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Home Quotes

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Home Quotes: "Writing is a miracle. You can travel anywhere in the world, to any time and any place — and still be home in time to have dinner."

Writing is a miracle. You can travel anywhere in the world, to any time and any place — and still be home in time to have dinner.

Home Quotes: "If I had more time, I'd watch more woodworking or home-improvement shows, but, not enough hours in the day."

If I had more time, I'd watch more woodworking or home-improvement shows, but, not enough hours in the day.

Home Quotes: "A clock struck out the hour of twelve, and the bird in the hedgerow was still singing as we marched out to the roadway, and followed our merry pipers home to town."

A clock struck out the hour of twelve, and the bird in the hedgerow was still singing as we marched out to the roadway, and followed our merry pipers home to town.

Home Quotes: "A veterinarian who naively gave PETA some of the animals, thinking they would find them homes, and examined the dead bodies of others, testified that they were 'healthy' and 'adoptable.'"

A veterinarian who naively gave PETA some of the animals, thinking they would find them homes, and examined the dead bodies of others, testified that they were 'healthy' and 'adoptable.'

Home Quotes: "I've discovered that in order to make big changes in the world, we have to begin at home -- within ourselves"

I've discovered that in order to make big changes in the world, we have to begin at home -- within ourselves

Home Quotes: "Cookery is not chemistry. It is an art. It requires instinct and taste rather than exact measurements."

Cookery is not chemistry. It is an art. It requires instinct and taste rather than exact measurements.

Home Quotes: "Let architects sing of aesthetics that bring Rich clients in hordes to their knees; Just give me a home, in a great circle dome Where stresses and strains are at ease."

Let architects sing of aesthetics that bring Rich clients in hordes to their knees; Just give me a home, in a great circle dome Where stresses and strains are at ease.

Home Quotes: "Speaking of River City in The Music Man & his home town, Mason City, Iowa: I didn't have to make up anything. I simply remembered Mason City as closely as I could."

Speaking of River City in The Music Man & his home town, Mason City, Iowa: I didn't have to make up anything. I simply remembered Mason City as closely as I could.

Home Quotes: "Being a child at home alone in the summer is a high-risk occupation. If you call your mother at work thirteen times an hour, she can hurt you."

Being a child at home alone in the summer is a high-risk occupation. If you call your mother at work thirteen times an hour, she can hurt you.

Home Quotes: "For the two of us, home isn't a place. It is a person. And we are finally home."

For the two of us, home isn't a place. It is a person. And we are finally home.

Home Quotes: "I exercise at home - light cardio and yoga."

I exercise at home - light cardio and yoga.

Home Quotes: "A lot of filmmakers from my generation were lucky enough to have their work more or less perpetuated by people who saw them originally on TV and on HBO and certainly on home video."

A lot of filmmakers from my generation were lucky enough to have their work more or less perpetuated by people who saw them originally on TV and on HBO and certainly on home video.

Home Quotes: "The trouble in corporate America is that too many people with too much power live in a box (their home), then travel the same road every day to another box (their office)."

The trouble in corporate America is that too many people with too much power live in a box (their home), then travel the same road every day to another box (their office).

Home Quotes: "There ain't nothing that breaks up homes, country and nations like somebody publishing their memoirs"

There ain't nothing that breaks up homes, country and nations like somebody publishing their memoirs

Home Quotes: "In a hospital they throw you out into the street before you are half cured, but in a nursing home they don't let you out till you are dead."

In a hospital they throw you out into the street before you are half cured, but in a nursing home they don't let you out till you are dead.

Home Quotes: "Apelles used to paint a good housewife on a snail, to import that she home-keeping."

Apelles used to paint a good housewife on a snail, to import that she home-keeping.

Home Quotes: "I find happiness comes from numerous sources in my life. Most often, the happy moments I cherish most are quiet moments with my wife and family back home in Nova Scotia."

I find happiness comes from numerous sources in my life. Most often, the happy moments I cherish most are quiet moments with my wife and family back home in Nova Scotia.

Home Quotes: "One way and another I was having a ball - playing gigs, jamming and listening to fine musicians. Then came a crisis at home. My stepfather fell sick, and it meant I had to support the family."

One way and another I was having a ball - playing gigs, jamming and listening to fine musicians. Then came a crisis at home. My stepfather fell sick, and it meant I had to support the family.

Home Quotes: "These are challenging times for all Americans. We face the specter of war abroad and a steady stream of bad economic news at home."

These are challenging times for all Americans. We face the specter of war abroad and a steady stream of bad economic news at home.

Home Quotes: "My mother used to go out on her own, and I used to have to keep a look out for my stepfather coming home."

My mother used to go out on her own, and I used to have to keep a look out for my stepfather coming home.

Home Quotes: "There are days when I struggle with wanting to be a full-time, stay-at-home mom, and feeling guilty about that because I work."

There are days when I struggle with wanting to be a full-time, stay-at-home mom, and feeling guilty about that because I work.

Home Quotes: "San Francisco can no longer afford to be a city divided between downtown and neighborhoods, with a downtown that becomes a ghost town when workers go home for the evening"

San Francisco can no longer afford to be a city divided between downtown and neighborhoods, with a downtown that becomes a ghost town when workers go home for the evening

Home Quotes: "In my home State of Louisiana, several institutions of higher education have been impacted by both Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, literally dozens across the entire State."

In my home State of Louisiana, several institutions of higher education have been impacted by both Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, literally dozens across the entire State.

