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Historical Romance Quotes

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Historical Romance Quotes: "Let every lady in Camlochlin swoon over a charming smile. She had won the love of a man who shared his most intimate smiles for her alone"

Let every lady in Camlochlin swoon over a charming smile. She had won the love of a man who shared his most intimate smiles for her alone

Historical Romance Quotes: "Did he actually believe in this curse? A curse! He snorted. Deirdre stirred.	Impossible. Curses were for witches, spell casters and the weak-minded."

Did he actually believe in this curse? A curse! He snorted. Deirdre stirred. Impossible. Curses were for witches, spell casters and the weak-minded.

Historical Romance Quotes: "A cloud of white death veiled in black…"

A cloud of white death veiled in black…

Historical Romance Quotes: "What to make of this man? He was proper. He was passionate. He had the public demeanor of an iceberg, but he kissed her as if she were his oasis in a vast, arid d"

What to make of this man? He was proper. He was passionate. He had the public demeanor of an iceberg, but he kissed her as if she were his oasis in a vast, arid d

Historical Romance Quotes: "Yes, and you did it spectacularly. They were the best non words ever not spoken."

Yes, and you did it spectacularly. They were the best non words ever not spoken.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Helen likes Brussels sprouts. How can anyone trust her opinion?"

Helen likes Brussels sprouts. How can anyone trust her opinion?

Historical Romance Quotes: "Strange how a tiny hand could make the weight of his new responsibilities feel like a boulder on his chest."

Strange how a tiny hand could make the weight of his new responsibilities feel like a boulder on his chest.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Indulge me this once, Meg. Her name was a whisper on his lips. Soft. Seductive. Meanwhile his eyes gleamed mischievously, daring her to say yes."

Indulge me this once, Meg. Her name was a whisper on his lips. Soft. Seductive. Meanwhile his eyes gleamed mischievously, daring her to say yes.

Historical Romance Quotes: "For her, their romantic interlude atop the staircase had been a glorious, magical, enlightening introduction to pleasure. For him, it had merely been Friday evening."

For her, their romantic interlude atop the staircase had been a glorious, magical, enlightening introduction to pleasure. For him, it had merely been Friday evening.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Burning her husband's bed was a mistake. Alison could see that now."

Burning her husband's bed was a mistake. Alison could see that now.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Loyalty is everything to him, ” Robbie said. “He expected ye to trust him, to believe in him, without requiring an explanation.” She had failed David, and he could not forgive her."

Loyalty is everything to him, ” Robbie said. “He expected ye to trust him, to believe in him, without requiring an explanation.” She had failed David, and he could not forgive her.

Historical Romance Quotes: "I should never have expected loyalty from a Douglas, ” he spat out. He turned his back on her and went to the window."

I should never have expected loyalty from a Douglas, ” he spat out. He turned his back on her and went to the window.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Most of my money remains in England, although my unworthy carcass may not under usual circumstances ..."

Most of my money remains in England, although my unworthy carcass may not under usual circumstances ...

Historical Romance Quotes: "You tempt me beyond reason." Her heart sped up. Indeed he tempted her beyond reason too."

You tempt me beyond reason." Her heart sped up. Indeed he tempted her beyond reason too.

Historical Romance Quotes: "I should never have allowed you to kiss me."	"Saints, Shona." Could she not see that he cared for her? 'Twas not as if he merely wanted beneath her skirts. She had stolen his heart."

I should never have allowed you to kiss me." "Saints, Shona." Could she not see that he cared for her? 'Twas not as if he merely wanted beneath her skirts. She had stolen his heart.

Historical Romance Quotes: "He crushed her mouth in a searing, hungry kiss. A kiss that made her stomach drop away."

He crushed her mouth in a searing, hungry kiss. A kiss that made her stomach drop away.

Historical Romance Quotes: "How could he live never knowing what it would be like to hold her close and sleep with her the whole night through?"

