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From Within Quotes

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From Within Quotes: "Intuition is the voice of the spirit within you."

Intuition is the voice of the spirit within you.

From Within Quotes: "When you find peace within, you also find that you can do without. This means simply that you no longer need the things of your outside world, and not needing is a great freedom."

When you find peace within, you also find that you can do without. This means simply that you no longer need the things of your outside world, and not needing is a great freedom.

From Within Quotes: "By meditation we develop that strength within us, so automatically we start solving the problem."

By meditation we develop that strength within us, so automatically we start solving the problem.

From Within Quotes: "Freedom is when you really get your own powers which are within you. In your central nervous system and in your conscious mind, you must feel the existence of the spirit."

Freedom is when you really get your own powers which are within you. In your central nervous system and in your conscious mind, you must feel the existence of the spirit.

From Within Quotes: "Like small children you must have a very clean heart to accept, to absorb the beauty of peace that is within you and also the beauty of purity. Without purity, you cannot enjoy anything."

Like small children you must have a very clean heart to accept, to absorb the beauty of peace that is within you and also the beauty of purity. Without purity, you cannot enjoy anything.

From Within Quotes: "The more you venture to live greatly, the more you will find within you what it takes to get on top of the things and stay there."

The more you venture to live greatly, the more you will find within you what it takes to get on top of the things and stay there.

From Within Quotes: "Few of them were to be trusted within reach of a trowel and a pile of bricks."

Few of them were to be trusted within reach of a trowel and a pile of bricks.

From Within Quotes: "To believe in the God over us and around us and not in the God within us - that would be a powerless and fruitless faith."

To believe in the God over us and around us and not in the God within us - that would be a powerless and fruitless faith.

From Within Quotes: "Leave to your opinions their own quiet undisturbed development, which, like all progress, must come from deep within and cannot be pressed or hurried by anything."

Leave to your opinions their own quiet undisturbed development, which, like all progress, must come from deep within and cannot be pressed or hurried by anything.

From Within Quotes: "Paradise is not somewhere else... it is within you. And it is not in some other time, after death... It is in you right now."

Paradise is not somewhere else... it is within you. And it is not in some other time, after death... It is in you right now.

From Within Quotes: "Just the simple process of letting go of negative thoughts will allow your natural state of health to emerge within you."

Just the simple process of letting go of negative thoughts will allow your natural state of health to emerge within you.

From Within Quotes: "The more you use the power within you, the more you will draw it to you."

The more you use the power within you, the more you will draw it to you.

From Within Quotes: "Real happiness lies within you."

Real happiness lies within you.

From Within Quotes: "If you can think that infinite power, infinite knowledge and indomitable energy lie within you, and if you can bring out that power, you also can become like me."

If you can think that infinite power, infinite knowledge and indomitable energy lie within you, and if you can bring out that power, you also can become like me.

From Within Quotes: "You become what you do most of the time."

You become what you do most of the time.

From Within Quotes: "When I heard Aretha, I could feel her emotional delivery so clearly. It came from down deep within. That's what I wanted to do."

When I heard Aretha, I could feel her emotional delivery so clearly. It came from down deep within. That's what I wanted to do.

From Within Quotes: "Our biological rhythms are the symphony of the cosmos, music embedded deep within us to which we dance, even when we can't name the tune."

Our biological rhythms are the symphony of the cosmos, music embedded deep within us to which we dance, even when we can't name the tune.

From Within Quotes: "Poetry carries its history within it, and it is oral in origin. Its transmission was oral."

Poetry carries its history within it, and it is oral in origin. Its transmission was oral.

From Within Quotes: "Every time you play you have energy within you - universal energy. That's the energy that keeps everything together - the planets, the galaxies. Everything."

Every time you play you have energy within you - universal energy. That's the energy that keeps everything together - the planets, the galaxies. Everything.

From Within Quotes: "The dawning of the light of awareness is the new birth, where the sun rises and the day breaks within you."

The dawning of the light of awareness is the new birth, where the sun rises and the day breaks within you.

From Within Quotes: "When it's all over, you'll realize that the answer is already within you."

When it's all over, you'll realize that the answer is already within you.

From Within Quotes: "Why should you practice Yoga? To kindle the divine fire within yourself. Everyone has a dormant spark of divinity in him which has to be fanned into flame."

Why should you practice Yoga? To kindle the divine fire within yourself. Everyone has a dormant spark of divinity in him which has to be fanned into flame.

From Within Quotes: "There is no peace in the world until you find peace within yourself in this moment."

There is no peace in the world until you find peace within yourself in this moment.

From Within Quotes: "God is not a personality outside of you. What God is, is inextricably part of what you are. God is the dimension of depth within you."

God is not a personality outside of you. What God is, is inextricably part of what you are. God is the dimension of depth within you.

From Within Quotes: "All can hear that still small voice within. Try it. Be still and know that the I AM within you is God, the Beloved. Listen... then live by it."

All can hear that still small voice within. Try it. Be still and know that the I AM within you is God, the Beloved. Listen... then live by it.

From Within Quotes: "Let my Peace which passes all understanding infill and enfold you, for when you are at Peace within, you reflect Peace without, and all those souls you meet will feel that Peace."

