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Go The Distance Quotes

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Go The Distance Quotes: "At age 22 I set what I insist is an all-time record for distance hitchhiking in Bermuda shorts: 3,700 miles in three weeks."

At age 22 I set what I insist is an all-time record for distance hitchhiking in Bermuda shorts: 3,700 miles in three weeks.

Go The Distance Quotes: "At a distance this fine oak seems to be of ordinary size. But if I place myself under its branches, the impression changes completely: I see it as big, and even terrifying in its bigness."

At a distance this fine oak seems to be of ordinary size. But if I place myself under its branches, the impression changes completely: I see it as big, and even terrifying in its bigness.

Go The Distance Quotes: "Dating is a social brain teaser, as it requires constantly changing ratios of intimacy and distance, an erotic mental cha-cha choreographed by chemistry, insight, and fear."

Dating is a social brain teaser, as it requires constantly changing ratios of intimacy and distance, an erotic mental cha-cha choreographed by chemistry, insight, and fear.

Go The Distance Quotes: "There IS more criticism of puritanism, and more distance from Christian morality, than there has been before."

There IS more criticism of puritanism, and more distance from Christian morality, than there has been before.

Go The Distance Quotes: "I can look at my books with pleasure from a distance. Four feet is close enough."

I can look at my books with pleasure from a distance. Four feet is close enough.

Go The Distance Quotes: "I thought that if you come across as a freak, there will be some kind of distance. Maybe the distance became excessive. I realized that people were afraid of me without knowing me."

I thought that if you come across as a freak, there will be some kind of distance. Maybe the distance became excessive. I realized that people were afraid of me without knowing me.

Go The Distance Quotes: "I hate the uncultivated crowd and keep them at a distance. Favour me by your tongues (keep silence). [Lat., Odi profanum vulgus et arceo. Favete linguis.]"

I hate the uncultivated crowd and keep them at a distance. Favour me by your tongues (keep silence). [Lat., Odi profanum vulgus et arceo. Favete linguis.]

Go The Distance Quotes: "Poetry is like painting: one piece takes your fancy if you stand close to it, another if you keep at some distance."

Poetry is like painting: one piece takes your fancy if you stand close to it, another if you keep at some distance.

Go The Distance Quotes: "You can measure distance by time. 'How far away is it?' 'Oh about 20 minutes.' But it doesn't work the other way. 'When do you get off work?' 'Around 3 miles.'"

You can measure distance by time. 'How far away is it?' 'Oh about 20 minutes.' But it doesn't work the other way. 'When do you get off work?' 'Around 3 miles.'

Go The Distance Quotes: "Why does the past look so enticing to us? For the same reason why from a distance a meadow with flowers looks like a flower bed."

Why does the past look so enticing to us? For the same reason why from a distance a meadow with flowers looks like a flower bed.

Go The Distance Quotes: "They throw their clubs backwards, and that's wrong. You should always throw a club ahead of you so that you don't have to walk any extra distance to get it."

They throw their clubs backwards, and that's wrong. You should always throw a club ahead of you so that you don't have to walk any extra distance to get it.

Go The Distance Quotes: "Eventually companion animals would be phased out, and we would return to a more symbiotic relationship - enjoyment at a distance."

Eventually companion animals would be phased out, and we would return to a more symbiotic relationship - enjoyment at a distance.

Go The Distance Quotes: "What a strange distance there is between ill people and well ones."

What a strange distance there is between ill people and well ones.

Go The Distance Quotes: "Children leave. And parents stay behind. Still, some things are deeper than time and distance. And your father will always be your father. And he will always leave a light on for you."

Children leave. And parents stay behind. Still, some things are deeper than time and distance. And your father will always be your father. And he will always leave a light on for you.

Go The Distance Quotes: "Filmmaking is always about keeping the right distance, and it's always a struggle. You struggle for more access. It's a little bit of a seduction process, trying to get more access."

Filmmaking is always about keeping the right distance, and it's always a struggle. You struggle for more access. It's a little bit of a seduction process, trying to get more access.

Go The Distance Quotes: "Writing is nothing less than thought transference, the ability to send one's ideas out into the world, beyond time and distance, taken at the value of the words, unbound from the speaker."

Writing is nothing less than thought transference, the ability to send one's ideas out into the world, beyond time and distance, taken at the value of the words, unbound from the speaker.

Go The Distance Quotes: "Editors and their authors seldom form deep friendships for the same reason that psychiatrists and their patients keep their distance: The relationship requires candor that mixes poorly with intimacy."

Editors and their authors seldom form deep friendships for the same reason that psychiatrists and their patients keep their distance: The relationship requires candor that mixes poorly with intimacy.

Go The Distance Quotes: "Some pain you can distance yourself from, but a headache sits right where you live."

Some pain you can distance yourself from, but a headache sits right where you live.

Go The Distance Quotes: "Part of why I started a band was due to feelings of shyness and social ineptitude. I saw it as some way of being able to interact with people from a safe distance."

Part of why I started a band was due to feelings of shyness and social ineptitude. I saw it as some way of being able to interact with people from a safe distance.

Go The Distance Quotes: "You shall become the person you are."

You shall become the person you are.

Go The Distance Quotes: "Nowadays the host does not admit you to his hearth, but has got the mason to build one for yourself somewhere in his alley, and hospitality is the art of keeping you at the greatest distance."

Nowadays the host does not admit you to his hearth, but has got the mason to build one for yourself somewhere in his alley, and hospitality is the art of keeping you at the greatest distance.

Go The Distance Quotes: "There is magic in long-distance friendships. They let you relate to other human beings in a way that goes beyond being physically together and is often more profound."

There is magic in long-distance friendships. They let you relate to other human beings in a way that goes beyond being physically together and is often more profound.