How could he live never knowing what it would be like to hold her close and sleep with her the whole night through?

Historical Romance Quotes: "With a hoarse moan, he swept her against him, kissing her wildly, passionately, his mouth promising and teasing, as if her kiss had broken the dam that had held back his passion."

With a hoarse moan, he swept her against him, kissing her wildly, passionately, his mouth promising and teasing, as if her kiss had broken the dam that had held back his passion.

Historical Romance Quotes: "In my dictionary, romance is not maudlin, treacly sentiment. It is a curry, spiced with excitement, and humour, and a healthy dollop of cynicism."

In my dictionary, romance is not maudlin, treacly sentiment. It is a curry, spiced with excitement, and humour, and a healthy dollop of cynicism.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Buchan had discovered a wealth of small tidbits. He now knew her first name - Tatiana. Like Shakespeare's fairy queen. "Be she but little, she is fierce."

Buchan had discovered a wealth of small tidbits. He now knew her first name - Tatiana. Like Shakespeare's fairy queen. "Be she but little, she is fierce.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Beware, lion’s lady, for your predator is hungry tonight. He may not wait long before devouring you.” “Devouring me?” she asked, challenge gleaming in her eyes. “What if I devour him first?"

Beware, lion’s lady, for your predator is hungry tonight. He may not wait long before devouring you.” “Devouring me?” she asked, challenge gleaming in her eyes. “What if I devour him first?

Historical Romance Quotes: "A fierce possessiveness gripped him, a need to brand her, to make her his, now and forever. And he knew it was madness."

A fierce possessiveness gripped him, a need to brand her, to make her his, now and forever. And he knew it was madness.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Life isn't worth living without love. Have faith in love! Take a chance, and you might be surprised at how well things will turn out. If you do, you'll be filled with joy. I promise."

Life isn't worth living without love. Have faith in love! Take a chance, and you might be surprised at how well things will turn out. If you do, you'll be filled with joy. I promise.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Her smile hollowed out his chest. She’d changed since last he saw her. She was brighter. More vibrant. Happiness suited her."

Her smile hollowed out his chest. She’d changed since last he saw her. She was brighter. More vibrant. Happiness suited her.

Historical Romance Quotes: "I do have a girl that sets the moon and stars."

I do have a girl that sets the moon and stars.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Why does sin feel so good if it is a terrible thing?"

Why does sin feel so good if it is a terrible thing?

Historical Romance Quotes: "She had a good, strong voice. She smiled with her voice, too. This, he thought, was the magic that had drawn him to her."

She had a good, strong voice. She smiled with her voice, too. This, he thought, was the magic that had drawn him to her.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Her gaze collided with the duke’s. His eyes were a clear, pale green. Why was he staring so intently when there was hardly another woman less interesting than she?"

Her gaze collided with the duke’s. His eyes were a clear, pale green. Why was he staring so intently when there was hardly another woman less interesting than she?

Historical Romance Quotes: "You are walking to Hope Springs?” “Yes, Your Grace.” “In this weather?” She glanced around and gave him a smile. “I haven’t any other weather to walk in."

You are walking to Hope Springs?” “Yes, Your Grace.” “In this weather?” She glanced around and gave him a smile. “I haven’t any other weather to walk in.

Historical Romance Quotes: "She laughed, and the duke might actually have smiled, though one could never be certain."

She laughed, and the duke might actually have smiled, though one could never be certain.

Historical Romance Quotes: "He remounted. “I will ride with you.” With some effort, he gentled his voice. “If that would be agreeable to you.” “How kind of you. Thank you."

He remounted. “I will ride with you.” With some effort, he gentled his voice. “If that would be agreeable to you.” “How kind of you. Thank you.

Historical Romance Quotes: "She laughed, and the sound pierced his heart."

She laughed, and the sound pierced his heart.

