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How Much Quotes: "If you care too much about what other people think, you will always be their prisoner. Lao Tzu"

If you care too much about what other people think, you will always be their prisoner. Lao Tzu

How Much Quotes: "Zeus hates busybodies and those who do too much."

Zeus hates busybodies and those who do too much.

How Much Quotes: "Some mistakes are too much fun to make only once."

Some mistakes are too much fun to make only once.

How Much Quotes: "The forces of retribution are always listening. They never sleep."

The forces of retribution are always listening. They never sleep.

How Much Quotes: "Whenever we give up, leave behind, and forget too much, there is always the danger that the things we have neglected will return with added force"

Whenever we give up, leave behind, and forget too much, there is always the danger that the things we have neglected will return with added force

How Much Quotes: "I just want to go play, go win, What's going to happen is what's going to happen. I'm not worried too much about it."

I just want to go play, go win, What's going to happen is what's going to happen. I'm not worried too much about it.

How Much Quotes: "Investors must keep in mind that there's a difference between a good company and a good stock. After all, you can buy a good car but pay too much for it."

Investors must keep in mind that there's a difference between a good company and a good stock. After all, you can buy a good car but pay too much for it.

How Much Quotes: "You may be hurt if you love too much, but you will live in misery if you love too little."

You may be hurt if you love too much, but you will live in misery if you love too little.

How Much Quotes: "Life as we find it is too hard for us; it entails too much pain, too many disappointments, impossible tasks. We cannot do without palliative remedies."

Life as we find it is too hard for us; it entails too much pain, too many disappointments, impossible tasks. We cannot do without palliative remedies.

How Much Quotes: "America's problem is too much political correctness."

America's problem is too much political correctness.

How Much Quotes: "Is there not too much tension in the world at present, and might it not be better if more people were slackers?"

Is there not too much tension in the world at present, and might it not be better if more people were slackers?

How Much Quotes: "I am convinced by a sad experience that it is natural to avoid those to whom we have been too much obliged, and that uncommon generosity causes neglect rather than gratitude."

I am convinced by a sad experience that it is natural to avoid those to whom we have been too much obliged, and that uncommon generosity causes neglect rather than gratitude.

How Much Quotes: "We must be careful how we flatter fools too little, or wise men too much, for the flatterer must act the very reverse of the physician, and administer the strongest dose only to the weakest patient."

We must be careful how we flatter fools too little, or wise men too much, for the flatterer must act the very reverse of the physician, and administer the strongest dose only to the weakest patient.

How Much Quotes: "Have compassion for all beings, rich and poor alike; each has their suffering. Some suffer too much, others too little."

Have compassion for all beings, rich and poor alike; each has their suffering. Some suffer too much, others too little.

How Much Quotes: "My own success was attended by quite a few failures along the way. But I refused to make the biggest mistake of all: worrying too much about making mistakes."

My own success was attended by quite a few failures along the way. But I refused to make the biggest mistake of all: worrying too much about making mistakes.

How Much Quotes: "I went up to Meryl Streetp and said 'I love you so much I want to tongue kiss you' And she said 'OK'."

I went up to Meryl Streetp and said 'I love you so much I want to tongue kiss you' And she said 'OK'.

How Much Quotes: "It's better to say too much, than never to say what you need to say again."

It's better to say too much, than never to say what you need to say again.

How Much Quotes: "In opera, there is always too much singing."

In opera, there is always too much singing.

How Much Quotes: "You can fool too many of the people too much of the time."

You can fool too many of the people too much of the time.

How Much Quotes: "Too much of anything is the beginning of a mess."

Too much of anything is the beginning of a mess.

How Much Quotes: "Don't talk too much or too soon."

Don't talk too much or too soon.

How Much Quotes: "Yeah, I play a lot of point guard. LeBron plays a lot of point guard. A lot of people are thinking too much on positions."

Yeah, I play a lot of point guard. LeBron plays a lot of point guard. A lot of people are thinking too much on positions.

How Much Quotes: "I know unless I'm true to myself I couldn't be happy. Too much emphasis is placed today on externals and too little on character."

I know unless I'm true to myself I couldn't be happy. Too much emphasis is placed today on externals and too little on character.

How Much Quotes: "Those who talk too much about race no longer have it in them."

Those who talk too much about race no longer have it in them.

How Much Quotes: "It's better for people to miss you than to have seen too much of you."

It's better for people to miss you than to have seen too much of you.

How Much Quotes: "Keep it simple. You don't want to overdo it with too much makeup or crazy, over-the-top hairstyles. Let your natural beauty show through."

Keep it simple. You don't want to overdo it with too much makeup or crazy, over-the-top hairstyles. Let your natural beauty show through.

How Much Quotes: "Man should bear in mind and ponder over the Greek admonition - Not Too Much, Not Too Little."

