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Follow Quotes

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Follow Quotes: "You must know in your heart before anyone else does what is going to be good and then follow through."

You must know in your heart before anyone else does what is going to be good and then follow through.

Follow Quotes: "Inventions reached their limit long ago, and I see no hope for further development."

Inventions reached their limit long ago, and I see no hope for further development.

Follow Quotes: "I still think there's some tension . But it's pretty clear that, when the president made his statements as a candidate, he's following through with those as a president."

I still think there's some tension . But it's pretty clear that, when the president made his statements as a candidate, he's following through with those as a president.

Follow Quotes: "The key to success, is to think things through and then follow through."

The key to success, is to think things through and then follow through.

Follow Quotes: "Believe in, and follow your dreams."

Believe in, and follow your dreams.

Follow Quotes: "Follow me,” Myrnin said. “And do stay together. And by the way, this is the last time I go anywhere with you people. You are all insane."

Follow me,” Myrnin said. “And do stay together. And by the way, this is the last time I go anywhere with you people. You are all insane.

Follow Quotes: "That's another piece of advice: Don't go to college; follow your dreams. Unless you're a doctor - then go to college."

That's another piece of advice: Don't go to college; follow your dreams. Unless you're a doctor - then go to college.

Follow Quotes: "You can choose to follow your heart always."

You can choose to follow your heart always.

Follow Quotes: "Speaking, writing, and discoursing are not mere acts of communication; they are above all acts of compulsion. Please follow me. Trust me, for deep feeling and understanding require total committment."

Speaking, writing, and discoursing are not mere acts of communication; they are above all acts of compulsion. Please follow me. Trust me, for deep feeling and understanding require total committment.

Follow Quotes: "Set your goals, follow your dreams, listen to your heart and don't let anything stand in your way."

Set your goals, follow your dreams, listen to your heart and don't let anything stand in your way.

Follow Quotes: "To find your own way is to follow your bliss."

To find your own way is to follow your bliss.

Follow Quotes: "Be yourself, build meaningful relationships, follow your dreams."

Be yourself, build meaningful relationships, follow your dreams.

Follow Quotes: "A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write."

A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write.

Follow Quotes: "If you follow your dreams and spend your life doing what brings you joy, you are more likely to find success"

If you follow your dreams and spend your life doing what brings you joy, you are more likely to find success

Follow Quotes: "Don't follow your dreams; chase them."

Don't follow your dreams; chase them.

Follow Quotes: "It is only if you have the courage to follow your heart that you will succeed on the path of love."

It is only if you have the courage to follow your heart that you will succeed on the path of love.

Follow Quotes: "And this is why Jesus came: to endure the holy wrath of God due us."

And this is why Jesus came: to endure the holy wrath of God due us.

Follow Quotes: "The Bible clearly reminds us that left to ourselves, we would be lost forever."

The Bible clearly reminds us that left to ourselves, we would be lost forever.

Follow Quotes: "My second book, Follow Me Down had some success, got good critical notices, went into a second printing and things like that, but Shiloh was by far the most successful of those first five novels."

My second book, Follow Me Down had some success, got good critical notices, went into a second printing and things like that, but Shiloh was by far the most successful of those first five novels.

Follow Quotes: "I despise followers of any kind, especially those who follow me."

I despise followers of any kind, especially those who follow me.

Follow Quotes: "Jesus came to live the life we could not live and to die the death we deserve to die."

Jesus came to live the life we could not live and to die the death we deserve to die.

Follow Quotes: "Start today to follow your heart. Map out your own journey. Have the adventure of a lifetime."

Start today to follow your heart. Map out your own journey. Have the adventure of a lifetime.

Follow Quotes: "In golf, you keep your head down and follow through. In the vice presidency, you keep your head up and follow through. It's a big difference."

In golf, you keep your head down and follow through. In the vice presidency, you keep your head up and follow through. It's a big difference.

Follow Quotes: "I figure as an artist the best thing you can do is follow your heart - and if your heart is marketable, then you win."

I figure as an artist the best thing you can do is follow your heart - and if your heart is marketable, then you win.

Follow Quotes: "If there was ever a moment to follow your passion and do work that matters, this is it."

If there was ever a moment to follow your passion and do work that matters, this is it.

Follow Quotes: "If I were hanged on the highest hill, Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine! I know whose love would follow me still Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!"

If I were hanged on the highest hill, Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine! I know whose love would follow me still Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!

Follow Quotes: "Everyone wants to belong, or be a part of something bigger than themselves, but it's important to follow your heart and be true to yourself in the process."

Everyone wants to belong, or be a part of something bigger than themselves, but it's important to follow your heart and be true to yourself in the process.

