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How You Feel Quotes

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How You Feel Quotes: "When someone else makes a mistake, it is their responsibility to correct it, but it is your responsibility to handle how you feel about it."

When someone else makes a mistake, it is their responsibility to correct it, but it is your responsibility to handle how you feel about it.

How You Feel Quotes: "How you feel? How you feel? How you feel? 25 sittin on 25 mill."

How you feel? How you feel? How you feel? 25 sittin on 25 mill.

How You Feel Quotes: "Love makes everybody a victim because it's something you can't control. You can't control how you feel or what you're going through when you're doing it."

Love makes everybody a victim because it's something you can't control. You can't control how you feel or what you're going through when you're doing it.

How You Feel Quotes: "When you feel things deeply and you think about things a lot and you think about how you feel, you learn a lot about yourself."

When you feel things deeply and you think about things a lot and you think about how you feel, you learn a lot about yourself.

How You Feel Quotes: "Be conscious of the way people take your energy and learn how to stop it. Accept that this goes on. Observe how you feel around other people."

Be conscious of the way people take your energy and learn how to stop it. Accept that this goes on. Observe how you feel around other people.

How You Feel Quotes: "Clothing is art. It's an expression of how you feel. I think that it's not so much a question of a certain style or designer, but of finding the type of clothing that works well for you."

Clothing is art. It's an expression of how you feel. I think that it's not so much a question of a certain style or designer, but of finding the type of clothing that works well for you.

How You Feel Quotes: "I would suggest your awareness is your karma. How you feel generates your level of attention."

I would suggest your awareness is your karma. How you feel generates your level of attention.

How You Feel Quotes: "Bitterness doesn't serve you any good. And it really tells you more about how you feel about yourself than anything you feel about your friends."

Bitterness doesn't serve you any good. And it really tells you more about how you feel about yourself than anything you feel about your friends.

How You Feel Quotes: "I do really believe that beauty comes from within, mostly how you feel about yourself and how you express love of yourself, but also in the form of nutrition."

I do really believe that beauty comes from within, mostly how you feel about yourself and how you express love of yourself, but also in the form of nutrition.

How You Feel Quotes: "I think part of a beauty routine is how you feel and checking in with your inner self, and so I made that commitment to myself to do that."

I think part of a beauty routine is how you feel and checking in with your inner self, and so I made that commitment to myself to do that.

How You Feel Quotes: "You see, things being good has nothing to do with how you feel outside, it is all to do with how you are inside."

You see, things being good has nothing to do with how you feel outside, it is all to do with how you are inside.

How You Feel Quotes: "To be a Christian is to obey Christ no matter how you feel."

To be a Christian is to obey Christ no matter how you feel.

How You Feel Quotes: "The key to success is not what you do, it is how you feel about what you are doing."

The key to success is not what you do, it is how you feel about what you are doing.

How You Feel Quotes: "That's what makes best friends. It's not whether or not you live on the same block or go to the same school, but how you feel about each other in your hearts."

That's what makes best friends. It's not whether or not you live on the same block or go to the same school, but how you feel about each other in your hearts.

How You Feel Quotes: "Opening day -- or Opening Day. Depending on how you feel about it."

Opening day -- or Opening Day. Depending on how you feel about it.

How You Feel Quotes: "Dress how you feel and love what you wear because at the end of the day you have got to wear and feel great in it."

Dress how you feel and love what you wear because at the end of the day you have got to wear and feel great in it.

How You Feel Quotes: "It doesn't really matter how you feel about your character; it just matters what you do with it."

It doesn't really matter how you feel about your character; it just matters what you do with it.

How You Feel Quotes: "To really understand what love is, you've kinda got to dig down deeper than just how you feel at the moment."

To really understand what love is, you've kinda got to dig down deeper than just how you feel at the moment.

How You Feel Quotes: "No matter how you feel, you made progress today."

No matter how you feel, you made progress today.

How You Feel Quotes: "Life is too short not to say how you feel to the people you love."

Life is too short not to say how you feel to the people you love.

How You Feel Quotes: "You should make your diet one that best fits you and how you feel. Listen to your body. The most important thing is to exercise, drink lots of water, and take really good care of yourself."

You should make your diet one that best fits you and how you feel. Listen to your body. The most important thing is to exercise, drink lots of water, and take really good care of yourself.

How You Feel Quotes: "Love isn't how you feel. It's what you do."

Love isn't how you feel. It's what you do.

How You Feel Quotes: "Life's too short not to tell the people you love how you feel. Say it... and say it often. Oh, and start with God."

Life's too short not to tell the people you love how you feel. Say it... and say it often. Oh, and start with God.

How You Feel Quotes: "When I started out, it was this sense of, "Let's put out a record and see what happens and see where you go and see how you feel and where we can take it." That was a very different world back then."