Man should bear in mind and ponder over the Greek admonition - Not Too Much, Not Too Little.

How Much Quotes: "Economists are said to disagree too much but in ways that are too much alike: If eight sleep in the same bed, you can be sure that, like Eskimos, when they turn over, they'll all turn over together."

Economists are said to disagree too much but in ways that are too much alike: If eight sleep in the same bed, you can be sure that, like Eskimos, when they turn over, they'll all turn over together.

How Much Quotes: "In F1 too many things overshadow the racing. There is too much politics."

In F1 too many things overshadow the racing. There is too much politics.

How Much Quotes: "we dance even if there's no radio. we drink at funerals. we talk too much & laugh too loud & live too large, and, frankly, we're suspicious of others who don't."

we dance even if there's no radio. we drink at funerals. we talk too much & laugh too loud & live too large, and, frankly, we're suspicious of others who don't.

How Much Quotes: "It becomes necessary to learn how to clear the mind of all clouds, to free it of all useless ballast and debris by dismissing the burden of too much concern with material things."

It becomes necessary to learn how to clear the mind of all clouds, to free it of all useless ballast and debris by dismissing the burden of too much concern with material things.

How Much Quotes: "We do not think of life - we live it. We do not think of ourselves too much. We do not think of others too much... We just behave in a natural way."

We do not think of life - we live it. We do not think of ourselves too much. We do not think of others too much... We just behave in a natural way.

How Much Quotes: "When we yield to discouragement it is usually because we give too much thought to the past and to the future."

When we yield to discouragement it is usually because we give too much thought to the past and to the future.

How Much Quotes: "Almost everyone's instinct is to be overconfident and read way too much into a hot or cold streak."

Almost everyone's instinct is to be overconfident and read way too much into a hot or cold streak.

How Much Quotes: "Too much Chablis can make you whablis."

Too much Chablis can make you whablis.

How Much Quotes: "Let Allah will deal with the people who wronged you in this life, because too much hate will eventually consume you to"

Let Allah will deal with the people who wronged you in this life, because too much hate will eventually consume you to

How Much Quotes: "The most important thing in an argument, next to being right, is to leave an escape hatch for your opponent, so that he can gracefully swing over to your side without too much apparent loss of face."

The most important thing in an argument, next to being right, is to leave an escape hatch for your opponent, so that he can gracefully swing over to your side without too much apparent loss of face.

How Much Quotes: "I gave up visiting my psychoanalyst because he was meddling too much in my private life."

I gave up visiting my psychoanalyst because he was meddling too much in my private life.

How Much Quotes: "Modern Chess is too much concerned with things like Pawn structure. Forget it, Checkmate ends the game"

Modern Chess is too much concerned with things like Pawn structure. Forget it, Checkmate ends the game

How Much Quotes: "You can't ever be really free if you admire somebody too much."

You can't ever be really free if you admire somebody too much.

How Much Quotes: "It’s unwise to pay too much, but it’s worse to pay too little."

It’s unwise to pay too much, but it’s worse to pay too little.

How Much Quotes: "You've got to avoid overcoaching. You've got to avoid talking too much. You've got to avoid showing players that you're the boss every time. You don't have to do that. They know you're in charge."

You've got to avoid overcoaching. You've got to avoid talking too much. You've got to avoid showing players that you're the boss every time. You don't have to do that. They know you're in charge.

How Much Quotes: "When you pay too much, you lose a little money - that is all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought is incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do."

When you pay too much, you lose a little money - that is all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought is incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do.

How Much Quotes: "The Harley's got a little too much torque when it comes to jumping."

The Harley's got a little too much torque when it comes to jumping.

How Much Quotes: "I think women are concerned too much with their clothes. Men don't really care that much about women's clothes. If they like a girl, chances are they'll like her clothes."

I think women are concerned too much with their clothes. Men don't really care that much about women's clothes. If they like a girl, chances are they'll like her clothes.

How Much Quotes: "Wherever politics tries to be redemptive, it is promising too much. Where it wishes to do the work of God, it becomes not divine, but demonic."

Wherever politics tries to be redemptive, it is promising too much. Where it wishes to do the work of God, it becomes not divine, but demonic.

How Much Quotes: "I know somewhat too much; and from this knowledge, once one has been infected, there seems to be no recovering."

I know somewhat too much; and from this knowledge, once one has been infected, there seems to be no recovering.

How Much Quotes: "Images, not words, capture feelings in faces; nothing can ruin the atmosphere as easily as too much light."

Images, not words, capture feelings in faces; nothing can ruin the atmosphere as easily as too much light.

How Much Quotes: "Do not put too much confidence in experimental results until they have been confirmed by theory."

Do not put too much confidence in experimental results until they have been confirmed by theory.