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I Am Sorry Quotes

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I Am Sorry Quotes: "I'm sorry that I did not become the world's first black classic pianist. I think I would have been happier."

I'm sorry that I did not become the world's first black classic pianist. I think I would have been happier.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "The last thing I'll say for the people that don't believe in cycling, the cynics and the sceptics, I'm sorry for you. I'm sorry you can't dream big and I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles."

The last thing I'll say for the people that don't believe in cycling, the cynics and the sceptics, I'm sorry for you. I'm sorry you can't dream big and I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "The misery of keeping a dog is his dying so soon. But, to be sure, if he lived for fifty years and then died, what would become of me?"

The misery of keeping a dog is his dying so soon. But, to be sure, if he lived for fifty years and then died, what would become of me?

I Am Sorry Quotes: "If love means never having to say you're sorry, then marriage means always having to say everything twice."

If love means never having to say you're sorry, then marriage means always having to say everything twice.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "I feel sorry for these kids in bands. Everything is so disposable nowadays. These kids don't even get 15 minutes of fame, it's like a minute and a half."

I feel sorry for these kids in bands. Everything is so disposable nowadays. These kids don't even get 15 minutes of fame, it's like a minute and a half.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "If ordinary means I have suddenly got to produce a household of kids and iron Peter's shirts, I'm sorry, I'm not interested."

If ordinary means I have suddenly got to produce a household of kids and iron Peter's shirts, I'm sorry, I'm not interested.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "Words will not be able to ever express how sorry I am for this, and I have profound regret and sorrow for the multitude of mistakes and harm I have caused."

Words will not be able to ever express how sorry I am for this, and I have profound regret and sorrow for the multitude of mistakes and harm I have caused.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "You shouldn't feel sorry for the lifestyle you haven't tasted, but for the one you are about to lose"

You shouldn't feel sorry for the lifestyle you haven't tasted, but for the one you are about to lose

I Am Sorry Quotes: "In Lebanon, there was an agreement not to liquidate Yasser Arafat. In principle, I'm sorry that we didn't liquidate him."

In Lebanon, there was an agreement not to liquidate Yasser Arafat. In principle, I'm sorry that we didn't liquidate him.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "I have always believed that when you're feeling sorry for yourself, the best thing to do is help someone else."

I have always believed that when you're feeling sorry for yourself, the best thing to do is help someone else.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "There is absolutely no point in sitting around and feeling sorry for yourself. The great power you have is to let go ... focus on what you have, no that which has been mean or unkindly removed."

There is absolutely no point in sitting around and feeling sorry for yourself. The great power you have is to let go ... focus on what you have, no that which has been mean or unkindly removed.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "As we all learned from the sorry experience of state-sanctioned bureaucracies in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, decentralization in education is crucial to both freedom and excellence."

As we all learned from the sorry experience of state-sanctioned bureaucracies in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, decentralization in education is crucial to both freedom and excellence.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "I was walking in the park and this guy waved at me. Then he said, 'I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else.' I said, 'I am.'"

I was walking in the park and this guy waved at me. Then he said, 'I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else.' I said, 'I am.'

I Am Sorry Quotes: ""Found something?"..."No, sorry. I thought I had, but, no, it turned out to be, uh… more floor.""

"Found something?"..."No, sorry. I thought I had, but, no, it turned out to be, uh… more floor."

I Am Sorry Quotes: "Sorry, are you telling me that your demon-slaying buddies need to be driven to their next assignment with the forces of darkness by my mom?"

Sorry, are you telling me that your demon-slaying buddies need to be driven to their next assignment with the forces of darkness by my mom?

I Am Sorry Quotes: "Im sorry I cant speak very coherently."

Im sorry I cant speak very coherently.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "I'm sorry that it was all so successful. I honestly didn't mean it to happen like that. It's hardly surprising that people grew to hate me."

I'm sorry that it was all so successful. I honestly didn't mean it to happen like that. It's hardly surprising that people grew to hate me.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "But sorry is the Kool-Aid of human emotions. [...] True sorrow is as rare as true love."

But sorry is the Kool-Aid of human emotions. [...] True sorrow is as rare as true love.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "But in practice Australia - the pluralism of Australia - sorry the sectarianism to an extent stopped at the time you took your uniform off after coming home from school."

But in practice Australia - the pluralism of Australia - sorry the sectarianism to an extent stopped at the time you took your uniform off after coming home from school.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "I feel sorry for short people, you know. When it rains, they're the last to know."

I feel sorry for short people, you know. When it rains, they're the last to know.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "I was in handcuffs. I was under arrest. I remember there was this old lady looking at me, and I could tell she felt real sorry for me, and she did'nt know but all I wanted to do was take her purse."

I was in handcuffs. I was under arrest. I remember there was this old lady looking at me, and I could tell she felt real sorry for me, and she did'nt know but all I wanted to do was take her purse.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "Anything is possible. I've got a few more miles in me. I'm not going to feel sorry for myself."

Anything is possible. I've got a few more miles in me. I'm not going to feel sorry for myself.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "The first element that I connected with was the emotion. Sorry, that's how it goes."

The first element that I connected with was the emotion. Sorry, that's how it goes.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "No, I had the Levis guy on my wall, not a picture of William, sorry."

No, I had the Levis guy on my wall, not a picture of William, sorry.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "Indeed, I am very sorry to be right in this instance. I would much rather have been merry than wise."