Follow Quotes: "Character - in things great and small - is indicated when a man (or person) pursues with sustained follow-through what he feels himself capable of doing."

Character - in things great and small - is indicated when a man (or person) pursues with sustained follow-through what he feels himself capable of doing.

Follow Quotes: "We cannot cut and run. If we are to ensure freedom and democracy, it is essential that we follow through on our obligation to bring about stability in Iraq."

We cannot cut and run. If we are to ensure freedom and democracy, it is essential that we follow through on our obligation to bring about stability in Iraq.

Follow Quotes: "I was assigned a Taliban "minder" who followed me everywhere. But he couldn't follow me into homes where there were women, so I took photos inside people's homes."

I was assigned a Taliban "minder" who followed me everywhere. But he couldn't follow me into homes where there were women, so I took photos inside people's homes.

Follow Quotes: "Follow your heart, your instincts. People might try to dissuade you from your passion, but no one can live your life but you."

Follow your heart, your instincts. People might try to dissuade you from your passion, but no one can live your life but you.

Follow Quotes: "If I die," he whispered in the dark, "dinna follow me. The bairns will need ye. Stay for them. I can wait."

If I die," he whispered in the dark, "dinna follow me. The bairns will need ye. Stay for them. I can wait.

Follow Quotes: "How useful are documentary photographs if there is no follow up, no way of knowing what happened next in the story?"

How useful are documentary photographs if there is no follow up, no way of knowing what happened next in the story?

Follow Quotes: "Follow your passion and the rest will straighten itself out."

Follow your passion and the rest will straighten itself out.

Follow Quotes: "The press follow me. I sue them. That's the deal."

The press follow me. I sue them. That's the deal.

Follow Quotes: "I live by the rule that you should follow your dreams…no matter what you do, you should follow your dreams"

I live by the rule that you should follow your dreams…no matter what you do, you should follow your dreams

Follow Quotes: "A lot of people think I'm under a lot of pressure with my family and friends spending all that money to follow me around"

A lot of people think I'm under a lot of pressure with my family and friends spending all that money to follow me around

Follow Quotes: "I believe that you need to be the person you are and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If you want something, go out and get it. Follow your dreams, and never give up!"

I believe that you need to be the person you are and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If you want something, go out and get it. Follow your dreams, and never give up!

Follow Quotes: "Jesus didn't say that if you wanted to follow Him you could do it in a lukewarm manner. He said, 'Take up your cross and follow Me.'"

Jesus didn't say that if you wanted to follow Him you could do it in a lukewarm manner. He said, 'Take up your cross and follow Me.'

Follow Quotes: "Follow your bliss. The heroic life is living the individual adventure."

Follow your bliss. The heroic life is living the individual adventure.

Follow Quotes: "Not like [Adele Dazeems] going to follow me around for the rest of my life."

Not like [Adele Dazeems] going to follow me around for the rest of my life.

Follow Quotes: "Sometimes you just close your eyes and jump... you don't think too long or maybe you just won't. Sometimes you just follow your heart, don't analyze too long, or maybe it might just be gone."

Sometimes you just close your eyes and jump... you don't think too long or maybe you just won't. Sometimes you just follow your heart, don't analyze too long, or maybe it might just be gone.

Follow Quotes: "Not follow me but follow the lyrics."

Not follow me but follow the lyrics.

Follow Quotes: "To all the seeds that follow me protect your essence, Born with less, but you still precious."

To all the seeds that follow me protect your essence, Born with less, but you still precious.

Follow Quotes: "Intrinsic value follows meaning follows form follows economics follows function follows more economics follows market research."

Intrinsic value follows meaning follows form follows economics follows function follows more economics follows market research.

Follow Quotes: "Many scientists will have to contribute to the solution of the great problem; they will have to follow up and measure all those phenomena in which the atomic structure is directly expressed."

Many scientists will have to contribute to the solution of the great problem; they will have to follow up and measure all those phenomena in which the atomic structure is directly expressed.

Follow Quotes: "Persistence, persistence, persistence. I'm surprised how few entrepreneurs follow up."

Persistence, persistence, persistence. I'm surprised how few entrepreneurs follow up.

Follow Quotes: "In my career, fun becomes a big factor. If something feels like it's going to be creative and be fun - follow your bliss. Is this where the juice is? Then I go there."

In my career, fun becomes a big factor. If something feels like it's going to be creative and be fun - follow your bliss. Is this where the juice is? Then I go there.

Follow Quotes: "If you're following your heart, you're moving in the right direction."

If you're following your heart, you're moving in the right direction.