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Generosity Quotes

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Generosity Quotes: "Donald Trump's life has born fruit in jobs and generosity. He cannot be bought. He is not a puppet on a string like other candidates."

Donald Trump's life has born fruit in jobs and generosity. He cannot be bought. He is not a puppet on a string like other candidates.

Generosity Quotes: "If one is experiencing poverty, practice ordinary and extreme generosity - this is the antidote."

If one is experiencing poverty, practice ordinary and extreme generosity - this is the antidote.

Generosity Quotes: "Goodness, generosity, or love does not come into being save through the search for reality."

Goodness, generosity, or love does not come into being save through the search for reality.

Generosity Quotes: "People do not give from the top of their purses but from the bottom of their hearts. If you desire to become a more generous person do not change your income. Change your heart."

People do not give from the top of their purses but from the bottom of their hearts. If you desire to become a more generous person do not change your income. Change your heart.

Generosity Quotes: "How much easier is it to be generous than just."

How much easier is it to be generous than just.

Generosity Quotes: "For this I bless you most. You give much and know not that you give at all."

For this I bless you most. You give much and know not that you give at all.

Generosity Quotes: "Kindness and generosity ... form the true morality of human actions."

Kindness and generosity ... form the true morality of human actions.

Generosity Quotes: "Generosity should never exceed ability."

Generosity should never exceed ability.

Generosity Quotes: "It takes great generosity to accept generosity."

It takes great generosity to accept generosity.

Generosity Quotes: "No psychological message is so open to question as that which tells us that we have nothing left to do or to give."

No psychological message is so open to question as that which tells us that we have nothing left to do or to give.

Generosity Quotes: "Since Love has made ruins of my heart The sun must come and illumine them. Such generosity has broken me with shame."

Since Love has made ruins of my heart The sun must come and illumine them. Such generosity has broken me with shame.

Generosity Quotes: "The Buddha said that no true spiritual life is possible without a generous heart. . . . Generosity allies itself with an inner feeling of abundance - the feeling that we have enough to share."

The Buddha said that no true spiritual life is possible without a generous heart. . . . Generosity allies itself with an inner feeling of abundance - the feeling that we have enough to share.

Generosity Quotes: "Never lie under any circumstances."

Never lie under any circumstances.

Generosity Quotes: "[It is not the purpose nor right of Congress] to attend to what generosity and humanity require, but to what the Constitution and their duty require."

[It is not the purpose nor right of Congress] to attend to what generosity and humanity require, but to what the Constitution and their duty require.

Generosity Quotes: "O heresy in fair, fit for these days, A giving hand, though foul, shall have fair praise."

O heresy in fair, fit for these days, A giving hand, though foul, shall have fair praise.

Generosity Quotes: "A generous action is its own reward."

A generous action is its own reward.

Generosity Quotes: "In a time of domestic crisis, men of goodwill and generosity should be able to unite regardless of party or politics."

In a time of domestic crisis, men of goodwill and generosity should be able to unite regardless of party or politics.

Generosity Quotes: "Impatient men are generous ones. Or haven't you learned that by now?"

Impatient men are generous ones. Or haven't you learned that by now?

Generosity Quotes: "You know, Emily was a selfish old woman in her way. She was very generous, but she always wanted a return. She never let people forget what she had done for them - and, that way she missed love."

You know, Emily was a selfish old woman in her way. She was very generous, but she always wanted a return. She never let people forget what she had done for them - and, that way she missed love.

Generosity Quotes: "The only things standing between you and the compassionate, wise, and creative person you want to be are matters of choice. Your choice. No one can occupy your generosity except you."

The only things standing between you and the compassionate, wise, and creative person you want to be are matters of choice. Your choice. No one can occupy your generosity except you.

Generosity Quotes: "The Church needs your faith, your idealism and your generosity, so that she can always be young in the Spirit."

The Church needs your faith, your idealism and your generosity, so that she can always be young in the Spirit.

Generosity Quotes: "True delicacy, as true generosity, is more wounded by an offence from itself--if I may be allowed the expression--than to itself."

True delicacy, as true generosity, is more wounded by an offence from itself--if I may be allowed the expression--than to itself.

Generosity Quotes: "Humanity is the virtue of a woman, generosity that of a man."

Humanity is the virtue of a woman, generosity that of a man.

Generosity Quotes: "The key to success is radical generosity."

The key to success is radical generosity.

Generosity Quotes: "Ryan Murphy just gives new people a shot, and it takes a lot of confidence and generosity to do that."

Ryan Murphy just gives new people a shot, and it takes a lot of confidence and generosity to do that.

Generosity Quotes: "If we based everything in Hollywood on who was a nice guy, holy moly, we would have no movies. No actors would work. This is not an industry that is ruled by kindness and generosity."

