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Historical Romance Quotes

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Historical Romance Quotes: "The only death I fear is the one I fell when we're apart."

The only death I fear is the one I fell when we're apart.

Historical Romance Quotes: "To secure his king's trust, his family's future, and perhaps even his own happiness, he needed to convince her he was more than a mercenary -- in fact, a man who would stand by her side."

To secure his king's trust, his family's future, and perhaps even his own happiness, he needed to convince her he was more than a mercenary -- in fact, a man who would stand by her side.

Historical Romance Quotes: "I'll kiss your feet if you'd scratch my nose."

I'll kiss your feet if you'd scratch my nose.

Historical Romance Quotes: "And of course it has nothing to do with the fact that I haven't been with a women since I came to your bed back in February-Devlin."

And of course it has nothing to do with the fact that I haven't been with a women since I came to your bed back in February-Devlin.

Historical Romance Quotes: "...People - the ones who are left behind - desire answers. Even when we are advised from beyond the grave not to pursue them."

...People - the ones who are left behind - desire answers. Even when we are advised from beyond the grave not to pursue them.

Historical Romance Quotes: "...You, you look -- bien -- exactly what you were, a high-ranking British officer, used to unwavering obedience and with the air of a Greek god, gazing down on us mere mortals."

...You, you look -- bien -- exactly what you were, a high-ranking British officer, used to unwavering obedience and with the air of a Greek god, gazing down on us mere mortals.

Historical Romance Quotes: "The soldier in the portrait had been a respected and admired officer...The man he had become was fighting a different battle now. He had his demons, just as she had her ghosts."

The soldier in the portrait had been a respected and admired officer...The man he had become was fighting a different battle now. He had his demons, just as she had her ghosts.

Historical Romance Quotes: "You! That is what is behind this. Ever since you -- As if I didn't have enough on my mind without having to lie awake thinking of you and your damned kisses and your damned questions."

You! That is what is behind this. Ever since you -- As if I didn't have enough on my mind without having to lie awake thinking of you and your damned kisses and your damned questions.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Maman’s life was an unfinished book. Celeste had to discover the ending, and then she could close the cover for ever."

Maman’s life was an unfinished book. Celeste had to discover the ending, and then she could close the cover for ever.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Where is your Revolutionary spirit?""Beheaded, " Celeste said."

Where is your Revolutionary spirit?""Beheaded, " Celeste said.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Claire coaxed free another loop of cloth. The slow side of cotton against cotton matched the soft tenor or her voice.'I have lots of talents Mr. Ryland. Listening is only one of them."

Claire coaxed free another loop of cloth. The slow side of cotton against cotton matched the soft tenor or her voice.'I have lots of talents Mr. Ryland. Listening is only one of them.

Historical Romance Quotes: "There is no shame in being illiterate. One need only feel ashamed when one denies the opportunity to learn."

There is no shame in being illiterate. One need only feel ashamed when one denies the opportunity to learn.

Historical Romance Quotes: "I point out. It was the most foolish, jape-fisted bit of buffoonery I have ever seen, and I am impressed in spite of that."

I point out. It was the most foolish, jape-fisted bit of buffoonery I have ever seen, and I am impressed in spite of that.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Husband-hunting. Always a rousing sport. I suppose you go there dressed to kill.""No, indeed. What good is a dead husband?" She smiled airily. "I go dressed to maim only."

Husband-hunting. Always a rousing sport. I suppose you go there dressed to kill.""No, indeed. What good is a dead husband?" She smiled airily. "I go dressed to maim only.

Historical Romance Quotes: "There's no need for chains. I can still take you until you're begging for more."

There's no need for chains. I can still take you until you're begging for more.

Historical Romance Quotes: "I've never done this with a woman like you before. Never wanted to. I only know... I don't want it to end."

I've never done this with a woman like you before. Never wanted to. I only know... I don't want it to end.

Historical Romance Quotes: "She thinks I'm too...impulsive.""Can't imagine why, " Tristan muttered, "when you do things like ride off into the woods after gentlemen in pursuit of a thief---"

She thinks I'm too...impulsive.""Can't imagine why, " Tristan muttered, "when you do things like ride off into the woods after gentlemen in pursuit of a thief---

Historical Romance Quotes: "You like this darkness. You like learning me by feel.” Feeling very bold indeed, she nuzzled at him until she found his mouth with her own. “I like it too."

You like this darkness. You like learning me by feel.” Feeling very bold indeed, she nuzzled at him until she found his mouth with her own. “I like it too.

Historical Romance Quotes: "I have never paid for fornication, and I don't intend to begin with you. When you come to me, and come to me you shall, you shall do so of your own accord and wholly free of all commerce and custom."

I have never paid for fornication, and I don't intend to begin with you. When you come to me, and come to me you shall, you shall do so of your own accord and wholly free of all commerce and custom.

Historical Romance Quotes: "They should put their clothes on if they could find them which might be difficult in the darkness.He decided that could wait until dawn."

They should put their clothes on if they could find them which might be difficult in the darkness.He decided that could wait until dawn.

Historical Romance Quotes: "The worst mistake I ever made has become the best thing I ever did.- Darius Wainwright"

The worst mistake I ever made has become the best thing I ever did.- Darius Wainwright

Historical Romance Quotes: "I live to bring you pleasure.” To Gilly, his words rang like a vow."

I live to bring you pleasure.” To Gilly, his words rang like a vow.

Historical Romance Quotes: "So you are the brash young lover returned from the dead?" the Frenchman finally said."And you are the devoted fiance returned from the card room, " Robert shot back..."

So you are the brash young lover returned from the dead?" the Frenchman finally said."And you are the devoted fiance returned from the card room, " Robert shot back...

