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Historical Romance Quotes

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Historical Romance Quotes: "Now that you made me a knight again", he said lightly, "I'll have to keep my mind on certain knightly virtues like chastity."Ciara could not remember that ever being a knightly virtue."

Now that you made me a knight again", he said lightly, "I'll have to keep my mind on certain knightly virtues like chastity."Ciara could not remember that ever being a knightly virtue.

Historical Romance Quotes: "I've tried to deny it even to myself...My heart and soul are filled with you."

I've tried to deny it even to myself...My heart and soul are filled with you.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Ciara, there are certain things a man does not ask of a lady.""You are not asking.""Aye."

Ciara, there are certain things a man does not ask of a lady.""You are not asking.""Aye.

Historical Romance Quotes: "I said kiss me again.” A sultry smile curved her lips. “Would that be such a difficult task to perform?”Christ almighty, she wanted him to kiss her again. And she was ordering him to do so."

I said kiss me again.” A sultry smile curved her lips. “Would that be such a difficult task to perform?”Christ almighty, she wanted him to kiss her again. And she was ordering him to do so.

Historical Romance Quotes: "I sincerely pity the poor man you marry. I doubt he’ll have a moment’s peace."

I sincerely pity the poor man you marry. I doubt he’ll have a moment’s peace.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Ah, does my princess now want what I offer?"

Ah, does my princess now want what I offer?

Historical Romance Quotes: "I would have asked you to let down your hair" turning to regard her with a grin, his teeth a slash of white in his blackened face."But it is not quite long enough anymore."

I would have asked you to let down your hair" turning to regard her with a grin, his teeth a slash of white in his blackened face."But it is not quite long enough anymore.

Historical Romance Quotes: "If one plays with fire, one should be prepared to burn, Jane.”“You say that as if I’m in danger from you.”“Maybe you are, ” Tobias growled as the scent of her invaded his nostrils..."

If one plays with fire, one should be prepared to burn, Jane.”“You say that as if I’m in danger from you.”“Maybe you are, ” Tobias growled as the scent of her invaded his nostrils...

Historical Romance Quotes: "A fiery little cat you are, Caecelia. Like a lioness in heat, oh how you bloom."

A fiery little cat you are, Caecelia. Like a lioness in heat, oh how you bloom.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Now you also know what it is to be wanted and loved."

Now you also know what it is to be wanted and loved.

Historical Romance Quotes: "The arrogant man probably thought his path to heaven was already assured, and that he acted in accordance to God’s will just by breathing."

The arrogant man probably thought his path to heaven was already assured, and that he acted in accordance to God’s will just by breathing.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Devilment showed in his eyes. “Well, since it is a trial, we should practice so that we can perfect our kisses.”“You need no practice. You are clearly an expert."

Devilment showed in his eyes. “Well, since it is a trial, we should practice so that we can perfect our kisses.”“You need no practice. You are clearly an expert.

Historical Romance Quotes: "I suppose when you say you slept with him, it was more than just a nap?"Lillian shot her a withering glance. "Daisy, don’t be a pea wit."

I suppose when you say you slept with him, it was more than just a nap?"Lillian shot her a withering glance. "Daisy, don’t be a pea wit.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Angela turned in her chair. Resting her chin on folded hands, the mirror reflected the look of a girl in love. ‘Oh, what a blessing fate has bestowed on me."

Angela turned in her chair. Resting her chin on folded hands, the mirror reflected the look of a girl in love. ‘Oh, what a blessing fate has bestowed on me.

Historical Romance Quotes: "I was shy, ” said six-foot-one of bashful male. He grunted as a sharp, feminine elbow thudded inconspicuously into his side."

I was shy, ” said six-foot-one of bashful male. He grunted as a sharp, feminine elbow thudded inconspicuously into his side.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Do you think ladies’ eyebrows can communicate as well?” she asked.“No, they don’t have sufficient thicketry, ” he said with authority.“Thicketry?”“Yes, that is the official term."

Do you think ladies’ eyebrows can communicate as well?” she asked.“No, they don’t have sufficient thicketry, ” he said with authority.“Thicketry?”“Yes, that is the official term.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Lord Carradice managed to look wicked, smug, and saintly, all at the same time."

Lord Carradice managed to look wicked, smug, and saintly, all at the same time.

Historical Romance Quotes: "There isn’t going to be a ‘next lover, ’” Grant said automatically, outraged by the idea. “I’m the only man she’s going to have."

There isn’t going to be a ‘next lover, ’” Grant said automatically, outraged by the idea. “I’m the only man she’s going to have.

Historical Romance Quotes: "The wavelets flung themselves up as if trying to pat my feet and I darted back, laughing, and picked up my skirts to chase them back as they receded, in a game of tag more ancient than I then knew."

The wavelets flung themselves up as if trying to pat my feet and I darted back, laughing, and picked up my skirts to chase them back as they receded, in a game of tag more ancient than I then knew.

Historical Romance Quotes: "she was lucky if he stood behind her. Not so lucky if he came to crush her. And a woman might only learn the truth of it—when he walked out of her life. Highlighted by 9 Kindle users"

she was lucky if he stood behind her. Not so lucky if he came to crush her. And a woman might only learn the truth of it—when he walked out of her life. Highlighted by 9 Kindle users

Historical Romance Quotes: "She did not want to know what charmhe had used to make her love him so deeply. She did not want to know it wasn’t real."

She did not want to know what charmhe had used to make her love him so deeply. She did not want to know it wasn’t real.

