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Forgotten Quotes

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Forgotten Quotes: "What is wrong with Christians today is that we have the gifts of God but have forgotten the God of the gifts."

What is wrong with Christians today is that we have the gifts of God but have forgotten the God of the gifts.

Forgotten Quotes: "Into every empty corner, into all forgotten things and nooks, nature struggles to pour life, pouring life into the dead, life into life itself."

Into every empty corner, into all forgotten things and nooks, nature struggles to pour life, pouring life into the dead, life into life itself.

Forgotten Quotes: "We have 23 million people unemployed. They're America's forgotten people. It's the damndest thing that this much collateral damage is acceptable to this [Barack Obama] administration."

We have 23 million people unemployed. They're America's forgotten people. It's the damndest thing that this much collateral damage is acceptable to this [Barack Obama] administration.

Forgotten Quotes: "Later in the fifties I got involved in kinetic studies using my long forgotten math background."

Later in the fifties I got involved in kinetic studies using my long forgotten math background.

Forgotten Quotes: "Men forget everything; women remember everything. That's why men need instant replay in sports. They've already forgotten what's happened."

Men forget everything; women remember everything. That's why men need instant replay in sports. They've already forgotten what's happened.

Forgotten Quotes: "If you don't make yourself irreplaceable, somebody will replace you. Being different is being remembered. Being the same is being forgotten."

If you don't make yourself irreplaceable, somebody will replace you. Being different is being remembered. Being the same is being forgotten.

Forgotten Quotes: "With whom do you argue? With a woman, of course. Not with a friend, because he accepted all your defects the moment he found you. Besides, woman is mother-have we forgotten?"

With whom do you argue? With a woman, of course. Not with a friend, because he accepted all your defects the moment he found you. Besides, woman is mother-have we forgotten?

Forgotten Quotes: "Our culture has forgotten what the Founders knew: The American experiment is a moral, not just a political, exercise."

Our culture has forgotten what the Founders knew: The American experiment is a moral, not just a political, exercise.

Forgotten Quotes: "I think of New York City lost in stars forgotten as a blue haired pet of childhood love Tonight the night is full."

I think of New York City lost in stars forgotten as a blue haired pet of childhood love Tonight the night is full.

Forgotten Quotes: "We seem to be trapped by a civilization that has accelerated many physical aspects of evolution but has forgotten that other vital part of man -- his mind and his psyche."

We seem to be trapped by a civilization that has accelerated many physical aspects of evolution but has forgotten that other vital part of man -- his mind and his psyche.

Forgotten Quotes: "I'd forgotten it's an important thing to give thought to your morality and how you intend to live your life."

I'd forgotten it's an important thing to give thought to your morality and how you intend to live your life.

Forgotten Quotes: "People think they know you. They know the things about you that you have forgotten."

People think they know you. They know the things about you that you have forgotten.

Forgotten Quotes: "I have forgotten much, but still remember The poinsiana's red, blood-red in warm December."

I have forgotten much, but still remember The poinsiana's red, blood-red in warm December.

Forgotten Quotes: "I am what a romantic movie is to a profound thinker - a mere diversion, a comic interlude, something that is soon forgotten."

I am what a romantic movie is to a profound thinker - a mere diversion, a comic interlude, something that is soon forgotten.

Forgotten Quotes: "There are some who've forgotten why we have a military. It's not to promote war, it's to be prepared for peace."

There are some who've forgotten why we have a military. It's not to promote war, it's to be prepared for peace.

Forgotten Quotes: "You have not forgotten to remember; You have remembered to forget. But people can forget to forget. That is just as important as remembering to remember - and generally more practical."

You have not forgotten to remember; You have remembered to forget. But people can forget to forget. That is just as important as remembering to remember - and generally more practical.

Forgotten Quotes: "We have forgotten that those skills on the more positive side of human nature have to be taught, have to be modeled, have to be practiced."

We have forgotten that those skills on the more positive side of human nature have to be taught, have to be modeled, have to be practiced.

Forgotten Quotes: "My books hold between their covers every story I've ever known and still remember, or have now forgotten, or may one day read; they fill the space around me with ancient and new voices."

My books hold between their covers every story I've ever known and still remember, or have now forgotten, or may one day read; they fill the space around me with ancient and new voices.

Forgotten Quotes: "Nothing really dies as long as it's not forgotten"

Nothing really dies as long as it's not forgotten

Forgotten Quotes: "Any city may have one period of magnificence, like Boston or New Orleans or San Francisco, but it takes a real one to keep renewing itself until the past is perennially forgotten."

Any city may have one period of magnificence, like Boston or New Orleans or San Francisco, but it takes a real one to keep renewing itself until the past is perennially forgotten.

Forgotten Quotes: "A man who pays his bills on time is soon forgotten."

A man who pays his bills on time is soon forgotten.

Forgotten Quotes: "We do not realize that as soon as our thoughts cease and all attempts at forming ideas are forgotten the Buddha reveals himself before us."

We do not realize that as soon as our thoughts cease and all attempts at forming ideas are forgotten the Buddha reveals himself before us.

Forgotten Quotes: "Build traditions of family vacations and trips and outings. These memories will never be forgotten by your children."

Build traditions of family vacations and trips and outings. These memories will never be forgotten by your children.