When I started out, it was this sense of, "Let's put out a record and see what happens and see where you go and see how you feel and where we can take it." That was a very different world back then.

How You Feel Quotes: "God understands how you feel and has faced what you face."

God understands how you feel and has faced what you face.

How You Feel Quotes: "I know," she said, guessing my thoughts. "I know exactly how you feel." "Does it get easier?" I asked. Unlike Sydney, Olena had an answer. "Yes. But you'll never be the same."

I know," she said, guessing my thoughts. "I know exactly how you feel." "Does it get easier?" I asked. Unlike Sydney, Olena had an answer. "Yes. But you'll never be the same.

How You Feel Quotes: "I've lost someone, too; someone I loved. I know how you feel." - Does it get easier? "Yes. But you'll never be the same again."

I've lost someone, too; someone I loved. I know how you feel." - Does it get easier? "Yes. But you'll never be the same again.

How You Feel Quotes: "When you have a major loss in your life, the first thing you need to do is tell God exactly how you feel."

When you have a major loss in your life, the first thing you need to do is tell God exactly how you feel.

How You Feel Quotes: "Greatness is not how you feel, it's how you make others feel."

Greatness is not how you feel, it's how you make others feel.

How You Feel Quotes: "Don't do anything. Just tolerate me and let me suffer, knowing how you feel."

Don't do anything. Just tolerate me and let me suffer, knowing how you feel.

How You Feel Quotes: "When someone rips your heart out, there's nothing you can do to change how you feel about them. You just have to keep feeling that way until it goes away. Until it never does."

When someone rips your heart out, there's nothing you can do to change how you feel about them. You just have to keep feeling that way until it goes away. Until it never does.

How You Feel Quotes: "You will never be powerful in life until you are powerful over your own money. How you think about it, how you feel about it and how you invest it."

You will never be powerful in life until you are powerful over your own money. How you think about it, how you feel about it and how you invest it.

How You Feel Quotes: "I’ve come to ask how you do it. How you feel what I know you’re feeling and then walk away like that."

I’ve come to ask how you do it. How you feel what I know you’re feeling and then walk away like that.

How You Feel Quotes: "Of course, anybody's who's 26 years old will probably say, "Of course the old guy would say that." But wait until you're 45 or 46 years old. See how you feel about it then."

Of course, anybody's who's 26 years old will probably say, "Of course the old guy would say that." But wait until you're 45 or 46 years old. See how you feel about it then.

How You Feel Quotes: "All that you really want in life is to change how you feel."

All that you really want in life is to change how you feel.

How You Feel Quotes: "Alone is a fact, a condition where no one else is around. Lonely is how you feel about that."

Alone is a fact, a condition where no one else is around. Lonely is how you feel about that.

How You Feel Quotes: "A big lesson that I'm always having to be reminded of is, you can't control how you feel, but you can control how you respond."

A big lesson that I'm always having to be reminded of is, you can't control how you feel, but you can control how you respond.

How You Feel Quotes: "The way you look on the outside has a definite bearing on how you feel and see yourself on the inside."

The way you look on the outside has a definite bearing on how you feel and see yourself on the inside.

How You Feel Quotes: "What you say reflects how you feel about the world."

What you say reflects how you feel about the world.

How You Feel Quotes: "You have to think before you can feel. You have to conceive before you can perceive."

You have to think before you can feel. You have to conceive before you can perceive.

How You Feel Quotes: "The true quality of your life can only be determined by how you frequently feel when you are alone."

The true quality of your life can only be determined by how you frequently feel when you are alone.

How You Feel Quotes: "They say you’re only as old as you feel but try telling that to a ninety-year-old on their deathbed, just wishing he could do all the bloody things he wants to do."

They say you’re only as old as you feel but try telling that to a ninety-year-old on their deathbed, just wishing he could do all the bloody things he wants to do.

How You Feel Quotes: "What you feel is making sense could really be dramatized nonsense. So think again."

What you feel is making sense could really be dramatized nonsense. So think again.

How You Feel Quotes: "I like to love you as the moon loves the night. I only like to exist and feel my presence when you are with me."

I like to love you as the moon loves the night. I only like to exist and feel my presence when you are with me.

How You Feel Quotes: "Believe what you see with your eyes"

Believe what you see with your eyes

How You Feel Quotes: "If you never bother to say the words, why should anyone believe you ever felt them?"

If you never bother to say the words, why should anyone believe you ever felt them?

How You Feel Quotes: "Because it is a thousand pities never to say what one feels, he thought..."

Because it is a thousand pities never to say what one feels, he thought...

How You Feel Quotes: "I am half child, half ancient."

I am half child, half ancient.