Indeed, I am very sorry to be right in this instance. I would much rather have been merry than wise.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "No one needs to feel sorry for me or anyone else who has fallen victim to success."

No one needs to feel sorry for me or anyone else who has fallen victim to success.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "I feel sorry for confetti. Its useful life lasts about two seconds. And it can never be used again."

I feel sorry for confetti. Its useful life lasts about two seconds. And it can never be used again.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "We're in a new world. We're in a world in which the possibility of terrorism, married up with technology, could make us very, very sorry that we didn't act."

We're in a new world. We're in a world in which the possibility of terrorism, married up with technology, could make us very, very sorry that we didn't act.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "What was that?" Jace said. "Sorry, I think I fell asleep for a moment. Do, continue with whatever mesmerizing thing you were saying."

What was that?" Jace said. "Sorry, I think I fell asleep for a moment. Do, continue with whatever mesmerizing thing you were saying.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "Are we going to say sorry for our lack of customer service? Absolutely not."

Are we going to say sorry for our lack of customer service? Absolutely not.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "i felt her absence. it was like waking up one day with no teeth in your mouth. you wouldn't need to run to the mirror to know they were gone"

i felt her absence. it was like waking up one day with no teeth in your mouth. you wouldn't need to run to the mirror to know they were gone

I Am Sorry Quotes: "If there is no love in your heart - so sorry, Then there is no hope for you - true, true"

If there is no love in your heart - so sorry, Then there is no hope for you - true, true

I Am Sorry Quotes: "Love is ruthless; it doesn't feel sorry for anyone, but it does have compassion. Fear is full of pity; it feels sorry for everyone."

Love is ruthless; it doesn't feel sorry for anyone, but it does have compassion. Fear is full of pity; it feels sorry for everyone.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "Lilly was not crazy. She left a serious suicide note. 'Sorry,' said the note. 'Just not big enough."

Lilly was not crazy. She left a serious suicide note. 'Sorry,' said the note. 'Just not big enough.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "I feel very sorry for women who continue to purchase real fur coats. They are lacking in a woman's most important requisites, heart and sensitivity."

I feel very sorry for women who continue to purchase real fur coats. They are lacking in a woman's most important requisites, heart and sensitivity.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "If I could prove by logic that you would die in five minutes, I should be sorry you were going to die, but my sorrow would be very much mitigated by pleasure in the proof."

If I could prove by logic that you would die in five minutes, I should be sorry you were going to die, but my sorrow would be very much mitigated by pleasure in the proof.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "It seems to me, sorry seems to be the hardest word."

It seems to me, sorry seems to be the hardest word.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "A new report says ISIS is trying to recruit professionals like doctors, engineers, and accountants. Sorry, kids, even ISIS says they're not hiring liberal arts majors."

A new report says ISIS is trying to recruit professionals like doctors, engineers, and accountants. Sorry, kids, even ISIS says they're not hiring liberal arts majors.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "I was so humiliated, hurt, spurned, offended, angry, sorry--I cannot hit upon the right name for the smart--God knows what its name was--that tears started to my eyes."

I was so humiliated, hurt, spurned, offended, angry, sorry--I cannot hit upon the right name for the smart--God knows what its name was--that tears started to my eyes.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "I believe that God felt sorry for actors so he created Hollywood to give them a place in the sun and a swimming pool. The price they had to pay was to surrender their talent."

I believe that God felt sorry for actors so he created Hollywood to give them a place in the sun and a swimming pool. The price they had to pay was to surrender their talent.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "I feel sorry for people who do not have a Bible to lean on."

I feel sorry for people who do not have a Bible to lean on.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "I am sorry to upset my colleagues by saying we wasted four years in opposition, but if you do get so badly defeated as a party you do have to face up to some painful facts and you do have to change."

I am sorry to upset my colleagues by saying we wasted four years in opposition, but if you do get so badly defeated as a party you do have to face up to some painful facts and you do have to change.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "Many a time freedom has been rolled back - and always for the same sorry reason: fear."

Many a time freedom has been rolled back - and always for the same sorry reason: fear.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "I ask the people of Connecticut for their forgiveness, I should have paid more attention to people around me and people that I trusted but I am sorry for my actions and take full responsibility."

I ask the people of Connecticut for their forgiveness, I should have paid more attention to people around me and people that I trusted but I am sorry for my actions and take full responsibility.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "A wife’s prayers for her husband have a far greater effect on him than anyone else’s, even his mother’s. (Sorry, Mom.)"

A wife’s prayers for her husband have a far greater effect on him than anyone else’s, even his mother’s. (Sorry, Mom.)

I Am Sorry Quotes: "I was not sorry when my brother died."

I was not sorry when my brother died.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "Sorry wastes time. You have to live your life like you'll never be sorry. It's easier just to do the right thing from the start so there's nothing to apologize for."

Sorry wastes time. You have to live your life like you'll never be sorry. It's easier just to do the right thing from the start so there's nothing to apologize for.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "I'm so smart now. Everyone's always like 'take your top off'. Sorry, NO! They always want to get that money shot. I'm not stupid."

I'm so smart now. Everyone's always like 'take your top off'. Sorry, NO! They always want to get that money shot. I'm not stupid.

I Am Sorry Quotes: "I feel sorry for the person who can't get genuinely excited about his work. Not only will he never be satisfied, but he will never achieve anything worthwhile."

I feel sorry for the person who can't get genuinely excited about his work. Not only will he never be satisfied, but he will never achieve anything worthwhile.