Forgotten Quotes: "People have forgotten what the human touch is, what it is to smile, for somebody to smile at them, somebody to recognize them, somebody to wish them well. The terrible thing is to be unwanted."

People have forgotten what the human touch is, what it is to smile, for somebody to smile at them, somebody to recognize them, somebody to wish them well. The terrible thing is to be unwanted.

Forgotten Quotes: "War is by no means something glamorous, and I don't think that should ever be forgotten."

War is by no means something glamorous, and I don't think that should ever be forgotten.

Forgotten Quotes: "Nothing truly real is forgotten eternally, because everything real comes from eternity and goes to eternity."

Nothing truly real is forgotten eternally, because everything real comes from eternity and goes to eternity.

Forgotten Quotes: "And the best and the worst of this is That neither is most to blame, If you have forgotten my kisses And I have forgotten your name."

And the best and the worst of this is That neither is most to blame, If you have forgotten my kisses And I have forgotten your name.

Forgotten Quotes: "It should not be forgotten that art is not a science where the latest 'correct' theory declares the old to be false and erases it."

It should not be forgotten that art is not a science where the latest 'correct' theory declares the old to be false and erases it.

Forgotten Quotes: "There were dreams once upon a time, dreams now all but forgotten. On sad days I dust them off and fondle them nostalgically, with a patronizing wonder at the naivete of the youth who dreamed them."

There were dreams once upon a time, dreams now all but forgotten. On sad days I dust them off and fondle them nostalgically, with a patronizing wonder at the naivete of the youth who dreamed them.

Forgotten Quotes: "Friendships are forgotten when the game begins."

Friendships are forgotten when the game begins.

Forgotten Quotes: "Oh, I'll be forgotten too, don't worry."

Oh, I'll be forgotten too, don't worry.

Forgotten Quotes: "Truths are illlusions which we have forgotten are illusions."

Truths are illlusions which we have forgotten are illusions.

Forgotten Quotes: "A girl asks her doctor, "Doctor, I've forgotten to take my contradictory pill!" The doctor says: "Are you ignorant?" The girl says: "Yes, three months!""

A girl asks her doctor, "Doctor, I've forgotten to take my contradictory pill!" The doctor says: "Are you ignorant?" The girl says: "Yes, three months!"

Forgotten Quotes: "The man who tells lies hides the truth, but the man who tells half-lies has forgotten where he put it."

The man who tells lies hides the truth, but the man who tells half-lies has forgotten where he put it.

Forgotten Quotes: "The State cannot get a cent for any man without taking it from some other man, and this latter must be a man who has produced and saved it. This latter is the Forgotten Man"

The State cannot get a cent for any man without taking it from some other man, and this latter must be a man who has produced and saved it. This latter is the Forgotten Man

Forgotten Quotes: "When we forget old friends, it is a sign we have forgotten ourselves."

When we forget old friends, it is a sign we have forgotten ourselves.

Forgotten Quotes: "As a kid, I knew all of the dinosaurs. It's one of those tragedies that I've forgotten what dinosaurs are cool."

As a kid, I knew all of the dinosaurs. It's one of those tragedies that I've forgotten what dinosaurs are cool.

Forgotten Quotes: "The golden age only comes to men when they have forgotten gold."

The golden age only comes to men when they have forgotten gold.

Forgotten Quotes: "The near stillness recalls what is forgotten, extinct angels."

The near stillness recalls what is forgotten, extinct angels.

Forgotten Quotes: "In a dream thou mayst live a lifetime, and all be forgotten in the morning: Even such is life, and so soon perisheth its memory."

In a dream thou mayst live a lifetime, and all be forgotten in the morning: Even such is life, and so soon perisheth its memory.

Forgotten Quotes: "The importance of gratitude is never forgotten."

The importance of gratitude is never forgotten.

Forgotten Quotes: "Blessings taken for granted are often forgotten."

Blessings taken for granted are often forgotten.

Forgotten Quotes: "Most of our difficulties come from losing contact with our instincts, with the age-old forgotten wisdom stored up in us."

Most of our difficulties come from losing contact with our instincts, with the age-old forgotten wisdom stored up in us.

Forgotten Quotes: "Theater people are always pining and agonizing because they're afraid that they'll be forgotten. And in America they're quite right. They will be."

Theater people are always pining and agonizing because they're afraid that they'll be forgotten. And in America they're quite right. They will be.

Forgotten Quotes: "A poem is learned by heart and then not again repeated. We will suppose that after a half year it has been forgotten: no effort of recollection is able to call it back again into consciousness."

A poem is learned by heart and then not again repeated. We will suppose that after a half year it has been forgotten: no effort of recollection is able to call it back again into consciousness.

Forgotten Quotes: "Though your experience may indicate that God has forgotten you or has left you alone, He is on your side. He is the God of grace, and He is actively working on your behalf."

Though your experience may indicate that God has forgotten you or has left you alone, He is on your side. He is the God of grace, and He is actively working on your behalf.

Forgotten Quotes: "With time, many of the facts I learned were forgotten but I never lost the excitement of discovery."

With time, many of the facts I learned were forgotten but I never lost the excitement of discovery.

Forgotten Quotes: "Education is what is left after you've forgotten everything you've learned."

Education is what is left after you've forgotten everything you've learned.

Forgotten Quotes: "When the heart is right, "for" and "against" are forgotten."

When the heart is right, "for" and "against" are forgotten.