Let my Peace which passes all understanding infill and enfold you, for when you are at Peace within, you reflect Peace without, and all those souls you meet will feel that Peace.

From Within Quotes: "The only past which endures lies wordlessly within you."

The only past which endures lies wordlessly within you.

From Within Quotes: "All the happiness, self-confidence, and support you're seeking is already within you."

All the happiness, self-confidence, and support you're seeking is already within you.

From Within Quotes: "Writing is something you'll never learn in any university or at any school. It's something that is within you, and if it isn't there, nothing can put it there."

Writing is something you'll never learn in any university or at any school. It's something that is within you, and if it isn't there, nothing can put it there.

From Within Quotes: "Knowing yourself has to always come from within. The outside can inspire or guide you, but knowing has to come from within you."

Knowing yourself has to always come from within. The outside can inspire or guide you, but knowing has to come from within you.

From Within Quotes: "Devotion is the spark that can fire up your chemistry and energy to such a level that it creates an explosion of ecstasy within you."

Devotion is the spark that can fire up your chemistry and energy to such a level that it creates an explosion of ecstasy within you.

From Within Quotes: "Meditation is an opportunity to move into a dimension where there is no such thing as stress within you."

Meditation is an opportunity to move into a dimension where there is no such thing as stress within you.

From Within Quotes: "I don't have children. I serve the world and I serve God by living as deep within my work as I can, reveling in the language of other times and putting it forth for the world."

I don't have children. I serve the world and I serve God by living as deep within my work as I can, reveling in the language of other times and putting it forth for the world.

From Within Quotes: "Happiness is within you... so unlock the chains from your heart and let yourself grow- like the sweet flower you are. I know the answer- just spread your wings and set yourself free."

Happiness is within you... so unlock the chains from your heart and let yourself grow- like the sweet flower you are. I know the answer- just spread your wings and set yourself free.

From Within Quotes: "Anything that is within you is a gift. To be able to take possession of that and say, "Whatever it is, I am bigger than it," is to learn to cherish even the hard and painful things."

Anything that is within you is a gift. To be able to take possession of that and say, "Whatever it is, I am bigger than it," is to learn to cherish even the hard and painful things.

From Within Quotes: "You can always create your own experience of life in a beautiful and enjoyable way if you keep your love turned on within you- regardless of what other people say or do."

You can always create your own experience of life in a beautiful and enjoyable way if you keep your love turned on within you- regardless of what other people say or do.

From Within Quotes: "The more you connect to the Power within you, the more you can be free in all areas of your life."

The more you connect to the Power within you, the more you can be free in all areas of your life.

From Within Quotes: "NVC requires us to be continually conscious of the beauty within ourselves and other people."

NVC requires us to be continually conscious of the beauty within ourselves and other people.

From Within Quotes: "The more we use words that in any way imply criticism, the more difficult it is for people to stay connected to the beauty within themselves."

The more we use words that in any way imply criticism, the more difficult it is for people to stay connected to the beauty within themselves.

From Within Quotes: "You carry Mother Earth within you. She is not outside of you. Mother Earth is not just your environment."

You carry Mother Earth within you. She is not outside of you. Mother Earth is not just your environment.

From Within Quotes: "When we are not realized, we are moving on the periphery, like a wheel and we are disturbed. But a realized soul is on the axis, which is silent. So he has the peace within himself."

When we are not realized, we are moving on the periphery, like a wheel and we are disturbed. But a realized soul is on the axis, which is silent. So he has the peace within himself.

From Within Quotes: "What you are looking for is within you"

What you are looking for is within you

From Within Quotes: "Resistance is not a peripheral opponent. Resistance arises from within. It is self-generated and self-perpetuated. resistance is the enemy within."

Resistance is not a peripheral opponent. Resistance arises from within. It is self-generated and self-perpetuated. resistance is the enemy within.

From Within Quotes: "Somewhere, deep within her, surfaces a tiny clockwork submarine. There are times when you can only take the next step. And then another."

Somewhere, deep within her, surfaces a tiny clockwork submarine. There are times when you can only take the next step. And then another.

From Within Quotes: "But every historical statement and legitimization itself moves within a certain relation to history."

But every historical statement and legitimization itself moves within a certain relation to history.

From Within Quotes: "My passion should be clear and please know it runs deep within all levels of my consciousness. I feel it. I feel everything."

My passion should be clear and please know it runs deep within all levels of my consciousness. I feel it. I feel everything.

From Within Quotes: "Grace is alive, living waters. If I dam up the grace, hold the blessings tight, joy within dies... waters that have no life."

Grace is alive, living waters. If I dam up the grace, hold the blessings tight, joy within dies... waters that have no life.

From Within Quotes: "I am your dwarf. I am the enemy within. I am the boss of your dreams. See. Your hand shakes. It is not palsy or booze. It is your Doppelganger trying to get out. Beware...Beware..."

I am your dwarf. I am the enemy within. I am the boss of your dreams. See. Your hand shakes. It is not palsy or booze. It is your Doppelganger trying to get out. Beware...Beware...

From Within Quotes: "Lighting a fire UNDER someone will never be as effective as Lighting a fire WITHIN someone."

Lighting a fire UNDER someone will never be as effective as Lighting a fire WITHIN someone.