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Heard Quotes

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Heard Quotes: "It is often very illuminating...to ask yourself how you got at the facts on which you base your opinion. Who actually saw, heard, felt, counted, named the thing, about which you have an opinion?"

It is often very illuminating...to ask yourself how you got at the facts on which you base your opinion. Who actually saw, heard, felt, counted, named the thing, about which you have an opinion?

Heard Quotes: "You've all heard some rumors about me over the years. I guess this is the moment to do it. My name is Richard Gere and I am a l*sbian."

You've all heard some rumors about me over the years. I guess this is the moment to do it. My name is Richard Gere and I am a l*sbian.

Heard Quotes: "Best two rock voices I've heard in a last few years both have been from grunge bands: it's Eddie Vedder and the other one is Chris Cornell from Soundgarden."

Best two rock voices I've heard in a last few years both have been from grunge bands: it's Eddie Vedder and the other one is Chris Cornell from Soundgarden.

Heard Quotes: "I only know what I heard and what I read. I had no involvement."

I only know what I heard and what I read. I had no involvement.

Heard Quotes: "A wise old owl once lived in a wood, the more he heard the less he said, the less he said the more he heard, let's emulate that wise old bird."

A wise old owl once lived in a wood, the more he heard the less he said, the less he said the more he heard, let's emulate that wise old bird.

Heard Quotes: "Ive heard of nothing coming from nothing, but Ive never heard of absolutely nothing coming from hard work."

Ive heard of nothing coming from nothing, but Ive never heard of absolutely nothing coming from hard work.

Heard Quotes: "Communication is not saying something; communication is being heard."

Communication is not saying something; communication is being heard.

Heard Quotes: "I have heard thousands of confessions, but never one of covetousness."

I have heard thousands of confessions, but never one of covetousness.

Heard Quotes: "He had heard people speak contemptuously of money: he wondered if they had ever tried to do without it."

He had heard people speak contemptuously of money: he wondered if they had ever tried to do without it.

Heard Quotes: "You think you may not be heard. Speak anyway."

You think you may not be heard. Speak anyway.

Heard Quotes: "One voice is tiny, and alone it cannot be heard above the din of politics as usual. The peoples voice, when it cries as one, is a great roar."

One voice is tiny, and alone it cannot be heard above the din of politics as usual. The peoples voice, when it cries as one, is a great roar.

Heard Quotes: "The hardest times for me were not when people challenged what I said, but when I felt my voice was not heard."

The hardest times for me were not when people challenged what I said, but when I felt my voice was not heard.

Heard Quotes: "I must have in stock 3000 songs you've never heard."

I must have in stock 3000 songs you've never heard.

Heard Quotes: "I heard last year at [insert name]'s birthday party they had to set up mirrors to make it look like a crowd."

I heard last year at [insert name]'s birthday party they had to set up mirrors to make it look like a crowd.

Heard Quotes: "music heard so deeply That it is not heard at all, but you are the music While the music lasts."

music heard so deeply That it is not heard at all, but you are the music While the music lasts.

Heard Quotes: "Now everyone has a license to speak, it’s a question of who gets heard."

Now everyone has a license to speak, it’s a question of who gets heard.

Heard Quotes: "And ain't I a woman? I have borne thirteen children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother's grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain't I a woman?"

And ain't I a woman? I have borne thirteen children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother's grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain't I a woman?

Heard Quotes: "Women are, of course, more intelligent. Have you ever heard of a woman that would lose her head only because a man has pretty legs?"

Women are, of course, more intelligent. Have you ever heard of a woman that would lose her head only because a man has pretty legs?

Heard Quotes: "I've heard that fact, that is you eat more than six bananas it will kill you. I saw a bowl with seven bananas in it and I thought, that's dangerous."

I've heard that fact, that is you eat more than six bananas it will kill you. I saw a bowl with seven bananas in it and I thought, that's dangerous.

Heard Quotes: "I heard a bird sing In the dark of December A magical thing And sweet to remember. 'We are nearer to Spring Than we were in September,' I heard a bird sing In the dark of December."

I heard a bird sing In the dark of December A magical thing And sweet to remember. 'We are nearer to Spring Than we were in September,' I heard a bird sing In the dark of December.

Heard Quotes: "The truth is, after all the declamations we have heard, that the Constitution is itself, in every rational sense, and to every useful purpose, A BILL OF RIGHTS."

The truth is, after all the declamations we have heard, that the Constitution is itself, in every rational sense, and to every useful purpose, A BILL OF RIGHTS.

Heard Quotes: "Sure baby, mañana. It was always mañana. For the next few weeks that was all I heard––mañana a lovely word and one that probably means heaven."

Sure baby, mañana. It was always mañana. For the next few weeks that was all I heard––mañana a lovely word and one that probably means heaven.

Heard Quotes: "Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me."

Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.

Heard Quotes: "Music so wishes to be heard that it sometimes calls on unlikely characters to give it voice."

Music so wishes to be heard that it sometimes calls on unlikely characters to give it voice.

Heard Quotes: "There's a storm inside of us. I've heard many team guys speak of this. A burning. A river. A drive."

