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Fun Quotes

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Fun Quotes: "I don't know how many people really knew who I was before the Olympics and that's the fun thing of the Olympics - you get to know someone who captures your heart, hopefully."

I don't know how many people really knew who I was before the Olympics and that's the fun thing of the Olympics - you get to know someone who captures your heart, hopefully.

Fun Quotes: "My passionate belief is that business can be fun, it can be conducted with love and a powerful force for good."

My passionate belief is that business can be fun, it can be conducted with love and a powerful force for good.

Fun Quotes: "Time flies when you are having fun."

Time flies when you are having fun.

Fun Quotes: "Try and stay sober. Until the curtain call. And for God's sake, have fun. Don't suffer for your art. Just have fun."

Try and stay sober. Until the curtain call. And for God's sake, have fun. Don't suffer for your art. Just have fun.

Fun Quotes: "Follow your dreams as long as you live! Never be afraid to go out on the limb to live up to your expectations. Always do things your way and Have Fun!"

Follow your dreams as long as you live! Never be afraid to go out on the limb to live up to your expectations. Always do things your way and Have Fun!

Fun Quotes: "I had fun, but I didn't really have anyone i particularly loved except for loving friends. But I have a certain amount of faith that it will come."

I had fun, but I didn't really have anyone i particularly loved except for loving friends. But I have a certain amount of faith that it will come.

Fun Quotes: "Horsemanship should be fun. By learning how to control your horse in any situation, your confidence will greatly increase. When you're confident, you can relax and enjoy your partnership."

Horsemanship should be fun. By learning how to control your horse in any situation, your confidence will greatly increase. When you're confident, you can relax and enjoy your partnership.

Fun Quotes: "Science is fun. Science is curiosity. We all have natural curiosity. Science is a process of investigating. It's posing questions and coming up with a method. It's delving in."

Science is fun. Science is curiosity. We all have natural curiosity. Science is a process of investigating. It's posing questions and coming up with a method. It's delving in.

Fun Quotes: "An unlimited amount of ability can develop when parent and child are having fun together."

An unlimited amount of ability can develop when parent and child are having fun together.

Fun Quotes: "Relativity applies to physics, not ethics."

Relativity applies to physics, not ethics.

Fun Quotes: "Which is better: to have fun with fungi or to have Idiocy with ideology, to have wars because of words, to have tomorrow's misdeeds out of yesterday's miscreeds?"

Which is better: to have fun with fungi or to have Idiocy with ideology, to have wars because of words, to have tomorrow's misdeeds out of yesterday's miscreeds?

Fun Quotes: "Cease, man, to mourn, to weep, to wail; Enjoy thy shining hour of sun; We dance along Death's icy brink, But is the dance less full of fun?"

Cease, man, to mourn, to weep, to wail; Enjoy thy shining hour of sun; We dance along Death's icy brink, But is the dance less full of fun?

Fun Quotes: "I've had a lot of fun. Good-bye, and thank you."

I've had a lot of fun. Good-bye, and thank you.

Fun Quotes: "Take it easy baby, take it as it comes - specialize in having fun!"

Take it easy baby, take it as it comes - specialize in having fun!

Fun Quotes: "In effect we are, bending and breaking the rules of the language. And if someone were to ask why we do it, the answer is simply: for fun"

In effect we are, bending and breaking the rules of the language. And if someone were to ask why we do it, the answer is simply: for fun

Fun Quotes: "Winning is fun, but those moments that you can touch someone's life in a very positive way are better."

Winning is fun, but those moments that you can touch someone's life in a very positive way are better.

Fun Quotes: "I think that success is having fun."

I think that success is having fun.

Fun Quotes: "Keep it fun. Don't take it too seriously. At the same time, when you do feel inspired, take it seriously, too."

Keep it fun. Don't take it too seriously. At the same time, when you do feel inspired, take it seriously, too.

Fun Quotes: "A zombie film is not fun without a bunch of stupid people running around and observing how they fail to handle the situation."

A zombie film is not fun without a bunch of stupid people running around and observing how they fail to handle the situation.

Fun Quotes: "I just believe in whatever you're going to do, even if it's work, have a little bit of fun attitude about it. You can be happy."

I just believe in whatever you're going to do, even if it's work, have a little bit of fun attitude about it. You can be happy.

Fun Quotes: "The ultimate truth is so simple. It is nothing more than being in the pristine state. This is all that needs to be said. Only mature minds can grasp the simple truth in all its nakedness."

The ultimate truth is so simple. It is nothing more than being in the pristine state. This is all that needs to be said. Only mature minds can grasp the simple truth in all its nakedness.

Fun Quotes: "My favorite thing about doing photo shoots is just being able to have fun, meeting new people, getting dressed up, and I just love doing it. So, I have a lot of fun."

My favorite thing about doing photo shoots is just being able to have fun, meeting new people, getting dressed up, and I just love doing it. So, I have a lot of fun.

Fun Quotes: "There is a land of the living and a land of the dead and the bridge is love, the only survival, the only meaning."

There is a land of the living and a land of the dead and the bridge is love, the only survival, the only meaning.

Fun Quotes: "Fashion should be stylish and fun."

Fashion should be stylish and fun.

Fun Quotes: "The thing I'll remember most about the flight is that it was fun. In fact, I'm sure it was the most fun that I'll ever have in my life."

