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Heroic Quotes

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Heroic Quotes: "Oaths and curses are a proof of a most heroic courage, at least in appearance, which answers the same end."

Oaths and curses are a proof of a most heroic courage, at least in appearance, which answers the same end.

Heroic Quotes: "Sam’s probably out there somewhere being his usual heroic self,” Caine said. “I can’t let that boy save the world all alone. I’d never live it down."

Sam’s probably out there somewhere being his usual heroic self,” Caine said. “I can’t let that boy save the world all alone. I’d never live it down.

Heroic Quotes: "A heroic nature is very Greek."

A heroic nature is very Greek.

Heroic Quotes: "Live in robust sanity, in holy obedience to the ordinary." (The Message) "In an insane asylum like the world, simple sanity can be a heroic achievement."

Live in robust sanity, in holy obedience to the ordinary." (The Message) "In an insane asylum like the world, simple sanity can be a heroic achievement.

Heroic Quotes: "I think Dalai Lama efforts have been heroic."

I think Dalai Lama efforts have been heroic.

Heroic Quotes: "Lithuanian bishops have been heroic!"

Lithuanian bishops have been heroic!

Heroic Quotes: "In the hands of the discoverer, medicine becomes a heroic art . . wherever life is dear he is a demigod."

In the hands of the discoverer, medicine becomes a heroic art . . wherever life is dear he is a demigod.

Heroic Quotes: "Let us not be too much acquainted. I would have a man enter his house through a hall filled with heroic and sacred sculptures, that he might not want the hint of tranquillity and self-poise."

Let us not be too much acquainted. I would have a man enter his house through a hall filled with heroic and sacred sculptures, that he might not want the hint of tranquillity and self-poise.

Heroic Quotes: "Well, I'm a character actor, and actually throughout my life I've... I have relatively speaking played few heroic leads, but I've done it."

Well, I'm a character actor, and actually throughout my life I've... I have relatively speaking played few heroic leads, but I've done it.

Heroic Quotes: "A man not perfect, but of heart so high, of such heroic rage, That even his hopes became a part of earth's eternal heritage."

A man not perfect, but of heart so high, of such heroic rage, That even his hopes became a part of earth's eternal heritage.

Heroic Quotes: "Now i'd like to tell u i did something heroic like stand up against a raging team of fire-breathing horses with only my sword the truth is i ran."

Now i'd like to tell u i did something heroic like stand up against a raging team of fire-breathing horses with only my sword the truth is i ran.

Heroic Quotes: "There's many heroic underappreciated investigative journalists."

There's many heroic underappreciated investigative journalists.

Heroic Quotes: "Some spirit to stand simply forth, Heroic in its nakedness, Against the uttermost of earth."

Some spirit to stand simply forth, Heroic in its nakedness, Against the uttermost of earth.

Heroic Quotes: "A new model of heroic capitalism based on principle-driven, free-market entrepreneurship deserves a central place in business-ethics thought and action."

A new model of heroic capitalism based on principle-driven, free-market entrepreneurship deserves a central place in business-ethics thought and action.

Heroic Quotes: "I was never able to write seriously about heroes because I was very aware that I was not one and that in my background there was not this heroic thing."

I was never able to write seriously about heroes because I was very aware that I was not one and that in my background there was not this heroic thing.

Heroic Quotes: "Mandela today is almost universally held as a heroic freedom fighter, and of course rightly so."

Mandela today is almost universally held as a heroic freedom fighter, and of course rightly so.

Heroic Quotes: "That's what heroic stories do for us. They show us the way. They remind us of the good we are capable of."

That's what heroic stories do for us. They show us the way. They remind us of the good we are capable of.

Heroic Quotes: "Heroic deeds, to use whatever dower Heaven has bestowed, to test our utmost power."

Heroic deeds, to use whatever dower Heaven has bestowed, to test our utmost power.

Heroic Quotes: "He alone is great Who by a life heroic conquers fate."

He alone is great Who by a life heroic conquers fate.

Heroic Quotes: "Don't scale because you think there's a pot of gold over that rainbow. Scale because you're ready and eager to do heroic work, every day, forever."

Don't scale because you think there's a pot of gold over that rainbow. Scale because you're ready and eager to do heroic work, every day, forever.

Heroic Quotes: "Some people might say my coming out after just winning the MVP award is heroic, and I understand that."

Some people might say my coming out after just winning the MVP award is heroic, and I understand that.

Heroic Quotes: "Those Victorians: endlessly fascinating, broad in their learning, heroic in their achievements, in parts completely mad."

Those Victorians: endlessly fascinating, broad in their learning, heroic in their achievements, in parts completely mad.

Heroic Quotes: "Heroic ages are not and never were sentimental and those daring conquistadores who conquered entire worlds for their Spain or Portugal received lamentably little thanks from their kings."

Heroic ages are not and never were sentimental and those daring conquistadores who conquered entire worlds for their Spain or Portugal received lamentably little thanks from their kings.

Heroic Quotes: "The course was more plodding than heroic: I did not strive valiantly against doubters but took incremental steps studded with a few intuitive leaps."

The course was more plodding than heroic: I did not strive valiantly against doubters but took incremental steps studded with a few intuitive leaps.

Heroic Quotes: "Photography is a kind of overstatement, a heroic copulation with the material world."

Photography is a kind of overstatement, a heroic copulation with the material world.

Heroic Quotes: "You are brave, kicking a chained prisoner. They must sing heroic ballads about you on winter nights!" (Alanna)"

You are brave, kicking a chained prisoner. They must sing heroic ballads about you on winter nights!" (Alanna)

Heroic Quotes: "It is by no means necessary that a great nation should always stand at the heroic level. But no nation has the root of greatness in it unless in time of need it can rise to the heroic mood."

