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From Tumblr Quotes

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From Tumblr Quotes: "Loving spirits are with you every step of the way, cheering you on and offering help when they can. You are never alone."

Loving spirits are with you every step of the way, cheering you on and offering help when they can. You are never alone.

From Tumblr Quotes: "I effortlessly let go of my density and dance forward into infinite bliss."

I effortlessly let go of my density and dance forward into infinite bliss.

From Tumblr Quotes: "Let your fear dissolve and allow love to effervesce through your being. Be open to feeling good in this moment."

Let your fear dissolve and allow love to effervesce through your being. Be open to feeling good in this moment.

From Tumblr Quotes: "I celebrate who I am, what I love, and all of my blessings that lead to joy."

I celebrate who I am, what I love, and all of my blessings that lead to joy.

From Tumblr Quotes: "Each day offers a reason to celebrate. Find it and experience true bliss."

Each day offers a reason to celebrate. Find it and experience true bliss.

From Tumblr Quotes: "I am a limitless being of oneness. I am the physical embodiment of joy. Anything is possible in my life. My true source is joy."

I am a limitless being of oneness. I am the physical embodiment of joy. Anything is possible in my life. My true source is joy.

From Tumblr Quotes: "In reality, everyone is unlimited. All limits are simply illusions. Understanding is the breeze that sweeps them away."

In reality, everyone is unlimited. All limits are simply illusions. Understanding is the breeze that sweeps them away.

From Tumblr Quotes: "I celebrate the connections in my life, from my past, present, and future. I joyfully accept love in all its healthy forms!"

I celebrate the connections in my life, from my past, present, and future. I joyfully accept love in all its healthy forms!

From Tumblr Quotes: "The people we adore in our lives brighten our days and illuminate our nights."

The people we adore in our lives brighten our days and illuminate our nights.

From Tumblr Quotes: "I love my animal allies and am grateful for their support. I accept it."

I love my animal allies and am grateful for their support. I accept it.

From Tumblr Quotes: "Vivid living is your destiny! You are a being of color and light. Unleash your bliss."

Vivid living is your destiny! You are a being of color and light. Unleash your bliss.

From Tumblr Quotes: "I am loved and held by a benevolent universe of love and bliss for all time."

I am loved and held by a benevolent universe of love and bliss for all time.

From Tumblr Quotes: "I am worthy of daily joy, and I will treat myself to a glorious day of complete bliss at least once per month."

I am worthy of daily joy, and I will treat myself to a glorious day of complete bliss at least once per month.

From Tumblr Quotes: "Set aside even one day just for fun, and you will improve the next seven."

Set aside even one day just for fun, and you will improve the next seven.

From Tumblr Quotes: "Imagine a brilliant rose of pure love in your heart. Next, see a twinkling flower within the hearts of all you meet."

Imagine a brilliant rose of pure love in your heart. Next, see a twinkling flower within the hearts of all you meet.

From Tumblr Quotes: "My ancestors offer me bliss, love, and light. I gratefully receive that which is for my highest good and release the rest back into the pure, white light."

My ancestors offer me bliss, love, and light. I gratefully receive that which is for my highest good and release the rest back into the pure, white light.

From Tumblr Quotes: "Ancestors from all times have shared their essence with you. Accept the light and let go of the rest."

Ancestors from all times have shared their essence with you. Accept the light and let go of the rest.

From Tumblr Quotes: "When we fill our hearts with self-love, we kindle sparks of compassion all around us."

When we fill our hearts with self-love, we kindle sparks of compassion all around us.

From Tumblr Quotes: "I embrace new experiences every day. I revel in the fun adventures I create for myself and absorb their blissful gifts."

I embrace new experiences every day. I revel in the fun adventures I create for myself and absorb their blissful gifts.

From Tumblr Quotes: "Flowers, trees, and leaves are all gorgeous expressions of nature’s innate joy. Notice the bounty surrounding you."

Flowers, trees, and leaves are all gorgeous expressions of nature’s innate joy. Notice the bounty surrounding you.

From Tumblr Quotes: "Dance is medicine. Movement is potent. Empower yourself with it today."

Dance is medicine. Movement is potent. Empower yourself with it today.

From Tumblr Quotes: "I live love in each moment. I let love heal me and elevate me to my highest self."

I live love in each moment. I let love heal me and elevate me to my highest self.

From Tumblr Quotes: "Your life is awash in waves of love in each moment. Open your eyes to the currents around you and bathe in the bliss."

Your life is awash in waves of love in each moment. Open your eyes to the currents around you and bathe in the bliss.

From Tumblr Quotes: "Music enlivens my soul and opens my heart to ever greater levels of bliss and joy."

Music enlivens my soul and opens my heart to ever greater levels of bliss and joy.

From Tumblr Quotes: "Let music ignite your vivid inner colors and bring you harmony inside and out."

Let music ignite your vivid inner colors and bring you harmony inside and out.

From Tumblr Quotes: "I am powerful in my love for myself. My inner essence sparkles with bliss."

I am powerful in my love for myself. My inner essence sparkles with bliss.

From Tumblr Quotes: "Your inner essence can innovate and inspire. Harness that dynamism and embrace the positive change you can create."

Your inner essence can innovate and inspire. Harness that dynamism and embrace the positive change you can create.

From Tumblr Quotes: "I allow myself to rest deeply and be rejuvenated, trusting the love of the angels to support and hold me for my highest good."

I allow myself to rest deeply and be rejuvenated, trusting the love of the angels to support and hold me for my highest good.

From Tumblr Quotes: "Angels are all around us every day. Notice them and realize the benevolence of life."

Angels are all around us every day. Notice them and realize the benevolence of life.

From Tumblr Quotes: "I use health joy and comfort to set off my brain chemicals of bliss for my highest good."

I use health joy and comfort to set off my brain chemicals of bliss for my highest good.

From Tumblr Quotes: "Comfort, joy, and love are key ingredients to a rich, pleasurable life. Prize them."

Comfort, joy, and love are key ingredients to a rich, pleasurable life. Prize them.

From Tumblr Quotes: "I am wired to live joy in all ways. I let my being be healed and tended by the high vibration of joy. My life is optimized for boundless joy."

I am wired to live joy in all ways. I let my being be healed and tended by the high vibration of joy. My life is optimized for boundless joy.

From Tumblr Quotes: "I give and accept waves of welcome. I attract wonderful, life-minded friends who enrich my life."

I give and accept waves of welcome. I attract wonderful, life-minded friends who enrich my life.

From Tumblr Quotes: "Breath is the door to the heart and soul. It moves chi and energizes cells."

Breath is the door to the heart and soul. It moves chi and energizes cells.

From Tumblr Quotes: "Integration happens when all parts of your being are in harmony."

Integration happens when all parts of your being are in harmony.