmmaker, but I'm just not."

I'm not the kind of filmmaker who's going to go from one thing to the next. I often wish I was that filmmaker, but I'm just not.

Filmmaker Quotes: "As a filmmaker, I make the films that I love, that are in my heart. That's what I care about."

As a filmmaker, I make the films that I love, that are in my heart. That's what I care about.

Filmmaker Quotes: "As a filmmaker, I've had films that over-achieved and I've had films that under-achieved. You always go in trying to do your very best."

As a filmmaker, I've had films that over-achieved and I've had films that under-achieved. You always go in trying to do your very best.

Filmmaker Quotes: "I'm very happy to be involved with great filmmakers."

I'm very happy to be involved with great filmmakers.

Filmmaker Quotes: "And as a filmmaker, I'm trying to unhook myself from this idea that unless you have a brilliant, long, enormously lucrative theatrical run, that your movie somehow failed. And I don't believe that."

And as a filmmaker, I'm trying to unhook myself from this idea that unless you have a brilliant, long, enormously lucrative theatrical run, that your movie somehow failed. And I don't believe that.

Filmmaker Quotes: "[John] Hughes is a great loss, I think. He was the first filmmaker that could look at someone who was young without seeing them as being less."

[John] Hughes is a great loss, I think. He was the first filmmaker that could look at someone who was young without seeing them as being less.

Filmmaker Quotes: "For any filmmaker who has just released a film and who is experiencing some measure of success, the temptation can be great to respond to every screening request that comes in."

For any filmmaker who has just released a film and who is experiencing some measure of success, the temptation can be great to respond to every screening request that comes in.

Filmmaker Quotes: "As a filmmaker, I want to be known as a pan-African filmmaker and this is because I think that we have more to gain as Africans than as individual countries."

As a filmmaker, I want to be known as a pan-African filmmaker and this is because I think that we have more to gain as Africans than as individual countries.

Filmmaker Quotes: "When you are a filmmaker, you need to be rooted, because committing yourself to producing or directing a film is a good three-year process."

When you are a filmmaker, you need to be rooted, because committing yourself to producing or directing a film is a good three-year process.

Filmmaker Quotes: "I've come to really believe that I have something to offer as a filmmaker, that goes beyond what I had to offer as an actress and maybe this is what I'm meant to do."

I've come to really believe that I have something to offer as a filmmaker, that goes beyond what I had to offer as an actress and maybe this is what I'm meant to do.

Filmmaker Quotes: "I guess it's easier to get things made when you know the story you want to tell, you know the characters you want to play, and you know the filmmakers you want to tell them with."

I guess it's easier to get things made when you know the story you want to tell, you know the characters you want to play, and you know the filmmakers you want to tell them with.

Filmmaker Quotes: "I think I'm still trying to find my voice as a filmmaker and finding stories to tell."

I think I'm still trying to find my voice as a filmmaker and finding stories to tell.

Filmmaker Quotes: "Other filmmakers make their movies and put them out and that's that. For me, for some odd reason, it goes deeper than that."

Other filmmakers make their movies and put them out and that's that. For me, for some odd reason, it goes deeper than that.

Filmmaker Quotes: "I'm always cribbing from real life. I'm not a very creative filmmaker."

I'm always cribbing from real life. I'm not a very creative filmmaker.

Filmmaker Quotes: "The filmmaker is really important to me: it could be their first film; it's not just about their reputation, but I have to really believe in them."

The filmmaker is really important to me: it could be their first film; it's not just about their reputation, but I have to really believe in them.

Filmmaker Quotes: "For me, as a documentary filmmaker, I'm interested in telling stories of real people whose experiences tell us something about ourselves or our history, or who we are and our potential."

For me, as a documentary filmmaker, I'm interested in telling stories of real people whose experiences tell us something about ourselves or our history, or who we are and our potential.

Filmmaker Quotes: "I'm a documentary filmmaker, so often I'm in the position of talking to people who are sharing stories that are critically important to share, but often difficult to share at the same time."

I'm a documentary filmmaker, so often I'm in the position of talking to people who are sharing stories that are critically important to share, but often difficult to share at the same time.

Filmmaker Quotes: "The worst thing that could happen to a filmmaker is growing up wanting to be a filmmaker."

The worst thing that could happen to a filmmaker is growing up wanting to be a filmmaker.

Filmmaker Quotes: "When I see an amazing play or movie, it inspires me as an actress and a filmmaker."

When I see an amazing play or movie, it inspires me as an actress and a filmmaker.

Filmmaker Quotes: "For me as a filmmaker, I do the projects I'm really excited about."

For me as a filmmaker, I do the projects I'm really excited about.

Filmmaker Quotes: "I've been a documentary photographer for much longer than I have been a filmmaker."

I've been a documentary photographer for much longer than I have been a filmmaker.

Filmmaker Quotes: "I would give female filmmakers the same advice I’d give any filmmaker; believe in your vision, believe in your team, believe in yourself."

I would give female filmmakers the same advice I’d give any filmmaker; believe in your vision, believe in your team, believe in yourself.

Filmmaker Quotes: "I love directing scenes that I'm not in because suddenly I really feel like a filmmaker which is a different thing."

I love directing scenes that I'm not in because suddenly I really feel like a filmmaker which is a different thing.

Filmmaker Quotes: "What you choose to do professionally is a reflection of yourself and I take that seriously as an actor. But even as a filmmaker, I take it even more seriously."

What you choose to do professionally is a reflection of yourself and I take that seriously as an actor. But even as a filmmaker, I take it even more seriously.

Filmmaker Quotes: "You're not really just a filmmaker that makes a movie good most of the time. It's everybody involved; it's a collective effort."

