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Holding Quotes

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Holding Quotes: "I feel like im in this river just getting swept along... And if I hold on to anyone, if I'm holding on for dear life, I'm not getting anywhere. I'm stuck. ...I never wanted to get stuck"

I feel like im in this river just getting swept along... And if I hold on to anyone, if I'm holding on for dear life, I'm not getting anywhere. I'm stuck. ...I never wanted to get stuck

Holding Quotes: "The backwardness of our religious and social developments is undoubtedly holding back the development of the intellectual and political levels."

The backwardness of our religious and social developments is undoubtedly holding back the development of the intellectual and political levels.

Holding Quotes: "Home's where the people you love are. It's about finding the things that matter to you, and holding on to them and taking care of them."

Home's where the people you love are. It's about finding the things that matter to you, and holding on to them and taking care of them.

Holding Quotes: "When the answer to all my dreams is as close as a touch away, why am I here holding back what I'm trying to say?"

When the answer to all my dreams is as close as a touch away, why am I here holding back what I'm trying to say?

Holding Quotes: "Love is finding someone better than you are, and holding on for dear life"

Love is finding someone better than you are, and holding on for dear life

Holding Quotes: "I was working at the store on the Sony studios in Culver City. And I was literally holding a shirt when they came in and told me I'd got the part! It just shows dreams do come true."

I was working at the store on the Sony studios in Culver City. And I was literally holding a shirt when they came in and told me I'd got the part! It just shows dreams do come true.

Holding Quotes: "Even when you are not playing you are holding me back."

Even when you are not playing you are holding me back.

Holding Quotes: "Nothing's as good as holding on to safety."

Nothing's as good as holding on to safety.

Holding Quotes: "For me there's a need for balance - fulfilling the sensitive side, letting my guard down, holding back the warrior in me. And I have to be vulnerable which is very hard for me to do."

For me there's a need for balance - fulfilling the sensitive side, letting my guard down, holding back the warrior in me. And I have to be vulnerable which is very hard for me to do.

Holding Quotes: "People aren't always themselves. They're always holding back something."

People aren't always themselves. They're always holding back something.

Holding Quotes: "She and Thomas had helped construct the Maze; at the same time she’d exerted a lot of effort to build a wall holding back her emotions."

She and Thomas had helped construct the Maze; at the same time she’d exerted a lot of effort to build a wall holding back her emotions.

Holding Quotes: "We have to give value to authority. We have to give value to office, being in office, holding office."

We have to give value to authority. We have to give value to office, being in office, holding office.

Holding Quotes: "There are a lot of people holding on to the old Jessie J - whatever that means - but I think there's a lot more people realizing what I'm about. I think people like it."

There are a lot of people holding on to the old Jessie J - whatever that means - but I think there's a lot more people realizing what I'm about. I think people like it.

Holding Quotes: "People try to keep their past, like kind of holding on to their past. Every Springsteen song talks about that."

People try to keep their past, like kind of holding on to their past. Every Springsteen song talks about that.

Holding Quotes: "It is my absolute intent to hold the line on taxes."

It is my absolute intent to hold the line on taxes.

Holding Quotes: "Like my mother said, you can't go back to holding hands"

Like my mother said, you can't go back to holding hands

Holding Quotes: "I'm more open to give things a go, but what I'm not good at yet is holding back. If something is daft or rubbish, I just go, I can't be doing it."

I'm more open to give things a go, but what I'm not good at yet is holding back. If something is daft or rubbish, I just go, I can't be doing it.

Holding Quotes: "For love that is not requited in equal measure is not love at all; it is not sacred. And holding on to the ideal of such love can keep us from finding the one that is true."

For love that is not requited in equal measure is not love at all; it is not sacred. And holding on to the ideal of such love can keep us from finding the one that is true.

Holding Quotes: "I don't know if I'm supposed to be holding on or letting go. I don't want to give up, but if there's nothing for me to hope for, then tell me."

I don't know if I'm supposed to be holding on or letting go. I don't want to give up, but if there's nothing for me to hope for, then tell me.

Holding Quotes: "Sometimes holding on was all you could do."

Sometimes holding on was all you could do.

Holding Quotes: "Eventually I realize that I am holding on to him just as tightly as he holds on to me. And here we are: two small dying things, as the world ends around us like falling autumn leaves."

Eventually I realize that I am holding on to him just as tightly as he holds on to me. And here we are: two small dying things, as the world ends around us like falling autumn leaves.

Holding Quotes: "Curse false-hand-holding boys!"

Curse false-hand-holding boys!

Holding Quotes: "But the other notion is, we also believe that those folks closest on the ground that we're holding accountable for the results can decide, and ought to evaluate which programs get results."

But the other notion is, we also believe that those folks closest on the ground that we're holding accountable for the results can decide, and ought to evaluate which programs get results.

Holding Quotes: "I love doing scripted things. What little acting ability I have I am holding on with my hangnails."

I love doing scripted things. What little acting ability I have I am holding on with my hangnails.

Holding Quotes: "Life was a freight train barreling toward just one stop, our loved ones streaking past our windows in blurs of color and light. There was no holding on to any of it, and no slowing it down."