Home Quotes: "There is a certain moment in the film when the son is in the nursing home and he goes to the television and turns it off because he sees himself in the image."

There is a certain moment in the film when the son is in the nursing home and he goes to the television and turns it off because he sees himself in the image.

Home Quotes: "Moonshiners put more time, energy, thought, and love into their cars than any racer ever will. Lose on the track, and you go home. Lose with a load of whiskey, and you go to jail."

Moonshiners put more time, energy, thought, and love into their cars than any racer ever will. Lose on the track, and you go home. Lose with a load of whiskey, and you go to jail.

Home Quotes: "My mother was predominately a stay-at-home Mom."

My mother was predominately a stay-at-home Mom.

Home Quotes: "The ordinary acts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest."

The ordinary acts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest.

Home Quotes: "I have way too many candles. Theres always a candle burning at home."

I have way too many candles. Theres always a candle burning at home.

Home Quotes: "I met a lot of great people in Saudi Arabia and I'd like to see them again. And I'd love to spend more time in the desert and in the mountains. I felt really at home there."

I met a lot of great people in Saudi Arabia and I'd like to see them again. And I'd love to spend more time in the desert and in the mountains. I felt really at home there.

Home Quotes: "It is not down in any map; true places never are."

It is not down in any map; true places never are.

Home Quotes: "A whim, a passing mood, readily induces the novelist to move hearth and home elsewhere. He can always plead work as an excuse to get him out of the clutches of bothersome hosts."

A whim, a passing mood, readily induces the novelist to move hearth and home elsewhere. He can always plead work as an excuse to get him out of the clutches of bothersome hosts.

Home Quotes: "Chess: It's like alcohol. It's a drug. I have to control it, or it could overwhelm me. I have a regular Monday night game at my home, and I do play a little online."

Chess: It's like alcohol. It's a drug. I have to control it, or it could overwhelm me. I have a regular Monday night game at my home, and I do play a little online.

Home Quotes: "All that is within me cries out to go back to my home on the Hudson River"

All that is within me cries out to go back to my home on the Hudson River

Home Quotes: "I was a crown attorney in my home town in Nova Scotia, and I learned that victims of crime needed better laws to better protect them. I saw politics as a means to improve this protection for them."

I was a crown attorney in my home town in Nova Scotia, and I learned that victims of crime needed better laws to better protect them. I saw politics as a means to improve this protection for them.

Home Quotes: "Good prayers never come creeping home. I am sure I shall receive either what I ask, or what I should ask."

Good prayers never come creeping home. I am sure I shall receive either what I ask, or what I should ask.

Home Quotes: "There is an old saying: if a man comes home with sand in his cuffs and cockleburs in his pants, don't ask him what he shot."

There is an old saying: if a man comes home with sand in his cuffs and cockleburs in his pants, don't ask him what he shot.

Home Quotes: "People have more fun if they don't eat so much they have to be taken home in an ambulance."

People have more fun if they don't eat so much they have to be taken home in an ambulance.

Home Quotes: "Location work has its charms, and can seem glamorous on the outside, but I think living at home and having the stability of a home life once you've finished work is very underrated!"

Location work has its charms, and can seem glamorous on the outside, but I think living at home and having the stability of a home life once you've finished work is very underrated!

Home Quotes: "Life itself is an exile. The way home is not the way back."

Life itself is an exile. The way home is not the way back.

Home Quotes: "People travel to faraway places to watch, in fascination, the kind of people they ignore at home."

People travel to faraway places to watch, in fascination, the kind of people they ignore at home.

Home Quotes: "Every day I lugged my backpack through the halls, waiting for the final bell. Then I'd race home and hole up in my room, playing the drums and the piano, composing music."

Every day I lugged my backpack through the halls, waiting for the final bell. Then I'd race home and hole up in my room, playing the drums and the piano, composing music.

Home Quotes: "Just being at home, growing up naturally, and being here now with my video and my music, I think people realize that I was in the Spice Girls 8 years ago."

Just being at home, growing up naturally, and being here now with my video and my music, I think people realize that I was in the Spice Girls 8 years ago.

Home Quotes: "You know you're a redneck if your home has wheels and your car doesn't."

You know you're a redneck if your home has wheels and your car doesn't.

Home Quotes: "This planet is our home. Our life and hers are interdependent."

This planet is our home. Our life and hers are interdependent.

Home Quotes: "When I go home, I play with my baby dolls and strollers and diaper bags, and play with my sisters."

When I go home, I play with my baby dolls and strollers and diaper bags, and play with my sisters.

Home Quotes: "It is the personality of the mistress that the home expresses. Men are forever guests in our homes, no matter how much happiness they may find there."

It is the personality of the mistress that the home expresses. Men are forever guests in our homes, no matter how much happiness they may find there.

Home Quotes: "There is a magic in that little world, home; it is a mystic circle that surrounds comforts and virtues never know beyond its hallowed limits."

There is a magic in that little world, home; it is a mystic circle that surrounds comforts and virtues never know beyond its hallowed limits.

Home Quotes: "The way to build long-term returns is through preservation of capital and home runs."

The way to build long-term returns is through preservation of capital and home runs.

Home Quotes: "Why can't we build orphanages next to homes for the elderly? If someone were sitting in a rocker, it wouldn't be long before a kid will be in his lap."

Why can't we build orphanages next to homes for the elderly? If someone were sitting in a rocker, it wouldn't be long before a kid will be in his lap.