Historical Romance Quotes: "I may be dead inside, but I'm more than alive enough for you." He gripped her chin and covered her mouth with his."

I may be dead inside, but I'm more than alive enough for you." He gripped her chin and covered her mouth with his.

Historical Romance Quotes: "He tasted like Edmund, smelled like Edmund, felt like second chances. He kissed her as if she were as indispensable as air. As though his every heartbeat belonged as much to her as it did to him."

He tasted like Edmund, smelled like Edmund, felt like second chances. He kissed her as if she were as indispensable as air. As though his every heartbeat belonged as much to her as it did to him.

Historical Romance Quotes: "I've come to seduce you."	His pupils dilated as his gaze heated.	She smiled. He hadn't been surprised at her presence, but he'd been very surprised at the reason.	He held up a palm. "By all means."

I've come to seduce you." His pupils dilated as his gaze heated. She smiled. He hadn't been surprised at her presence, but he'd been very surprised at the reason. He held up a palm. "By all means.

Historical Romance Quotes: "The point is, people have been having babies for thousands of years. There will be frightening moments and exhausting moments, but more than anything---"	"--- there will just be love."

The point is, people have been having babies for thousands of years. There will be frightening moments and exhausting moments, but more than anything---" "--- there will just be love.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Let me give you one piece of advice. Do not get between a woman and her cause."

Let me give you one piece of advice. Do not get between a woman and her cause.

Historical Romance Quotes: "She lifted her chin and returned his unyielding gaze. "Do what you will."His blue eyes darkened to the color of a moonlit sky. "You should be careful, milady, about issuing such an invitation."

She lifted her chin and returned his unyielding gaze. "Do what you will."His blue eyes darkened to the color of a moonlit sky. "You should be careful, milady, about issuing such an invitation.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Being a pioneering reformer is all fine and good, but it does leave one terribly in want of agood party!"

Being a pioneering reformer is all fine and good, but it does leave one terribly in want of agood party!

Historical Romance Quotes: "She frowned at him. "Not every man thinks constantly of... of..."Darach grinned. "Aye, they do, demoiselle. Every man, from the time he is about ten until the day he dies, thinks frequently of that."

She frowned at him. "Not every man thinks constantly of... of..."Darach grinned. "Aye, they do, demoiselle. Every man, from the time he is about ten until the day he dies, thinks frequently of that.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Camhanach, it is a bargain as old as the world itself." He chuckled."Women want protection...men want a willing lass to warm their bed."

Camhanach, it is a bargain as old as the world itself." He chuckled."Women want protection...men want a willing lass to warm their bed.

Historical Romance Quotes: "To Jane's horror, he unfolded her paper and read aloud. "Possible Candidates as Lovers."

To Jane's horror, he unfolded her paper and read aloud. "Possible Candidates as Lovers.

Historical Romance Quotes: "He kept pushing her, expecting for her to break. Fearing it. But he was the one who splintered apart. He was the one who broke."

He kept pushing her, expecting for her to break. Fearing it. But he was the one who splintered apart. He was the one who broke.

Historical Romance Quotes: "What have I done?" he asked, his voice raw. "You used to be such a sane, sensible lady.""You took me on a journey into my own heart."

What have I done?" he asked, his voice raw. "You used to be such a sane, sensible lady.""You took me on a journey into my own heart.

Historical Romance Quotes: "You make me burn with life, and yearn to set aside my cold and distant, solitary ways."

You make me burn with life, and yearn to set aside my cold and distant, solitary ways.

Historical Romance Quotes: "You have not known very many men.""I have no wish to know any others. I love this one."

You have not known very many men.""I have no wish to know any others. I love this one.

Historical Romance Quotes: "I would be anyone if only I could be with you."

I would be anyone if only I could be with you.

Historical Romance Quotes: "As he looked at her, she felt that flood of restlessness that she now knew was called desire."

As he looked at her, she felt that flood of restlessness that she now knew was called desire.