Historical Romance Quotes: "Mercia wasn’t a little-in-love sort of man. He was mad, dark passion, sweeping emotion, and complete loss of reason, with his gaunt male beauty, his wealth and power, and his haunted past."

Mercia wasn’t a little-in-love sort of man. He was mad, dark passion, sweeping emotion, and complete loss of reason, with his gaunt male beauty, his wealth and power, and his haunted past.

Historical Romance Quotes: "He rose up like a languid god after devouring a bountiful feast."

He rose up like a languid god after devouring a bountiful feast.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Release Lady Mirabelle and the kitten or I’ll run you through, skewering your belly, pinching out your life."

Release Lady Mirabelle and the kitten or I’ll run you through, skewering your belly, pinching out your life.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Sparhawk had fallen into a nest of pirates."

Sparhawk had fallen into a nest of pirates.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Let me have you in the most intimate ofways, let me give you a part of myself that no other man may touch.Make me yours forever."

Let me have you in the most intimate ofways, let me give you a part of myself that no other man may touch.Make me yours forever.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Pain is in the mind. And, in my mind, ma chérie … I was withyou."

Pain is in the mind. And, in my mind, ma chérie … I was withyou.

Historical Romance Quotes: "But I am a writer, and I deal in words, and I need to have them spelled out for me--precisely."

But I am a writer, and I deal in words, and I need to have them spelled out for me--precisely.

Historical Romance Quotes: "I would feel much better about this whole affair if you would slap me and get it over with. I know you want to."

I would feel much better about this whole affair if you would slap me and get it over with. I know you want to.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Don’t. Don’t play that game.” His brow pressed to hers. “When I heard you cry out . . . it was like a saber to the gut. I wanted to die."

Don’t. Don’t play that game.” His brow pressed to hers. “When I heard you cry out . . . it was like a saber to the gut. I wanted to die.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Her blonde tresses now lay unbound and flowing in comely waves down her back, like pale serpents against the blue sea of her costume."

Her blonde tresses now lay unbound and flowing in comely waves down her back, like pale serpents against the blue sea of her costume.

Historical Romance Quotes: "This women's orchestra made a demure picture in their muted dove grays, alright, but they played like they were gowned in scarlet and gold."

This women's orchestra made a demure picture in their muted dove grays, alright, but they played like they were gowned in scarlet and gold.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Those who prosper by thievery, thuggery, or by ruining another, have chosen to live on the devil's dime."

Those who prosper by thievery, thuggery, or by ruining another, have chosen to live on the devil's dime.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Whatever cosmic attraction had drawn [Jess & Addie] to one another in the first place was beginning to fill in with the chinks and mortar of very real, very likeable human traits."

Whatever cosmic attraction had drawn [Jess & Addie] to one another in the first place was beginning to fill in with the chinks and mortar of very real, very likeable human traits.

Historical Romance Quotes: "The heavy smell of incense gave me an uneasy feeling as if I had walked into a tomb"

The heavy smell of incense gave me an uneasy feeling as if I had walked into a tomb

Historical Romance Quotes: "I've bled for you. I've killed for you. I've held you in my arms and done my best to make love to you. I'd give my life to protect you. Now I sit beside you, askin' you to trust me."

I've bled for you. I've killed for you. I've held you in my arms and done my best to make love to you. I'd give my life to protect you. Now I sit beside you, askin' you to trust me.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Annie is my wife, and she will remain wi' me as my wife, subject only to my rule. I will suffer no man to dishonor her or lay hand upon her so long as I live."

Annie is my wife, and she will remain wi' me as my wife, subject only to my rule. I will suffer no man to dishonor her or lay hand upon her so long as I live.

Historical Romance Quotes: "You think to judge me, MacKinnon? I've littered the ground wi' the corpses of men like you."Iain raised his blade and smiled. "You've never met a man like me."

You think to judge me, MacKinnon? I've littered the ground wi' the corpses of men like you."Iain raised his blade and smiled. "You've never met a man like me.

Historical Romance Quotes: "He didn't see the look his brothers shared or overhear the vow they made to one another--that if any one of the four of them were to make it back from Ticonderoga, it would be Iain."

He didn't see the look his brothers shared or overhear the vow they made to one another--that if any one of the four of them were to make it back from Ticonderoga, it would be Iain.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Making love with you is even more wonderful than making music."He drew her closer. "Och, Sarah, you _are_ my music."

Making love with you is even more wonderful than making music."He drew her closer. "Och, Sarah, you _are_ my music.

Historical Romance Quotes: "[Connor to Major Wentworth, grandson of King George]"My fathers were lairds in the Highlands when yours were still farmin' kale back in Germany!"

[Connor to Major Wentworth, grandson of King George]"My fathers were lairds in the Highlands when yours were still farmin' kale back in Germany!

Historical Romance Quotes: "It wilna end wi' me, Campbell. Slay me, and you'll face my brothers and after them my Muhheconneok kin. You cannae possibly kill us all."

It wilna end wi' me, Campbell. Slay me, and you'll face my brothers and after them my Muhheconneok kin. You cannae possibly kill us all.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Killy arched an eyebrow in disbelief. "Don't be thinkin' you can deceive this old man. I've been makin' a fool of myself over women since before you were born."

Killy arched an eyebrow in disbelief. "Don't be thinkin' you can deceive this old man. I've been makin' a fool of myself over women since before you were born.

Historical Romance Quotes: "A hint of fire in his eyes, he glanced up at her. "If that displeases you, lass, I can leave you here for the next savior who comes along."

A hint of fire in his eyes, he glanced up at her. "If that displeases you, lass, I can leave you here for the next savior who comes along.

Historical Romance Quotes: "Men fight like men. Women fight like unchained demons."

Men fight like men. Women fight like unchained demons.