If we based everything in Hollywood on who was a nice guy, holy moly, we would have no movies. No actors would work. This is not an industry that is ruled by kindness and generosity.

Generosity Quotes: "God's extravagant generosity toward us compels us to be extravagantly generous toward others."

God's extravagant generosity toward us compels us to be extravagantly generous toward others.

Generosity Quotes: "Generosity helps us cultivate awareness of things that really matter. Opportunities that make a real difference in the world."

Generosity helps us cultivate awareness of things that really matter. Opportunities that make a real difference in the world.

Generosity Quotes: "As counterintuitive as it seems, generosity begins wherever you are. It is important to make generosity a priority."

As counterintuitive as it seems, generosity begins wherever you are. It is important to make generosity a priority.

Generosity Quotes: "Tim Kaine has a message of fiscal responsibility and generosity of spirit. That kind of message can sell anywhere."

Tim Kaine has a message of fiscal responsibility and generosity of spirit. That kind of message can sell anywhere.

Generosity Quotes: "Great spenders are bad lenders."

Great spenders are bad lenders.

Generosity Quotes: "The generous Mind least regards money, and yet most feels the Want of it."

The generous Mind least regards money, and yet most feels the Want of it.

Generosity Quotes: "When AIDS emergency broke out and was killing millions in Africa, the Global Fund was created so that a level of generosity would show up and buy the medicines to save those lives."

When AIDS emergency broke out and was killing millions in Africa, the Global Fund was created so that a level of generosity would show up and buy the medicines to save those lives.

Generosity Quotes: "Living with generosity creates a swelling tide that raises all ships. Not just yours; not just the other person's; everyone's."

Living with generosity creates a swelling tide that raises all ships. Not just yours; not just the other person's; everyone's.

Generosity Quotes: "Nowhere are the generosity and the kindness and mercy of God more manifest than in repentance."

Nowhere are the generosity and the kindness and mercy of God more manifest than in repentance.

Generosity Quotes: "The dead hold in their hands only what they have given away."

The dead hold in their hands only what they have given away.

Generosity Quotes: "Love leads us into mystery where no one can say what comes next, or how, or why."

Love leads us into mystery where no one can say what comes next, or how, or why.

Generosity Quotes: "Everyone has so much hope for a better humanity, and many, including [Jean Paul] Sartre, turned to the idea of communism in its beginnings. Generosity had a place in people's hopes."

Everyone has so much hope for a better humanity, and many, including [Jean Paul] Sartre, turned to the idea of communism in its beginnings. Generosity had a place in people's hopes.

Generosity Quotes: "The great thing about the United States and the historically magnetic effect it has had on a lot of people like me is its generosity, to put it simply."

The great thing about the United States and the historically magnetic effect it has had on a lot of people like me is its generosity, to put it simply.

Generosity Quotes: "Yoga is about compassion and generosity towards others. It means being mindful of the world around us."

Yoga is about compassion and generosity towards others. It means being mindful of the world around us.

Generosity Quotes: "The government is far more interested in taking, in regulated taking, than in promoting spontaneous generosity."

The government is far more interested in taking, in regulated taking, than in promoting spontaneous generosity.

Generosity Quotes: "I think I am incredibly generous with how much I give to my projects, but that's my generosity with the job."

I think I am incredibly generous with how much I give to my projects, but that's my generosity with the job.

Generosity Quotes: "Commitment becomes hysterical when those who have nothing to give advocate generosity, and those who have nothing to give up preach renunciation."

Commitment becomes hysterical when those who have nothing to give advocate generosity, and those who have nothing to give up preach renunciation.

Generosity Quotes: "Who approaches collaboration with agenda in terms of content? The agenda is only in terms of process, which is generosity, listening, careful thinking."

Who approaches collaboration with agenda in terms of content? The agenda is only in terms of process, which is generosity, listening, careful thinking.

Generosity Quotes: "When we set goals we are in command. If we know where we are going, we can judge more accurately where we are now and make effective plans to reach our destination."

When we set goals we are in command. If we know where we are going, we can judge more accurately where we are now and make effective plans to reach our destination.

Generosity Quotes: "It is certainly a good thing always to forgive with generosity, but it is no doubt just never to forget the wrongs received: they belong to the route that leads to inner maturity."

It is certainly a good thing always to forgive with generosity, but it is no doubt just never to forget the wrongs received: they belong to the route that leads to inner maturity.

Generosity Quotes: "Writing is an act of generosity toward other people."

Writing is an act of generosity toward other people.

Generosity Quotes: "Mark what a generosity and courage (a dog) will put on when he finds himself maintained by a man, who to him is instead of a God"

Mark what a generosity and courage (a dog) will put on when he finds himself maintained by a man, who to him is instead of a God

Generosity Quotes: "If I were God, I'd work on the reach of empathy."

If I were God, I'd work on the reach of empathy.