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I Am Forgiving Quotes

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I Am Forgiving Quotes: "Refusing to forgive is like ingesting a lethal dose of poison and hoping it kills my enemy."

Refusing to forgive is like ingesting a lethal dose of poison and hoping it kills my enemy.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "You can work on healing, uplifting, and changing situations from a place of forgiveness, instead of from a place of resentment. Forgive yourself and everyone, and you are free!"

You can work on healing, uplifting, and changing situations from a place of forgiveness, instead of from a place of resentment. Forgive yourself and everyone, and you are free!

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "The man or woman who doesn't forgive has forgotten the price that Christ paid for them on the Cross."

The man or woman who doesn't forgive has forgotten the price that Christ paid for them on the Cross.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "Only after we can learn to forgive ourselves can we accept others as they are because we don't feel threatened by anything about them which is better than us."

Only after we can learn to forgive ourselves can we accept others as they are because we don't feel threatened by anything about them which is better than us.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "To not forgive is to drink a little poison each day and expect the other person to die."

To not forgive is to drink a little poison each day and expect the other person to die.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "Forgiveness is something that we are often asked to grant and very few of us ever have the roadmap of how to get from the pain that we have experienced to being able to forgive someone."

Forgiveness is something that we are often asked to grant and very few of us ever have the roadmap of how to get from the pain that we have experienced to being able to forgive someone.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "Forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory."

Forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "Forgiving is not forgetting. It is remembering and letting go."

Forgiving is not forgetting. It is remembering and letting go.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "We ask God to forgive us for our evil thoughts and evil temper, but rarely, if ever ask Him to forgive us for our sadness."

We ask God to forgive us for our evil thoughts and evil temper, but rarely, if ever ask Him to forgive us for our sadness.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "Forgive, but don't forget"

Forgive, but don't forget

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "When the Lord commands that we must forgive all men, that includes forgiving ourselves."

When the Lord commands that we must forgive all men, that includes forgiving ourselves.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "Wherever we go we do harm, forgiving ourselves as wheels do cement for wearing each other out. We set this house on fire, forgetting that we live within. (from "To a Meadowlark," for M.L. Smoker)"

Wherever we go we do harm, forgiving ourselves as wheels do cement for wearing each other out. We set this house on fire, forgetting that we live within. (from "To a Meadowlark," for M.L. Smoker)

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "We would rather forgive the evil proliferating all around us than the rebellion against it, which we mistake for the true evil."

We would rather forgive the evil proliferating all around us than the rebellion against it, which we mistake for the true evil.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "God invented forgiving as a remedy for a past that not even he could change and not even he could forget. His way of forgiving is the model for our forgiving."

God invented forgiving as a remedy for a past that not even he could change and not even he could forget. His way of forgiving is the model for our forgiving.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "Understanding is often a prelude to forgiveness, but they are not the same, and we often forgive what we cannot understand (seeing nothing else to do) and understand what we cannot pardon."

Understanding is often a prelude to forgiveness, but they are not the same, and we often forgive what we cannot understand (seeing nothing else to do) and understand what we cannot pardon.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "The idea of God holding a grudge against us and needing to be asked to forgive us is an outrage on the Fatherhood of God."

The idea of God holding a grudge against us and needing to be asked to forgive us is an outrage on the Fatherhood of God.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "Forgive people so that Allah may forgive you."

Forgive people so that Allah may forgive you.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "God never tires of forgiving us."

God never tires of forgiving us.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "Life has taught me to forgive much, but to seek forgiveness still more."

Life has taught me to forgive much, but to seek forgiveness still more.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "Who understands much forgives much. To understand everything makes us very forgiving."

Who understands much forgives much. To understand everything makes us very forgiving.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "I wouldn't want to waste any of my brain cells on forgiving if it's holding me back."

I wouldn't want to waste any of my brain cells on forgiving if it's holding me back.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "Hope for a great sea-change timid to rebuke and too petty to forgive."

Hope for a great sea-change timid to rebuke and too petty to forgive.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "Good to forgive, Best to forget."

Good to forgive, Best to forget.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "Love knows no virtue, no merit; it loves and forgives and tolerates everything because it must. We are not guided by reason."

Love knows no virtue, no merit; it loves and forgives and tolerates everything because it must. We are not guided by reason.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "Forgive me if I stare, I knew you were young, but even then I was expecting someone a little more, well, more."

Forgive me if I stare, I knew you were young, but even then I was expecting someone a little more, well, more.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "Inner Forgiveness is therapeutic. If you do not Forgive you cannot be Internally Healed. Forgiving heals the Soul."