The thing I'll remember most about the flight is that it was fun. In fact, I'm sure it was the most fun that I'll ever have in my life.

Fun Quotes: "Colleagues should take care of each other, have fun, celebrate success, learn by failure, look for reasons to praise not to criticize, communicate freely and respect each other."

Colleagues should take care of each other, have fun, celebrate success, learn by failure, look for reasons to praise not to criticize, communicate freely and respect each other.

Fun Quotes: "It's fun to be liked, but when standing up for what you believe in, it's also very fun not to be liked."

It's fun to be liked, but when standing up for what you believe in, it's also very fun not to be liked.

Fun Quotes: "But between sets I'd sneak over to the black places to hear blues musicians. It got to the point where I was making my living at white clubs and having my fun at the other places."

But between sets I'd sneak over to the black places to hear blues musicians. It got to the point where I was making my living at white clubs and having my fun at the other places.

Fun Quotes: "It’s not that I want money. It’s the fun of making money and watching it grow."

It’s not that I want money. It’s the fun of making money and watching it grow.

Fun Quotes: "Life is so great. Life is so fun. Life is so great in my head because I see the love. I see what life could be. As long as I can fulfill it and fulfill my days, it will be fruitful and come about."

Life is so great. Life is so fun. Life is so great in my head because I see the love. I see what life could be. As long as I can fulfill it and fulfill my days, it will be fruitful and come about.

Fun Quotes: "You have to able to make fun of yourself. Don't take things too seriously and when people make fun of you, laugh at it."

You have to able to make fun of yourself. Don't take things too seriously and when people make fun of you, laugh at it.

Fun Quotes: "You can parody and make fun of almost anything, but that does not turn the universe into a caricature."

You can parody and make fun of almost anything, but that does not turn the universe into a caricature.

Fun Quotes: "I'm a little more goofy than I think people give me credit for. I like to have fun. I like to have a good time. People don't always get to see that."

I'm a little more goofy than I think people give me credit for. I like to have fun. I like to have a good time. People don't always get to see that.

Fun Quotes: "Being confident in your own skin is very sexy. I think when you have fun and are yourself that is sexy too."

Being confident in your own skin is very sexy. I think when you have fun and are yourself that is sexy too.

Fun Quotes: "You need to have a life. Have fun. Then ruin it by having a serious relationship"

You need to have a life. Have fun. Then ruin it by having a serious relationship

Fun Quotes: "I do like escapism. I like going to the movies on a Friday night and seeing something fun."

I do like escapism. I like going to the movies on a Friday night and seeing something fun.

Fun Quotes: "I think young people should have a lot of fun. But I never seem to have any."

I think young people should have a lot of fun. But I never seem to have any.

Fun Quotes: "When we have a circle of friends, we have more fun. We get more done, we feel and are stronger, and we really do celebrate the power of our 'us.'"

When we have a circle of friends, we have more fun. We get more done, we feel and are stronger, and we really do celebrate the power of our 'us.'

Fun Quotes: "To me, theater is the mecca; if you really love to act, that's where it's the most fun, by a long shot."

To me, theater is the mecca; if you really love to act, that's where it's the most fun, by a long shot.

Fun Quotes: "My songs are like Bic razors. For fun, for modern consumption. You listen to it, like it, discard it, then on to the next. Disposable pop."

My songs are like Bic razors. For fun, for modern consumption. You listen to it, like it, discard it, then on to the next. Disposable pop.

Fun Quotes: "If you worry, you die. If you don't worry, you also die. So why worry?"

If you worry, you die. If you don't worry, you also die. So why worry?

Fun Quotes: "Impartiality is a pompous name for indifference, which is an elegant name for ignorance."

Impartiality is a pompous name for indifference, which is an elegant name for ignorance.

Fun Quotes: "To love what you do and feel that it matters - how could anything be more fun?"

To love what you do and feel that it matters - how could anything be more fun?

Fun Quotes: "Doing something different, doing something original is always fun because there is a lot of creativity that comes with it."

Doing something different, doing something original is always fun because there is a lot of creativity that comes with it.

Fun Quotes: "If you hold on to the handle, it's easier to maintain the illusion of control. But it's more fun if you just let the wind carry you."

If you hold on to the handle, it's easier to maintain the illusion of control. But it's more fun if you just let the wind carry you.

Fun Quotes: "Mania starts off fun, not sleeping for days, keeping company with your brain, which has become a wonderful computer, showing 24 TV channels all about you. That goes horribly wrong after awhile."

Mania starts off fun, not sleeping for days, keeping company with your brain, which has become a wonderful computer, showing 24 TV channels all about you. That goes horribly wrong after awhile.

Fun Quotes: "I'd love to be popular in Barcelona. That sounds like a fun job"

I'd love to be popular in Barcelona. That sounds like a fun job

Fun Quotes: "Life is too short to not have fun; we are only here for a short time compared to the sun and the moon and all that."

Life is too short to not have fun; we are only here for a short time compared to the sun and the moon and all that.

Fun Quotes: "You listen to your favorite song just until you're almost getting sick of it, and then it's so fun to rediscover it after a couple of months."

You listen to your favorite song just until you're almost getting sick of it, and then it's so fun to rediscover it after a couple of months.