You're not really just a filmmaker that makes a movie good most of the time. It's everybody involved; it's a collective effort.

Filmmaker Quotes: "You would assume that a filmmaker should know how to edit, but pretty much every filmmaker I've worked with doesn't know how to edit."

You would assume that a filmmaker should know how to edit, but pretty much every filmmaker I've worked with doesn't know how to edit.

Filmmaker Quotes: "As a filmmaker you have to keep asking yourself the question are we really going to impress them [audience] either by the wow factor, the intelligence factor, the I didn't see that coming factor?"

As a filmmaker you have to keep asking yourself the question are we really going to impress them [audience] either by the wow factor, the intelligence factor, the I didn't see that coming factor?

Filmmaker Quotes: "I had a background in theater as an actor, and then a photographer, and then as an experimental filmmaker and editor."

I had a background in theater as an actor, and then a photographer, and then as an experimental filmmaker and editor.

Filmmaker Quotes: "Filmmakers have to find the right materials to match their [voice]."

Filmmakers have to find the right materials to match their [voice].

Filmmaker Quotes: "I consider myself an independent filmmaker."

I consider myself an independent filmmaker.

Filmmaker Quotes: "I've documented a lot of things myself as a filmmaker. If you want a rockumentary, that's in there."

I've documented a lot of things myself as a filmmaker. If you want a rockumentary, that's in there.

Filmmaker Quotes: "Oh, filmmakers, please don't take my soft book and turn it into a horror, or take my horror and make it soft."

Oh, filmmakers, please don't take my soft book and turn it into a horror, or take my horror and make it soft.

Filmmaker Quotes: "Documentary has been a way for me to establish myself as a filmmaker. It's my way of proving that I have a language, that I can say something through film."

Documentary has been a way for me to establish myself as a filmmaker. It's my way of proving that I have a language, that I can say something through film.

Filmmaker Quotes: "TV [series] is a six-year decision. It's not four or five weeks. If a filmmaker and I don't get along, it's four weeks of your life, so whatever."

TV [series] is a six-year decision. It's not four or five weeks. If a filmmaker and I don't get along, it's four weeks of your life, so whatever.

Filmmaker Quotes: "Like a painter, a filmmaker should change their format, their support, despite their career they shouldn't be stuck in a system that is stuck in the past."

Like a painter, a filmmaker should change their format, their support, despite their career they shouldn't be stuck in a system that is stuck in the past.

Filmmaker Quotes: "I think as a filmmaker you try not to have any expectations other than that the film have a fairly substantial beginning, middle and end."

I think as a filmmaker you try not to have any expectations other than that the film have a fairly substantial beginning, middle and end.

Filmmaker Quotes: "I think all the great studio filmmakers are dead or no longer working. I don't put myself, my friends, and other contemporary filmmakers in their category. I just see us doing some work."

I think all the great studio filmmakers are dead or no longer working. I don't put myself, my friends, and other contemporary filmmakers in their category. I just see us doing some work.

Filmmaker Quotes: "One thing I'm not is a moralistic filmmaker. I'm not trying to tell people what to do, and I'm not trying to lead."

One thing I'm not is a moralistic filmmaker. I'm not trying to tell people what to do, and I'm not trying to lead.

Filmmaker Quotes: "All any filmmaker can do is focus on creating something that has depth and resonance, and then do whatever possible to get it seen by audiences and hope the word spreads."

All any filmmaker can do is focus on creating something that has depth and resonance, and then do whatever possible to get it seen by audiences and hope the word spreads.

Filmmaker Quotes: "My advice to any filmmaker would be to figure out what it is that you bring to the table. What makes you different? What is your voice?"

My advice to any filmmaker would be to figure out what it is that you bring to the table. What makes you different? What is your voice?

Filmmaker Quotes: "I talked with [ Blair Macon] a lot. I always like to come up with it - sometimes the filmmaker is not into it at all."

I talked with [ Blair Macon] a lot. I always like to come up with it - sometimes the filmmaker is not into it at all.

Filmmaker Quotes: "As a filmmaker I cannot make anything beautiful. I'm Platonic in that sense."

As a filmmaker I cannot make anything beautiful. I'm Platonic in that sense.

Filmmaker Quotes: "I mean if politics was my main motivation I would be doing politics. But I'm a filmmaker."

I mean if politics was my main motivation I would be doing politics. But I'm a filmmaker.

Filmmaker Quotes: "For a documentary filmmaker, I do very well."

For a documentary filmmaker, I do very well.

Filmmaker Quotes: "Filmmakers and artists always thrive during more liberal times."

Filmmakers and artists always thrive during more liberal times.

Filmmaker Quotes: "We are not documentarians, we are filmmakers."

We are not documentarians, we are filmmakers.

Filmmaker Quotes: "I think as a filmmaker my first contribution would just be to make a good movie that people would love to see and leave the theatre charged, with a sense of excitement."

I think as a filmmaker my first contribution would just be to make a good movie that people would love to see and leave the theatre charged, with a sense of excitement.

Filmmaker Quotes: "Right now is a very interesting time because of the digital cameras, and the fact that you can edit anywhere. It's a great time to be a filmmaker, is a great time to be starting off."

Right now is a very interesting time because of the digital cameras, and the fact that you can edit anywhere. It's a great time to be a filmmaker, is a great time to be starting off.

Filmmaker Quotes: "I think the purpose of test screenings is different for the studio and for the filmmaker. For the studio, I think they want to know whether the film works or not."

I think the purpose of test screenings is different for the studio and for the filmmaker. For the studio, I think they want to know whether the film works or not.