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Honest Quotes

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Honest Quotes: "In many ways, being honest about 'Huckleberry Finn' goes right to the heart of whether we can be honest about our heritage and our identity as Americans."

In many ways, being honest about 'Huckleberry Finn' goes right to the heart of whether we can be honest about our heritage and our identity as Americans.

Honest Quotes: "I believe that if corporate America expects consumer confidence to be restored, they must first be honest with us."

I believe that if corporate America expects consumer confidence to be restored, they must first be honest with us.

Honest Quotes: "I'm just a human being that is in touch with myself. And I'm honest with myself. And I really, at the end of the day, don't care what people say. I never cared about what people say."

I'm just a human being that is in touch with myself. And I'm honest with myself. And I really, at the end of the day, don't care what people say. I never cared about what people say.

Honest Quotes: "Honest criticism and sensitive appreciation are directed not upon the poet but upon the poetry."

Honest criticism and sensitive appreciation are directed not upon the poet but upon the poetry.

Honest Quotes: "There are two impossibilities in life: "just one drink" and "an honest politician.""

There are two impossibilities in life: "just one drink" and "an honest politician."

Honest Quotes: "One thing, I try to be honest. And what is revealed is often rather hideously unflattering."

One thing, I try to be honest. And what is revealed is often rather hideously unflattering.

Honest Quotes: "Put a rogue in the limelight and he will act like an honest man."

Put a rogue in the limelight and he will act like an honest man.

Honest Quotes: "This tyrant, whose sole name blisters our tongues,Was once thought honest."

This tyrant, whose sole name blisters our tongues,Was once thought honest.

Honest Quotes: "Integrity is not a given factor in everyone's life. It is a result of self-discipline, inner trust, and a decision to be relentlessly honest in all situations in our lives."

Integrity is not a given factor in everyone's life. It is a result of self-discipline, inner trust, and a decision to be relentlessly honest in all situations in our lives.

Honest Quotes: "Cheating is a sin, but honest cunning is simply prudence. It is a virtue. To be sure, it has a likeness to roguery, but that cannot be helped. He who has not learned to practice it is a fool."

Cheating is a sin, but honest cunning is simply prudence. It is a virtue. To be sure, it has a likeness to roguery, but that cannot be helped. He who has not learned to practice it is a fool.

Honest Quotes: "I think that's the most important thing you can do to be a real person - is to be honest with yourself."

I think that's the most important thing you can do to be a real person - is to be honest with yourself.

Honest Quotes: "You can spend a lifetime, and, if you're honest with yourself, never once was your work perfect."

You can spend a lifetime, and, if you're honest with yourself, never once was your work perfect.

Honest Quotes: "But honestly, if you do a rigorous survey of my work, I'll bet you'll find that biology is a theme far more often than physical science."

But honestly, if you do a rigorous survey of my work, I'll bet you'll find that biology is a theme far more often than physical science.

Honest Quotes: "The law courts must appear as a threatening gesture toward secret vice. The bank must declare: here your money is secure and well looked after by honest people."

The law courts must appear as a threatening gesture toward secret vice. The bank must declare: here your money is secure and well looked after by honest people.

Honest Quotes: "You only have to start a job of work to realize how few decent, honest folk there are about."

You only have to start a job of work to realize how few decent, honest folk there are about.

Honest Quotes: "Dare to be honest and fear no labor. ... Opera is where a man gets stabbed in the back, and instead of dying, he sings."

Dare to be honest and fear no labor. ... Opera is where a man gets stabbed in the back, and instead of dying, he sings.

Honest Quotes: "I've always loved Scotland, and I'm not a huge fan of big cities, to be honest. I like them to dip into for a bit, but I'm not sure I would want to live in one again."

I've always loved Scotland, and I'm not a huge fan of big cities, to be honest. I like them to dip into for a bit, but I'm not sure I would want to live in one again.

Honest Quotes: "A man who lies, thinking it is the truth, is an honest man, and a man who tells the truth, believing it to be a lie, is a liar."

A man who lies, thinking it is the truth, is an honest man, and a man who tells the truth, believing it to be a lie, is a liar.

Honest Quotes: "Nature is honest, we aren't; we embalm our dead."

Nature is honest, we aren't; we embalm our dead.

Honest Quotes: "The reader deserves an honest opinion. If he doesn't deserve it, give it to him anyhow."

The reader deserves an honest opinion. If he doesn't deserve it, give it to him anyhow.

Honest Quotes: "It's much simpler to be tortured on camera or to be filmed losing your mind. Whereas a script that has characters who are honest, witty and genuine is often much harder to act."

It's much simpler to be tortured on camera or to be filmed losing your mind. Whereas a script that has characters who are honest, witty and genuine is often much harder to act.

Honest Quotes: "As honest as you could expect a man to be in a world where it's out of style."

As honest as you could expect a man to be in a world where it's out of style.

Honest Quotes: "I'd rather be honest and lose than be dishonest and win"

I'd rather be honest and lose than be dishonest and win

Honest Quotes: "The man who is brutally honest enjoys the brutality quite as much as the honesty. Possibly more."

The man who is brutally honest enjoys the brutality quite as much as the honesty. Possibly more.

Honest Quotes: "Don't kid yourself. Be honest with yourself. Take your own inventory."

Don't kid yourself. Be honest with yourself. Take your own inventory.

Honest Quotes: "When something that honest is said it usually needs a few minutes of silence to dissipate."

When something that honest is said it usually needs a few minutes of silence to dissipate.