There's a storm inside of us. I've heard many team guys speak of this. A burning. A river. A drive.

Heard Quotes: "What I heard was my whole self saying and singing what it knew: I can."

What I heard was my whole self saying and singing what it knew: I can.

Heard Quotes: "If our worship isn't visible, comprehensive and extravagant, the gospel we heard must have been tiny, empty and cheap."

If our worship isn't visible, comprehensive and extravagant, the gospel we heard must have been tiny, empty and cheap.

Heard Quotes: "Both love and democracy depend on voice -- having a voice and also the resonance that makes it possible to speak and be heard."

Both love and democracy depend on voice -- having a voice and also the resonance that makes it possible to speak and be heard.

Heard Quotes: "Yet each man kills the thing he loves By each let this be heard Some do it with a bitter look Some with a flattering word The coward does it with a kiss The brave man with a sword"

Yet each man kills the thing he loves By each let this be heard Some do it with a bitter look Some with a flattering word The coward does it with a kiss The brave man with a sword

Heard Quotes: "When you write down your life, every page should contain something no one has ever heard about"

When you write down your life, every page should contain something no one has ever heard about

Heard Quotes: "A voice so thrilling ne'er was heard... Breaking the silence of the seas Among the farthest Hebrides."

A voice so thrilling ne'er was heard... Breaking the silence of the seas Among the farthest Hebrides.

Heard Quotes: "Whether I make them or not, there are always sounds to be heard and all of them are excellent."

Whether I make them or not, there are always sounds to be heard and all of them are excellent.

Heard Quotes: "Few have heard of Fra Luca Pacioli, the inventor of double-entry bookkeeping; but he has probably had much more influence on human life than has Dante or Michelangelo."

Few have heard of Fra Luca Pacioli, the inventor of double-entry bookkeeping; but he has probably had much more influence on human life than has Dante or Michelangelo.

Heard Quotes: "Whether or not our prayer is heard depends not on the number of our words, but on the fervor of our souls."

Whether or not our prayer is heard depends not on the number of our words, but on the fervor of our souls.

Heard Quotes: "Real tenderness can't be confused, It's quiet and can't be heard."

Real tenderness can't be confused, It's quiet and can't be heard.

Heard Quotes: "I think that everybody wants to be heard, and the easiest way to be the loudest is to be the hater."

I think that everybody wants to be heard, and the easiest way to be the loudest is to be the hater.

Heard Quotes: "The biggest thing is to let your voice be heard, let your story be heard."

The biggest thing is to let your voice be heard, let your story be heard.

Heard Quotes: "I've read every one of Donald Goines' books. So as soon as I heard there was an opportunity for one of his novels to be turned into a movie, I jumped at the opportunity."

I've read every one of Donald Goines' books. So as soon as I heard there was an opportunity for one of his novels to be turned into a movie, I jumped at the opportunity.

Heard Quotes: "My perspective comes in part from being a New York black lady, in part from being an engineer. I know I'm smart and have opinions worth being heard."

My perspective comes in part from being a New York black lady, in part from being an engineer. I know I'm smart and have opinions worth being heard.

Heard Quotes: "Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter."

Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter.

Heard Quotes: "I have no clue [why people say I'm insane]. Every time I've heard it, it came from an ugly person's mouth, so I don't care."

I have no clue [why people say I'm insane]. Every time I've heard it, it came from an ugly person's mouth, so I don't care.

Heard Quotes: "I realized by using the high notes of the chords as a melodic line, and by the right harmonic progression, I could play what I heard inside me. That's when I was born."

I realized by using the high notes of the chords as a melodic line, and by the right harmonic progression, I could play what I heard inside me. That's when I was born.

Heard Quotes: "I heard many discourses which were good for the soul, but I could not discover in the case of any one of the teachers that his life was worthy of his words."

I heard many discourses which were good for the soul, but I could not discover in the case of any one of the teachers that his life was worthy of his words.

Heard Quotes: "There is a harmony in autumn, and a luster in its sky, which through the summer is not heard or seen, as if it could not be, as if it had not been!"

There is a harmony in autumn, and a luster in its sky, which through the summer is not heard or seen, as if it could not be, as if it had not been!

Heard Quotes: "It requires bravery to do something no one else around you is doing."

It requires bravery to do something no one else around you is doing.

Heard Quotes: "When crimes begin to pile up they become invisible. When sufferings become unendurable the cries are no longer heard. The cries, too, fall like rain in summer."

When crimes begin to pile up they become invisible. When sufferings become unendurable the cries are no longer heard. The cries, too, fall like rain in summer.

Heard Quotes: "Those evening bells! those evening bells! How many a tale their music tells Of youth and home, and that sweet time When last I heard their soothing chime!"

Those evening bells! those evening bells! How many a tale their music tells Of youth and home, and that sweet time When last I heard their soothing chime!

Heard Quotes: "I have heard your views. They do not harmonize with mine. The decision is taken unanimously."

I have heard your views. They do not harmonize with mine. The decision is taken unanimously.

Heard Quotes: "True leadership is when you are willing to risk your power and voice so that all of ours can be heard."

True leadership is when you are willing to risk your power and voice so that all of ours can be heard.