Life was a freight train barreling toward just one stop, our loved ones streaking past our windows in blurs of color and light. There was no holding on to any of it, and no slowing it down.

Holding Quotes: "Republicans seems to me to be chiefly concerned with holding on to what they have: in society, it's position, or respectability, or what you will; in business, of course, it's profit."

Republicans seems to me to be chiefly concerned with holding on to what they have: in society, it's position, or respectability, or what you will; in business, of course, it's profit.

Holding Quotes: "When I write now, I pretend I'm holding hands with the old me. I try to make sense of all those questions for her."

When I write now, I pretend I'm holding hands with the old me. I try to make sense of all those questions for her.

Holding Quotes: "No, we don't walk away. But when we're holding on to something precious, we run. We run and run, fast as we can, and we don't stop running until we are out from under the shadow."

No, we don't walk away. But when we're holding on to something precious, we run. We run and run, fast as we can, and we don't stop running until we are out from under the shadow.

Holding Quotes: "The third noble truth says that the cessation of suffering is letting go of holding on to ourselves."

The third noble truth says that the cessation of suffering is letting go of holding on to ourselves.

Holding Quotes: "Holding on to anything blocks wisdom."

Holding on to anything blocks wisdom.

Holding Quotes: "You are only as good as your reach, you must hold hands with others"

You are only as good as your reach, you must hold hands with others

Holding Quotes: "We have given most of Europe to Hitler. Let us try to hold on to what we have got left."

We have given most of Europe to Hitler. Let us try to hold on to what we have got left.

Holding Quotes: "Courage comes by being brave; fear comes by holding back."

Courage comes by being brave; fear comes by holding back.

Holding Quotes: "How long can you keep me invisible?" "As long as were in physical contact." My throat felt dry. "Holding hands?" That's how we'd done it last time. "Unless you had something else in mind?"

How long can you keep me invisible?" "As long as were in physical contact." My throat felt dry. "Holding hands?" That's how we'd done it last time. "Unless you had something else in mind?

Holding Quotes: "I wanted control over what was said and what was not said, rather than holding my head down in shame."

I wanted control over what was said and what was not said, rather than holding my head down in shame.

Holding Quotes: "If I've learned anything in my 30s, it's about holding back a little bit."

If I've learned anything in my 30s, it's about holding back a little bit.

Holding Quotes: "I spent a lot of my life holding back my cries, and I want to change that because it's not good for me."

I spent a lot of my life holding back my cries, and I want to change that because it's not good for me.

Holding Quotes: "When your heart is shattered into a million pieces, all you can do is try to keep holding on. You breathe. You try to fall asleep. You try to not think about him."

When your heart is shattered into a million pieces, all you can do is try to keep holding on. You breathe. You try to fall asleep. You try to not think about him.

Holding Quotes: "Everyone has got the fear It's holding on It's holding on."

Everyone has got the fear It's holding on It's holding on.

Holding Quotes: "The labels can't do anything for a band anymore - they're stuck and they have no money and they're just holding onto contracts that have existed from a time where there were resources."

The labels can't do anything for a band anymore - they're stuck and they have no money and they're just holding onto contracts that have existed from a time where there were resources.

Holding Quotes: "Yeah, sometimes life really sucks. But you know what I'm holding on for? The moments that don't suck. The trick is to notice them when they come around."

Yeah, sometimes life really sucks. But you know what I'm holding on for? The moments that don't suck. The trick is to notice them when they come around.

Holding Quotes: "Do you know what would hold me together on a battlefield? The sense that I was perpetuating the language in which Keats and the rest of them wrote!"

Do you know what would hold me together on a battlefield? The sense that I was perpetuating the language in which Keats and the rest of them wrote!

Holding Quotes: "I'm constantly intimidated by Shakespeare's work. Trying to decipher what he's saying and holding on to that thought - not just as an actor, but as a human being - is a rigour."

I'm constantly intimidated by Shakespeare's work. Trying to decipher what he's saying and holding on to that thought - not just as an actor, but as a human being - is a rigour.

Holding Quotes: "You can’t selectively numb your anger, any more than you can turn off all lights in a room, and still expect to see the light."

You can’t selectively numb your anger, any more than you can turn off all lights in a room, and still expect to see the light.

Holding Quotes: "You are too blessed to be holding on to people and things that hold you back in life."

You are too blessed to be holding on to people and things that hold you back in life.

Holding Quotes: "Grudges make your heart fragile."

Grudges make your heart fragile.

Holding Quotes: "To continue holding on to your grudges is to keep feeding your pain."

To continue holding on to your grudges is to keep feeding your pain.

Holding Quotes: "If your heart is strong enough to hold grudges, then it is very capable of forgiving others. It takes more strength to hold onto something than to let it go."

If your heart is strong enough to hold grudges, then it is very capable of forgiving others. It takes more strength to hold onto something than to let it go.

Holding Quotes: "Do you think that your life deserves bigger and better things in abundance? If yes, why then are you still holding yourself back from receiving your blessings?"

Do you think that your life deserves bigger and better things in abundance? If yes, why then are you still holding yourself back from receiving your blessings?