Honest Quotes: "When it comes to the issue of background checks, let's be honest - background checks will never be 'universal' - because criminals will never submit to them."

When it comes to the issue of background checks, let's be honest - background checks will never be 'universal' - because criminals will never submit to them.

Honest Quotes: "Honest and courageous people have very little to say about either their courage or their honesty. The sun has no need to boast of his brightness, nor the moon of her effulgence."

Honest and courageous people have very little to say about either their courage or their honesty. The sun has no need to boast of his brightness, nor the moon of her effulgence.

Honest Quotes: "I want to be real. I want to be a real person. That's what an artist is. An artist has to be honest. Without honesty, there's nothing."

I want to be real. I want to be a real person. That's what an artist is. An artist has to be honest. Without honesty, there's nothing.

Honest Quotes: "An honest answer is the sign of true friendship."

An honest answer is the sign of true friendship.

Honest Quotes: "I've always just tried to be who I am and be honest in terms of what I play. If that reaches a larger group of people, great. If it doesn't - if it remains obscure - that's okay as well."

I've always just tried to be who I am and be honest in terms of what I play. If that reaches a larger group of people, great. If it doesn't - if it remains obscure - that's okay as well.

Honest Quotes: "I like friends who are honest and loyal. They also shouldn't be afraid to be a kid. I like having fun."

I like friends who are honest and loyal. They also shouldn't be afraid to be a kid. I like having fun.

Honest Quotes: "To get hwat you want out of life, all you really need to do is be honest about it, don't be afraid to go for it, and have fun while you do it -- and you'll eventually get it."

To get hwat you want out of life, all you really need to do is be honest about it, don't be afraid to go for it, and have fun while you do it -- and you'll eventually get it.

Honest Quotes: "I'm very determined, honest, open and definitely very energetic. I expect a lot as a boss and I'm very demanding, but I ask that of myself too."

I'm very determined, honest, open and definitely very energetic. I expect a lot as a boss and I'm very demanding, but I ask that of myself too.

Honest Quotes: "Love is love. It doesn't matter about sexuality, it's just about how you feel towards somebody else and being good and honest with them."

Love is love. It doesn't matter about sexuality, it's just about how you feel towards somebody else and being good and honest with them.

Honest Quotes: "I feel like my secret magic trick that separates me from a lot of my peers is the bravery to be vulnerable and truthful and honest."

I feel like my secret magic trick that separates me from a lot of my peers is the bravery to be vulnerable and truthful and honest.

Honest Quotes: "My friends would probably describe me as silly. And honest. And that I think about things a bit too much."

My friends would probably describe me as silly. And honest. And that I think about things a bit too much.

Honest Quotes: "To be honest with you, I'd rather not be working. When you work, there are all sorts of deadlines and pressures. I like to do one thing and take my time to do the other one."

To be honest with you, I'd rather not be working. When you work, there are all sorts of deadlines and pressures. I like to do one thing and take my time to do the other one.

Honest Quotes: "If you are honest, you will live life safely. But if you are dishonest, you will get hurt."

If you are honest, you will live life safely. But if you are dishonest, you will get hurt.

Honest Quotes: "Honest businessmen should be protected from the unscrupulous consumer."

Honest businessmen should be protected from the unscrupulous consumer.

Honest Quotes: "Fans are all I care about - to be honest. If they stop coming to the shows, then I will get worried."

Fans are all I care about - to be honest. If they stop coming to the shows, then I will get worried.

Honest Quotes: "You're going to think I'm being corny, but this is how I really feel: I hope my family and my friends will be able to say that I was an honest, kind and fairly decent man."

You're going to think I'm being corny, but this is how I really feel: I hope my family and my friends will be able to say that I was an honest, kind and fairly decent man.

Honest Quotes: "The only disadvantage of an honest heart is credulity."

The only disadvantage of an honest heart is credulity.

Honest Quotes: "I find the greatest songs in the world come out of pain, and I don't like it! Here's what it does: It strips away all of your facade. It makes you so honest. It's cleansing."

I find the greatest songs in the world come out of pain, and I don't like it! Here's what it does: It strips away all of your facade. It makes you so honest. It's cleansing.

Honest Quotes: "America is a simplified ideological abstraction, an emotive symbol represented by other abstract symbols like the flag. It is the object of a faithlike devotion, unencumbered by honest history."

America is a simplified ideological abstraction, an emotive symbol represented by other abstract symbols like the flag. It is the object of a faithlike devotion, unencumbered by honest history.

Honest Quotes: "It's the honest point of view of an artist: You have to please.I'd like viewers to come away from my films unsure whether they've understood them. I want to leave them wondering."

It's the honest point of view of an artist: You have to please.I'd like viewers to come away from my films unsure whether they've understood them. I want to leave them wondering.

Honest Quotes: "To be honest, it would have been better to watch it on Ceefax."

To be honest, it would have been better to watch it on Ceefax.

Honest Quotes: "Raw and honest is what I go for [in my style of shooting]. I am looking for your inner beauty. The outside tells a story... But together is raw honesty."

Raw and honest is what I go for [in my style of shooting]. I am looking for your inner beauty. The outside tells a story... But together is raw honesty.

Honest Quotes: "I'm honest with myself how I feel. If I feel good, I feel good. If I don't - if I'm tight - I don't just try to muscle through everything, because you've got to be a little bit smarter."

I'm honest with myself how I feel. If I feel good, I feel good. If I don't - if I'm tight - I don't just try to muscle through everything, because you've got to be a little bit smarter.