Go The Distance Quotes: "Actually, ambition won't get you that far. You'll shift gears. You'll see something that's shinier. But if you believe... then you're the long-distance runner."

Actually, ambition won't get you that far. You'll shift gears. You'll see something that's shinier. But if you believe... then you're the long-distance runner.

Go The Distance Quotes: "Distance might not solve anything, no matter how far you run."

Distance might not solve anything, no matter how far you run.

Go The Distance Quotes: "A friend of mine is in a long-distance relationship. They have dates on Skype. They'll both watch the same movie and...play."

A friend of mine is in a long-distance relationship. They have dates on Skype. They'll both watch the same movie and...play.

Go The Distance Quotes: "What a splendid thing watercolour is to express atmosphere and distance, so that the figure is surrounded by air and can breathe in it."

What a splendid thing watercolour is to express atmosphere and distance, so that the figure is surrounded by air and can breathe in it.

Go The Distance Quotes: "I admit I keep a clichéd ironic distance with many things in the world, but Brooklyn is not one of them."

I admit I keep a clichéd ironic distance with many things in the world, but Brooklyn is not one of them.

Go The Distance Quotes: "It takes a long while for a naturally trustful person to reconcile himself to the idea that after all God will not help him"

It takes a long while for a naturally trustful person to reconcile himself to the idea that after all God will not help him

Go The Distance Quotes: "There are no limits to either time or distance, except as man himself may make them. I have but to touch the wind to know these things."

There are no limits to either time or distance, except as man himself may make them. I have but to touch the wind to know these things.

Go The Distance Quotes: "You know why the road curves as you're driving along? It curves because if God showed us the distance from where we are to where we’re going, we’d think it was too far."

You know why the road curves as you're driving along? It curves because if God showed us the distance from where we are to where we’re going, we’d think it was too far.

Go The Distance Quotes: "The responsiveness of a firm to the consumer is directly proportionate to the distance on the organization chart from the consumer to the chairman of the board."

The responsiveness of a firm to the consumer is directly proportionate to the distance on the organization chart from the consumer to the chairman of the board.

Go The Distance Quotes: "To watch a football game is to be in a prolonged neurotic doubt as to what you're seeing. It's more like an emergency happening at a distance than a game. I don't wonder the spectators take to drink."

To watch a football game is to be in a prolonged neurotic doubt as to what you're seeing. It's more like an emergency happening at a distance than a game. I don't wonder the spectators take to drink.

Go The Distance Quotes: "I think I came up in fighting in a really technical way. If you've ever seen my fights, you know I love distance, I love technique."

I think I came up in fighting in a really technical way. If you've ever seen my fights, you know I love distance, I love technique.

Go The Distance Quotes: "The single biggest change in middle-distance running, from the 1500 metres to 10,000 metres, has been the track surface."

The single biggest change in middle-distance running, from the 1500 metres to 10,000 metres, has been the track surface.

Go The Distance Quotes: "I firmly believe that everyone deserves to live within walking distance of either beauty or convenience, if not both."

I firmly believe that everyone deserves to live within walking distance of either beauty or convenience, if not both.

Go The Distance Quotes: "One sees qualities at a distance and defects at close range."

One sees qualities at a distance and defects at close range.

Go The Distance Quotes: "Magellan went around the world in 1521, which is not too many strokes when you consider the distance."

Magellan went around the world in 1521, which is not too many strokes when you consider the distance.

Go The Distance Quotes: "Poetry must find ways of breaking distance.... all languages are dialects that are made to break new grounds."

Poetry must find ways of breaking distance.... all languages are dialects that are made to break new grounds.

Go The Distance Quotes: "We have to admit that there is an immeasurable distance between all that we read in the Bible and the practice of the Church and of Christians."

We have to admit that there is an immeasurable distance between all that we read in the Bible and the practice of the Church and of Christians.

Go The Distance Quotes: "But what seems like a reasonable distance to one person might feel too far to somebody else."

But what seems like a reasonable distance to one person might feel too far to somebody else.

Go The Distance Quotes: "Distance sometimes endears friendship, and absence sweeteneth it."

Distance sometimes endears friendship, and absence sweeteneth it.

Go The Distance Quotes: "I may not be great at geometry but I know one theorum. The longest distance between two points is you and your parents."

I may not be great at geometry but I know one theorum. The longest distance between two points is you and your parents.

Go The Distance Quotes: "The straightest line between a straight distance is two points."

The straightest line between a straight distance is two points.

Go The Distance Quotes: "There were two free public libraries within walking distance of my home; I remember taking six books home from every visit, the limit set by the library."

There were two free public libraries within walking distance of my home; I remember taking six books home from every visit, the limit set by the library.

Go The Distance Quotes: "When I started you were more in touch with the people you were playing to. There wasn't the distance or the separation that there is now."

When I started you were more in touch with the people you were playing to. There wasn't the distance or the separation that there is now.

Go The Distance Quotes: "Perspective, as its inventor remarked, is a beautiful thing. What horrors of damp huts, where human beings languish, may not become picturesque through aerial distance!"

Perspective, as its inventor remarked, is a beautiful thing. What horrors of damp huts, where human beings languish, may not become picturesque through aerial distance!

Go The Distance Quotes: "Where there is love, distance doesn't matter."

Where there is love, distance doesn't matter.

Go The Distance Quotes: "In general, any form of exercise, if pursued continuously, will help train us in perseverance. Long-distance running is particularly good training in perseverance."

In general, any form of exercise, if pursued continuously, will help train us in perseverance. Long-distance running is particularly good training in perseverance.

Go The Distance Quotes: "I am a lonely runner, but I am a long-distance runner."

I am a lonely runner, but I am a long-distance runner.