Historical Romance Quotes: "No m’lord. It wouldn’t be a secret army if we had seen it. My squire, who has not had the opportunity to be clearly informed about the presence of a secret army, has been ignorant of its existence."

No m’lord. It wouldn’t be a secret army if we had seen it. My squire, who has not had the opportunity to be clearly informed about the presence of a secret army, has been ignorant of its existence.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Even the best laid plans turn to hell when exposed to reality"

Even the best laid plans turn to hell when exposed to reality

Historical Romance Quotes: "I’ve crossed a world of sand and tears in search of you. I love you. I’ve done nothing in my life worth more than that."

I’ve crossed a world of sand and tears in search of you. I love you. I’ve done nothing in my life worth more than that.

Historical Romance Quotes: "This man was no servant. She looked up at him in acute agitation and knew: this man was now her master."

This man was no servant. She looked up at him in acute agitation and knew: this man was now her master.

Historical Romance Quotes: "For being so straight and sure, God’s path held quite the assortment of twists."

For being so straight and sure, God’s path held quite the assortment of twists.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Insufferable man! But I grinned all the way back upstairs."

Insufferable man! But I grinned all the way back upstairs.

Historical Romance Quotes: "I'm more interested in lookin' forward than back. The past is done and there's no changin' it."

I'm more interested in lookin' forward than back. The past is done and there's no changin' it.

Historical Romance Quotes: "I'll try to turn the other cheek....But I've only got two and they're both stinging."

I'll try to turn the other cheek....But I've only got two and they're both stinging.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Could he really want a relationship with a woman who was at the point in life of trading beauty for wisdom?"

Could he really want a relationship with a woman who was at the point in life of trading beauty for wisdom?

Historical Romance Quotes: "Only one word describes a woman widowed for the second time on her wedding night – cursed."

Only one word describes a woman widowed for the second time on her wedding night – cursed.

Historical Romance Quotes: "You're special, Deirdre, and don't ever think otherwise."

You're special, Deirdre, and don't ever think otherwise.

Historical Romance Quotes: "I am not a hero. Heroes do not cheat."

I am not a hero. Heroes do not cheat.

Historical Romance Quotes: "If I say that you are mine, then I am yours."

If I say that you are mine, then I am yours.

Historical Romance Quotes: "If I had known how easy it is to lose your life, I would have treasured mine better"."

If I had known how easy it is to lose your life, I would have treasured mine better".

Historical Romance Quotes: "Give to the world the best you have and the best will come back to you."

Give to the world the best you have and the best will come back to you.

Historical Romance Quotes: "I don't know where we are, but we'll soon find our way home!" Le avventure di Pinocchio"

I don't know where we are, but we'll soon find our way home!" Le avventure di Pinocchio

Historical Romance Quotes: "It's been much harder to forgive myself. My mistake was like a pebble dropped in a pond. The ripple effect has impacted everyone I love."

It's been much harder to forgive myself. My mistake was like a pebble dropped in a pond. The ripple effect has impacted everyone I love.

Historical Romance Quotes: "[Connor, prepared to sacrifice himself to save Sarah]God, I pray, give me the strength to live the next hour well."

[Connor, prepared to sacrifice himself to save Sarah]God, I pray, give me the strength to live the next hour well.

Historical Romance Quotes: "We can best honor our dead by livin' well. Moving' forward dusna mean y love them any less. It just means ye're still alive."

We can best honor our dead by livin' well. Moving' forward dusna mean y love them any less. It just means ye're still alive.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Maybe, now and then, we have to give up a portion of our kingdoms--the things we hold dearest--to find what it is God wants for us."

Maybe, now and then, we have to give up a portion of our kingdoms--the things we hold dearest--to find what it is God wants for us.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Naomi knew she should pray... Instead, she put her face in her hands and wept with all the force of a bursting dam."

Naomi knew she should pray... Instead, she put her face in her hands and wept with all the force of a bursting dam.

Historical Romance Quotes: "If it’s only a kiss you want, I can kiss you with my clothes on.” Katie O'Reilly to Captain Lord Blackthorn in "Titanic Rhasody."

If it’s only a kiss you want, I can kiss you with my clothes on.” Katie O'Reilly to Captain Lord Blackthorn in "Titanic Rhasody.

Historical Romance Quotes: "If I die, " he whispered in the dark, "dinna follow me. The bairns will need ye. Stay for them. I can wait."

If I die, " he whispered in the dark, "dinna follow me. The bairns will need ye. Stay for them. I can wait.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Every word you have ever uttered, is engraved upon my heart."

Every word you have ever uttered, is engraved upon my heart.

Historical Romance Quotes: "You are not The Giver of My Heart’s Desire.” I took a deep breath and smiled. “You are my heart’s desire."

You are not The Giver of My Heart’s Desire.” I took a deep breath and smiled. “You are my heart’s desire.

Historical Romance Quotes: "I wondered what he would have thought if he'd known that I'd gleaned most of my information from reading historical romance novels."

I wondered what he would have thought if he'd known that I'd gleaned most of my information from reading historical romance novels.

Historical Romance Quotes: "He'd missed matching wits with her. "Shall we duel with our lips?" "You may find yourself eating grass for breakfast."

He'd missed matching wits with her. "Shall we duel with our lips?" "You may find yourself eating grass for breakfast.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Although most advice should be distrusted, particularly when it comes from myself . . . keep an open mind, Miss Hathaway. One should never look a rich husband in the mouth." - St. Vincent"

Although most advice should be distrusted, particularly when it comes from myself . . . keep an open mind, Miss Hathaway. One should never look a rich husband in the mouth." - St. Vincent