Inner Forgiveness is therapeutic. If you do not Forgive you cannot be Internally Healed. Forgiving heals the Soul.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "We are most like beasts when we kill. We are most like men when we judge. We are most like God when we forgive."

We are most like beasts when we kill. We are most like men when we judge. We are most like God when we forgive.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "God forgive me if I do wrong in following with ardor the strongest instincts of my nature."

God forgive me if I do wrong in following with ardor the strongest instincts of my nature.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "Don't forgive and never forget; Do unto others before they do unto you; and third and most importantly, keep your eye on your friends, because your enemies will take care of themselves!"

Don't forgive and never forget; Do unto others before they do unto you; and third and most importantly, keep your eye on your friends, because your enemies will take care of themselves!

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "We need to forgive ourselves. For all the things we didn't do. All the things we should have done. You can't get stuck on the regrets of what should have happened."

We need to forgive ourselves. For all the things we didn't do. All the things we should have done. You can't get stuck on the regrets of what should have happened.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "Our hearts do not need logic. They can love and forgive and accept that which our minds cannot comprehend. Hearts understand in ways minds cannot."

Our hearts do not need logic. They can love and forgive and accept that which our minds cannot comprehend. Hearts understand in ways minds cannot.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "Sometimes the measure of friendship isn't your ability to not harm but your capacity to forgive the things done to you and ask forgiveness for your own mistakes."

Sometimes the measure of friendship isn't your ability to not harm but your capacity to forgive the things done to you and ask forgiveness for your own mistakes.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "Forgiveness is really a gift to yourself - have the compassion to forgive others, and the courage to forgive yourself."

Forgiveness is really a gift to yourself - have the compassion to forgive others, and the courage to forgive yourself.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "If Jesus forgave those who nailed Him to the cross, and if God forgives you and me, how can you withhold your forgiveness from someone else?"

If Jesus forgave those who nailed Him to the cross, and if God forgives you and me, how can you withhold your forgiveness from someone else?

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "Forgive others so that you may be forgiven."

Forgive others so that you may be forgiven.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "Forgiveness is not something that you do for someone else; it's something you do for yourself, To forgive is not to condone, it is to refuse to continue feeling bad about an injury."

Forgiveness is not something that you do for someone else; it's something you do for yourself, To forgive is not to condone, it is to refuse to continue feeling bad about an injury.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "Carrying a grudge is a heavy burden. As you forgive, you will feel the joy of being forgiven."

Carrying a grudge is a heavy burden. As you forgive, you will feel the joy of being forgiven.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "Jesus died to forgive our sins. Dare we make his martyrdom meaningless by not committing them?"

Jesus died to forgive our sins. Dare we make his martyrdom meaningless by not committing them?

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "To my disappointment I now realized that to know all is not to forgive all. It is to despise everybody."

To my disappointment I now realized that to know all is not to forgive all. It is to despise everybody.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "If we are going to be happy and have any chance at growing then we must learn how to forgive others ... and ourselves."

If we are going to be happy and have any chance at growing then we must learn how to forgive others ... and ourselves.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "If you can fall in love again and again if you can forgive as well as forget, if you can keep from growing sour, surly, bitter and cynical you've got it half licked."

If you can fall in love again and again if you can forgive as well as forget, if you can keep from growing sour, surly, bitter and cynical you've got it half licked.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "If you can't forgive yourself, how can you expect me to?"

If you can't forgive yourself, how can you expect me to?

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "And if a friend does you wrong, then say: "I forgive you what you have done to me; that you have done it to YOURSELF, however--how could I forgive that!"

And if a friend does you wrong, then say: "I forgive you what you have done to me; that you have done it to YOURSELF, however--how could I forgive that!

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "You forgive yourself for every failure because you are trying to do the right thing. God knows that and you know it. Nobody else may know it."

You forgive yourself for every failure because you are trying to do the right thing. God knows that and you know it. Nobody else may know it.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "To err is human, to forgive is interplanetary."

To err is human, to forgive is interplanetary.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "I have a dream that America will pray and God will forgive us our sins."

I have a dream that America will pray and God will forgive us our sins.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for believing I could offer something to others before I have offered it to myself."

I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for believing I could offer something to others before I have offered it to myself.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "But in the end, we learn we can forgive most people. The cushion of mortality makes their wrongdoing seem less dark, and whatever roads they traveled seem less foolhardy."

But in the end, we learn we can forgive most people. The cushion of mortality makes their wrongdoing seem less dark, and whatever roads they traveled seem less foolhardy.

I Am Forgiving Quotes: "A woman who can't forgive should never have more than a nodding acquaintance with a man."

A woman who can't forgive should never have more than a nodding acquaintance with a man.