It is by no means necessary that a great nation should always stand at the heroic level. But no nation has the root of greatness in it unless in time of need it can rise to the heroic mood.

Heroic Quotes: "There is no life of a man, faithfully recorded, but is a heroic poem of its sort, rhymed or unrhymed."

There is no life of a man, faithfully recorded, but is a heroic poem of its sort, rhymed or unrhymed.

Heroic Quotes: "Friendship, in the old heroic sense of that term, no longer exists. It is in reality no longer expected or recognized as a virtue among men."

Friendship, in the old heroic sense of that term, no longer exists. It is in reality no longer expected or recognized as a virtue among men.

Heroic Quotes: "I always feel freelance writers are leading a heroic life. I think that is the real writer's life. On the other hand, it's good to have another job. It gives you something to do."

I always feel freelance writers are leading a heroic life. I think that is the real writer's life. On the other hand, it's good to have another job. It gives you something to do.

Heroic Quotes: "The heart becomes heroic through passion. It is no longer composed of anything but what is pure; it no longer rests upon anything but what is elevated and great."

The heart becomes heroic through passion. It is no longer composed of anything but what is pure; it no longer rests upon anything but what is elevated and great.

Heroic Quotes: "Disastrous would have been the result if a fire or a death had suddenly demanded something heroic of human nature, but tragedies come in the hungry hours."

Disastrous would have been the result if a fire or a death had suddenly demanded something heroic of human nature, but tragedies come in the hungry hours.

Heroic Quotes: "He found that it was easy to make a heroic gesture, but hard to abide by its results."

He found that it was easy to make a heroic gesture, but hard to abide by its results.

Heroic Quotes: "Explore your mind, discover yourself, then give the best that is in you to your age and to your world. There are heroic possibilities waiting to be discovered in every person"

Explore your mind, discover yourself, then give the best that is in you to your age and to your world. There are heroic possibilities waiting to be discovered in every person

Heroic Quotes: "I have nothing but the embittered sun; Banished heroic mother moon and vanished, And now that I have come to fifty years I must endure the timid sun."

I have nothing but the embittered sun; Banished heroic mother moon and vanished, And now that I have come to fifty years I must endure the timid sun.

Heroic Quotes: "Some men make gain a fountain, whence proceeds A stream of liberal and heroic deeds; The swell of pity, not to be confined Within the scanty limits of the mind."

Some men make gain a fountain, whence proceeds A stream of liberal and heroic deeds; The swell of pity, not to be confined Within the scanty limits of the mind.

Heroic Quotes: "How much pleasure they lose (and even the pleasures of heroic poesy are not unprofitable) who take away the liberty of a poet, and fetter his feet in the shackles of a historian."

How much pleasure they lose (and even the pleasures of heroic poesy are not unprofitable) who take away the liberty of a poet, and fetter his feet in the shackles of a historian.

Heroic Quotes: "What a great thing, to be loved! What a greater thing still, to love! The heart becomes heroic though passion…if no one loved, the sun would go out."

What a great thing, to be loved! What a greater thing still, to love! The heart becomes heroic though passion…if no one loved, the sun would go out.

Heroic Quotes: "Be a craftsman in speech that thou mayest be strong, for the strength of one is the tongue, and speech is mightier than all fighting."

Be a craftsman in speech that thou mayest be strong, for the strength of one is the tongue, and speech is mightier than all fighting.

Heroic Quotes: "You are a Hero. Be Heroic. Always."

You are a Hero. Be Heroic. Always.

Heroic Quotes: "If you are lost, I will find you. If you are in danger, I will protect you, " he said seriously. "It's what a gentleman does, Elysse."~Alexi de Warenne to Elysse O'Neil"

If you are lost, I will find you. If you are in danger, I will protect you, " he said seriously. "It's what a gentleman does, Elysse."~Alexi de Warenne to Elysse O'Neil

Heroic Quotes: "His was the strong soul, gentle, but tempered with fire, fervent, heroic and good, the helper and friend of mankind. It is such as he who make progress possible."

His was the strong soul, gentle, but tempered with fire, fervent, heroic and good, the helper and friend of mankind. It is such as he who make progress possible.

Heroic Quotes: "Why did you wear heels? How are you supposed to fight a gargoyle in what you're wearing?"

Why did you wear heels? How are you supposed to fight a gargoyle in what you're wearing?

Heroic Quotes: "Well, can you tell her that?"He looked down at his feet. "I will. I will."Guy-speak for, "I plan to keep avoiding her until she gives up."

Well, can you tell her that?"He looked down at his feet. "I will. I will."Guy-speak for, "I plan to keep avoiding her until she gives up.

Heroic Quotes: "If I were to lock you up in a dungeon, I guarantee you would not be bored."

If I were to lock you up in a dungeon, I guarantee you would not be bored.

Heroic Quotes: "You'll get fired if anyone finds out about us!""So many rules in this century, " Vane muttered."

You'll get fired if anyone finds out about us!""So many rules in this century, " Vane muttered.

Heroic Quotes: "Plus, I happened to be a history nerd. Why else would I be interested in a guy born in the year 519?"

Plus, I happened to be a history nerd. Why else would I be interested in a guy born in the year 519?

Heroic Quotes: "The last declaration he'd made to me hung between us. The L word. The one that had nothing to do with like."

The last declaration he'd made to me hung between us. The L word. The one that had nothing to do with like.

Heroic Quotes: "The combination of razor-sharp wit (completely real) and his credentials (completely fake) had won them over in the end."

The combination of razor-sharp wit (completely real) and his credentials (completely fake) had won them over in the end.